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Anatoly Karlin Andrew Anglin Andrew Joyce Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins Chanda Chisala Eric Margolis Eric Striker Forum Fred Reed Gilad Atzmon Godfree Roberts Gregory Hood Guillaume Durocher Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Petras James Thompson Jared Taylor JayMan John Derbyshire Jonathan Cook Kevin Barrett Kevin MacDonald Lance Welton Laurent Guyénot Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Kersey Pepe Escobar Peter Frost Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Robert Weissberg Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tobias Langdon Trevor Lynch A. Graham Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Agha Hussain Ahmet Öncü Alan Macleod Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alfred McCoy Alison Weir Allan Wall Allegra Harpootlian Amalric De Droevig Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Anastasia Katz Andre Damon Andre Vltchek Andreas Canetti Andrei Martyanov Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew Hamilton Andrew J. 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    Author’s Note: This article is effectively a short book. There are subheadings, so you should be able to read it in parts. But it was written in one sitting, so I am publishing it as a single post. It’s a personal record for most words in a single post in a single sitting, but the...
  • @Alfa158
    Nice work, but I don’t think the ruling class are actually interested in a literal world government. That was popular with progressives in the 20th century when it was thought necessary in order to stop wars and enforce common global social and political agendas. It would have been a sort of supercharged United Nations with the Secretary being a global equivalent to national president, and the assembly the equivalent of the national legislature. There was even a movement to replace all national languages with a new synthesized language, Esperanto. You still see this idea lingering on decades later in science fiction like The Expanse where the world is ruled by the United Nations and the chief executive is the Secretary who is selected by worldwide election.
    I think the ruling global capitalists now realize they don’t need to go that far. It will be more efficient to still have countries but use them purely as local administrative organizations. The US does not have a single municipal government administrating all its cities. There is no need for such a clumsy system because all cities are run by members of the same party with common ideas and policies.
    For the benefit of the global capitalist ruling class the future “countries” will simply all follow the same economic and social policies except for purely cosmetic local facades. Borders will be open; labor, capital, resources, and products will move freely between the “nations” in order to maximize efficiency and profits. The nations will increasingly lose their ethnic heterogeneous nature and the usual elite suspects will rule over a passive brown mob. Countries will be free to continue flying the old national flags, it’s just that those flags will have no more significance than the ones over Disneyland, and whichever the country, there will be a rainbow flag on the next pole.
    The vaguely National Socialist China is one of the last remaining stumbling blocks to this.

    Replies: @Rahan, @animalogic, @Old and Grumpy, @Rabbitnexus, @PJ London

    “Our race is the Master Race.
    We are divine gods on this planet.
    We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects.
    In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
    Other races are considered as human excrement.
    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races.
    Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.
    The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
    – Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982

    “What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him”
    Adolf Hitler

  • In March of 1960, white cops massacred 69 unarmed blacks in Sharpeville, South Africa. In 1961, uMkhonto we Sizwe [Spear of the Nation] was co-founded by Nelson Mandela to fight back against white racist rule. In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison. In 1976, between 176 and 700 black protesters were killed by...
  • @Rogue

    In March of 1960, white cops massacred 69 unarmed blacks in Sharpeville, South Africa.
    Some context is needed here.

    A couple of months before Sharpeville, an incident took place at a place called Cato Manor in South Africa, when a number of White and Black cops were set upon by a hostile Black crowd. Not only were these cops all killed, but their bodies were utterly mutilated afterwards.

    At Sharpeville a radical Black South African group (the PAC - also the same lot who organized the St James Church attack mentioned in the article) stirred up a large crowd to go demonstrate at the local police station or compound.

    They were instructed that their demonstration was illegal as no official authorisation had been granted, but they gathered anyway.

    After some time they pressed up against the fence of the police compound in an aggressive manner. This was not a peaceful demonstration. It might have begun as one but definitely became very hostile later on.

    Initially, there had been less than 20 cops at this police station, but eventually a much larger number of reinforcements were brought in.

    Officially, the crowd was only armed with stones, but I'm wary about that. Usually, when Black South Africans gathered in large numbers, they would often carry pangas (machetes) and assegaais (stabbing spears) and assorted other traditional weaponry. Some cops claim that some in the crowd had guns as well. Whilst unlikely, this crowd was many thousands strong, so who knows.

    As well, and still today even, many Blacks in SA believe in magic potions, which they acquire from sangomas (witch-doctors), that they believe will protect them from police bullets. I strongly suspect many in the crowd might have taken some of this muti (medicine or magic potion).

    Granted, the last 2 paragraphs are my own speculation, but not without foundation.

    In any event, the police commander told his men to not fire unless he gave the order to do so. However, a shot eventually rang out and with that the cops let fly with everything they had.

    The commander never did give the order to fire, so what happened? Some of the cops claimed a shot was fired at them from the crowd. Maybe, but more likely these nervous cops were thinking of the fate that had befallen their colleagues at Cato Manor just a couple of months previous, and one of them fired - either purposefully or by accident.

    Certainly, the optics of this mass shooting was bad, with the casualties including women and children, and many shot in the back as they were fleeing.

    But the popular notion that a crowd was peacefully demonstrating and then, for no apparent reason, the cops started gunning them down - is simply quite false.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Thank you.
    I was planning on commenting on the BS “Massacre” but you did a much better job.
    Please also tell our friend that there were no black slaves and no blacks at all when the Dutch arrived.
    Which is why they had to import Malays as slaves to work on the Dutch East India farms.
    The nearest “Blacks” were 300 kms away on the Fish and Kei rivers.
    The few Hottentot and San people quickly left for greener hunting grounds when the Dutch wanted to create agricultural land.
    You may also mention that the 1976 deaths were as a result of mobs of “Scholars” ages up to 25 started by killing police and burning them in dustbins. The reservists were called out and with dozens of dead cops, the police were not too fussy about how the violence was resolved.
    Not one reference was made to the deaths of the police which started the violence and response.

    “What then is, generally speaking, the truth of history? A fable agreed upon.” –
    Napoleon Bonaparte

    • Agree: Rogue
  • This must be the real Linh Dinh, a middling writer who has only one real talent, the ability to make the reader too disgusted to complain. It’s to what he always returns, even when he’s hinted at something greater.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • That was a mess.

    • Replies: @Wild Bill

    While it was not Linh's usual offering, I think it was a wonderful departure. Linh is clearly expanding his horizons on mankind. For us, the humble readers, it is a beautiful distraction from our own daily concerns and serves to place those concerns in a more suitable light of diminished importance. Whatever our battles may be, we can be more confident in winning them because we are not nearly as crazy as some of his subject matter.

  • The FBI has finally released its 2020 Uniform Crime Reporting data from most (but, as usual, not all) of the law enforcement agencies in the U.S. I concentrate on murders, the most accurately reported crime. Murders and non-negligent manslaughters were up a record-crushing 29.4%, in-line with my January 6, 2021 estimate: "Therefore, the national figure...
  • @Currahee
    Black population is 13.5% of America. Females outnumber males, but let's round up so roughly 6.8%
    are male.

    The majority of black males are under the age of 40. Criminality stats indicate the 15-39 age group of any race are probable offenders. So., roughly...

    3.4 % of Americans commit 56.5% of murders??

    Am I right or wrong?

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Rick Johnsmeyer, @Thomm, @Ron Mexico, @Anonymous, @Gugwee, @PJ London

    You are absolutely right, but you can analyse it further.
    Of that 3% (Black males 14-34) half have never had any trouble with school, parents or the law.
    Of the 1.5%, half again are only in trouble because of succumbing to peer pressure and lack of parental – school support. (remove the bad element peer pressure as below)
    This leaves less than 1% of the population responsible for (probably) 60% of all murders and and violent crime.
    Most of these commit their first offence before age 16. Let us be pessimistic and change to age 18.
    If ALL young black offenders below the age of 18 were put into a responsible program to rehabilitate and to separate them from bad influence to age 21 then violent crime could be reduced by 60-70%.
    There is no need to limit it to blacks, white offenders should be held to the same standard.
    The program must include schooling (up to junior college) with social service and responsibility.
    It must provide a means for competition and aggression to be used positively rather than negatively.
    It is not difficult to create such a program and you could reduce police departments countrywide by 50%.

  • Ross Welcome to Renegade Inc. With China's increasing wealth, Western investors want some of the action. One of those investors is a bullish gentleman called George Soros. However, the Chinese are acutely aware that with Western investment comes inequality. So as Beijing begins to rethink how to do proper economic growth, we ask, will China...
  • @Tjoe
    There is no "capital formation" for real entrepreneurs in the USA. Just try it. Build a better wigit and see if you can get money. Forget it....unless you suck a bankers wong and promise the moon.

    Here is my background. Engineering in industry, electrical eng at college level, business management degree, post grad entrepreneurship, working with Corp for Science and Technology, partner with company to make the product.....completed and debugged. Four years of investment and nothing.....equity or seed $. entirely unavailable. LIARS

    Show me a country where bankers are actually funding entrepreneurs to build tomorrow's business and doesn't happen. Capital formation is a game of tag and YOU will never win.

    Replies: @PJ London

    and should you start small enough and be smart enough to actually build a market for your product, the corporation will come and make you an offer “A rather small bag of gold, or total annihilation by lawfare, price warfare, and bribery of customers, suppliers and employees.”
    Been there, done that.

  • Great article.

    Soros is furious…

    Loosely expressed in mathematical terms, the Western economic model is a function that is very near to its upper limit.

    A limit of which Soros and his cronies are acutely aware.

    And the only way to increase this limit is to drag others into their casino by either swindling or coercing them into playing the same loosing game where only they can win, hence the “endless wars” and overt zeal to pull China, Russia, etc. to the table.

    It only remains to be seen what catalyst will blow away the smoke and mirrors and what form the inevitable, devastating collapse will take.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • Is there a policy to euthanize older patients in the hospital? Are older people being killed before their time? What is the role of the state in this dramatic policy-shift? Jacqui Deevoy is an investigative journalist who has interviewed over 50 whistleblowers who believe their parents or partners were euthanized while in hospital. While I...
  • Simple,
    Brussels 1,000 euros per night in a badly organised hospital with almost no care for a gastric infection. Highly paid and billed “Professor of medicine” as attending physician and he was clueless. Treated it as indigestion to all intents and purposes. Patient had returned from Africa 3 days before admission.

    Scotland, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 4 doctors and a dozen interns all agreed “It was in the mind.”
    Whilst the patient was not a ‘private’ patient, the consulting physicians were all on huge salaries as ‘Training’ consultants.

    ” It’s just that now, the inevitable results of such a barbaric system are “in yer face”. Give me a frickin’ break!”
    He makes false claims with no evidence or background.
    He is derisory to all who disagree with his ridiculous assertions.
    How is anything I said “Ironic”?
    I would guarantee that he has not had treatments in various countries or under various medical regimes and all his opinions are second hand culled from MSM.

  • David Lean’s epic anti-Communist romance Doctor Zhivago (1965) is a great and serious work of art. Doctor Zhivago was initially panned by the critics—probably not because it is a bad film, but because it was very bad for Communism. Nevertheless, it was immensely popular. It is still one of the highest grossing movies of all...
  • @Paul Greenwood
    @PJ London

    Scott Fitzgerald does develop characters in fewer pages by broad brush strokes like Jay Gatsby.

    He had a very light touch and could sketch the main features and characteristics remarkable quickly

    Replies: @PJ London

    True, which is why he stands out.
    But I am still bitterly disappointed that there was not another few hundred pages.

  • @Rogue
    @Priss Factor

    Most novels, even on big important subject, don’t need to be more than 200 pages.
    Hmm, well each to their own, but that I absolutely don't agree with. On the contrary, if a novel is good - an enjoyable read - then I like it if it's a solid 500 pages plus.

    Replies: @PJ London, @donut

    Absolutely agree. I hardly bother to begin a book that is less than 500 pages.
    To develop a character (or three) and set a plot cannot be done in just a few words except by a very few authors.
    I don’t want to dabble a toe in water, I want to plunge in and swim around.
    I want to be deeply disappointed that there are not another 500 pages.
    Unfortunately, most people want to just send a message.
    I prefer a letter to a telegram.
    All I am seeing is the Twitter generation, incapable of reflection or thought.
    EG Trump, Saunders, Johnson and Biden.

    • Agree: carroll price, Rogue
    • Replies: @Paul Greenwood
    @PJ London

    Scott Fitzgerald does develop characters in fewer pages by broad brush strokes like Jay Gatsby.

    He had a very light touch and could sketch the main features and characteristics remarkable quickly

    Replies: @PJ London

  • @Priss Factor
    @Weston Waroda

    Of course the works of Dostoevsky, in my opinion the number one novelist of all time, and Tolstoy, the runner up, are incomparable.
    I read WAR AND PEACE just to say I did. Sure, it's a great novel, but I forgot it the moment I finished it. It just didn't stick. Also, I can't say I'm a fan of long novels. Most novels, even on big important subject, don't need to be more than 200 pages. There was once a time when tome-sized big novels held much prestige, like grand operas and long symphonies and monumental architecture.

