Qualified solicitors have the option of entering a partnership, starting their own firm, applying to join the judiciary, or qualify as a Solicitor Advocate, The Law Society of Scotland runs courses for members who are entering a partnership/starting their own firm (Practice Management Course) and members seeking accreditation as a Solicitor Advocate (Rights of Audience). Both these courses are required to be completed with the Law Society. Further details are available by clicking on the icons below.

Practice management course

A course for new and prospective partners covering leadership, business skills and legal responsibilities.

The High Court of Justiciary

Rights of Audience training

Equip yourself with the required knowledge to attain rights of audience

Applying for Judicial and Public Appointments

Learn more about our competency-based application and interview training.

We additionally run a number of essential skills courses, which will continue to be available online throughout the year. We will continue to add new essential skills courses, and places are limited so please sign up for CPD newsletter if you’d like to be notified of new course dates.

Certification Courses

We have recently launched our first Certification Course, allowing members to complete a course of study to gain an official certification from Law Society of Scotland.

Essential skills training

Professional skills are essential to workplace success. Strengths such as adaptability, communication, inter personal skills, public speaking, leadership, growth mindset,...