Applications for the 2021/22 session opened on 24 February 2021.

The application process is very different to UCAS admission to the degree. Each year we issue a guidance note to help Diploma applicants understand the process and additional factors to consider when deciding to do the Diploma, such as employability statistics, funding arrangements and available places

Read our Diploma Guidance Note for the 2021/22 session

Criteria for admission

In the interests of fairness, the basic criterion for entry to the Diploma is based on your marks (at first sitting) on the subjects you take during the LLB. These subjects map to outcomes that are universally required regardless of which university you study at. However the individual subjects that are required can differ in name at each university. You should check with your LLB university law school to confirm what the correct subjects are.

This criterion could be moderated (in either direction) by the class and type of degree obtained, overall number of failed subjects at undergraduate level, other qualifications (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and special circumstances affecting the academic performance of individual students such as illness, other personal factors and the weight and nature of curriculum (unless already taken into account internally).

The fact that an applicant has an offer of a traineeship at the time of applying for a Diploma place may also be a factor taken into account, but only as another possible factor when deciding among applicants who have extremely similar academic records. It is not in and of itself a circumstance which gives rise to a right to embark on the Diploma. 

How to apply

The allocation of places on Diploma courses is administered by the individual providers, and any specific questions in relation to a particular provider should be addressed to that university.

If you wish to apply for the Diploma, you to complete an application (found online for each Diploma provider) and email it to the relevant Diploma provider. This year applicants can apply to up to three Diploma providers. Applicants should complete the one application form and email it to the providers they are applying to. Some providers will also require applicants to complete an online application (information can be found on the application form).

When completing your Diploma application you will be asked to select list the Diploma providers you are applying to by order of preference. Please note, order of preference will not be taken into consideration when reviewing applications. It is for the Diploma providers information only.

Should you receive more than one offer, you must select only one offer to accept and decline the other. Should you accept more than one offer, your acceptances will be deemed invalid and you may lose your place on the Diploma.

Please ensure you complete the form carefully and if there are any special circumstances in relation to your application, ensure you detail this in the appropriate section of the form.

Application process timeline

This timeline is designed to be a guide and is based on the normal annual timings we have seen in past years. For specific dates relating to this year's Diploma intake, please read our Guidance Note.

Application period

24 February: Applications for the Diploma open 

16 April: Applications for the Diploma close 

Round 1 offers

7 July: Applicants will be notified whether they have been offered a place by one of their chosen Diploma proivders.

23 July: Deadline for acceptance of Round 1 offers

Applicants not receiving an offer of a place in Round 1 will need to wait until the round 2 offers to see whether they are offered a place by one of their chosen Diploma providers. 

Round 2 offers

6 August: Deadline for Round 2 offers to be made to successful applicants

13 August: Deadline for acceptance of Round 2 offers


Deferred entry offers are not usually made. However, you can apply again in future and it will be treated as a first time application, i.e. there will be no guarantee of being accepted and no negative implications having applied before.The benchmark for admission to the course varies slightly every year dependent on the number of places available and grades obtained by the cohort,

No. The reason the Diploma providers use a ranking system is so selection will be entirely impartial. Students should bear in mind that they are not entitled a place at a Diploma unit because they were an LLB student at the same institution.

If you do feel like your grades may impact your success of obtaining a first-choice offer, it might be advisable to stay flexible and don't discount other Diploma providers. Make sure you've done your research of your alternative options and use the three avaialbe selections you are entitled to this year.

Due to the fact the Diploma has a validity period, it's definitely advisable to take time out after the LLB and before the Diploma. The LLB has no such validity period, so you could work for several years doing something else before applying to start the Diploma course.

Woman looking at laptop, screen not visible

Virtual Diploma Fair

Before applying for the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, it's essential for you to be as informed as possible about your options. That's why we run the Virtual Diploma Fair every year.