Risk Management Online CPD

Location: Online

CPD Hours: 2hours

Free Risk Management Online CPD

Risk of complaints and claims come in a variety of forms - from the technical, procedural and professional, to changes in regulations and technology.

As of November 2018, solicitors practising in Scotland are required to complete one hour of mandatory risk management CPD as part of the 20 hours minimum requirement.  

As part of your requirements, we are offering free interactive risk management online training to members. Our four bespoke modules, created in association with RSA Insurance Group and Lockton, the broker to the Master Policy, will ensure that you have the skills to manage, mitigate and avoid risk on behalf of you and your employer and keep professional indemnity insurance premiums down. 

Choose from the below modules to make up your verifiable CPD. To gain 2 hours verifiable CPD select the option for all modules when booking.

Please note, these modules are available for members of the Law Society of Scotland only.

What to expect from our new interactive modules
View more information about individual modules

Over 1 million cases of financial crime are reported each year. Even with good levels of internal controls, processes and procedures in place, ever increasing levels of sophistication mean that anyone can fall victim to fraudsters.  This module is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of the techniques that frausters' use and will explore how you, your firm and your clients can best avoid falling victim to these scams. 

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • Understand modern fraudsters' techniques
  • Identify more readily fraudulent emails and phone calls and increase your clients' awareness of fraudsters' activities
  • Understand what policies and procedures can help your firm to avoid falling into the fraudsters' traps
  • Evaluate your existing procedures and recommend positive changes

A solicitor’s duty to avoid acting in a conflict of interest situation is widely regarded as one of the most important obligations for solicitors in practice. The principle is seen as fundamental. As a solicitor, you must ensure that you remain alert to the challenge of identifying a conflict of interest and ensure that you can effectively respond whenever a conflict of interest situation arises

By the end of this module, you will be better able to: 

  • Identify issues arising out of acting for more than one party
  • Identify situations where there are risks of a conflict of interest
  • Identify what to do where a conflict of interest arises
  • Develop an awareness of the importance of reviewing and revising current conflict identification policies and procedures in your own practice.


Letters of engagement are an invaluable tool for setting the stage for the representation and managing of a client’s expectations. Without detailed and precise letters of engagement, common issues can arise and the solicitor could find that there is potential for friction between themselves and the client where matters have not been explained clearly or laid out in writing as is legally required.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define the key aspects of a typical letter of engagement
  • Identify what information should be included and excluded from your letters, depending on the case
  • Write clear and concise instructions for your clients
  • Mitigate the risk of complaints and claims from clients

This module is designed to highlight some of the risk exposure which might emerge if your practice is disrupted and which should be included in any business continuity plans. We will look at ways in which you can respond and mitigate those risks to allow you to continue to deliver for your clients,  support your staff and manage your professional risk. 

Learning outcomes

As a result of completing this module you will be better able to do the following when faced with an unforeseen crisis or disruption to your practice:

  • Work successfully while remote from the office
  • Maintain client service levels and quality of advice in a disrupted environment
  • Provide adequate remote supervision and training to staff where required
  • Maintain standards of GDPR and client confidentiality when working remotely
  • Improve planning for possible future disruptions
Find out more about our partners


Lockton are the world's largest, independent insurance broker. They focus on providing clients with the best in risk management, insurance, employee benefits consulting, and retirement services.


RSA Group plc (LON:RSA) is a multinational general insurance company headquartered in London.


Sponge provides bespoke online training, eLearning, LMS delivery and module development that improves business performance through learning and development. Sponge are the online learning management system provider to the Law Society of Scotland.

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