

David Lee
Director, David Lee Media & Events
Session One: Essential responsibilities of becoming a partner

Elaine Motion
Chairman, Balfour+Manson

Scott Foster
S&S Foster Associates, Training and Management Consultancy
  • Stakeholder: strategy, unity, personnel and succession
  • Operations: performance, cash flow, over reliance, tech infrastructure
  • Markets: over dependence, price pressure, market share
  • Capital: covenant breaches, working capital, re-financing

Fraser Sinclair
Head of AML, MacRoberts LLP
Session Two: Regulations and ethics

Sharon Brownlee
Financial Compliance Manager, Law Society of Scotland
  • Monitoring accounts – scams pre and post covid
  • Anonymous case studies
  • Running a cashroom remotely
  • Update on regulations

Fiona Robb
Director of Professional Practice

Gillian Alexander
Solicitor - Head of Professional Practice, Law Society of Scotland

Vicky Crichton
Director of Public Policy, Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Susan Williams
Best Practice Advisor, Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Complaints avoidance and handling are routinely identified by partners as the single most important aspect of partnership. It is therefore vital that all partners understand and adhere to the complaints regime.

This includes:

  • Common causes of complaint
  • Complaints process
  • Ethics
  • Professional conduct
Session Three: Essential skills and behaviours

Michael Fleming
Business Development for Lawyers, Kissing With Confidence
  • Business Development in lockdown and the new virtual world – what’s changed?
  • Getting comfortable with “selling” – avoiding the “hard sell” and the “never sell” lunch loop
  • Why optimists outsell pessimists and why you need to re-chip your thinking
  • Learning to embrace rejection: “no” is the second best answer to “yes”!
  • The opportunities for developing more trust in the virtual business world – the power of small talk, “intimacy” and appropriate self, disclosure
  • Time: making time for Business Development and prioritising it
  • Systems: getting more organised and systematic in your approach to Business Development
  • Following-up with and keeping in touch with contacts and clients
Session Three continued: Workshops

Kenny Robertson
Head of Outsourcing, Technology & IP legal team, RBS; and Chair, Wellbeing Steering Group, Law Society of Scotland

Elaine MacGlone
Equality and Diversity Manager

Rob Marrs
Head of Education, Law Society of Scotland

Lisa Gallagher
Co-Founder, Flexibility Works
Session Four: Strategic thinking and decision making

Groups will be assigned one of the topics below to discuss as a leadership group, and asked to devise a policy document for a firm on that topic, identifying key commitments that a law firm should make to self, staff, clients and profession.

  • Developing people
  • Values and aims
  • Wellbeing
  • Your business plan
  • Exit strategy and succession plan
  • Marketing and Bus Dev

Lorna Jack
Chief Executive, Law Society of Scotland
  • Wellbeing
  • Professional Practice
  • Trainees
  • Starting your own practice
  • Next step courses
  • Lawscot Foundation