Application process

When you apply, you will be asked to provide evidence of your knowledge, skills and achievements by answering questions, providing the names of referees (who we will contact), and uploading a CV.
We will -

  •  look at your application to ensure that it is in order. If it is not or if something is missing from the application (i.e. you forget to attach your CV or the CV is obviously incomplete) we may contact you for more information
  • contact your referees. It is good practice for you to let your referees know that we may be in touch. Once references have been sought and received, we will forward the references and the information you have provided to the advisory panel. When this has happened you will receive an email from us letting you know that this has been reverted to the panel.

The panel have a number of options available to them:

  • Grant your accreditation
  • Request more information from you (e.g. if you say that you have written extensively on a particular theme but has not provided links or examples in your application)
  • Refuse - the panel may refuse accreditation if they feel:
    • Your application was insufficiently detailed or did not meet the requirements
    • There is insufficient evidence of expertise
    • Your referees did not endorse your suitability or were not strong enough
    • There are complaints or claims against you that would be contrary to holding the technologist status
    • You did not accept the standards of the Accredited Legal Technologist (although this would likely have been raised directly with you prior to sending to the Advisory Panel).

When you are approved you will be sent a link to pay for the accreditation. When payment is received you will be able to call yourself a Law Society of Scotland Accredited Legal Technologist.


In the event of a refusal you have the right to ask that the Advisory Panel to review the decision. You must do so within 21 days of the refusal email being sent. You may submit additional material in support of this request.
The Advisory Panel will consider the original application and any other material in support of your appeal.
In the event of their review results in a further refusal you can appeal that decision to the Society’s Technology and Law Practice Committee within 21 days of intimation of that further refusal. All information relating to your applications will be made available to this Committee for that purpose. An appeal after a the initial review can only be made on one or more of the following grounds:

  • A material change not considered by this point
  • New evidence that was not considered originally
  • An error in fact or law reflected in the original decisions.


We reserve the right to suspend the accreditation before the expiration of the three-year period. This may take place if circumstances come to our attention which would make such a course of action necessary.
For Accredited Legal Technologists who are Scottish solicitors, accreditation will be automatically suspended, and without notice, if the individual’s practising certificate is suspended for any reason. Similarly, if an Accredited Paralegal also holds the Accredited Legal Technologist status and they have their paralegal status suspended or terminated their status as an Accredited Legal Technologist will be similarly treated.
For those Accredited Legal Technologists who are legally qualified globally: if it comes to our attention that the competent authority that they are registered with has suspended or terminated their practising certificate their status as an Accredited Legal Technologist will be similarly treated.
For all Accredited Legal Technologists: any complaint about them to the Society will be treated in the following way:

  • The manager responsible for the Accredited Legal Technologist group will review the complaint, carry out an initial review and report to the Society’s Senior Leadership Team for their review. The ultimate decision lies with the Secretary and Chief Executive of the Law Society of Scotland.
  • The Senior Leadership team will review the complaint and make a decision. Options available:
    • Take no action
    • Remove the individual from the Accredited Legal Technologist status
    • Deny renewal of the status.

The Accredited Legal Technologist will have the opportunity to provide a written submission for consideration during the review and will be kept informed of the proceedings