Cloud computing – the use of computing resources that are not on your premises – can bring many advantages. However, it also presents some risks and challenges. It is important to understand cloud computing – and decide if it is right for you.

The benefits of cloud computing include:
  • cost savings – reduced upfront investment in physical products and infrastructure, such as servers, storage and expensive applications
  • ease of use – can be accessed any time and from any location
  • efficiency – can bring improvements in workflow, automation and collaboration
  • flexibility
Potential risks or challenges include:
  • the overall cost of cloud computing – subscription, licenses, maintaining service – can exceed a traditional on-premise setup and should be properly considered
  • increased management will be needed as cloud computing is integrated into existing services and configured to your firm’s requirements
  • staff training and education will be required

Cloud computing guide

It is important to understand cloud computing - and decide if it is right for you.