Continuing Professional Development for trainees (TCPD)

Required CPD for trainees is structured learning undertaken over and above your office commitments, with a view to such learning assisting your achievement of the PEAT 2 outcomes.

Over the course of a traineeship, you are required to undertake a minimum of 60 hours of required CPD for trainees:

  • A minimum of 40 hours of the minimum 60 hours must come from an authorised provider (see full list below).
  • Between months nine and 15 of a traineeship, you are required to undertake the mandatory ethics course. This is the only mandatory element of required CPD for trainees and must be of at least four hours' training and come from an authorised provider. Please note that in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, you can currently undertake the mandatory ethics course between months nine and 24 of a traineeship.
  • We would expect that a minimum of 30 hours of required CPD for trainees should normally have been undertaken by month 15 of the traineeship but this is not a requirement.
  • Trainees should note that, should they wish to be admitted as a solicitor after completing the first year of their training contact, they will require to have completed a minimum of 20 hours of required CPD for trainees. Please note that these hours can be either authorised, or non authorised, or a combination of both.

For further information in relation to required CPD for trainees, including the differences between authorised and non-authorised required CPD for trainees and whether or not you are eligible to claim travel and accommodation expenses for required CPD for trainees, please see the FAQs section below.


The following activities could be included as required CPD for trainees:

  • courses
  • seminars
  • lectures
  • conferences
  • briefings
  • role plays
  • simulated transactions and case studies
  • workshops
  • online learning and distance learning courses

TCPD can focus on skills (eg negotiation skills, advocacy, presentation skills), on legal knowledge (eg any knowledge update relevant to a trainee's practice), on ethics or on business, commercial, financial and practice awareness.

This is CPD that is specifically designed for trainees. The list of providers of authorised required CPD for trainees is further down this page. Please note though that they may offer other required CPD for trainees for trainees courses as well as authorised required CPD for trainees for trainees courses, so make sure the session you are signing up to is definitely authorised required CPD for trainees.

If a provider says it provides required CPD for trainees and it does not appear on the list of providers on this page, the course will not count as authorised required CPD for trainees. However, you can count it towards your non-authorised allocation.

Up to 20 hours of required CPD for trainees can come from non-authorised sources, which means those that don't appear on the authorised required CPD for trainees providers list further down this page.

There are many private organisations which offer very good required CPD for trainees which would be of benefit to trainees. Some examples are local faculties, advocates' stables or other professional bodies (eg ICAS, RICS etc). Some firms and employers may offer internal required CPD for trainees, or specific trainee-targeted required CPD for trainees while not being an authorised provider. These sessions could count towards a trainee's non-authorised required CPD.

Non-authorised required CPD for trainees should be recorded in the same way, should be able to be verified and should focus on the PEAT 2 outcomes.

No. Personal study is expected as part of the traineeship and background reading prior to required CPD for trainees events may be very useful. However, reading cannot count towards authorised required CPD for trainees provision or for non-authorised required CPD for trainees provision, as it is not verifiable.

A firm or organisation which takes trainees can apply for authorisation to offer the minimum of 40 hours' required CPD for trainees as an authorised provider. If a firm or organisation does not feel that becoming an authorised provider of required CPD for trainees is an option for them, it is still possible for them to offer up to 20 hours of non-authorised provision to its trainees. For example, if a firm ran update sessions on certain areas of law for all staff then this could be counted be as non-authorised required CPD for trainees. It is important to note that, in order to be able to count as non-authorised required CPD for trainees, such sessions must still be focused on the PEAT 2 outcomes, be recorded in the same way and be able to be verified.

It is possible for any firm or organisation to offer the up to 20 hours of non-authorised provision to its trainees.

You are required to log any required CPD for trainees that you undertake during your traineeship as part of your PEAT 2 record.

It will be the responsibility of you and your training solicitor to identify appropriate required CPD for trainees to support your development and achievement of the PEAT 2 outcomes. You will be responsible for logging completed required CPD for trainees through the PEAT 2 record. Authorised providers of required CPD for trainees will supply us with attendance lists for required CPD for trainees events and your record will be checked against the authorised provider's list. An automated process in the database will check that required CPD for trainees details are being entered and emails will be issued to you at key points during the two-year contract to ensure that at least the minimum of 60 hours' required CPD for trainees is completed.