    DOCTOR ZHIVAGO the movie is short on the Russian soul thing. Too tidy and neat despite the length and scale. It is like a well-heeled dog in a big bear costume. Bondarchuk's near-ten-hour WAR AND PEACE has the Russian-Soul thing but what a shapeless mess it is. It has great battle scenes but drowns under layers and layers of solemnity and third-rate mysticism.

    The Russian Soul thing can be a burden. Unless done right, it just comes off as heavy and dull. Solzhenitsyn's Big Books seem mired in that stuff. He wanted to be the modern day equivalent of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky rolled into one, and it was all too much. How many bothered to read the Red Wheel?

    ANDREI RUBLEV and SIBERAIDE are the two greatest Russian epics. Konchalovsky had a hand in both... but he did some piss poor work in the West and later in Russia.

    Replies: @Colin Wright, @James J O'Meara, @Alan Orsborn, @Rogue, @Dave Bowman

    Most novels, even on big important subject, don’t need to be more than 200 pages.

    Hmm, well each to their own, but that I absolutely don’t agree with. On the contrary, if a novel is good – an enjoyable read – then I like it if it’s a solid 500 pages plus.

    • Agree: PJ London, TTSSYF, donut
    • Replies: @PJ London

    Absolutely agree. I hardly bother to begin a book that is less than 500 pages.
    To develop a character (or three) and set a plot cannot be done in just a few words except by a very few authors.
    I don't want to dabble a toe in water, I want to plunge in and swim around.
    I want to be deeply disappointed that there are not another 500 pages.
    Unfortunately, most people want to just send a message.
    I prefer a letter to a telegram.
    All I am seeing is the Twitter generation, incapable of reflection or thought.
    EG Trump, Saunders, Johnson and Biden.

    Replies: @Paul Greenwood

    , @donut

    When I'm really enjoying a story I like the fact that I can read as much as I want and see "oh 300 pages more" , I don't have to ration it to make it last .

  • @Priss Factor
    @Weston Waroda

    Of course the works of Dostoevsky, in my opinion the number one novelist of all time, and Tolstoy, the runner up, are incomparable.
    I read WAR AND PEACE just to say I did. Sure, it's a great novel, but I forgot it the moment I finished it. It just didn't stick. Also, I can't say I'm a fan of long novels. Most novels, even on big important subject, don't need to be more than 200 pages. There was once a time when tome-sized big novels held much prestige, like grand operas and long symphonies and monumental architecture.

    DOCTOR ZHIVAGO the movie is short on the Russian soul thing. Too tidy and neat despite the length and scale. It is like a well-heeled dog in a big bear costume. Bondarchuk's near-ten-hour WAR AND PEACE has the Russian-Soul thing but what a shapeless mess it is. It has great battle scenes but drowns under layers and layers of solemnity and third-rate mysticism.

    The Russian Soul thing can be a burden. Unless done right, it just comes off as heavy and dull. Solzhenitsyn's Big Books seem mired in that stuff. He wanted to be the modern day equivalent of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky rolled into one, and it was all too much. How many bothered to read the Red Wheel?

    ANDREI RUBLEV and SIBERAIDE are the two greatest Russian epics. Konchalovsky had a hand in both... but he did some piss poor work in the West and later in Russia.

    Replies: @Colin Wright, @James J O'Meara, @Alan Orsborn, @Rogue, @Dave Bowman

    ‘How many bothered to read the Red Wheel?’

    I’ve read August 1914 at least twice. Great stuff. Two of the sequels as well.

    I tend to see the books as a reversal of the usual historical novel. Your typical historical novel — whether it’s War and Peace or Gone with the Wind — uses history as a framework for a ripping good yarn. No one reads War and Peace worrying about whether Tolstoy’s characterization of Napoleon is accurate — we want to know how things are going to turn out for Natasha. Is Margaret Mitchell’s version of Reconstruction accurate? Who cares!

    Solzhenitsyn’s works do the opposite. The novel becomes a device to tell history; was it Vorotynsky who was the central character in August 1914? Who cares! The story is that of the Battle of Tannenberg. Don’t look for Scarlett O’Hara; she isn’t there.

    As it happens, I enjoy reading history; and so The Red Wheel is mighty fine. Up there with To Lose a Battle and An Army at Dawn.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • Russian film is not like American film.
    Tarkovsky’s father was a great poet – we have had great poets in America, none of them have ever had any children with any interest in going into film.
    Nabokov hated the novel because Nabokov saw it as propaganda – filled with lies about how people behaved and what they loved. Well, I have read many novels in Russian, and I have no desire to read this one, not because Nabokov did not like it but because I know in my heart that Pasternak was a poet, and I seriously doubt that he was a novelist.
    Nobody has ever seriously cared about the political beliefs of women who were beautiful in their youth.
    That being said, any film with Ralph Richardson in it is worth watching. Olivier was a good actor but obviously someone too full of himself, (probably because he put p… on a pedestal, as people like him too often do) and Gielgud was a good actor but he was, in his heart, just a character actor, not someone who UNDERSTOOD THE WORLD, a world where men love women and vice versa (in other words, not the world he lived in).
    Ralph Richardson, on the other hand, could have played a janitor or a king with the same soul, and could have made us believe it.
    So many movies are fun to watch, but when we think about it, there were only a few moments of art in them.

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @James J O'Meara
    @very old statistician

    "... any film with Ralph Richardson in it is worth watching. ... Ralph Richardson... could have played a janitor or a king with the same soul, and could have made us believe it."

    True that.

    , @Franz
    @very old statistician

    That being said, any film with Ralph Richardson in it is worth watching.
    Very true. And a damn shame he died too early to be one of the truly great wizards of the screen, for Lord of the Rings, for instance. But he gave it a go for one of his last outings, Dragonslayer in 1981.

    The very funniest Russian novel I ever read cannot be made into a movie -- politics has rendered it obsolete. But if you haven't, the late Vasily Aksyonov made great science fiction in The Island of Crimea.

    Another film for after Dr V might very well be Nicholas and Alexandra. Franklin Schaffner had a string of hits going for him till he ended it with this massive, beautiful and tragic end of the entire ruling family. It bombed, but it was an honest failure. Nobody in 1971 wanted to see the gruesome work of communism up close. For those of us who saw it later, it's an unmatched classic of ugliness destroying the beautiful.
    , @Anon
    @very old statistician

    So many movies are fun to watch, but when we think about it, there were only a few moments of art in them.
    "There's no such thing as art, only artists", a quote from Mind in the Cave by James David Lewis-Williamson.

    Replies: @ThreeCranes

  • @Currahee

    Julie was a raving commie and the inspiration (his girlfriend at the time) for Beatty's "Reds".

    Replies: @PJ London

    How is this relevant to her acting ability?
    Tom Cruise happens to be a scientologist, so what?

    • Replies: @Currahee
    @PJ London

    Just sayin' she was a red. A beautiful beyond belief red and an excellent actress red.
    But a red.

  • In my decades as galley slave in Washington’s journalistic sludge fleets, I occasionally encountered conspiracy theories, such as the Second Shooter who got JFK, and that FDR intentionally let the Japs blow up Pearl Harbor, and of many sightings of alien space ships. Various psychic oddities dwelling in the crevices of the Potomac Rome worried...
  • @Jack Sparrow

    I mostly agree except there is no such thing as gain of function. If that is the case then if and when such a virus were to get loose it would quickly kill everyone on the planet, especially at the speed coronaviruses mutate. This is a myth and has never been achieved. The proof being we are mostly all still alive. The gain of function myth was promoted by the perpetrators of the hoax to focus some people on China. China is surely part of the whole thing but mainly by helping to gaslight the public. They put on a show of locking down, so our media told us this is what we had to do as well. The whole welding doors was the best piece of theater ever. Gain of function I believe was also dreamt up as a cover for the vaccine damage which more and more will look like a virus mutating to become more deadly. Thus the story about variants or strains or whatever you want to call the vax damage. If such a thing as gain of function actually had been achieved then there would be no need for the kill shot.

    Replies: @PJ London

    You completely misunderstand the term “Gain of Function”. (GoF)
    It refers to add a facility or capability to an existing entity.
    For instance taking a car and giving it the ability to float and move in water creates a new entity which is amphibious.
    A virus which would normally die after say, 48 hours without a host could be made to survive 96 hours. That would be a gain of function. It does not mean that it would then automatically or spontaneously gain the function to survive indefinitely.
    Similarly giving a virus the ability to enter a body through the skin and not via the lungs would be a ‘GoF’, as with many poisons that have to be ingested rather than merely touched.
    The amphibian car will not spontaneously be able to fly.

  • New data shows that them niggas out there be wilin, with many suggesting they are wilin like a muffagguh out of this bitch. Daily Mail: So the murder rate rose almost three times more than any previous murder rate rise in history? [image][F]
  • @El Dato

    blacks are commuting “suicide” by hanging themselves
    Interesting idea. One could instituitionalize public "final transport". It would be like commuting to a burn pit.

    Industrialized Epsteinification.

    Replies: @CelestiaQuesta, @PJ London

    I sort of wondered about that.
    I assume that the blacks are only hanging from trees in the suburbs as they had cut them all down in the ‘hoods’.
    Apparently street lamps are not classy enough to hang from.

  • In boxing, there are bangers and dancers, but the very best, a Meldrick Taylor, say, could concuss and rupture yet still pirouette with finesse. If you waltz too much, you’ll lose fans. Even with a perfect record of 50-0, cake walking Floyd Mayweather has detractors. South African Corrie Sanders was no juking pussy. Although his...
  • @Cutler

    " Imagine a South Africa that was still about 20-25 % white, and overall prosperous "
    I think we might see that with an independent Western Cape in the near future with a bit of luck. The RSA can not carry on so it will break up in time.

    Replies: @Curmudgeon

    The break-up started, but is not recognized.
    Note the Zulus and Bantus are not original inhabitants of South Africa, but their colonization is OK.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • @Alfred
    I confess that I worry about Linh. I think he is pushing his luck. I will not relax until he goes somewhere safer. It is difficult to reason with idiots in the street.

    In 1990, I visited Lagos, Nigeria. Nine of the most exciting days of my life. Raytheon had sent me to Lagos as a project manager. I was to install a check-in system at their new airport. The CRT screens had to be hand-painted black in the USA - at an enormous markup. I was very naive at the time. I guess they could not find anyone else prepared to go there. I had lost all my savings in the Iranian Revolution - the banks got burnt and the money became worthless.

    One day, I was walking down a busy street in Lagos. There were hundreds of Blacks milling about. A huge muscular guy blocked my path. He asked me my religion. I knew that if I were to say Protestant or Catholic, he would find a way to start an argument with me. I quickly told him that I was Muslim. While he was trying to digest my reply, I bypassed him and walked a little faster - but not fast enough for him to think that I was running away from him. 🤣

    During the late 1980s and 1990s, the international terminal had a reputation of being a dangerous airport. From 1992 through 2000, the US Federal Aviation Administration posted warning signs in all US international airports advising travelers that security conditions at Lagos Airport did not meet ICAO minimum standards. In 1993, the FAA suspended air service between Lagos and the United States. During this period, security at LOS continued to be a serious problem.[9] Travelers arriving in Lagos were harassed both inside and outside of the airport terminal by criminals. Airport staff contributed to its reputation. Immigration officers required bribes before stamping passports, while customs agents demanded payment for nonexistent fees. In addition, several jet airplanes were attacked by criminals who stopped planes taxiing to and from the terminal and robbed their cargo holds.

    Murtala Muhammed International Airport

    Many airlines stopped briefly in Lagos before going to Abidjan for the night - they were afraid for the safety of their crew. The night guard of the British Caledonian (now British Airways) office had a bow with poisoned arrows. I am not joking.

    Replies: @PJ London, @Irish Savant, @Mirandaman

    Similar thing happened in Belfast in the 80s.
    Guy walking down the street was grabbed from behind, had a knife pressed to his throat and was asked “Are you Catholic or Protestant?”
    Thinking quickly, he replied “No I am Jewish!”

    “At last, Allah be praised.”

  • @gT
    @PJ London

    How do you explain the majority coloured population in the Northern Cape then, the Malays never even reached there. Agreed the "Blacks" were literally a thousand kilometers away from Cape Town.

    And if the Malays were in the Cape in such numbers, then Afrikaans was developed by them as a form of pidgin Dutch, I don't think the Afrikaners will be happy with that. The Malays were always a minority in the Cape. I'll post a few links about the Khoisan once I find them.

    Replies: @gT, @PJ London

    The Dutch imported hundreds of Malays from the Dutch East Indies to be workers in the Cape .
    There were as many Malay as Dutch.
    I live and owned businesses in the Cape.
    The Griqua, Hottentot and Bushmen fled from the Dutch and ran-moved to the N Cape.
    Which is why the people of Kimberly, Prieska are totally different from the Cape Coloureds. It also explains why the Cape Coloured are one hell of lot smarter than the average black.

    Afrikaans is not a form of pidgin Dutch. It is a natural change to language in a remote population.
    The Malay did not develop Afrikaans, the Dutch did and as Malays were slaves-servants they had to adopt the language.
    Current Dutch in the Netherlands is a long way from “Hoog Hollands” as spoken in the 1700s.Holland has dropped the double negative and softened the guttural hard “G”.

    • Replies: @Truth
    @PJ London

  • @Adûnâi
    @Leander Starr

    > "Africa is fine. People are mostly more polite than in the west."

