We are the professional body for over 12,000 Scottish solicitors. As well as setting standards for and regulating solicitors, we have a role to understand and serve the needs of our members and the public.

At the Law Society of Scotland we are working together to achieve our overarching objective of leading legal excellence and we are striving to excel and to be a world-class professional body. 

Our colleagues are our greatest asset and we invest in them through learning and development, the promotion of a work life balance and a culture supported by our values of respect, openness, progress, integrity and inclusion. We place great importance on our values; these were devised by our colleagues in 2012 and underpin how we conduct our business with our members, the public, each other and wider stakeholder groups.

If you can help us deliver a world-class service to our members and the public, we’d love to hear from you.


If you have any recruitment enquiries, or if you are experiencing any problems, please contact us:

  • By email:  [email protected]
  • By phone: + 44 (0) 131 226 7411 
  • In writing: HR Team, Law Society of Scotland, Atria One, 144 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EX

We advertise job vacancies and positions on the Council, our committees and working parties.

We developed and agreed a set of five values in 2013.  They can be applied to everything we do, whether it's having a meeting with a colleague or launching a report to be seen by our members and the public.


 We value treating everyone with consideration and dignity.


We value being accountable, responsible and professional in the decisions that we make.


We value having excellent working relationships with our colleagues, stakeholders, the public and our diverse membership.


We value being helpful, accessible, responsive and transparent in the way we work and operate.


We value continuously improving existing and  new services.

Here at the Law Society, we strive to look for people across both our staff roles and committees who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and life experience, and who have a passion and commitment to further all of our work for our members and the public.

During our recruitment process, all candidates are assessed against the same criteria and every effort is made to give them an equal opportunity, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, marital or family status, race, nationality, ethic origin, disability, religion or belief, age or membership/non membership of a trade union.

We are particularly looking to broaden the interests, diversity and character of our committees to ensure our work continues to reflect Scotland’s legal profession and Scottish society.

We welcome applications from individuals whose lives or professional experience can make a valuable contribution to our work. We would especially welcome applications from people who belong to groups currently under-represented on our committees, including disabled people, LGBT+ people, young people, and Black and ethnic minority people.

Staff vacancies

Vacancies at the Law Society of Scotland.

Council vacancies

Find out more about the role of our Council and look out for opportunities to get involved.

Committee vacancies

Our committees carry out valuable work for the profession and the public. We currently have a broad range of solicitor and non-solicitor vacancies across a variety of committees and panels.