A blonde woman in a blue top has shocked expression

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Whatever you’re going through, use our online search tool to find a regulated solicitor you can trust to get you through it.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Update

We are advising our members to follow the latest Scottish Government and NHS advice on reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Please be aware that the management of clients and cases lies with the respective solicitor and their firm. If you have any questions about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak may have on your case, please contact your solicitor directly.

Solicitors will continue to work in the best interests of their clients, while also balancing their responsibilities towards other clients and their colleagues during these difficult circumstances. Your solicitor may have introduced new ways of working to minimise the risk of infection, such as working remotely, limiting face-to-face client meetings or maintaining contact via email, or telephone, video or skype calls. This is at the discretion of individual firms.

If you have an appointment arranged with your solicitor please check with them about any change in arrangements. If you are meeting in person, you may be asked to adhere to any enhanced hygiene measures at your solicitor’s office, such as using hand sanitiser, not shaking hands, or being asked to use your own pen if you are required to sign documents.

If you are attending court, please see the information provided by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service.

If you are looking for a solicitor please use our find a solicitor search tool.

Contacting your solicitor during COVID-19

We are in unprecedented times and all businesses have had to make significant changes to the way they operate.

If you are having trouble getting in touch with your solicitor and you would like to bring urgent business to court, we recommend that you contact the firm.  We would hope that if your solicitor is not available, someone else within the firm will be able to respond and provide advice. Please bear in mind that the majority of solicitors are working from home, so there may be a delay in accessing your client file.

A delay in proceedings may be outwith your solicitor’s control. For example, civil courts have had to prioritise urgent business leading to a backlog of cases.

If you are not satisfied, you have the option to make a complaint or instruct a new firm. Please note that if you are receiving civil legal aid, the Scottish Legal Aid Board will need to approve the transfer before a you can instruct a new firm.

Contacting the Law Society

Please note that we are not currently operating a phone service on our public helpline and are unable to respond to enquiries submitted by letter. Please direct your enquiry to [email protected] where possible.

What your solicitor can do for you

You don't need to find yourself in a court case to be involved with the law. It's something that we all need to navigate from time to time, whether we're buying or selling a home, setting up a new business or making a will. Fortunately your Scottish solicitor can help guide you along the way.

What solicitors can do for you

Find out about the different ways a solicitor can help you in the important moments in your life.

Client protection

Find out about the consumer protections available to clients, what standards solicitors must meet, and what to do if you feel your solicitor has not met them

Frequently asked questions

Answers to other frequently asked questions about the work of the Law Society, finding a solicitor and dealing with your solicitor.

Your Scottish solicitor

Only practising Scottish solicitors are entitled to use the Law Society of Scotland ‘Member’ logo. Every solicitor in Scotland who...