    ...or go on 4plebs and search gore.

    Back in 1985, I had as a roommate in San Rafael, California, USA, a former soldier from El Salvador. He boasted stories of his killings, and even assassinations (as a paid assassin after the war). He also told me how he had watched, when combating the guerrilla fighters in El Salvador, other soldiers skinning alive a guerrilla fighter, and another plucking out another fighter’s eye with a spoon.

    The bourgeois WNsts don’t realize that they live in a greenhouse like orchids reading essays about Batman on Counter-Currents: a greenhouse’s glass that’s about to be shattered and they’ll have to deal with the wild vegetation outside.

    Replies: @Bert, @PJ London

    News Flash : : : El Salvador is not in Africa ! ! !

    In general and except when rioting Africa is much more polite than most countries.
    Basically, as Heinlein wrote, “An armed society is a polite society.”
    When the taxi that you are cutting in front of has an AK47, or a dozen machete wielding passengers you tend to make allowance for the remote possibility of “Road Rage”.
    But Africans generally respect age and seniority. They are less likely to jump queues or push aside women and children. They value ‘community’.
    Their culture is not your culture (whether in the Congo or Chicago) but it is a culture.

  • @sb
    Yes South Africa has become a shithole corrupt dangerous place Although still a place that is envied by most Africans . These things are relative I guess .

    The whites are not without blame . They wanted a cheap worker underclass to do those jobs which whites found distasteful or just wouldn't do . Middle class whites lived very well for a long time

    I've met plenty of Seth Efricens (in Australia mostly ) and they tell tales of white tradesmen having their "boy" to carry around their tools . Whereas Australia decided early on that if you want a white country ( those were the days ) you needed to have whites do all the jobs no matter how distasteful (and costly ) so Australia had white plantation workers cutting sugar cane for instance ( most were Italian who now dominate this industry )

    Of course white people everywhere are still making stupid decisions which will be disastrous for our grandchildren . But so long as the shit hits the fan when we are probably gone then nothing to worry about seems to be the prevailing attitude

    My gratuitous advice to whites in southern Africa is to move to the Cape region and live a totally white only life and hopefully become the significant group in that region

    Replies: @PJ London

    You are so totally ignorant and wrong that it is hardly worth commenting.
    “Black workers” are not a cheap labour force, they cost far more than they are worth and always have done.
    Oh wow White tradesmen had “Boys” who carried their tools! Have you ever seen tradesmen in other countries? They have youngsters who carry their tools around for them and fetch and carry bricks and pipe and pretty much everything.
    The only machines that the “Boys” can operate are brooms and shovels and if you want even that job done correctly then you better do it yourself.
    It was always a welfare operation to keep them from starving.
    The Cape region in the late 80s was White and coloureds who shared white aspirations and wanted white culture (but with a lot more alcohol and humour). The World Council of Churches under Boesak and Tutu bussed tens of thousand of Xhosa from the villages of the Eastern Cape onto the flat sands outside the Cape Town airport. They dumped them so that the Cape could not become a “White” refuge. As fast as the police rounded them up, put them on lorries and took them back to Transkei, they were back in the WCC busses faster than the cops could get back to Cape Town in their lorries. Langa and Kyalitsha are still among the worst slums in the world as the government needs angry foot-soldiers to frighten the whites.
    In case you did not notice, Linh is in Cape Town which just coincidentally is in the Cape. It is hardly a “totally white only life” as he eloquently points out.
    I have lived and worked in 6 African countries, 7 European countries and in the Middle East, I have enjoyed all of them but I am back in SA as it is the without doubt the most vibrant and exciting country I have ever been to.
    The people, all colours are incredible. Yes the Black may (usually when in a group) attack and rob you, but it has not happened to me yet and I have lived in the country for about 40 years. When they are not attacking they have a wonderful sense of humour and a society which is a sharing and happy one. By being willing to share my good fortune and by listening instead of judging and lecturing, they have always been respectful and supportive of me. (I had a company which employed about 100). Their petty theft and pilfering were on a par with that of the white employees and much less than my Indian employees.
    All I have left is memories and a small pension but I would not live anywhere else.

    • Thanks: Rogue
  • @Ray Caruso

    Since January of this year, 83 taxi van drivers in Cape Town have been killed by a rival company.
    That is the most impressive statement in this whole article or in any article I have read recently. Cape Town, once a pleasant city in a magnificent setting and with a wonderful climate, has fully turned into a jungle as a consequence of its cession to African savages. I was still a teenager and had never been to South Africa when Apartheid ended. Even though I knew that was nothing to celebrate, I didn't think things were going to be this bad after a mere quarter of a century. This should be an object lesson to Whites: living under non-Whites is always going to be worse than you think.

    Replies: @PJ London

    The Taxi industry is a “Mafia” style gang-run operation. Routes are allocated by way of AK47s and are defended and fought over.
    However I saw exactly the same (minus the AKs) in Romania and Bulgaria, and in London with only slightly more civilised negotiations.
    The destruction of all municipal and state transport systems is to destroy the competition and force commuters into taxi buses.
    The cops have given up primarily because the taxi warlords are also members of parliament.

  • @WJ
    The thought that a decaying dangerous dung hole, SA is a better place to be than the USA is both absurd and terrifying. Don't get me wrong , the USA is circling the drain but we aren't anywhere close to 94 percent non-white and given my druthers I would take a squatamalan over any single refugee from the putrid collapsed sewer that is Africa.

    Replies: @Ace

    About a decade ago, a white American set out from Cape Town to travel up the west coast to Morocco. He got to Angola but wisely gave it up in the face of the menacing young men he encountered there.

    I grew up in Namibia in the ’50s and it was much different, to say the least. SW Africa was always a more relaxed version of South Africa. The black refinery workers saw my father off with a song when he retired. Their voices were something else. Our gardner was particularly fond of me and like to carry me around on his shoulders. There was one South African policeman in town.

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @houston 1992

    but small towns along the coast of Africa very livable to a tourist or inland places such as Stellenbosch.....

    Replies: @Ace

    , @F. Galton

    As documented in Paul Theroux's book "The Last Train to Zona Verde". I think Theroux made it to northern Angola, and then decided he had a good chance of dying if he continued north into the Congo, so he abandoned his trip.

    His description of the German expat community in coastal Namibia was interesting. I expect they're still there.

  • @gT
    The Blacks are all very, very new to Cape Town. The Blacks in Cape Town mostly come from the Eastern Cape, which they have destroyed, and then they come to Cape Town to destroy it as well. Its like with the Democrats in the States, they flee the crashing Blue States to go and stay in the stable Red States, and then probably try to crash the Red States as well. The foreign Blacks from further north in Africa also love Cape Town, because there are almost no Zulus who actively kill them in Cape Town.

    Its Government policy that Blacks should get like 80% of the jobs, even though the Coloureds (99% who are of Khoisan heritage, not Mulatto) are the majority in both the Northern and Western Cape. The KhoiSan are the oldest people on Earth, as has been verified by carbon dating on rock paintings across Southern Africa. Even if the DA were running the Government, a similar policy would be pursued, because both the DA and the ANC ultimately report to the same overseas masters. So diversity is strength is the reigning motto, not diversity is a disaster. The Cape is diverse enough already, it doesn't need more diversity.

    The Central Government also tries by all means to ensure that the Cape does not develop, money is rather spent on the other provinces where its going to be squandered anyway (either via corruption or burning whatever is built). If the DA were given control of the ports, policing and the railways in the Western Cape things would be much better, because the DA is able to competently organise matters with ease, unlike the central ANC government. But the central Government does not like to be outshone by a regional government, so is very happy with Cape Town's decline.

    But I'm still betting that the USA is going to crash before South Africa does, so South Africa is the best place to be.

    Replies: @Sarah, @PJ London

    No, the coloured are primarily descended from the Malay slaves and whites, not Khoisan or Hottentot.
    The “Blacks” were 300 kms away beyond the Fish and Kei rivers.

    • Replies: @gT
    @PJ London

    How do you explain the majority coloured population in the Northern Cape then, the Malays never even reached there. Agreed the "Blacks" were literally a thousand kilometers away from Cape Town.

    And if the Malays were in the Cape in such numbers, then Afrikaans was developed by them as a form of pidgin Dutch, I don't think the Afrikaners will be happy with that. The Malays were always a minority in the Cape. I'll post a few links about the Khoisan once I find them.

    Replies: @gT, @PJ London

    , @Druid55
    @PJ London

    Tou obviously haven’t met many coloured in SA. That’s an idiotic statement!

  • We are now out of Afghanistan. This is such a relief after twenty years of futility, Joe Biden has been getting thanks from some surprising people—Ann Coulter and Richard Spencer, for example. I'm as glad as they are. But I think the appalling mess Biden's people made of the evacuation cancels out any gratitude due...
  • “No matter how cynical I get I just can’t keep up.”
    Nora Ephron

  • Ivermectin: Horse hockey vs. truth Shhhhh. The information I’m about to share with you is dangerous and subversive. You cannot publish it on social media platforms without risking scary labels and permanent suspensions. You and anyone you discuss this topic with will be called anti-science “kooks,” “conspiracy theorists,” or “quacks.” So be it. I’ve been...
  • The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association,

    Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have utilized Ivermectin during the pandemic. He stated: “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing Ivermectin once a year with countries who do not give Ivermectin… they don’t give Ivermectin to prevent COVID but to prevent parasitic disease… if we look at COVID numbers in countries that give Ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4/100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000.”

    In 2019, Japan’s death rate from influenza amounted to 2.9 death cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

    The Tokyo Medical Association chairman compared statistics from African countries that did use Ivermectin yearly with those that did not: “Now African countries which do not distribute Ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000.”

    So treating a population once per YEAR with Ivermectin reduces Covid deaths from 29.3 per 100,000 to 2.2 per 100,000.

    What is there to discuss?

    • Agree: aj54
  • Jared Taylor and his co-host talk about Jamar Newton, who wore an edifying T-shirt as he attacked a subway rider. The hosts also discuss diversity mania in diverse settings, Mollie Tibbetts, Imran Rasheed, Michel Barnier, and the de facto urban victory dance.
  • The correct response is to put a period after the word history.
    As in “I am Black.”
    “No you are history. Bang!”

    • LOL: Jim Christian
  • When President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress on Dec. 8, 1941, the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the country was united behind him. The America First Committee, the largest anti-war movement in our history, which had the backing of President Herbert Hoover and future Presidents John F. Kennedy and Gerald Ford, was...
  • @Ram
    Biden at least brought the troops home, unlike Trump who lacked the spine to do so after he had promised to do so before being elected. He realised soon enough that he was just a figurehead and the government would still function without him.

    Replies: @PJ London

    What part of May 1 2021 do you not understand?

  • ‘Though the Trump wing of the GOP favored an earlier pullout’ — Pat Buchanan

    ‘Favored’ is a flagrantly misleading word, Mr Buchanan. A withdrawal deadline of May 1, 2021 was AGREED with the Taliban last year, whether anyone ‘favored’ it or not.

    When ‘Biden’ unilaterally extended the deadline to Sep 11 — because he thought it would be kinda quirky and cool and symbolic — the Taliban warned of consequences for failing to respect the agreed-upon May 1 deadline.

    Primitive as they may be, the Taliban possess a concept of honor and keeping one’s word which simply doesn’t exist in the perfidious, ‘non-agreement capable’ US fedgov.

    In his entire political career, Windsock Joe Biden never stuck to a position on anything, ever. He was known as our nation’s first invertebrate vice president.

    It is a bit unfair to castigate Joe for checking his watch during the solemn ceremony at Dover Air Force base. He was merely trying to find out what day it was.

    But as a distressed Joe confessed to Dr Jill in the car afterward, ‘it’s just a bunch of numbers.’

    • Agree: Max Maxwell, PJ London
    • Replies: @Rurik
    @Jim H

    ‘Though the Trump wing of the GOP favored an earlier pullout’ — Pat Buchanan

    ‘Favored’ is a flagrantly misleading word, Mr Buchanan. A withdrawal deadline of May 1, 2021 was AGREED with the Taliban last year, whether anyone ‘favored’ it or not.
    the Trump wing of the GOP is the anti-war wing.

    It's the Ron Paul wing, and to a lesser extent, the Rand Paul wing.

    It's the pro-Heritage America wing, and the anti-Great Replacement wing.

    It's the America first wing, and tariffs and borders and law and order.

    Perhaps the best way to describe the Trump wing of the GOP, is to say what it isn't.

    It is not the Mitt, Jeb!, Marco, McConnell, Lindsey, Paul Ryan, Bush crime family, wars for Israel, Dick or especially – Liz-ard Cheney – wing of the GOP.

    It is, in fact- a repudiation of that wing, otherwise known as the neocohen wing. The neocohens believe America exists to wage wars for Israel. The neocohens believe that white Americans are privileged racists and white supremacists (and latent Nazis) that MUST, at ALL costs, be replaced with non-white immigrants as soon as humanly possible.

    The Trump wing disagrees, and therein lies the rub.

    So yea, as far as the Trump wing of the GOP is concerned, America had no business being in Afghanistan in the first place, other than to avenge 9/11 (something we have all since learned Afghanistan had nothing to do with). And so getting out, ASAP was a fundamental tenet of their mandate.

