17th Annual Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity fashion show gets creative

The Zeta Delta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. has been on Michigan State’s campus as the first black organization for 70 years. The Alphas put on a fashion show every year that everyone looks forward to, especially this year. This year was the 17thannual fashion show and made a drastic change in locations from Demonstration Hall to the Breslin Student Events Center. The theme of this year’s fashion show was “The Restoration: A New Civilization.” The show focused on three different chapters for the show which were the Before, the Now, and the Rebirth.

Hair and skin problems? Some MSU students think it’s in the water.


Students moving from the metro Detroit area to Michigan State University’s campus freshman year experienced many adjustments. Whether they went from never sharing a room to having a roommate or catching a bus for the first time, having to adjust to the water in their dorms probably never crossed their mind. Although a water quality report in 2016 confirmed that the water on MSU’s campus was safe, students think otherwise due to the color of the water and effects they think it has had on their hair and skin. Senior Kayla McNeal, who lived in Holmes hall her freshman, year experienced firsthand effects she attributes to the water. “The water seemed to make my skin extremely dry,” said McNeal.

Freshman 15: Gaining or losing

We have all heard of the scary but real freshman 15, that unwanted extra weight college students gain during their first year and sometimes keep after. “I thought it wouldn’t happen to me, I’ve always pretty much maintained the same weight, but everything changed once I got here,” said MSU nursing junior Cyrelle Wheeler. Over the last year, Wheeler has decided to become more active after a visit with her primary care physician. “I went to the doctor last year, and he basically told me you’re fat and that puts strain on your knees,” said Wheeler. “I already knew I had bad knees due to me tearing my ACL, but that’s when I knew it was really time to change something.”

According to her doctor, added weight would put pressure on Wheeler’s knees and make them worse than they already were.

What to wear to graduation?

Graduation season is upon us, and what to wear is probably the biggest thing roaming graduates’ minds. They’ve worked so hard to obtain their diploma, and on graduation day all eyes are them. “Honestly the hardest thing for me has been finding what to wear,” said James Madison senior Tyra Paige. “I’ve been looking online, and everywhere I could think of and I’m just not having any luck.”

Paige admitted that she can be picky at times and her strict budget may contribute to her finding trouble with what to wear. Reynard Hines is a stylist in the metro Detroit area.

How to deal with a less-than-ideal boss: Tips and tricks to keep you sane at your job

Having a bad boss at some point is inevitable: we’re all going to have one, or a few, in the time we spend trying to find our careers, and even in them. Some of us, however, are wise and have found some tips and tricks to dealing with a less-than-ideal boss. Having a civil, professional relationship with a boss requires a lot more than one might think. According to The Society for Human Resource Management, there can be five different types of difficult bosses you might encounter:

The Bully: “Who uses intimidation and public humiliation to keep their employees on task.” The Micromanager: Who might constantly hover to make sure you’re doing things the way they would.

Fashion and beauty experts discuss terminology

It is one thing to understand slang or urban terminology.  The fashion and beauty world continues to develop thier own terminology. Those in fashion and beauty are typically creative people, it makes sense that new words are created to describe impressive demeanor, style, behavior and beauty. Through the power of music in pop culture, and drag world, these words are spread into the global language. Below are a few words used in modern times. Beat  (Adj, Verb): Beat is just as it sounds.

How many more ‘winters’ until spring?


As springtime rolls around, the weather doesn’t necessarily correlate with the season. This spring is no exception. We’ve experienced a few different “winters” already in the short months of 2018. Everyone is looking forward to warmer spring weather, which is finally emerging at the end of April. Some people like to dress for the weather, but others like to dress for the season regardless of the temperatures outside.

Experts discuss fashion trends for the upcoming season

As the weather changes, the trends in fashion change as well. Every year there are different styles and brands that people become attracted to. Fashion stylist Taviana Myles studied fashion design and merchandising at Wayne State University in Detroit. “I’ve always loved fashion and thought I wanted to be a designer until one of my professors made me realize that I had a stronger passion for styling,” said Myles, who goes by “Tavi.” Tavi has assisted clients for fashion shows, photo shoots and special events.

Students explain strategies for affording expensive merchandise on a college budget

Every semester, student loans and tuition bills add up, and students seek help with the cost for school. Part-time jobs and work study can help with a few necessities and maybe even bills outside of school, but how do students manage to afford pricey name brand and designer items while on a college budget? An informal survey conducted by the Spartan Newsroom showed that some students use money from saving, refunds from school, and the support of their parents to buy their expensive merchandise. “I feel like, ‘Why not treat yourself?’” said education senior Kiana Jordan. “I don’t think there’s an issue with spending your refund from school on things you typically can’t afford if you take care of your business first and have money left over.”

Jordan said she thinks there’s a problem when students try to buy things they can’t afford, and their bills remain unpaid.