Cloud computing – the use of computing resources that are not on your premises – can bring many advantages. However, it also presents some risks and challenges. It is important to understand cloud computing – and decide if it is right for you.

Close up view of woman's hand typing on a laptop with a coffee cup

Benefits and risks

The use of computing resources that are not on your premises can bring many advantages. However, it also presents some risks and challenges.

Two women sat at a desk in an office, both looking at a laptop screen

Getting started

It is easy to get started with cloud computing – but you should still think strategically about making the move.

Hand holding a pen writing notes

Key contract provisions

Provisions you need to consider when putting together a contract for cloud services.

A hand holding a pen over a spreadsheet next to glasses and a keyboard

Data issues

Where the data is stored, access, retention, and other factors all have to be considered.

Close up of hands typing on a keyboard

Other issues

The supply chain and rights of suspension and termination

Read more about cloud computing

Find out more in these articles from the Journal Online and our sponsors, Clio.

Are you fully cloud-based?

What to watch out for when using the cloud

GDPR and the Cloud

Ensure your firm's compliance.

Cloud checklist

Points to check when signing up to the cloud