As part of our equality and diversity work, we have produced 12 guides for solicitors and others working in legal services.

The guides are aimed at those about to embark on or return from a period of maternity, shared parental or adoption leave and their line managers.  They feature real-life case studies from men and women working across the profession – thank you to those who contributed to the guides. We hope you find them useful.

The guides were produced in conjunction with The Talent Keepers.

How to ensure a smooth handover to and from your cover

In a nutshell? "See your departure as a project you need to dedicate time to"

How to ask for and make the most of Keep in Touch (KIT) days

"KIT days allowed me to settle back in more quickly - a benefit for both me and my line manager." 

How to pitch for flexible working (and make it work for you and your team)

"Preparation is everything when it comes to pitching for flexible working." 

How to renegotiate your role

"Start the process early, be realistic about what you want and be inventive with solutions"

How to set yourself up for a great return

“Set a date and stick to it. Prepare for what’s ahead, gradually reconnect with work and go easy on yourself.”

How to reignite your confidence

Remember what you bring to your team and bring your knowledge up to date!

How to ensure a strong first 90 days back in the saddle

In a nutshell?  “Agree a transition phase with your line manager, prioritise re-connecting with key people and focus on quick wins to build confidence."

How to draw boundaries between work and home

Make choices with confidence, focus on quality not quantity and respect the boundaries you agree so others respect them too.

How to get on the right people's radar and get ahead when you're back

Get yourself out there. Think 'little and often' when it comes to connecting with people and new ideas. Remember, helping others can help you.

How to signal the desire for, and get on, the partner track

Work out whether it's really what you want, be honest about your aspirations and focus on demonstrating commitment.

How to make a positive start to combining fatherhood and career

Be involved from the beginning, identify your ideal work/family time split and be present when you're present.

Best practice for managing maternity leave for line managers

Ask don't assume, encourage Keep In Touch days and demonstrate your commitment to helping your colleague have a smooth return.