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First letter of subject

Category: Rule

Practice Rules governing our members' anti-money laundering compliance

Category: Advice and Information

Rule D2.1.3 is intended to promote achievement of the regulatory objectives (in particular those

Category: Guidance

This guidance, together with examples has been produced to promote price transparency and encourage practice units to proactively take steps to publish price information in a way that is easily accessible, prominent and understandable for consumers.

Accounts, Accounts Certificates, Professional Practice & Guarantee Fund

Category: Rule

Subject to the provisions of rule 6.6 every practice unit shall – (a) ensure that at all times the sum at the credit of the client account, or where there are more such accounts than one, the total of the sums at the credit of those accounts, shall not be less than the total of the clients’ money held by the practice unit;

Accounts, Accounts Certificates, Professional Practice & Guarantee Fund

Category: Guidance

Do I have to keep all my client funds in the client bank account? Yes. You must always have sufficient funds in the client bank account to cover all of the client credit balances.

Accounts, Accounts Certificates, Professional Practice and Guarantee Fund

Category: Forms and Fees

There are three Accounts Certificate forms

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

Category: Guidance

Signature of Certificates on Powers of Attorney - Trainee Solicitors Sections 15, 16 and 16A of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 provide that a continuing power of attorney or a welfare power of attorney must incorporate a certificate by a practising solicitor or a doctor that the solicitor or doctor has interviewed the granter immediately before he or she signed the documents;

Advertising and Promotion

Category: Rule

Subject to rules 3.2 and 3.5, you shall be entitled to advertise and promote your services in any way you think fit.

Advertising Fees

Category: Guidance

Where your fees for your services are advertised either by you or by a third party and whether or not you are named in such an advertisement the advertisement must include mention of outlays and VAT with no less prominence than the fees.

Appearance in a Superior Court

Category: Rule

Where in the course of advising a client you identify a situation which may require appearance in a Superior Court in circumstances where such appearance is restricted to a solicitor advocate or an advocate, you shall advise your client:


Category: Rule

Save where and to the extent stated to the contrary in any of these rules: if you are a solicitor the following rules apply to you


Category: Guidance

Rule 3 in Section A of the rules sets out which of the practice rules apply to the different categories of regulated person both generally and when engaged in certain types of work.