Color our collections

A week-long coloring fest at Wangensteen

Color our Collections at Wangensteen Historical Library, February 1-5, 2016.
Color our Collections at Wangensteen Historical Library, February 1-5, 2016.

Rare books and crayons don’t usually go together. But from February 1-5, the Wangensteen Historical Library is extending an invitation to #ColorOurCollections.

“The Wangensteen Historical Library is one of many special collections across the country participating in a week-long coloring fest on social media,” said Lois Hendrickson, Wangensteen Curator. “It is an effort coordinated by the New York Academy of Medicine Library to encourage interaction with early illustrated rare books meant to be colored by hand.”

During the first week of February, the Wangensteen Historical Library will be unveiling one coloring page each day with an image from their rare book collection. The coloring pages will be shared through Facebook and Twitter. They will also be archived in this article. Watch for links below.

Share your work: #ColorOurCollections

All participating artists are encouraged to share their final artwork through social media using the hashtags #ColorOurCollections and #Wangensteen.  

“Please go ahead and color collections,” Hendrickson said. “We can’t wait to see what you create.”

Coloring Pages

Completed Artwork

We had wonderful participation in our #ColorOurCollections activities this week.  Here are a few masterpieces from our followers and artists.  Please continue to share your finished artwork.


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