    Just as America had no business bombing Iraq or Libya or Syria or anywhere else, that didn't threaten or harm Americans.

    That is the motivating force of the Trump wing of the GOP.

    In many ways, the exact opposite of the neocohen wing, which with the Democrats appointment of Lizard Cheney to the 'Jan 6 commission', just goes to show the neocohen wing and the DNC are two peas in a (((pod))).

    And the Trump wing, is the nation's only alternative to that deepstate power structure. Often, ironically in spite of Donald Trump, who is just as often at odds with the Trump wing, as are the Democrats and neocohens. The Trump wing isn't about Trump. He's merely a figurehead. Rather it's about all the other stuff, like immigration, and Eternal Wars for Israel, and Climate Justice idiocy, and BLM and white America being menaced and injected and oppressed- by thier own government.

    For the record.

    Replies: @Randy Dazzler

  • The evacuation of Americans and at least some vulnerable Afghans from Kabul has ended without further mishap, though questions remain about who might have been left behind in the poorly planned and executed operation. A badly damaged President Joe Biden has sought to regain the high ground by swearing vengeance against the presumed perpetrators of...
  • Bennett’s white house meeting was “Bomb Iran, Bomb Iran, Bomb Iran, Bomb Iran,” which was so enervating that Biden fell asleep in the middle of it.
    He has perhaps heard it before, like for the last 50 years.
    As stated by another, UN will never green-light an attack on Iran, no matter what the circumstances. So Israel-US would have to go it alone. NATO will not participate no matter the circumstances. UK may follow US-Israel but it will cause any government that does so, to fall. Its’ contribution would be effectively nil.
    If the US stood back for even 48 hours, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Saudi, Kuwait and Turkey will turn Israel into a parking lot.
    There is 75 years of anger and humiliation to be paid for.
    Israel is right, the longer they wait the less chance of success in beating Iran. But as there is no chance now, it just becomes whether they lose in 72 hours or 12.

  • A few weeks back I wrote a column suggesting that Jews have become successful because they are smart. I confess that I did it in the spirit of a small boy poking a wasps’ nest and running like hell. I am a bad person, but it is more interesting than accountancy. The Devil makes me...
  • @Intelligent Dasein
    @PJ London

    I'm pretty sure you don't have your head up your ass. Even your ass would know better than this.

    Replies: @PJ London

    I don’t have an ass, only a donkey and two zebra.

  • @mocissepvis
    @PJ London

    A jew gets assistance, charity, a gentile gets screwed. This tends to cause resentment.
    Speaking of Jews and charity, has anyone seen the ads on Newsmax (and probably other cable channels as well) for the Jewish charity targeted at goyim that begs them for money to support starving, neglected, elderly Ashkenazis in Israel? The obvious message is that Jews refuse to take care of their own elderly, so let the naive, simpleminded, big-hearted goyim take up the slack. Evangelitards by the tens of thousands are no doubt this "charity's" sole donor base.

    Replies: @PJ London, @Thomas Covenant Unbeliever

    If you are really, really nice (meaning generous) to his relatives then Jesus keeps a special place for you to play your harp and sing Kumbaya.
    It is a wonderful scam as you are being twice blessed you are both poor and meek.

    • Replies: @Intelligent Dasein
    @PJ London

    I'm pretty sure you don't have your head up your ass. Even your ass would know better than this.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • In my last two articles, I pointed out the obvious, that war profiteers, whorish politicians and Jewish social engineers are destroying America. (If this is still news to you, then you are either an infant or a world-class moron.) My indictment didn’t sit well with several commenters, however, so I was accused of being, among...
  • @Alfred
    @PJ London

    Beautiful one-up-manship

    Sorry. I just could not help it. It was too tempting. :(

    I did make a mistake however. The plane was coming from Washington. The World Bank was paying the fare. He was a director. I have not been in touch with my brother for over 20 years. We have nothing in common.

    My car did attract a lot of attention from the French police and customs, but that is another story. My younger brother told our parents that I was in the drug business. It only cost $15,000 new. Today, a car of the same vintage in good condition and with 100,000 miles on the clock is more expensive on eBay.

    Replies: @PJ London

    “My car did attract a lot of attention from the French police and customs,” :
    Your brother obviously spoke to more than just your parents.

    • LOL: Alfred
  • @Rogue
    @PJ London

    "Sorry officer, I'm from South Africa, didn't know you needed a seat-belt."

    Used that excuse several times in the UK.

    Did backfire on me once when the cop told me I was talking BS as he'd recently been to SA, but I still got away with it.

    Must be my natural charm.

    Replies: @PJ London

    The thing is that the Brits could never understand the SA attitude towards “The Law”.
    As I say, life is too short to explain South Africa.
    They have completely lost the concept of “individual responsibility”. They love the “Nanny state”.
    They have no concept of ‘culture’ and that people like their culture, not yours.
    I ran my business where I was ‘Nkosi’ not the manager.
    This brought enormous responsibilities towards them, which I fulfilled. They wanted to know in 1992 why I could not be president.
    They will never understand why a 6 year old can give directions to a team of workers, and have the workers say “yes boss”.
    They think it is out of fear and will never understand it is out of respect for the fact he is smarter than they are.
    Although born and raised in England, I gave up and came “Home”.

  • @Alfred
    @PJ London

    Many many years ago I drove from Heathrow in a hired car, and was pulled over after about 3 miles by a Cop who wanted to give me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.

    Many years ago, I was driving my red Porsche 944 from Central London to Heathrow. The car had Luxembourg number plates.

    An unmarked police car with two cops stopped me for no reason. They wanted to know why I was driving to the airport. No joke! I told them that I was picking up my older brother who was arriving from New York. At that very moment, a Concorde did a majestic pass overhead. I told them my brother was on that plane. They shut up and let me go. 🤣

    Replies: @PJ London

    Beautiful one-up-manship.
    “I had a Porsche, my brother flies Concorde.”
    With pictures in case we did not know what they were.
    Good one Alf.

    • Agree: BorisMay
    • Replies: @ursovelho
    @PJ London

    The car depicted in the picture has California, not Luxemburg, tags.

    , @Alfred
    @PJ London

    Beautiful one-up-manship

    Sorry. I just could not help it. It was too tempting. :(

    I did make a mistake however. The plane was coming from Washington. The World Bank was paying the fare. He was a director. I have not been in touch with my brother for over 20 years. We have nothing in common.

    My car did attract a lot of attention from the French police and customs, but that is another story. My younger brother told our parents that I was in the drug business. It only cost $15,000 new. Today, a car of the same vintage in good condition and with 100,000 miles on the clock is more expensive on eBay.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • @Alfred
    @PJ London

    South Africa is the country that proved that AIDS does not exist and that HIV is harmless.

    I had an English friend who was one of the first to die of "HIV/AIDS" in the UK. He was extraordinarily promiscuous. When I shared an office with him in Tehran, before he fell ill, he told me that he averaged 4-5 sexual episodes with strangers per day when he was in London. What really shocked me was that he did this frequently in Holland Park - I lived next to this park as a student and never noticed anything untoward.

    When he fell ill, he was interviewed and his photo was on the cover of a Sunday Times Colour Supplement. In the interview within, he complained that the doctors were useless as they did not know what his problem was. He did not mention his sexual proclivity or activities.

    I am beginning to suspect that the HIV virus is possibly a "passenger virus". It might be just a marker for people who are going to later fall ill and die from other causes - TB, cancer. liver disease, cardiovascular disease etc.

    Some places in Southern Africa have (allegedly) off the scale values for deaths from HIV/AIDS. But I am open to being persuaded otherwise.

    Death Rate Per 100,000 by Country

    Replies: @PJ London, @jimmyriddle

    In the early 8os US industry using Amyl Nitrite as a solvent or cleaner, found workers getting sick and dying of Cancer. The FDA investigated and as always with the FDA decided in favour of the money and declared AN safe.
    AN has the side effect of prolonging orgasm (or something) and was marketed as “Poppers”.
    When hundreds of homosexual males started developing Karposi’s Carcinomas, there was an investigation. About 45% of the men were HIV positive, +95% of the men were recreational drug users including Poppers. If Poppers were identified as the cause, then the FDA would have been liable and each of the possible 2-3 million homosexuals would have had grounds for claiming the medical costs (est. \$2m per person) for terminal care.
    IDS scam. It was much cheaper than the \$6 – 10 trillion that would have been paid to care for all the Homosexuals.
    Unsurprisingly HIV was blamed and not AN.
    Instead of stopping the problem immediately, Poppers are still being sold to keep it going.
    AIDS also had the effect of isolating and alienating people from each other people and sex became a baad thing rather than an enjoyable good thing.

    Frankfurt School (1941-6)
    1. The creation of racism offences.
    2. Continual change to create confusion
    3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

    One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of
    ‘pansexualism’ ~ the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.

    To further their aims they would:
    • attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
    • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
    • abolish all forms of male dominance ~ hence the presence of women in the armed forces
    • declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
    ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’

    • Replies: @Alfred
    @PJ London

    AN has the side effect of prolonging orgasm (or something) and was marketed as “Poppers”.

    That is very interesting. My friend did mention taking something like that to amplify the orgasm. I am very glad that I never accepted his invitation to try out the MSM thing or these poppers. :)

  • @Craig Nelsen
    @PJ London

    Many many years ago I drove from Heathrow in a hired car, and was pulled over after about 3 miles by a Cop who wanted to give me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
    I knew a South African who routinely avoided speeding tickets in the USA by handing the cop his South African driver's licence. And he always drove 100 mph.

    Replies: @PJ London

    We had pocket sized Identity Books, when travelling in the US we would pull them out along with our wallets. They looked very much like FBI identity books. We often got a free drink or meal but also asked not to come back.

  • A few weeks back I wrote a column suggesting that Jews have become successful because they are smart. I confess that I did it in the spirit of a small boy poking a wasps’ nest and running like hell. I am a bad person, but it is more interesting than accountancy. The Devil makes me...
  • I had always thought Fred to be rather smart but his articles on the Jews means he is either purposely dissembling or he has had a ghost writer for several years and he is actually stupid.
    The Jews have been reviled in societies where being clever was of no great advantage.
    They have been reviled in societies where wealth was not the basic measure of a man.
    They have been banished from 200 societies for their behaviour not because they are Jewish.
    I detest the majority of Jews not for who they are, but for what they do.
    The primary reason that for the last 5,000 years the Jews have been reviled is that they exclude others from their means of business.
    The Jews will always buy from Jews and sell to anyone. This means that once value is in the Jewish domain they keep it in the Jewish domain.
    Many think this is smart, it is the same as Masons, Broederbond, Mafia and all the other secret organisations.
    It has been true that Jews take advantage of any Non-jew in a manner that would get them and their families ostracised if practised against a Jew.
    Take Usury for example, Jews take advantage of others by turning the greed and envy of gentiles into a “Loan” at interest. Every religion recognises that this is evil and has banned it. But the Jew not only monetises greed of gentiles he creates it.
    They have a practise of catastrophe finance. Any time a gentile is struck by a catastrophe the Jews sweep in to grab what they can at low prices. Whether it is a natural catastrophe (illness or accident) or financial such as Weimar Germany, the Jews will extract every cent of profit from the unfortunates.
    A jew gets assistance, charity, a gentile gets screwed. This tends to cause resentment.
    I grew up amongst a 80% Jewish school population, I have had Jewish business partners who were both honourable and profitable for me, but I always recognised that I was an outsider, a second-class person to whom the ethics of Jewry did not apply.

    A successful negotiation or business deal to a Jew is where he gets everything and you get nothing. This was explained to me in a university business course by an Israeli lecturer he thought that this was a tactic that should be emulated.

    For Fred or anyone to pretend that the influence and control exercised by Jewish interests is not both overwhelming and malign is disingenuous. It is a stupid as believing that WTC7 just fell down from a minor fire.

    Fred, you are I hope better than this.

    • Thanks: Sarah
    • Replies: @mocissepvis
    @PJ London

    A jew gets assistance, charity, a gentile gets screwed. This tends to cause resentment.
    Speaking of Jews and charity, has anyone seen the ads on Newsmax (and probably other cable channels as well) for the Jewish charity targeted at goyim that begs them for money to support starving, neglected, elderly Ashkenazis in Israel? The obvious message is that Jews refuse to take care of their own elderly, so let the naive, simpleminded, big-hearted goyim take up the slack. Evangelitards by the tens of thousands are no doubt this "charity's" sole donor base.

    Replies: @PJ London, @Thomas Covenant Unbeliever

  • In my last two articles, I pointed out the obvious, that war profiteers, whorish politicians and Jewish social engineers are destroying America. (If this is still news to you, then you are either an infant or a world-class moron.) My indictment didn’t sit well with several commenters, however, so I was accused of being, among...
  • @saggy

    In one, morons actually believe a 47-story skyscraper can collapse in seconds, into its own footprint, without anything hitting it.
    I'm one of your biggest fans, but .... don't go there. You're wrong, and it's unnecessary. If you believe one was a 'controlled demolition' you have to believe all three were. It's preposterous, see By buying the 9/11 truthers idiocy you discredit yourself, and the Jews love it. Also see on prepping a building for demolition.

