The Scottish Government asked for views on the consultation paper as part of its wider work on the planning reform and implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019.    It provides draft guidance to planning authorities, developers, communities and other potential parties on the use of mediation in development planning and in pre-application consultation. 

Please read the consultation paper here 

Our response can be read here

The Scottish Government asked for views on detailed proposals for the regulation of short-term lets, including a licensing scheme and planning control areas in Scotland. This will form the basis for secondary legislation to be laid in Parliament in December 2020.

The Scottish Government issued a consultation seeking views on proposed changes to the existing requirements for pre-application consultation with local communities on national and major developments.

The Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) sought views on the introduction of a new guidance note (Guidance Note 24) concerning Provision of material evidence and conduct of parties in proceedings before DPEA Reporters.

The Scottish Government has sought views on their proposed work programme and the related Sustainability Appraisal report for the whole package of potential changes to Permitted Development Rights.

The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on the regulation of short-term lets in Scotland.

Scottish Natural Heritage has issued a consultation on assessing the impact of repowered wind farms on nature.

The Scottish Government is required to assess, consult and monitor the likely impacts of their plans on the environment. As a result, they have issued a consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and the Position Statement. 

The Scottish Government has issued a consultation presenting details of proposed changes to the planning system in Scotland. The consultation also provides an opportunity for people to help shape the future of the planning system in Scotland.