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The Unz Review Digest - June 10, 2021

Ranking first this last week was Steve Sailer’s lengthy discussion of the astonishing outcome of a murder trial in South Carolina.  A young black man decided to carjack a 77-year-old retired volunteer fire chief one morning at 9am, and when the unarmed victim attempted to escape, fatally shot him, firing all eight rounds in his handgun.  Seen by witnesses and with the attack leaving considerable physical evidence, the killer was soon caught by police and later provided a full videotaped confession.  Yet when brought to trial in the heavily black town, the jury took just two hours to find him innocent of all charges.  This bizarre case quickly provoked over 400 comments totaling nearly 30,000 words.

Close behind in second place was my own latest installment on the origins of the global Covid epidemic, I which I note the utterly Orwellian reversal of the mainstream media on the topic.  For more than a year, the MSM had dismissed and ridiculed any claims that the virus was artificial as a “conspiracy theory” and even persuaded Facebook and other social media outlets to ban all such discussion.  Yet in just a couple of weeks following the appearance of Nicholas Wade’s self-published article providing a difference analysis, the Wuhan lab-leak theory has become absolutely respectable and even dominant, with Facebook reversing its policy.  However, I note that my own far better supported third possibility, namely that the outbreak was an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran), still remains totally unmentionable in almost all venues.  The ensuing discussion has already passed 450 comments totaling 65,000 words.  Lance Welton’s fifth ranking column also discusses this sudden media reversal on the origins of Covid.

Our third most popular article was Taxi’s perspective on the aftermath of the recent Israel-Hamas military conflict, in which she argues that the Palestinian cause has now gained ascendancy, and escalation-dominance.  This topic soon attracted a massive outpouring of lengthy comments, over 750 in number and totaling well over 100,000 words.

Fourth place was held by John Derbyshire harsh critique of what he characterizes as the “Cult of St. George Floyd,” the bizarre politically-correct veneration of a lifelong petty criminal who seemingly died of a drug overdose, but was transformed by media-magic into a saintly exemplar of the victims of American racism.

Finally, rounding out our most popular featured articles was Prof. Michael Hudson’s discussion of the politics of the student loan situation, and why President Biden won’t take the reasonable step of cancelling existing the burdensome debt.

In early May, the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates would be divorcing after twenty-seven years of marriage shocked both those that praise and those that loathe the “philanthropic” power couple. Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, on May 7, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates had allegedly been... Read More
History doesn’t change to fit our wishes. We wish whites hadn’t imported blacks as slaves and had not changed immigration policy in 1965. However, in a multiracial society, history often isn’t about facts. It’s a weapon. A story about the past justifies current policy. When history doesn’t provide a suitably horrific example, invent one. The... Read More
On June 6, 1968, Robert Kennedy had just won the California Democratic presidential primary, when he was shot dead, five years after his brother. David Talbot has shown in his book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster, that Robert had never believed in the conclusion of... Read More
With my Escape from America series, I’ve interviewed American ex-pats who have settled in Mexico, the Philippines, Hungary, Costa Rica, Brazil or England, etc., but you’re constantly escaping from one country to the next, with the goal of experiencing all 180 of them! What made you choose such an unusual lifestyle, and how did you... Read More
A collection of Anthony Fauci’s emails were released this week after a Freedom of Information Act request from BuzzFeed. There is nothing really of too much import in the emails, and it is clearly intended to be some kind of distraction. Conservatives are pointing to the fact that Fauci told a colleague in February to... Read More
Have you given any thought to the strange events of the last 15 months? Have you wondered why so many countries adopted the same policies that had never been used before and had no scientific foundation? Have you wondered why effective 'life-saving' medications and therapies were actively and aggressively suppressed? Have you wondered why world-renowned... Read More
It's been decades since I last read George Orwell's 1984, but portions of that classic dystopian novel have become part of our common political culture. There's that famous scene in which an orator is giving a lengthy wartime speech at a political rally, praising the heroic ally of Eurasia and denouncing the arch-foe of Eastasia,... Read More
US Military Will Use Chinese-Made Drones, Despite “Hacking” Rhetoric
This is a seemingly meaningless story that speaks to a bigger issue. I’ll hit you with the scope after the facts…! RT: After years of spying allegations and restrictions, the Pentagon has allowed the military to use two Chinese-made drones. The move has already stirred controversy. A recent Pentagon report seen by the Hill found... Read More
Attack on Free Speech and Association Fails Court Test
Abby Martin’s efforts must be applauded for she has won a major victory in the struggle to maintain freedom of speech in the United States. Many Americans who follow developments overseas would concede that Israel and its supporters in the United States exercise a fairly high level of control over U.S. foreign policy in the... Read More
Previously: There is Nothing Interesting in the Fauci Emails China is inching dangerously close to dangerous anti-Semitism. RT: China’s Foreign Ministry blasted the resurgent interest in the Covid-19 lab-origin theory, noting that the journalist behind a report about Wuhan scientists falling ill is the same one who peddled lies that led to the Iraq War.... Read More
It’s impossible to understand the finer points of what’s happening on the ground in Russia and across Eurasia, business-wise, without following the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). So let’s cut to the chase, and offer a few choice examples of what is discussed on top panels. The Russian Far East - Here’s a... Read More
$1.2 billion more is on the way!
Now let me get this straight. A nation bullies and harasses a much smaller neighbor which eventually leads that neighbor to strike back with largely home-made weapons. The larger and more powerful country, armed with state of the art killing machines, attacks its basically unarmed opponent and kills hundreds of civilians, including a large number... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] Earlier this year I read Christopher Caldwell's very striking book The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties. Caldwell argued that the reforms of the 1960s, which seemed necessary and humane at the time to correct obvious injustices, had serious negative consequences, leading eventually... Read More
Photo credit: Sharon Mollerus, CC BY 2.0
We are witnessing mass delusion of historic proportions.
A year ago, the idea that Covid-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan – a short distance from the wet market that is usually claimed to be the source of the virus – was dismissed as a crackpot theory, supported only by Donald Trump, QAnon and hawks on the right looking to escalate tensions dangerously... Read More
The era of so-called industrial deregulation and globalized free trade, whose icon was the World Trade Organization (established in 1994), has been grotesquely misshaped into an era of restrictive trade, and mean-spirited and often petty recriminations in the form of targeted sanctions exercised mainly by the NATO powers. A strategy once applied with some sense... Read More
Lots of events in the Southeast are celebrating the first anniversary of the Racial Reckoning: keep that spirit alive! For example, from the Hilton Head Island Packet: Man who told police he fatally shot ex-Hardeeville fire chief in 2017 found not guilty BY LANA FERGUSON MAY 27, 2021 01:15 PM, Although Devon Dunham confessed to... Read More
An explosive new study by researchers at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public health. The article, which is titled "The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness", shows that SARS-CoV-2’s "distinctive 'spike' protein".."damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as... Read More
David Lean (1908–1991) directed sixteen movies, fully half of them classics, including three of the greatest films ever made: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Doctor Zhivago (1965), and, greatest of them all, Lawrence of Arabia (1962). Lawrence of Arabia is repeatedly ranked as one of the finest films of all time, and when... Read More
I’m just glad someone in the world listens to me. (To be clear, I didn’t talk to the President Muhammed, but because I live in Nigeria, the government is familiar with the site.) CBS News: It just makes you want to punch a hole in the wall, doesn’t it? Twitter is literally being blocked because... Read More