    Replies: @PJ London, @BorisMay, @Badger Down, @mistah charley, ph.d., @littlewing, @2stateshmustate

    My God, and they still let you vote!

  • @Dumbo

    Accused of rape, Jacob Zuma was acquitted. Knowing she was HIV positive, Zuma still didn’t wear a condom, he said, but he did take a shower afterwards, to wash away the AIDS.
    Well, to be fair, from what I've read I think it's relatively rare for a man to get Aids from a female through vaginal sex only. It's mostly anal sex or drugs.

    Also, I think a lot of the "Aids" in Africa was really inflated cases to get financial assistance. Since no one is talking so much about Aids these days (another disease is more popular now), the number of cases in Africa seem to have dropped too. Or, at least, no one is talking about them too much.

    Replies: @PJ London

    South Africa is the country that proved that AIDS does not exist and that HIV is harmless.
    Mbeki said it out loud and was paid millions to shut up and go away.
    SA has very detailed medical records going back to 1910.
    13 regions for administration and reporting . Every person entering hospital had blood taken and tested.
    The Northern Natal had in the late 1980s a HIV rate of +45% same as Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
    Northern Cape (it is a desert) had a rate of less than 2%.
    The increase-decrease in all diseases and the fatality rates for both areas (and all the other areas with HIV rates in between) remained exactly as if HIV and AIDS did not exist.
    Will someone please pay me a \$1m for pointing this out?

    • Replies: @Alfred
    @PJ London

    South Africa is the country that proved that AIDS does not exist and that HIV is harmless.

    I had an English friend who was one of the first to die of "HIV/AIDS" in the UK. He was extraordinarily promiscuous. When I shared an office with him in Tehran, before he fell ill, he told me that he averaged 4-5 sexual episodes with strangers per day when he was in London. What really shocked me was that he did this frequently in Holland Park - I lived next to this park as a student and never noticed anything untoward.

    When he fell ill, he was interviewed and his photo was on the cover of a Sunday Times Colour Supplement. In the interview within, he complained that the doctors were useless as they did not know what his problem was. He did not mention his sexual proclivity or activities.

    I am beginning to suspect that the HIV virus is possibly a "passenger virus". It might be just a marker for people who are going to later fall ill and die from other causes - TB, cancer. liver disease, cardiovascular disease etc.

    Some places in Southern Africa have (allegedly) off the scale values for deaths from HIV/AIDS. But I am open to being persuaded otherwise.

    Death Rate Per 100,000 by Country

    Replies: @PJ London, @jimmyriddle

    , @dogbumbreath
    @PJ London

    South Africa is the country that proved that AIDS does not exist and that HIV is harmless.
    This is correct. HIV like all the other viruses have never been isolated and proven to infect another human to the point of disease i.e. AIDS

    Little known is people in Africa tested for HIV are considered HIV positive and have AIDS if they have weight loss plus diarrhea and itching. Yes, that is it. No blood test or anti-body test required.
    In Africa, where a third of the population is under-nourished, having these non-specific symptoms means you have AIDS. Just like the current scam-demic, anyone who dies from lymphatic cancer or tuberculosis are redefined as an AIDS death. Lot's of money being made off this scam.

    "If there is proof that HIV is the cause of AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document" Kary Mullis, 1993, Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
  • I have lived in South Africa almost my entire life. I wouldn’t swop the Western Cape for the world. We of course, have our crazies, nut jobs, politicians, wannabe politicians, gravy train riders, thieves, zealots, racists, bunny huggers, ignorants, fools and other enthusiasts! However we do get along eventually. We do put the bad guys in prison (not for long) but eventually. We always see the glass half full.

    Sometime in 1992, I was sitting in a bush pub in Zambia chatting to a member of their government over an ice cold beer and he said something that has embedded itself in my memory…

    The problem with African governments, European governments and those in the Americas, is that they have not yet worked out that they can’t milk the cow and eat it’s meat at the same time!

    Enjoy your stay LD

    • Agree: PJ London, gT
  • @just some jb

    I asked the young man, “What’s a bad temperature, man?”

    “Twenty-seven. If you’re at 27 or higher, you can’t go in.”
    Good article. But Linh must mean 37C (=98.6F), not 27C (=80.6F). If your temperature is 27C, you definitely shouldn't go in. You're either severely hypothermic or dead.

    Replies: @Dumbo, @PJ London, @The Alarmist

    No man, Linh had it right.
    In South Africa there are hundreds of laws, including “Track and Trace”.
    Copied from some European legislation it is to protect us from the ravages of Covid which we don’t actually notice.
    The thing is that like everything else, the law is implemented by idiots. The guy does not know what the machine actually does or what it is for. God forbid he ever puts a battery in it because the shop will have to close.
    Many many years ago I drove from Heathrow in a hired car, and was pulled over after about 3 miles by a Cop who wanted to give me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. He let me go when I showed him that I had arrived from SA and asked “Don’t you have a seatbelt law in SA?”.
    Yes we do but life is too short to explain South Africa to foreigners.

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
    @PJ London

    Many many years ago I drove from Heathrow in a hired car, and was pulled over after about 3 miles by a Cop who wanted to give me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
    I knew a South African who routinely avoided speeding tickets in the USA by handing the cop his South African driver's licence. And he always drove 100 mph.

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Alfred
    @PJ London

    Many many years ago I drove from Heathrow in a hired car, and was pulled over after about 3 miles by a Cop who wanted to give me a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.

    Many years ago, I was driving my red Porsche 944 from Central London to Heathrow. The car had Luxembourg number plates.

    An unmarked police car with two cops stopped me for no reason. They wanted to know why I was driving to the airport. No joke! I told them that I was picking up my older brother who was arriving from New York. At that very moment, a Concorde did a majestic pass overhead. I told them my brother was on that plane. They shut up and let me go. 🤣

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Rogue
    @PJ London

    "Sorry officer, I'm from South Africa, didn't know you needed a seat-belt."

    Used that excuse several times in the UK.

    Did backfire on me once when the cop told me I was talking BS as he'd recently been to SA, but I still got away with it.

    Must be my natural charm.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • If you want to know how the United States wound up with “government by stupid” one need only look no farther than some of the recent propaganda put out by members of Congress, senior military officers and a certain former president. President George W. Bush, who started the whole sequence of events that have culminated...
  • @Colin Wright
    It's not exactly accurate to claim the Taliban were willing to turn over bin Laden to the US after 9/11. This is the Guardian's version of their position as of October 14, 2001:

    '...The Taliban would be ready to discuss handing over Osama bin Laden to a neutral country if the US halted the bombing of Afghanistan, a senior Taliban official said today.

    'Afghanistan's deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.

    '"If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved" and the bombing campaign stopped, "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country", Mr Kabir added.

    'But it would have to be a state that would never "come under pressure from the United States", he said.

    'Mr Kabir urged America to halt its air campaign, now in its eighth day, and open negotiations. "If America were to step back from the current policy, then we could negotiate," he said. "Then we could discuss which third country."...'

    It would appear to be more accurate to say that the Taliban was prepared to prevaricate in exchange for a halt in the bombing campaign. We would have been free to stop bombing them and then begin arguing about the evidence.

    Replies: @profnasty, @Alfred, @Tom Welsh, @anon, @anon, @mulga mumblebrain, @PJ London, @Goyboy

    “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the U.S.” —
    Robin Cook, former British Foreign Secretary (Died of ‘heart attack’ whilst running on his own.)

  • It’s not exactly accurate to claim the Taliban were willing to turn over bin Laden to the US after 9/11. This is the Guardian’s version of their position as of October 14, 2001:

    ‘…The Taliban would be ready to discuss handing over Osama bin Laden to a neutral country if the US halted the bombing of Afghanistan, a senior Taliban official said today.

    ‘Afghanistan’s deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.

    ‘”If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved” and the bombing campaign stopped, “we would be ready to hand him over to a third country”, Mr Kabir added.

    ‘But it would have to be a state that would never “come under pressure from the United States”, he said.

    ‘Mr Kabir urged America to halt its air campaign, now in its eighth day, and open negotiations. “If America were to step back from the current policy, then we could negotiate,” he said. “Then we could discuss which third country.”…’

    It would appear to be more accurate to say that the Taliban was prepared to prevaricate in exchange for a halt in the bombing campaign. We would have been free to stop bombing them and then begin arguing about the evidence.

    • Thanks: another fred
    • Troll: moi, PJ London
    • Replies: @profnasty
    @Colin Wright

    What does Osama Bin Laden have to do with it? Israel bombed the WTC. Shouldn't we have gone after them? Hmmm?

    , @Alfred
    @Colin Wright

    It’s not exactly accurate to claim the Taliban were willing to turn over bin Laden to the US after 9/11.

    That is a red herring - as you know very well. Troll!

    Replies: @Colin Wright

    , @Tom Welsh
    @Colin Wright

    The Taliban's position was responsible, ethical and in line with the requirements of Pashtunwali. They asked that the US government provide convincing proof that bin Laden had committed a crime. The US government ignored their requests and pressed ahead with its illegal war of aggression.

    Governments with less moral and legal responsibility - less backbone, in short - give in to US demands immediately they are made. The UK, for example, makes a practice of delivering up to American "justice" more or less anyone whom Washington asks to be extradited.

    Harsh, cruel and unenlightened as they may be in some ways, the Taliban retain a Biblical honesty and integrity.

    Replies: @annamaria, @Colin Wright

    , @anon
    @Colin Wright

    Dont distort:

    "Two weeks after 9/11, Secretary of State Colin Powell said that he expected “in the near future . . . to put out . . . a document that will describe quite clearly the evidence that we have linking [bin Laden] to this attack.”19 But at a joint press conference with President Bush the next morning, Powell withdrew this pledge, saying that “most of [the evidence] is classified.” Seymour Hersh, citing officials from both the CIA and the Department of Justice, said the real reason why Powell withdrew the pledge was a “lack of solid information.” B. The British Government The following week, British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a document to show that “Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, the terrorist network which he heads, planned and carried out the atrocities on 11 September 2001.” Blair’s report, however, began by saying: “This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama Bin Laden in a court of law.” So, the case was good enough to go to war, but not good enough to take to court. The next day, the BBC emphasized this weakness, saying: “There is no direct evidence in the public domain linking Osama Bin Laden to the 11 September attacks.”

    , @anon
    @Colin Wright

    In late September and early October 2001, leaders of Pakistan's two Islamist parties negotiated Bin Laden's extradition to Pakistan to stand trial for 9/11. However, a US official said, significantly, that "casting our objectives too narrowly" risked "a premature collapse of the international effort if by some lucky chance Mr Bin Laden was captured". The US chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Myers, went so far as to say that "the goal has never been to get Bin Laden" (AP, April 5 2002). The whistleblowing FBI agent Robert Wright told ABC News (December 19 2002) that FBI headquarters wanted no arrests. And in November 2001 the US airforce complained it had had al-Qaida and Taliban leaders in its sights as many as 10 times over the previous six weeks, but had been unable to attack because they did not receive permission quickly enough (Time Magazine, May 13 2002). None of this assembled evidence, all of which comes from sources already in the public domain, is compatible with the idea of a real, determined war on terrorism.---

Ten days after the 9/11 attacks, CNN reported: “The Taliban . . . refus[ed] to hand over bin Laden without proof or evidence ..The Taliban ambassador to Pakistan . . . said Friday that deporting him without proof would amount to an ‘insult to Islam.’” CNN also made clear that the Taliban’s demand for proof was not made without reason, saying: “Bin Laden himself has already denied he had anything to do with the attacks, and Taliban officials repeatedly said he could not have been involved in the attacks.” Bush, however, “said the demands were not open to negotiation or discussion.”

    , @mulga mumblebrain
    @Colin Wright

    And then there was the Sheberghan Massacre of Taliban who had surrendered to US stooge, Dostum, a trade-mark US atrocity, supervised by US Special Forces'.

    , @PJ London
    @Colin Wright

    "The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the U.S." --
    Robin Cook, former British Foreign Secretary (Died of ‘heart attack’ whilst running on his own.)

    , @Goyboy
    @Colin Wright

    You do realize, do you not, the Taliban and OBL had nothing to do with 9/11?

  • In 2001 the Taliban blew up the giant 1,500-year-old Buddhist statues in Bamiyan, central Afghanistan to show their defiance of the world and their contempt for all religious beliefs aside from their own fanatical version of Sunni Islam. Another motive was to demonstrate the Taliban’s power over the Shia minority in Afghanistan, mostly members of...
  • Cockburn’s fear-machine analysis fails (like all western jewish-derived materialist pov’s) in not recognising that —

    (a) Taliban have recovered their country. After 20 years of dogged and courageous fighting in the face of Drones MOABs and other high-techery.
    They have driven out the Great Satan (meaning Enemy).

    (b) Talibans believe in Allah. They are individually and collectively subject to Allah (meaning of Islam) and believe their victory is a direct, tangible and obvious result of the will of Allah for them. Unlike USA, they do not talk of themselves as “awesome” or similar foolishly inaccurate terms, but ascribe their victory to Allah.

    (c) This being so, they must be 100% confident that whatever challenges are presented ref food etc, their needs will be met; if they are not met, there are further lessons they must learn. There is no place for the gross materialist atheism that is the talmudist bequest to the west. They do not believe that whoever dies with the most toys, wins.

