We are here to help you

Everybody feels stress at times in their lives, but it is important to identify when things feel too much. Everyone’s threshold is different so it is vital that you do not compare yourself to others. We do not know what is going on behind the scenes with anyone. So let’s focus on you.

If you worried that you are at risk to yourself, please call the call the NHS or visit your nearest Accident and Emergency unit. That is what they are there for.

We know that working as a legal professional provides numerous rewards but it can also be challenging and stressful. We seek to provide support to our members at all levels during both good and difficult and times.

Where to get support

We are not experts in mental wellbeing. We aim to work with a range of partners including LawCare, NHS Scotland, See Me, SAMH and others to increase our awareness and understanding of wellbeing issues. We want to help our members maintain psychological health at work and to successfully meet the challenges of professional life.

The LawCare logo


LawCare provides a free, independent and confidential helpline for legal professionals and their families. Practical help and support for those experiencing stress and ill health or facing redundancy as well as information for those returning after a period of maternity or paternity leave.

Support in mind Scotland

Support in Mind Scotland seek to support and empower all those affected by mental illness, including family members, carers and supporters.


Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.

Tel: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)

Each charity is unique, like each of our members. Do not worry about which one you choose to speak to, just speak to one of them if you feel you need to talk. If they think someone else can assist you better, they will tell you and support you in contacting them. It’s important to know that they will all listen to you and treat you with respect and as an individual.

Man sat at desk with hand on chin and looking at a tablet with paper folders in the background

Redundancy and unemployment support

Guides and resources for employees and employers including redundancy procedures and entitlements, managing your finances and finding a new job.

Piggy bank

Financial wellbeing and support

Find out where to access financial support and advice, as well as discovering information about the link between money management and mental health. Read about benevolent funds available, as well as support through other organisations.

Wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak

During this time, it's particularly important for you to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Here are links to some resources and campaigns to offer support.