Great gifts for Great Lakes enthusiasts

By Eric Freedman

Looking for a holiday gift with the spirit of the Great Lakes region? If so, here are books (in alphabetical order by title) that Great Lakes Echo has written about this year, including interviews with their authors. Eating with the Seasons, Great Lakes Region by Dereck Nicholas
This cookbook combines recipes, language and the history of the Anishinaabeg people. What the author says: “Back in the day, elders would take their sons and their daughters out fishing and they would use the language. You’d hear how to catch the fish, how to net fish, how to cook the fish.

Mobsters in the vacationlands

From crime boss and occasional visitor “Scarface” Al Capone to the Upper Peninsula’s own Public Enemy #1, John “Red” Hamilton, Up North has historic ties to organized crime and the baddies who used the area as a playground.