    In Afghanistan, one may see a victory of spirituality over crass materialism, whether one is or not a Muslim. This is the real bad news for the moneychangers.

    Because the liklihood is that its impact will spread further.
    And it will destroy them.
    And not before time, either.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • People are mad that the Taliban recreated the iconic Iwo Jima flag-raising photo while decked out in American gear. Marjorie Taylor Greene is impeaching Joe Biden over his decision to surrender in Afghanistan and leave billions in equipment. Frankly, it is confusing what people are actually mad about. What was insulted when the Taliban won?...
  • I think that the Taliban Iwo Jima photo is hilarious! Who said the Taliban don’t have a sense of humour?

    The Beginning of the End of America was when George Washington allowed Jews to stay.

    • Replies: @nosquat loquat

    It may have been the Russians that put them up to it. I think I hear Vladdy snickering in the faraway distance.

    Replies: @Pissedoffalese

  • In Afghanistan, the mission failure appears complete. The trillion-dollar project to plant Western democracy in a Muslim nation historically fabled for driving out imperial intruders has crashed and burned after 20 years, and the Taliban are suddenly back in power. After investing scores of billions in training and arming a force of 350,000 Afghani troops,...
  • Pat at his dumbest.
    “The U.S. does, however, retain leverage. U.S. airpower can still do damage to the Taliban,”
    Exactly who or what is the “airpower” going to bomb? Are you planning on Nuking the whole country? Guys who have spent 20 years living on the mountains and in caves are not really interested in the national infrastructure and as they are now part of the civilian population, as always, the US will kill many more women and children than actual Taliban.

    “.. and the U.S. can veto any International Monetary Fun money and cut the Taliban’s access to Afghanistan’s financial reserves in U.S. banks.” For God’s sake!

    Do you think they care about money?
    Do you think they care about financial gain or projects?
    Do you think that you can scare them into anything?
    These guys care about one thing and one thing only, having their homeland (and that means their tribal homelands) establish and maintain Islamic law and way of life (Sharia).

    This concept is so far beyond the understanding of Western politicians and corporations that they cannot even conceive of people behaving this way. Which is why they lost and will always lose.
    At least 70% of the world’s population do not share the western social ideas.
    They do not want to.
    They never will.
    Whilst the west has superior technology and material superiority, it falls far short of the ethical and moral standards the rest of the world embraces.
    Before you start yammering, first state how many years you have spent in an African country and how many in an Islamic country or how many years in the far east, then perhaps I would listen to your arguments about how the western culture is better than the others.

    • Replies: @cassandra
    @PJ London

    At least 70% of the world’s population do not share the western social ideas.
    They do not want to.
    They never will.
    Perhaps. I suspect that some do and some don't, depending on ethnic and cultural differences within each country. But it shouldn't be a matter of having countries vote to see whether they want Europeans to come in and set up "European Values". The hyphenation "self-determination" starts with "self". Each country needs to fix itself, assuming there are people within the country who even agree with western technocrats that something needs fixing. This principle should override any R2P nonsense, which is often self-serving propaganda anyway. NATO & Co. need to bug out and let people work out their own problems.

    Having had my pipe-dream, I believe that national and corporate interests will always be trying to steer nations in directions that have nothing to do with their own national self-interest. So we should always be looking for the cui bono? behind humanitarian motives such as human rights and R2P (especially involving children) before giving political approval to such "corrections".
  • There is a growing debate in the USA about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Peculiarly enough, CRT’s opponents insist that the ‘Marxist’ discourse must be uprooted from American culture and the education system. I am puzzled by it, as I cannot think of anything more removed from Marx’s thinking than CRT. Marx offered an economic analysis...
  • @Robert Dolan
    I keep seeing debate about whether CRT is "marxist" or not.

    What difference does it make? It's anti-white bullshit, period.

    And it likely came from the same Bolsheviks. I am familiar with "The Authoritarian Personality," as well as Gramsci, etc., so we know the early marxists intended to destroy the family structure, as well as infiltrate every control point and institution.

    I see all of the jewish nation wrecking schemes as a continuum....and some on the right call it cultural marxism (which is safer than calling it jewish supremacy)

    So....while CRT might not be anything that Marx actually advocated.....CRT does qualify as jewish nation wrecking....anti-white rhetoric.

    The black "intellectuals" pushing CRT would have no traction without organized jewry in the media and academia giving them agency.

    Quite literally all of the woke nonsense is simply jewish supremacy/anti-white nation wrecking.

    Replies: @Fred Not Reed, @Paul C., @PJ London, @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    It is clear that you cannot read.
    The ‘point’ is that conflating everything that Americans do not like with “Marxist” or “Communist” you completely miss-state the argument.
    It deflects from what is actually said and done and lets the discussion wander off into name calling and invective.
    Mainly because the people who hurl the epithet have no conception of Marx’s theories, have never read his works and would probably support the concepts if they actually understood them.
    They could not define the difference between Capitalism, Socialism and Communism if their very lives depended on it. (Which incidentally, they do.)
    There is no chance of this happening as the intelligentsia of the group are too busy chanting “USA-USA-USA”

  • @gottlieb
    Ohhh, I thought Critical Race Theory was History, but the woke peoples didn't like the pronoun His in front of the Story that affects us all, and so they changed it. My bad.

    Frankly, it doesn't matter what color the skin - slavery is bad. Apartheid is bad. Supremacy is bad.

    Seems pretty straight forward.

    Replies: @MrE3001, @PJ London, @James Scott

    Stupidity is bad, not immoral, not unethical, but because it will kill you.
    Somehow you have survived so far.
    Are we supposed to accept what you say because you say it?
    Apartness is good because it reduces social tensions.
    Slavery is good because it provides security and makes people assets instead of disposable resources.
    Supremacy is good because it allows for natural selection and protects the weak and stupid from the natural outcomes of their stupidity and weakness.
    Any other nonsense you want to spout?

  • It is true that Afghans probably have the highest "Islamism Quotient" in the world. Support for sharia, as Steve Sailer reminds us, is basically universal. He refers to a 2013 PEW poll, which Razib Khan and I had covered a few years back. Furthermore, 79% of Afghans who support sharia also support the death penalty...
  • Even if the CIA poll is legitimate, who cares? As I once read, if ten men are willing to vote for what they believe and two men are willing to fight for what they believe, the two will give the law to the ten. That’s the reality of the world. Democracy is a feminine idea, “Let’s play nice, let’s all have a turn.” It is ridiculous and contemptible and any nation that sticks with it is doomed. The US is of 2021 is the most conspicuous evidence of that.

    Compared to the alternative of becoming a province of the Feminist-Anal Empire, the Taliban are great.

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @BlackFlag
    @Ray Caruso

    Even if the CIA poll is legitimate, who cares?
    It's still an important question because it goes against what we know about guerilla warfare. Karlin gives explanations for the success of the final takeover but not the 20 years of guerilla warfare. Can guerrilla warfare successfully be waged with only minor support from the local populace? In the examples I'm aware of, e.g. Spain versus Napoleon, Chinese communists versus Kumonintang, Boers versus British, the guerillas has widespread support. And the differences in military resources between the 2 sides were not usually as dramatic. So this would mean we have to radically change our thinking on guerilla warfare or that the Taliban were amazingly successful.
  • The first Taliban press conference after this weekend’s Saigon moment geopolitical earthquake, conducted by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, was in itself a game-changer. The contrast could not be starker with those rambling pressers at the Taliban embassy in Islamabad after 9/11 and before the start of the American bombing – proving this is an entirely new...
  • @Alden

    When Scandinavian warlords died they sacrificed the entire harem as many as 100 women. But slit their throats a much more humane death than by fire. Henry 8 thought of burning second wife Anne Boleyn to death but decided to be nice and have her head cut off.
    Henry and his father were very efficient absolute dictators with spies and informers everywhere. But even dictator Henry realized he couldn’t get away with burning an unwanted wife to death. Wouldn’t be unacceptable, especially to foreign countries. As it was,other countries laughed and sneered at him. .

    I know the history too and there’s no defense. Wasn’t just women were killed when the warlords died. Lots of men slaves too. Unacceptable.

    The real reason Hindu widows were burnt to death is that their sons wanted to inherit everything and didn’t want to give Mom food and space for a sleeping pallet. Not notions of honor. Religions always manage to mirror the culture of the people. So Hindu religion made burning your mother to death for inheritance reasons acceptable.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Sometimes that is true but :
    “In December 1987, the Indian parliament passed a law to ban the practice of sati. The law provides that a woman who attempts to immolate herself will be subject to criminal prosecution, she will be either incarcerated for up to 12 months or imposed a fine. Alternatively, she may be ordered to pay a fine and then sent to prison. In case a woman dies during immolation, her next of kin will be subject to criminal prosecution for instigating suicide.”
    Just as Shia and many Christians flagellate themselves to show devotion, some Hindu immolate.

  • @nokangaroos
    @PJ London

    You got it wrong, kid ... all wrong.

    In Western lore (lacking your classical ed) "Zarathustra" usually means

    Replies: @PJ London

    You Are joking, right?

    “Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a messy, self-serious heap of obscure references and ungracious philosophy wrapped in a mountain of bad allegory”

    “Zarathustra, the character through which Nietzsche vicariously spews forth his world-view, is a pompous, narcissistic, ego maniac that is so obsessed with how right he is, he can’t see just how terribly wrong he ends up being. Nietzsche constantly contradicts himself, uses poor logic and reasoning, and pushes for a social order that benefits only the elite. I’m appalled of Nietzsche’s idea that the great men of the world should walk all over the little, regular people to achieve their greatness.”

    Definitely someone to emulate.

  • @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    I did have Indian tenant. One day after I have inspected the apartment, I did find that he did make some kind Altar which he made from clothes cabinet. he had there some stupid figurines there, and he also was burning candles there. I suppose that he performed some religious ritual.
    So I did have to kick him out.
    It was a fire hazard.

    Replies: @PJ London

    From your nom de plume I had assumed that you too would worship with fire.
    For instance Ateshgah Fire Temple.

    If one chose the path of Ahura Mazda, one expressed that choice through the central precepts of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds and practiced these through:

    Telling the truth at all times – especially keeping promises
    Practicing charity to all – especially the less fortunate
    Showing love for others – even if they did not return that love
    Practicing moderation in all things – especially in one’s diet

    Not much in the way of charity or showing love.

    • Replies: @nokangaroos
    @PJ London

    You got it wrong, kid ... all wrong.

    In Western lore (lacking your classical ed) "Zarathustra" usually means

    Replies: @PJ London

  • @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    I am assuming that you are native Indian residing in England. I was only pointing out that India is horrible uncivilized country.
    Nothing personal,

    Replies: @PJ London

    You assume wrongly.
    I am an English person who has lived in foreign countries for 50 years.
    Not India unfortunately.

  • @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    You must have been sleeping for a centuries.
    What you have described was happening in ancient times.
    Obviously you did not hear or read about Indian wives having accidents in the kitchen related to fire,
    The accident were quite numerical.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Based on (US) 2014-2018 annual averages:

    Cooking equipment is the leading cause of home* fires and fire injuries, causing 49% of home fires that resulted in 21% of the home fire deaths and 44% of the injuries.

    630,000 cooking equipment induced home fires caused nearly 700 civilian deaths, 6,500 injuries, and property damage worth \$3.7 billion on an average every year. Unattended cooking equipment causes 47% of the kitchen fires, 20% of the civilian deaths, and 45% of the injuries.

    And of course in India most cooking is done over open flame and not with electricity.
    Muslim honour killing does occur but very very seldom.
    Get a life.

    • Thanks: Bill Jones
    • Replies: @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    I am assuming that you are native Indian residing in England. I was only pointing out that India is horrible uncivilized country.
    Nothing personal,

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    I did have Indian tenant. One day after I have inspected the apartment, I did find that he did make some kind Altar which he made from clothes cabinet. he had there some stupid figurines there, and he also was burning candles there. I suppose that he performed some religious ritual.
    So I did have to kick him out.
    It was a fire hazard.

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Alden
    @PJ London

    In America home and kitchen fires are often arson for insurance fraud.

  • The American way of dealing with a lost war is to withdraw its forces. The Afghan way of dealing with it is to change sides as quickly as possible. The Afghan way of war has created confusion among foreign political and military leaders in the past 20 years, but never more so than during the...
  • @Wokechoke
    A close read of Flashman indicates that the British mission in Kabul thought the locals were friends right up until they were not friends. Indeed that many senior British officials thought the Afghans were sweet bffs long after they’d proven to be enemies. Partly because the ruler there was supplying men to fight rebels in outlying villages and the Emir was a good liar. All the time the coy Pathan was plotting to scoop up the 700 or so British troops in town or cut them down in the passes if they were dumb enough to make a run for it. Flashman the book, should have been in every generals pocket. His Flashy fresh in his bully boy Private school wisdom, fresh from the clutches of the idealistic Arnold, saw exactly what was happening and planned his personal exit strategy long before the rest caught on.

