Female politicians dressed down for dressing up

During the 2020 State of the State Address, Governor Gretchen Whitmer addressed issues of gender in politics.

While her lighthearted statement was directed at some of her co-legislators, it also addressed the issues of gender in politics and the way female politicians are treated based on their appearance.

One teen’s passion for developing apps

Hussein El Feky first became interested in programming when he was 13. What started out as a passion for building things, ended up developing into a love for program and application building. “At that point, I only learned a lot of basic concepts from random articles on the internet,” he said. Two years later, El Feky, of Cairo, Egypt, caught “the programming bug” and started getting serious about building phone apps, specifically for Android. “My first phone was an Android device, and I can easily say I fell in love with the operating system,” he said.

Abortion clinics and pregnancy help centers in the Lansing area

The topic of reproductive health can be taboo and often a difficult thing to discuss. This makes finding the right center to help very difficult. Everybody has unique needs, schedules, belief systems, and economic situations. This chart breaks down some of the details to make a woman’s choice between clinics a bit easier. “Having the ability to get counseling about these difficult decisions makes life as a woman just a bit easier,” Taylor Conrad said. [infogram id=”infographic-modern-1hzj4owp8zq72pw”]

Q&A: Is this the best time in America to look for a job?

On June 4, 2018, President Trump tweeted that now is the “best time ever to look for a job,” and that this is “the greatest economy in the history of America”. According to the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget, this holds partially true. U.S. Jobless rates steadily declined in the last year, dropping from 4.4 to 3.9 percent from April 2017 to April 2018. Jim Rhein, an economic analyst at the Detroit branch of the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget, gave his insight on the labor markets in Michigan and how job markets are performing at this time in the economy. Q: When it comes to the tweet that President Trump made, do you think that this holds true for Michigan specifically?

Social media allows small businesses to grow

Before the age of technology and social media, getting noticed as a small business was nearly impossible in a world where large corporations are the go-to. Advances in technology have given small businesses an opportunity to grow and thrive in the market. Social media has become a crucial component for any business to be successful. Companies hire people just to run social media accounts and to promote the business online. In a day and age where people live online, having an online presence is imperative for maintaining customers and earning new ones.

Gaining a digital following from food

Curious about the concept of food blogging, what it takes, and why it’s becoming so popular? Hear from two food bloggers themselves about why they started.

Michigan State University student Jazmine Skala-Wade

Students work to overcome stigma around mental illness

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in 20 American adults live with a serious health condition, but people living with mental illness, believe there is a negative stigma attached to it. Michigan State University student, Jazmine Skala-Wade was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, when she was 11. “People have this idea that mental illnesses aren’t real, that you need to pray them away, that you are making it up or that you are crazy,” Skala-Wade said. “I have been judged and looked at as crazy. People have made up stories about my mental illness and I’ve been treated like I shouldn’t be smart.”

Skala-Wade said she’s doing things in college that people did not think she was capable of because of her ADHD.