BEIS and Companies House issued a consultation on Corporate transparency and register reform: implementing the ban on corporate directors

BEIS and Companies House issued a consultation on Corporate transparency and register reform: powers of the registrar

The Economy, Energy and Fair Committee sought views on reform of the law on moveable transactions.

The UK Law Commission has issued a consultation on Intermediated Securities.


The Scottish Law Commission has issued a discussion paper which considers pre-default matters such as the creation and transfer of heritable securities and the obligations which they can secure.

The UK Government has issued a consultation on Corporate transparency and register reform

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has issued a consultation on the Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill which proposes the introduction of a register of the beneficial owners of overseas legal entities that own land in the UK.

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has issued a consultation on proposals that will deter the misuse of limited partnerships in criminal activity.

 The UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has issued a consultation to seek views on insolvency and corporate governance.



The EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee has launched an inquiry into the future of financial regulation and supervision following Brexit.

The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) has issued a consultation on the draft Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Bill prior to publishing a final draft Bill and report later this year.

The UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has issued a consultation to seek views on a beneficial ownership register to increase the transparency of overseas investment in property and public contracts.

The UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has issued a call for evidence on the limited partnerships framework. Specifically, they are seeking views on: the possible reasons why registration of limited partnerships in Scotland has increased; the value limited partnerships bring to the UK economy as a whole; and how the wider limited partnership framework operates and whether any changes need to be made.