    Replies: @Bite Moi

    Wokechoke——–Loved Old Flashy. Also love Rudyard Kipling. If George “Dubya” Bush had read “The Young British Solder” he might have avoided nation building.The money quote was,”When you are wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,and the women come out to cut up what remains,jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.”

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    @Bite Moi

    Flashman exists as an immortal, in the sense that he has the bully boy’s heightened sense of survival. He can see weakness in a position he’s caught up in, disasters that others might ignore or downplay.

    , @Jay Igaboo
    @Bite Moi

    I loved Kipling too: back in the early sixties, I was introduced to him in English class in the state school. Nowadays the teacher would be "cancelled" for wrong-think and, more seriously wrong-teach.
    I have found it very interesting that most of the well-educated Indians and Pakistanis I have spoken to, are very well-read in Kipling, and regard him as a peerless chronicler of The Raj, and of course, who doesn't love "Jungle Book" and much of his other work?
    I was 12 or 13 when I read "The Young British Soldier":-when I was 19, I WAS a young British soldier on standby for Aden, which. to my (then) disappointment, was cancelled.

    I was young and gung-ho, and under the naive impression that OUR politicians were decent types,
    As two of my regiment eventual regiment had been captured up in The Radfan mountains, tortured, emasculated and executed. with their heads on a stake in the village square, I was raring to go.
    The withdrawal from Aden was orderly and without British casualties: but then neither British or US leaders were "captured" by the PC narrative.

    Wokechoke——–Loved Old Flashy. Also love Rudyard Kipling. If George “Dubya” Bush had read “The Young British Solder” he might have avoided nation building.The money quote was,”When you are wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,and the women come out to cut up what remains,jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.”

  • @Irish Savant
    "The US, Britain and other states warn that they will not tolerate Afghanistan becoming once again a haven for terrorists"

    No, they'll bring them all over to the West.

    Replies: @PJ London, @AKINDLE

    and little Tali laughed and laughed and laughed.

  • The reason so many well-informed people got it so wrong is that they were comparing the military strength of the two sides. But the Taliban victory was not military so much as political.

    The Taliban victory was not political so much as it was spiritual. But Capitalist and Marxist degenerates (Cockburn is a Marxist degenerate) see everything in terms of materialism.

    It’s past time to throw these materialist degenerates under the bus for good. All they can do is grift, lie us into wars for corrupt lucre, lose wars, and then use their failure as an excuse to double down on their grifts.

    Physical death follows spiritual death like night follows day. These are dead men walking. Vampires. Nowhere men desperately pumping the pedal on the last vapors of 2000 years of Christian civilization, which they assassinated.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • Promising freedom, democracy and prosperity, America brings widespread destruction and death, but it’s all good, for the war profiteers. Since each Uncle Sam misadventure is a bonanza for them, the more, the merrier. Bring it on! On April 21st, 1975, I was still in Saigon. As the Vietnam War neared its end, there was much...
  • @Thomasina
    @American Citizen

    Yes, that's what it's going to take.

    I'm surprised some seniors, those diagnosed with a terminal illness, aren't taking out some of these mother-effers. If you're in the know about what's been going on and you're already on your way to the Pearly Gates, why not go out with a bang?

    I'm not advocating this; just saying I'm surprised it isn't happening.

    Replies: @PJ London, @Francis Miville

    When you get past 70 “Life in prison” doesn’t seem to worry you any more.

    • LOL: Trinity
  • The first Taliban press conference after this weekend’s Saigon moment geopolitical earthquake, conducted by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, was in itself a game-changer. The contrast could not be starker with those rambling pressers at the Taliban embassy in Islamabad after 9/11 and before the start of the American bombing – proving this is an entirely new...
  • @White Elephant
    @PJ London

    "They embrace the toys but not the culture."
    The toys ARE culture, just not their culture, so in essence they are embracing alien culture.

    These societies, sadly, are no different to the feministas of the west - they pick and choose what suits them, that is, they take the positive and not the negative.

    "The reason so many migrate are oppression (caused primarily by US led wars) and starvation."
    I'm not denying US wars of aggression, correction, Zionist wars of aggression, using stupid, ignorant, western servicemen to do their killing and invading for them, but what I have stated is, these immigrants HOP, SKIP & JUMP over umpteen Islamic lands, in order to get into the west for benefit culture, knowing damn well that there's a jew lawyer, ready to represent them and persecute some European national for breaking diversity laws or suing a company because said Muslim employee, wouldn't handle meat/alcohol products in the supermarket he/she got a job in and looking for that fat, 6 figure payout.
    And then:

    "99% want to make a lot of money and then go home.
    In Eastern Europe hundreds of thousands have moved to the west for jobs, everyone that I talked to wanted to return to their home as soon as possible."
    Of course they do.
    When I lived in London, there was the Polish explosion, where the average wage in a factory was circa £200 a month. Compare that to the UK at £1,000 a month. 5 years working in the UK was equivalent to 25 years in Poland. If someone offered me £50 an hour to be a cleaner in Gdansk or Warsaw, I'd be over there faster than you could say Mrs Mop, along with half the UK population!!! And that's just low end! Imagine the markup for a Polish man, skilled in IT? One year's work in the UK would probably be worth about 10-15 years work back in Poland.
    You're DAMN right they want to go home! Hell, they've just come out of Eastern Europe, hit the jackpot and want to go back home, to their culture and traditions, to live the 'Joie de vivre' thanks to a huge markup in wages. And here's the thing, by them piling into the west, undercutting the indigenous, wages lower, cost of living rises and standard drops. But they don't care. They're here to make a smash & grab and f*ck off back to their land to live happily ever after. Shitsville continues for the indigenous.

    Eastern Europeans have no respect for western civilization. The simple fact they all left their homes to come here to work, ignoring the socio-economic problems that would arise, proves so. All the money they earned went back to Eastern Europe, wages remained static for the indigenous, rent and housing went up along with all other costs, but there was no light at the end of the tunnel for them, unlike the Eastern Europeans, buggering back to Bratislava with their loot. And it's not just the Eastern Europeans, but all immigrants who pile into the west.

    The problems in the west are many, but what can safely be said is that immigration hasn't helped, one bit, regardless what the talking heads in Whitehall like to have us believe, or the media whores on Fleet street. Protectionism is how societies flourish, nationalism as the ideology and no immigration whatsoever. You hold onto your culture and traditions. You don't export them around the world and give it away like some cheap, corn flake toy. And if you want to partake in Chinese, Turkish or Indian cuisine, then f*ck off to China, Turkey and India, stay in a hotel and gorge to your heart's content.

    Replies: @PJ London

    “The toys ARE culture, just not their culture, so in essence they are embracing alien culture.”

    No, toys are toys. That is all.
    I have ridden on a camel I did not embrace Arabic culture.
    I have ridden an Elephant I did not embrace Sri Lankan culture.
    I have ridden horses am not a Mongol.
    I play chess, I am not Persian.

    “These societies, sadly, are no different to the feministas of the west – they pick and choose what suits them, that is, they take the positive and not the negative.”

    Wow they must be really stupid, they take the positive and reject the negative how crazy is that!

    “f*ck off back to their land to live happily ever after.”

    How ridiculous is that. They really are dumb.
    If you actually lived in their country, spoke the language, you might just discover that their quality of life is a hell of lot superior to yours.
    I know, I did.

    Oh no, they really care about the ‘indigenous” just as the indigenous really care bout their neighbours. But those nasty Poles came to the UK and held a gun to the head of every person who employed them to do a cheaper and much better job than the indigenous countrymen.

    “You don’t export them around the world” : you couldn’t make this shit up.

    Thanks for the wonderful humour, but I must stop now as I just wet myself laughing.

  • @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    Indians have a custom to burn their wives alive. Muslims certainly treat their wives much better.
    The question here is why US have never objected?

    Replies: @PJ London, @RedpilledAF

    You are an idiot!
    No indian has burned their wife alive.
    Wives have a desire to join their husbands in death and lie with them on the funeral pyre.
    It seems that they are more loving than the US wives who burn their husbands in the divorce courts.

    • Replies: @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    You must have been sleeping for a centuries.
    What you have described was happening in ancient times.
    Obviously you did not hear or read about Indian wives having accidents in the kitchen related to fire,
    The accident were quite numerical.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • @Neutral Observer
    @PJ London

    The rest of the world...
    Blah, Blah, Blah. The rest of the world has standard business and risk practices that enable or preclude the players from engaging in mutual commerce. It's up to the Nut-Job Islamists in Afghanistan to convince foreign capital that they could do business, not the other way around. Regardless of business-irrelevant Western social norms not congruent with your personal sensibilities.

    They follow the laws very strictly.
    Right. Sharia Law. See how that plays when negotiating contracts.

    I understand that you have never ventured beyond Podunk, and your wife has the same mother and father that you do, and that Jaysus is coming to carry you up to heaven real soon, but please confine your comments to these areas that you are an expert on.
    Sorry about your brain damage...

    Replies: @PJ London

    So how many years have you spent in the Middle East?
    Have you been a consultant “expert” to 5 Central banks?

    Piss of idiot.
    The Taliban and Afghanistan don’t give flying F whether the west wants to do business.
    Asia and Arabia have more money and bigger markets than the US.
    They would rather and may actually insist on doing all transactions under Sharia law and tell all others to fly a kite.
    The “Carpet of gold or carpet of bombs” threat did not work 20 years ago and would be laughed at by the whole world today.
    Take your stupid Hubris and push it where the sun don’t shine.

  • @PJ London

    There is an incredibly arrogant belief by pretty much everyone in the west, that the rest of the world want to live like they do.
    News flash : They don't.
    Yes a Mercedes is nice, satellite TV is good for watching soccer and central heating especially in places like Kabul is a boon, but they actually want to live very much like their parents and grand-parents did.
    They want their kids (Girls as well as boys) to have a better life than theirs, but that does not mean throwing out their religion, their history and their core adherence to tribal responsibilities.
    It took 200 years for America to get rid of its' Calvinistic work ethic and turn into the hedonistic, selfish, unethical S-hole that it is today.
    Africa and Asia like the western toys but they don't like your culture and especially do not like you.
    Both China and Russia are creating new cultures with new technology, new (urban) environments but mainly their former cultures.
    Arabia, Africa and Asia will develop their societies and cultures too. They don't want or need lectures from the people who created "Wokeism".

    Replies: @White Elephant, @Joe Wong, @nokangaroos

    “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” – ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

    • Agree: PJ London
  • @White Elephant
    @PJ London

    "There is an incredibly arrogant belief by pretty much everyone in the west, that the rest of the world want to live like they do.
    News flash : They don’t."
    I'll let you contradict your argument:

    "Yes a Mercedes is nice, satellite TV is good for watching soccer and central heating especially in places like Kabul is a boon, but they actually want to live very much like their parents and grand-parents did."
    Still don't get it?
    Look, the western world's technological and engineering advancements dragged the rest of the world out of the stone age. My point is simply this, if the people you say want to live very much like their parents and grandparents did, then they wouldn't be embracing that which is NOT part of their culture would they?

    This always happens in debate. There's always some liberal (classic British) who comes on to talk about the evils of the west and how people in other lands just want to live how their ancestors lived but it's 100% bonafide BS.
    Tell me PJ (from) London, if they all want to live how their parents and grandparents do, why is mass immigration one way into the west? Why is it that, most certainly millions upon millions of Afghans, followed by even more Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Iraqis, Libyans and other Muslim nationals are going to hop, skip and jump over Muslim countries to get into the NON MUSLIM WEST!!!!!

    This is a reality. They want both. They want to promote their culture and traditions, just not in their own lands, which essentially means colonization and eventual subjugation of the indigenous of the lands their in (European). They also want the mercedes, the I-phones, the computers, the strip joints, the fast food shops, the fancy clothes, the jobs/welfare that the west has to offer, unlike their own lands.

    China IS what it is courtesy of engineering and technological advances from the west being implemented into its lands. It was the jew bankers, working with their puppet politicians who destroyed the western manufacturing base, shipping it lock, stock and barrel to the far east. That's a fact.
    I've had this debate about the Chinese people with others on here but the bottom line is, the jew decided, long ago, with the use of the goy freemason puppets, to turn China into the next superpower, hence turning them into an economic behemoth. Anyone who thinks China became the success it is on its own overnight is a fool.
    And Russia? Well, Putin is literally being doggystyled daily from Chabad Lubavitch and B'nai B'rith. He's very much in the pocket of the jew. The whole China and Russia masquerade is 100% jew orchestrated and there are many in the west who think Putin is the next 'Great White Hope'. He isn't. He's a jew puppet and his success is because he does what his jew masters tell him to do. He's another puppet, fooling the goy, which isn't really that hard to do. But my point about Russia is that it fell under the control of the jew in 1917 and has remained so ever since. They've just amassed their wealth, moved into Europe as oligarchs and dug deep within the fabrics of the European societies they inhabit, as the parasites they are.

    Yes, the west is currently a den of iniquity, full of materialistic, superficial, decadent, depraved, sexual deviants, heterosexual and alphabet people......but it wasn't always that way. Go back to the 40's and you'll find a very different people there to what's there now. But you see, the cultural school of Frankfurt, jew destroyers had only been indoctrinating since 1933, so the damage hadn't yet taken hold.

