
The price of accreditation is £300 + VAT.


The accreditation lasts for a period of three years at the end of which, specialists are invited to seek re-accreditation. 


You will be contacted in advance of the period of accreditation regarding whether you would like to apply for re-accreditation. Re-accreditation will run from the expiry date notwithstanding the date of approval.
For those who do not wish to continue to be accredited, their accreditation will lapse at the end of the three-year period.

Ongoing learning and evidence

We recommend that Accredited Legal Technologists create an evidence log during their period of accreditation noting projects, presentations, training sessions etc to assist with an application for renewal of accreditation or an upgrade of level.

 In the early days of the status we are not setting an hours-based requirement for ongoing learning requirements. As per the standards though all Accredited Legal Technologists commit to constantly updating their knowledge and skills relating to their specialism.

Self-development, ongoing learning and assisting the wider community with its learning are at the very heart of what the status means.


For more information, please contact us at [email protected]