We have responded to the Scottish Government consultation on amendments to legal complaints.

The proposed interim reforms aim to deliver greater efficiencies across the complaints process while providing more flexibility to recognise and react to the specific nature and unique issues that can arise in legal complaints.   

Read our response

We have responded to the UK Government’s call for evidence: The Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Regulation of Professions.

Read more about the consultation on the UK Government website.

Read our response

HM Treasury launched a consultation on 21 July 2020 to seek views on the introduction of an economic crime levy. The levy will fund new government action to tackle money laundering, and help deliver the reforms committed to in the 2019 Economic Crime Plan.

You can find the consultation on the HM Treasury website.

Read our consultation response.

HM Treasury has consulted on an economic crime levy intended to fund new government action to tackle money laundering, and help deliver the reforms committed to in the 2019 Economic Crime Plan.

As the AML supervisor for Scottish solicitors, supervising over 800 firms in Scotland we have responed to HM Treasury consultation: Economic Crime Levy – Collection Models Survey (Supervisors). 

Read our consultation response.

The UK government issued a consultation calling for views on ways to raise standards and increase transparency in the tax advice market.

The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on judicial factors.

The Scottish Solicitors’ Discipline Tribunal (SSDT) has issued a consultation on the standard of proof used in cases of professional misconduct.