We expect all those who sign up to become Accredited Legal Technologists to adhere to the same standards. We want you to be EPIC!

  • Expertise: Whatever your area of specialism, you are always striving for expertise in your chosen field of work and always striving to increase your knowledge.
  • Principles: You have a deep understanding of both the ethical environment that legal practitioners work and also the ethics and responsible ways of working as a technology expert.
  • Intelligence: A fundamental tenet of the status is the desire to really understand what a problem is (including if it really is one) before using models of thinking to solve those problems rather than leaping to solutions first.
  • Community: You understand that we are all growing and learning together. You commit to taking an active part in developing the community. This may be by formal mentoring of prospective Accredited Legal Technologists; by contributing think-pieces to our Journal and our fortnightly e-newsletter; by leading CPD courses to our membership or via podcasts.