As an independent body with access to the entire profession, the Law Society of Scotland is ideally placed to appoint suitably qualified and experienced arbitrators and adjudicators.

 We cover the following areas:

  • Arbitration

Arbitration is similar to a court but is less formal and held in private. The appointed arbitrator will decide on the outcome of the dispute, 'the final award', which is enforceable like a court judgement.

  • Adjudication

Adjudication is a short process where the adjudicator must assess the dispute quickly and reach a short-term enforceable provisional decision.

  • Mediation

Mediation is where a mediator facilitates a dialogue that aims to reach a solution to avoid starting or continuing legal proceedings. The mediator is an independent and objective third party with specialist skills. 

  • Expert Determination

Expert determination is where a person provides an opinion in their professional capacity and is used to resolve disputes quickly and inexpensively, but is not legally binding.

Using our service

To use the service, please complete the application form and send it to the Professional Practice Team at [email protected] and we will find you a specialist with the relevant skills and experience.

There is a fee of £250 plus VAT for appointing an adjudicator, arbitrator or mediator.  There is a fee of £150 plus VAT for instructing preparation of an expert report. This fee does not cover the actual cost of the arbitration/mediation which is paid by the parties involved directly to the chosen arbitrator.

For more information, please email us at [email protected].

Become one of our ADR specialists

Our service gives clients unique access to our wide and highly skilled membership and make it easy for them to find the right expert.