Develop a strong understanding of cyber security while earning recognition as a Law Society of Scotland Certified Specialist.This 16 hour course will give you a more comprehensive set of skills and knowledge in cyber security, and help you to take the next step in your career.

The course is designed with Scottish solicitors in mind, but is also open to non-members, and participants do not need to have a technical background.

New dates confirmed
Date Location Webinar
Wednesday 22 September, 1pm - 4pm Online Cyber Threat Awareness Seminar
Wednesday 29 September, 10am - 4pm Online Managing Cyber ARisk Seminar
Wednesday 6 October, 11am - 4pm Online Playbooks: A Practical Approach
Friday 15 October Online Assignment submission deadline

The course is priced at £960 + VAT and consists of 16 hours of verified CPD as well as an optional four hours of private study materials. Completing it fulfills your CPD requirements for the year, including the compulsory risk management component.

If you’re not a member, or have already completed the Cyber Resilience Online CPD module, please contact our CPD team to book: [email protected]

Please note there are only 16 spaces available.

The three seminars that form part of course are delivered in partnership with the Cyber Academy, bringing years of expertise from Edinburgh Napier University to the legal profession.

Full course details and more information

Discover how you can become one of our certified specialists in cyber security.
Course Tutor
Manager, The Cyber Academy, Edinburgh Napier University and Expert Witness & Director, Strathclyde Forensics Ltd
  1. Sign up for the certified course in Cyber Security
  2. Complete introductory pre-training online module in cyber resilience (1 hr verified CPD - fulfills compulsory risk management CPD obligation)
  3. Watch our 'Cybersecurity in the Covid-19 Era' on demand webinar (1 hr verified CPD)
  4. Attend three live online webinars, 'Cyber Threat Awareness for Law Firms', 'Managing Cyber Risk for Law Firms' and 'Playbooks: A Practical Approach' delivered by the Cyber Academy (12 hrs verified CPD)
  5. Online submission of assignment (2 hr verified CPD)
  6. Certification in Cyber Security awarded with use of our marque

Optional online private study consolidation package (4 hr private study CPD).

Course components

Cyber Resilience online module

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the cyber threat landscape and why organisations must adopt safe cyber practices
  • Identify the measures an organisation needs to secure their digital footprint
  • Understand techniques used by cyber criminals in an attack and how to protect against them
  • Use modern information technology software safely and responsibly
  • Identify the steps to take if a breach of security occurs

Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 Era online webinar

Cyber threats are a harsh reality, and no individual or organisation is immune. Law firms around the world are a primary target, as the custodians of sensitive information and money.

This informative and educating session covers the increased risks from phishing, domain squatting and other scams online in this new era.

You will automatically receive these modules when you register for the course. Please get in touch with [email protected] if you have any issues.

Cyber Threat Awareness for Law Firms
Wednesday 22 September, 1pm - 4pm

Cyber threats are a harsh reality, and no individual or organisation is immune. Law firms around the world are a primary target, as the custodians of sensitive information and money. Every firm, large or small must protect their client accounts, confidentiality, level of funds in bank, with awareness of the frequency of transactions.

This course is an informative and educating session, that will introduce you to cyber threats you never believed you were exposed to.

Learning outcomes:

  • The different kinds of cyber threat vectors and actors
  • The difference between internal and external threats
  • How social engineering works and how easily you can become a phishing victim
  • How you can monitor if your personal and business emails and other personal data are involved in a data breach
  • How your devices leak information about you and your firm
  • The risks of using social media and dating websites/apps
  • Is your cat the source of your breach?
  • Cases studies of breaches in law firms
  • Cyber Incident: Are you ready to deal with it?

3 hours verifiable CPD.

Managing Cyber Risk for Law Firms
Wednesday 29 September, 10am - 4pm

Law firms have an additional risk of holding very sensitive information as well as money. Unlike the common misconception, the smaller the law firm, the higher the risk.

What would you do if your firm was attacked now? Do you have a plan prepared? This course will prepare you for incident response.

Learning outcomes:

  • Cyber Vectors
  • Who and how will go after a law firm?
  • Training: Minimise your firm’s digital exposure & get ahead in the game
  • The Peltzman Effect. Risk Compensation theory. Why do people become more careless?
  • The need for preparation: Risk & Vulnerabilities assessment
  • The need for preparation: Cyber Incident Response Planning
  • Preparing for an incident
  • Choosing a response team
  • Respond, evaluate and re-train
  • Random forensic checks
  • E-Exit Interviews
  • Introduction to PLAYBOOKS. Preparation material for Seminar 3

5 hours verifiable CPD

Playbooks: A Practical Approach
Wednesday 6 October, 11am - 4pm

Seminar will follow on from the previous two and expand on the content and structure of Playbooks.

  • Revision on CIRP and Playbooks
  • Format and structure of a Playbook
  • Building your own Playbook. Attendees will work in groups to prepare a Playbook in an area of their choice. This will be achieved through collaborative online tools.
  • Presentation of Playbooks, discussion and scrutiny by the rest of the class.
  • Lessons learned.

The majority of this module will be collaborative work and discussions.

4 hours verifiable CPD


Course tutor: Basil Manoussos, MSc,PGC,BSc,AAS,MBCS.

There will be a course assignment (2 hours CPD) which is due to be submitted by Friday 15 October 2021.

Gain 4 extra hours of private study materials to enhance and consolidate your knowledge in the context of your own organisation.

Materials include content from:

  • National Cyber Security Centre
  • Law Society of Scotland Privacy Committee
A message from cyber terrorists Incognito: Cyber resilience training