1. Review what's working and what's needed next

If you and your employer agreed to trial different responsibilities/flexibility, it will help you if you can document what's working (and collect evidence) as well as being honest about what isn't and suggesting any tweaks to make it work better. This will help build your case for making the permanent changes you would like. Equally, if your renegotiated role is permanent, it's also good to reinforce in your line manager's mind that this was a good decision by highlighting the benefits the wider team and/or business is experiencing as a result.

"I was the first person in my team to ask for flexibility so I was keen to show I could make it work. I did this for three months with a meeting midway through to get feedback and make any necessary adjustments."

Carolyn Burns, director, Maclay Murray & Spens LLP

Over to you

The following prompts are designed to help you consider the ways you would like to reshape your role and how you will pitch for it.

  1. In what ways has your outlook on work a) changed and b) stayed the same since going on leave? How much more or less time would you like work to take up?
  2. What do you want to do more of? Less of? (See steps 6, 7 & 8)
  3. If you were your line manager, what would it take to convince you?
Further Resources