The Scottish Government issued a consultation on the future arrangements for early medical abortion at home across Scotland.

The Scottish Government issued a consultation inviting individuals and organisations to consider and respond to the commitments made in the draft plan.

The Scottish Government issued a consultation to seek the views on the need for further statutory regulation to ensure the safety of people considering or undergoing these procedures.

The General Medical Council has launched a consultation on remote consultations and prescribing via telephone, video-link or online.

The UK Government issued a consultation on what measures employers should have in place for employees with health conditions to reduce ill health-related job loss and support people in work. 

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on proposals for a new national public health body in Scotland, to be known as ‘Public Health Scotland’.

The Scottish Government has issues a consultation on the Public Services Reform (the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman) (Healthcare Whistleblowing) Order 2019.

The UK Government has launched a consultation on plans to make it easier for people to give consent to be an organ donor.

The Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee has issued an inquiry into the Impact of leaving the European Union on health and social care in Scotland.

The General Medical Council (GMC) are consulting on revisions to their Outcomes for graduates which set out what newly qualified doctors from UK medical schools must know and be able to do.

The House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee has launched an inquiry on the reciprocal healthcare implications of Brexit for UK citizens travelling, living and/or working in the rest of the EU, and for EU citizens travelling, living and/or working in the UK, in both the short and medium term.

This paper provides a brief reflection on the impact that leaving the European Union may have on healthcare and public health in the United Kingdom with particular focus on Scotland.

The UK Government Department for Health has issued a consultation with the intention to give protection from discrimination to an NHS applicant who has previously made, or appears to have made, a protected disclosure under the Employment Rights Act 1996.


The General Medical Council (GMC) has issued a consultation on plans to establish a UK-wide Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA). This would create a single, objective demonstration that those who obtain registration with a licence to practise medicine in the UK can meet a common threshold for safe practice.

The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on the draft guidance on Healthcare in Schools in Scotland. The guidance will support health boards and schools in the delivery of healthcare support to pupils who need support as a result of a healthcare need.

This consultation seeks views on increasing the number of deceased organ donation and tissue donors in Scotland.  The consultation looks at two ways of potentially increasing organ and tissue donors – by seeking to increase numbers of referrals and by seeking to increase the number of times a donation is authorised to proceed.

The Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee agreed, as part of its budget scrutiny, to examine Integration Authorities’ (IAs) approach to engagement with stakeholders and whether or not IAs are doing enough to involve patients, carers, the third sector and other stakeholders over the design and future of health and social care in their local area.