Cliff Pickover


Increase your sense of wonder. (Author of 50 books & 766 patents. Yale Ph.D.) "Pickover contemplates realms beyond our known reality." ~NY Times

New York
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@pickover blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @pickover desblokeatuko.

  1. Duela 2 ordu

    "All my money has been invested into experiments with which I have made new discoveries enabling mankind to have a little easier life." ~Nikola Tesla

  2. Duela 2 ordu

    Mathematics, beauty, symmetry. Alien spaceship. This image, by , is made from pentagons only.

  3. Duela 12 ordu

    He finally did it!

  4. Duela 14 ordu

    Somewhere, in a parallel world. "Footlight Parade" (1933). Source:

  5. Duela 14 ordu

    The pathway to success.

  6. Duela 17 ordu

    What did one uranium nucleus say to the other, while at the bar? “Sorry, gotta split!”

  7. Duela 19 ordu

    Mathematics, eternity, society. A race of humanoids, forever wandering, guided by forces we can barely comprehend. Source:

  8. Duela 22 ordu

    "A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit." ~Richard Bach, A Gift of Wings, 1974

  9. Duela 22 ordu

    Some malware identifies mouse movements as a sign that an actual end-user may be sitting in front of the malware on a computer. Article:

  10. mai. 29
  11. mai. 29

    Mathematics, symmetry, transcendence. A mathematical starfish emerges from another universe, tossing symmetrical accouterments in all directions. (Feel free to magnify to see details. Visualization by )

  12. mai. 29

    Mathematics, symmetry, transcendence. The Queen of Mathematical Glory rises from her throne, welcoming humanity to a pan-psychedelic-intellectual age. (Feel free to magnify to see details. Visualization by )

  13. mai. 29

    Glimpse the past. John Glenn (left) and President John F. Kennedy, next to Friendship 7, the Mercury capsule that carried Glenn into orbit in 1962.

  14. mai. 29

    Mathematics, physics, eternity. Intertwining, braiding, sinuosity. Source:

  15. mai. 29

    Imagining traveling in space, only to be caught in this Mandelbrot Web, which I constructed 10 seconds ago, to momentarily ensnare you in filaments of delight.

  16. mai. 29

    King James Bible + Mandelbrot Exploration. "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."

  17. mai. 28

    This man is about to have a surprise. What's a good caption for this?

  18. mai. 28

    When Stephen Hawking died, this heartfelt memory was shared with the world..

  19. mai. 28

    "Eventually the only objects remaining in the universe will be supermassive blackholes. Until then, let's have some fun." ~Lex Fridman,

  20. mai. 28

    Today's Question: If all humans lost their eyesight today, would civilization come to an end?


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