Female politicians dressed down for dressing up

During the 2020 State of the State Address, Governor Gretchen Whitmer addressed issues of gender in politics.

While her lighthearted statement was directed at some of her co-legislators, it also addressed the issues of gender in politics and the way female politicians are treated based on their appearance.

Trump and Clinton Debate

Political fashion and one-sided criticism

Often in the political arena, women’s appearances are commented on and discussed more than their political agendas or accomplishments. The same pattern repeated itself in the 2016 presidential race. Public relations expert and former political consultant Kelly Rossman-McKinney expands on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s style throughout their campaigns and what it means to be in the public eye.

Sexual violence on college campuses

The number of sex crimes reported on U.S. college campuses increased by 50 percent over the last decade, according to the latest Indicators of School Crime and Safety survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice. While sexual violence is difficult to measure, factors such as grade level, gender and rates of campus crime reporting can help determine the prevalence of sexual violence.

The evolution of feminist hashtags

The feminist dialogue on Twitter increased by more than 300 percent between 2012 and 2015: Taking a closer look at the evolution of popular feminist hashtags that have influenced online rhetoric.