Our overall strategy is to 'Lead Legal Excellence. Every year we produce a plan of work to help achieve it and report on progress.

Our strategy

Our strategy Leading Legal Exellence 2020-2022 sets out our priorities for the organisation and supporting members after the pandemic.

Annual reports

We report on our performance against the objectives set out in our annual plan every year. The latest annual reports are available here, along with a range of financial information.

Annual plan 2020/21

Our annual plan for 1 November 2020 - 31 October 2021 sets out 30 ambitious projects that we are focussing on this year to deliver the objectives of our Leading Legal Excellence Strategy.

Our constitution

This sets out how we should be governed, the process for electing and appointing members to Council and more.

General meetings

Our AGM considers the annual report and the practising certificate fee for Scottish solicitors and we occasionally hold special general meetings.

Financial information

We publish a range of financial information to ensure transparency and accountability including our annual budget.