Introductory Videos  click on an image below to watch a video


Teaching Materials

Ask a Master Teacher
Photo, No climate justice without gender justice!, Mongkhonsawat Luengvorapant

Teach your students to learn, care, and think internationally.

Teaching Guides

Documents are riddled with difficult vocabulary. Don't be afraid to adapt [...] »

History Content

Website Reviews
image from the Oregon centennial exposition fair

A comprehensive guide of everything you ever wanted to know about Oregon [...] »

Website Reviews

Learn about the First National Women's Rights Convention and the greater [...] »

Best Practices

Teaching in Action

Daunted by teaching the Bill of Rights and its complex vocabulary to [...] »

Examples of Historical Thinking

How do the speeches of Sojourner Truth and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper [...] »

History Quiz

"Don’t Sell the Steak—Sell the Sizzle!"

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Digital Classroom

Chronozoom is a dynamic timeline tool that presents large scale timelines in a creative way.

| [...] »

Thinking Like Historians

Interactive Historical Thinking Poster (Elementary)
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Find strategies, quizzes, and lessons for teaching historical thinking in your classroom. | [...] »
Interactive Historical Thinking Poster (Secondary)
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Find strategies, quizzes, and lessons for teaching historical thinking in your classroom. | [...] »
Civil War Interactive Poster
Historical Thinking Poster Elementary
Get students thinking like historians as they learn about the Civil War! | [...] »