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 Full ArchivesGregory Hood Podcasts

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Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s book Democracy: The God that Failed. The hosts cover the limits of libertarianism, the problem with prioritizing economic theory over everything else, and question Prof. Hoppe’s claim that monarchy is better than democracy. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the late Wilmot Robertson’s magazine Instauration and his most important books: The Dispossessed Majority and The Ethnostate. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Francis Fukuyama's The End of History and the Last Man and its many critics. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Paul Gottfried's enormous body of work. They cover his key insights about the leftist worldview, the managerial state, and American conservatism. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the late Sam T. Francis, philosopher-king of the dissident right. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the work of the late James Burnham. Though largely forgotten by the conservative movement he helped create, Burnham’s analyses of power, class, and liberalism are invaluable. Listen
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Ayn Rand and her enormously popular books. They cover her influence on American conservatism, and even Leftism, and why that influence has largely been for the worse. Listen
In their pilot podcast episode, Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss becoming right wing and the nature of Right versus Left. They speak about the importance of hierarchies and hypocrisy, as well as left-wing conspiracy theories, racial impostors, outrage culture, and much more. Listen