The requirement for trainees to undertake required CPD for trainees is part of the Admission as a Solicitor (Scotland) Regulations 2019. Therefore, failure to comply with these requirements may result in you not being admitted as solicitor. For trainees seeking to be admitted following the first year of their traineeship, a minimum of 20 hours of required CPD for trainees must have been undertaken.

A trainee may not be discharged until they have completed the required CPD for trainees requirements. If for any reason you suspect that you may not be able to comply with the required CPD for trainees requirements, please contact us as soon as possible.

We maintain a travel and accommodation fund, to assist those who are training in more remote parts of Scotland and who require to travel long distances and/or stay overnight in order to access appropriate required CPD for trainees. Trainees can apply for this assistance by using this application form. Details of the assistance available can be found on the application form and in the accompanying notes to that form. For further information or guidance on this matter, please contact Martyn Robinson in the Education, Training and Qualifications team at [email protected].

Required CPD for trainees providers

The table below is a list of all of the organisations that are currently authorised by us to deliver required CPD for trainees.

Please note that many of these organisations do not offer exclusively required CPD for trainees, but additionally CPD which cannot be undertaken as an alternative.

CPD may be undertaken with these providers, but please note it can only count to your 'non-authorised required CPD for trainees' allocation.

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) [email protected] - 0115 943 5400
Carlton Legal Services [email protected] - 0141 530 1358
CCPD Training [email protected] - 0141 314 3682
Central Law Training and The University of Strathclyde [email protected] - 0141 225 6700
Clan Child Law [email protected] - 0808 129 0522
Glasgow Bar Association [email protected] - 0141 420 6142
Government Legal Services For Scotland [email protected]
Kinch Robinson [email protected] - 0114 273 8300
Lawscot TCPD [email protected] - 0131 476 8201
Morton Fraser LLP [email protected] - 0131 247 1200
Scottish Law Agents Society [email protected] - 0141 332 3536
The Legal Services Agency [email protected] - 0141 354 1274
The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow incorporating TANQ [email protected] - 0141 332 3593
The University of Aberdeen School of Law [email protected] - 01224 274062
The University of Edinburgh School of Law [email protected] - 0131 651 4254
The University of Glasgow School of Law [email protected] - 0141 330 5528
The WS Society [email protected] - 0131 220 3249
The mandatory ethics course

The table below is a list of all of the organisations that are currently authorised by us to deliver the mandatory ethics course.

Blackadders LLP [email protected] - 01382 229222
CCPD Training [email protected] - 0141 314 3682
Central Law Training and The University of Strathclyde [email protected] - 0141 225 6700
Glasgow Bar Association [email protected] - 0141 420 6142
Scottish Law Agents Society [email protected] - 0141 332 3536
The University of Aberdeen School of Law [email protected] 01224 274062
The University of Edinburgh School of Law [email protected] - 0131 651 4254
The University of Glasgow School of Law [email protected] - 0141 330 5528
Lawscot TCPD [email protected] - 0131 476 8201
Licensing options

There are a number of licence documents that practice units and training organisations who wish to offer required CPD for trainees can apply for:

  • Licence A - authorised review procedure - This is specifically for organisations whose performance management systems meet the standards of our PEAT 2 quarterly performance review system.
  • Licence B - This is for firms and practice units that wish to offer authorised required CPD for trainees to their own trainees.
  • Licence C - This is for practice units or other providers of training (eg private providers, universities, local faculties) that wish to offer authorised required CPD for trainees externally.
  • Licence D - This is for practice units or other providers of training (eg private providers, universities, local faculties) that wish to offer the mandatory ethics course to either their own trainees or to those of other practice units.

These licences are optional. An overview of the authorisation process can be found here.

If you have any questions about the licensing procedure, please contact [email protected].

Work towards the PEAT 2 outcomes

During the 2 year traineeship, trainees will be given activities that will allow them to work towards the PEAT2 outcomes.