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Biden’s Russophobia means the Summit will fail
A Neoliberal Tragedy in Colombia
Israel’s Friends overwhelm Capitol Hill
Notes on the World’s Motherlode of Moral Hypocrisy
But Biden gives Israel more weapons even as Gaza is bleeding
A review of Sean McMeekin, Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II
Now you see it, now you don’t
The day the world was six minutes from WW3
Damaged USS Liberty.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
But don’t mention the Palestinians
The Pioneer Woman statue and base in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Credit Image: Billy D. Wagner via Wikipedia.
A History of Israel’s Self-Hating Founders
Credit: Antonio Cabrera
Uncle Sam is 'Sick Man' of the West
Did Dostoevsky's Demons Predict Wokeism, Antifa and the Gender-Benders?
Tirana, 2021
How the Democrats Learned to Love Big Brother
An Afghan Tale
I Know You’re Lying…but I Trust You with My Life!
The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism
Artemisia Gentileschi, Susanna and the Elders, circa 1610. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Nostalgic recollection of a missed friend
Presentation at the Oxford Economics Society
Jewish Control, Zionist Subversion and the “Contradictions” of Anti-Semitism
Academic Stephen Wertheim's new book shines revealing light on the birth of US global supremacy, just as it reaches its...
On Your Own Time
First They Came for White Southern Males…
Cold Water on a Hot Topic
Christianity and the Big Lie
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A Conversation with Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar
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A message from a Frenchman with Irish music
(April 9, 1938-November 4, 2020)
The German Leader’s Reply to the American President’s Public Challenge
A Tribute to Professor Stephen F. Cohen
An Intellectual History of the Last One Hundred Years
“Check out any time you like, but you can never leave”
Gunnar Heinsohn’s stratigraphy-based chronology
The Merits and Inadequacies of Middleman Minority Theory in Explaining the Jews
Not until the “Vernichtung” of the Whites
Review of The Blackening of Europe, by Clare Ellis
From the French Revolution to BLM
Was it an accident or a warning?
The Gregorian Coup and the Birthright Theft
Einstein, Bell & Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers
How Identity Politics Became Identity Theft
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Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World
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The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
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How America was neoconned into World War IV
What Was John McCain's True Wartime Record in Vietnam?