This is a particularly vulnerable time for people to develop or have aggravated symptoms of mental health issues like anxiety, stress and depression. It's particularly important therefore, that we look after ourselves and others.

We will continue to update this section of the website over the coming weeks with links to support, campaigns and resources.

Follow the hashtag #LawscotWellbeing on social media to join our online community, to see stories, advice and ideas shared by the legal profession.

Free helpline for the legal profession

LawCare's free and confidential helplines are open as normal during the coronavirus outbreak, to support everyone working in the law.

Coronavirus advice links

SAMH has collated links to various sources providing advice and support to help you look after your mental health during this time.

Tips to look after your mental health

The Mental Health Foundation has published guidance on looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.

Wellbeing webinars, modules and courses

Explore what resources are available to you to learn more about supporting your own and others' wellbeing, including links to free webinars, modules and links to external courses. These are relevant to anyone in the profession including managers and individual members of staff.

Communicating with others

In these unprecedented times, it's important to continue to have conversations about mental health.

We are all having to practise social distancing, while some of us are isolating ourselves entirely. More time with partners and children brings different challenges to being alone; even the change of routine in itself can be difficult.

We all need to give consideration to everyone's unique changes in circumstance and try to be as supportive as possible.

Access to specific support

Our wellbeing may be impacted by specific triggers, such as financial concerns, bereavement or career worries.

Support for parents and carers

Parents may be feeling a lot of pressure at the moment, possibly juggling work with childcare, entertaining children and trying to explain a complex situation to them. One of the most important ways employers can support parents with childcare responsibilities is flexibility. Let colleagues know what your situation is in relation to caring responsibilities so they can support you as well as possible. Seek out support and advice when you need it.


Many in the profession are having to adopt different ways of working during social distancing measures, including homeworking.

We would like your input to grow our bank of tips, resources and advice for maintaining your wellbeing while working at home. You can follow the hashtag #LawscotWellbeing on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for more information.


Taking time out to give your brain a rest from the pressures of work, or the unabating news on the coronavirus pandemic, is really important. It is one of the positive ways to improve your mental health to help focus, sleep and general wellbeing. Mindfulness is one of the practical tools you can use to achieve the state of rest and relaxation your brain needs.

Staying fit and healthy

Keeping fit and staying healthy helps maintain both physical and mental wellbeing. Particularly during a time of increased stress and anxiety, we need to try to eat foods that will keep our immune system functioning well and our mood positive.

The links below contain a variety of information on keeping fit and eating well during the coronavirus, as well as general good practice and recipe ideas.

Supporting the community

There are lots of ways that you can help others who may be isolated in your community. Check message boards, social media groups and local news sources to see if you could volunteer to support someone who is feeling vulnerable. However, ensure you follow the UK Government's guidelines to keep yourself and others safe.

Coronavirus update

We are working with partners in the Scottish legal sector and closely monitoring official advice and updates from Scottish Government and NHS to ensure that we are acting in accordance with the latest guidance to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, members and stakeholders.