    There's a reason why people in the past spoke of French fashions, British ship building, German innovation, Italian cuisine and much, much more. It was because it was the best in the world and the jew, put a firm stop to all of that and can you guess how? Other than the constant wars to demolish the people, they opened the floodgates and allowed immigrants to pour in, who destroyed our culture and traditions. Then they unleashed the decadence of Hollywood, feminism, cultural Marxism and communism upon the people and overnight society drastically changed from Tolkien's shire into Mordor.

    Replies: @PJ London

    They embrace the toys but not the culture. They want to retain their own Hispanics after 3 generations still have a different (family based) culture to the Gringo, Blacks will never embrace the white culture.
    There are of course outliers from both sides who X-over, I am talking of the vast majority.
    The reason so many migrate are oppression (caused primarily by US led wars) and starvation.
    99% want to make a lot of money and then go home.
    In Eastern Europe hundreds of thousands have moved to the west for jobs, everyone that I talked to wanted to return to their home as soon as possible.
    I am fully aware of the Frankfurt school and the Tavistock groups :


    Frankfurt School (1941-6)
    1. The creation of racism offences.
    2. Continual change to create confusion
    3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
    4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
    5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
    6. The promotion of excessive drinking
    7. Emptying of churches
    8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
    9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
    10. Control and dumbing down of media
    11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
    One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of
    ‘pansexualism’ ~ the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.

    To further their aims they would:
    • attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
    • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
    • abolish all forms of male dominance ~ hence the presence of women in the armed forces
    • declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
    ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’

    The point is that they won.
    The west does stink.
    Which is why the rest of the world does not want to live like this.
    But the toys are enticing.

    • Replies: @White Elephant
    @PJ London

    "They embrace the toys but not the culture."
    The toys ARE culture, just not their culture, so in essence they are embracing alien culture.

    These societies, sadly, are no different to the feministas of the west - they pick and choose what suits them, that is, they take the positive and not the negative.

    "The reason so many migrate are oppression (caused primarily by US led wars) and starvation."
    I'm not denying US wars of aggression, correction, Zionist wars of aggression, using stupid, ignorant, western servicemen to do their killing and invading for them, but what I have stated is, these immigrants HOP, SKIP & JUMP over umpteen Islamic lands, in order to get into the west for benefit culture, knowing damn well that there's a jew lawyer, ready to represent them and persecute some European national for breaking diversity laws or suing a company because said Muslim employee, wouldn't handle meat/alcohol products in the supermarket he/she got a job in and looking for that fat, 6 figure payout.
    And then:

    "99% want to make a lot of money and then go home.
    In Eastern Europe hundreds of thousands have moved to the west for jobs, everyone that I talked to wanted to return to their home as soon as possible."
    Of course they do.
    When I lived in London, there was the Polish explosion, where the average wage in a factory was circa £200 a month. Compare that to the UK at £1,000 a month. 5 years working in the UK was equivalent to 25 years in Poland. If someone offered me £50 an hour to be a cleaner in Gdansk or Warsaw, I'd be over there faster than you could say Mrs Mop, along with half the UK population!!! And that's just low end! Imagine the markup for a Polish man, skilled in IT? One year's work in the UK would probably be worth about 10-15 years work back in Poland.
    You're DAMN right they want to go home! Hell, they've just come out of Eastern Europe, hit the jackpot and want to go back home, to their culture and traditions, to live the 'Joie de vivre' thanks to a huge markup in wages. And here's the thing, by them piling into the west, undercutting the indigenous, wages lower, cost of living rises and standard drops. But they don't care. They're here to make a smash & grab and f*ck off back to their land to live happily ever after. Shitsville continues for the indigenous.

    Eastern Europeans have no respect for western civilization. The simple fact they all left their homes to come here to work, ignoring the socio-economic problems that would arise, proves so. All the money they earned went back to Eastern Europe, wages remained static for the indigenous, rent and housing went up along with all other costs, but there was no light at the end of the tunnel for them, unlike the Eastern Europeans, buggering back to Bratislava with their loot. And it's not just the Eastern Europeans, but all immigrants who pile into the west.

    The problems in the west are many, but what can safely be said is that immigration hasn't helped, one bit, regardless what the talking heads in Whitehall like to have us believe, or the media whores on Fleet street. Protectionism is how societies flourish, nationalism as the ideology and no immigration whatsoever. You hold onto your culture and traditions. You don't export them around the world and give it away like some cheap, corn flake toy. And if you want to partake in Chinese, Turkish or Indian cuisine, then f*ck off to China, Turkey and India, stay in a hotel and gorge to your heart's content.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • @Neutral Observer

    BTW, the bearded fanatics seem to be intent on keeping the whole system of govt offices and just make all those specialists work under them. So I wouldn’t claim they will not be able to do international deals and commerce.
    What foreign capital is going to want to do business with a country headed up by Nut-Job Islamists and the oversight of its projects conducted by Nut-Job Islamists operating under Sharia law?

    The last thing that rational investors want is political uncertainty. Both the Russians and the Chinese know that the Taliban regime overseeing their projects could go Nut-Job rogue at any time with their investments suddenly flushed down the toilet.

    The Russians and Chinese may have some wishful thinking going on, but they will not be stupid when it comes to actually dropping big dimes in an Afghanistan run by a regime with a comprehensive history of lunacy, regardless of its stated "reformist" intentions.

    Replies: @Levtraro, @Zarathustra, @PJ London, @Spect3r

    Your ignorance is abysmal.
    It is the Americans who have broken every treaty they ever signed!
    It is the US and UK that have stolen by deception from every country they ever did business with.
    It is the US that uses “Lawfare” to cheat every partner they ever had.
    The Islamists are honourable, they keep their promises.
    I have worked with all kinds and only the Israelis and Americans are people I would never work for or with again.
    “a comprehensive history of lunacy” shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.
    They follow the laws very strictly.
    The rest of the world considers allowing a bearded man to share a shower with one’s daughter, because he says he is a woman to be lunacy.
    The rest of the world considers claiming that there are 60+ genders is lunacy.
    The rest of the world knows that two small airplanes cannot knock down three buildings 1 million times their mass, and that to think that they could is lunacy.
    “Any thinking person knows that there is not and never was any organisation called al Qaeda. “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the U.S.” —
    Robin Cook, former British Foreign Secretary (Died of ‘heart attack’ whilst running on his own.)

    I understand that you have never ventured beyond Podunk, and your wife has the same mother and father that you do, and that Jaysus is coming to carry you up to heaven real soon, but please confine your comments to these areas that you are an expert on.

    • Replies: @Neutral Observer
    @PJ London

    The rest of the world...
    Blah, Blah, Blah. The rest of the world has standard business and risk practices that enable or preclude the players from engaging in mutual commerce. It's up to the Nut-Job Islamists in Afghanistan to convince foreign capital that they could do business, not the other way around. Regardless of business-irrelevant Western social norms not congruent with your personal sensibilities.

    They follow the laws very strictly.
    Right. Sharia Law. See how that plays when negotiating contracts.

    I understand that you have never ventured beyond Podunk, and your wife has the same mother and father that you do, and that Jaysus is coming to carry you up to heaven real soon, but please confine your comments to these areas that you are an expert on.
    Sorry about your brain damage...

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Zarathustra
    @PJ London

    Indians have a custom to burn their wives alive. Muslims certainly treat their wives much better.
    The question here is why US have never objected?

    Replies: @PJ London, @RedpilledAF

  • @TG
    Amateurs talk strategy and professionals talk logistics.

    The Afghanis have the highest fertility rate outside of Africa. The population was about 20 million when the US invaded, it's about 40 million now, and much of the population depends on imports of food aid.

    Even if the fertility rate instantly fell to two children per woman (it won't), demographic momentum means that the population will at least double to 80 million in the next generation. And they can't even feed their current population!

    More people equals more production only if there is adequate up-front investment in developing new resources and building new infrastructure. Is the current Afghan economy capable of making such investments in this time period? No.

    Afghanistan will remain a miserably poor and unstable place, no matter what the Taliban do or do not do.

    And the United States will maintain a constant pipeline of cargo planes flying to the United States each stuffed with a thousand Afghani refugees desperate to escape all that poverty (no, there won't be any checking on whether they actually fought for the US or even if they were on the other side). Because cheap labor.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Barbarossa, @Miro23, @Ray Caruso, @Anti-Rationalist, @JamesinNM, @PJ London, @Joe Wong, @VICB3, @anon, @Atle

    There is an incredibly arrogant belief by pretty much everyone in the west, that the rest of the world want to live like they do.
    News flash : They don’t.
    Yes a Mercedes is nice, satellite TV is good for watching soccer and central heating especially in places like Kabul is a boon, but they actually want to live very much like their parents and grand-parents did.
    They want their kids (Girls as well as boys) to have a better life than theirs, but that does not mean throwing out their religion, their history and their core adherence to tribal responsibilities.
    It took 200 years for America to get rid of its’ Calvinistic work ethic and turn into the hedonistic, selfish, unethical S-hole that it is today.
    Africa and Asia like the western toys but they don’t like your culture and especially do not like you.
    Both China and Russia are creating new cultures with new technology, new (urban) environments but mainly their former cultures.
    Arabia, Africa and Asia will develop their societies and cultures too. They don’t want or need lectures from the people who created “Wokeism”.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
    • Replies: @White Elephant
    @PJ London

    "There is an incredibly arrogant belief by pretty much everyone in the west, that the rest of the world want to live like they do.
    News flash : They don’t."
    I'll let you contradict your argument:

    "Yes a Mercedes is nice, satellite TV is good for watching soccer and central heating especially in places like Kabul is a boon, but they actually want to live very much like their parents and grand-parents did."
    Still don't get it?
    Look, the western world's technological and engineering advancements dragged the rest of the world out of the stone age. My point is simply this, if the people you say want to live very much like their parents and grandparents did, then they wouldn't be embracing that which is NOT part of their culture would they?

    This always happens in debate. There's always some liberal (classic British) who comes on to talk about the evils of the west and how people in other lands just want to live how their ancestors lived but it's 100% bonafide BS.
    Tell me PJ (from) London, if they all want to live how their parents and grandparents do, why is mass immigration one way into the west? Why is it that, most certainly millions upon millions of Afghans, followed by even more Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Iraqis, Libyans and other Muslim nationals are going to hop, skip and jump over Muslim countries to get into the NON MUSLIM WEST!!!!!

    This is a reality. They want both. They want to promote their culture and traditions, just not in their own lands, which essentially means colonization and eventual subjugation of the indigenous of the lands their in (European). They also want the mercedes, the I-phones, the computers, the strip joints, the fast food shops, the fancy clothes, the jobs/welfare that the west has to offer, unlike their own lands.

    China IS what it is courtesy of engineering and technological advances from the west being implemented into its lands. It was the jew bankers, working with their puppet politicians who destroyed the western manufacturing base, shipping it lock, stock and barrel to the far east. That's a fact.
    I've had this debate about the Chinese people with others on here but the bottom line is, the jew decided, long ago, with the use of the goy freemason puppets, to turn China into the next superpower, hence turning them into an economic behemoth. Anyone who thinks China became the success it is on its own overnight is a fool.
    And Russia? Well, Putin is literally being doggystyled daily from Chabad Lubavitch and B'nai B'rith. He's very much in the pocket of the jew. The whole China and Russia masquerade is 100% jew orchestrated and there are many in the west who think Putin is the next 'Great White Hope'. He isn't. He's a jew puppet and his success is because he does what his jew masters tell him to do. He's another puppet, fooling the goy, which isn't really that hard to do. But my point about Russia is that it fell under the control of the jew in 1917 and has remained so ever since. They've just amassed their wealth, moved into Europe as oligarchs and dug deep within the fabrics of the European societies they inhabit, as the parasites they are.

    Yes, the west is currently a den of iniquity, full of materialistic, superficial, decadent, depraved, sexual deviants, heterosexual and alphabet people......but it wasn't always that way. Go back to the 40's and you'll find a very different people there to what's there now. But you see, the cultural school of Frankfurt, jew destroyers had only been indoctrinating since 1933, so the damage hadn't yet taken hold.

    There's a reason why people in the past spoke of French fashions, British ship building, German innovation, Italian cuisine and much, much more. It was because it was the best in the world and the jew, put a firm stop to all of that and can you guess how? Other than the constant wars to demolish the people, they opened the floodgates and allowed immigrants to pour in, who destroyed our culture and traditions. Then they unleashed the decadence of Hollywood, feminism, cultural Marxism and communism upon the people and overnight society drastically changed from Tolkien's shire into Mordor.

    Replies: @PJ London

    , @Joe Wong
    @PJ London

    “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” - ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

    , @nokangaroos
    @PJ London

    It took 200 years for America to get rid of its´Calvinistic work ethic []
    Yeah, but te ugly parts of neoPuritanism (self-righteousness, Manichaeism etc.)
    are still very much with us; I will go as far as stating that wokism is just
    the newest iteration.
  • Jared Taylor and his co-host note that there have already been 52 ambush attacks on police this year, which is twice the number of 2020 — which was already a record. The hosts also report on anti-white struggle sessions at AmEx and Raytheon, DIY reparations, whether Hispanics like being Latinx, and how anti-racism triumphed at...
  • The location with the lowest crime rate in the world is a high security prison.
    The guards are brutal and any infraction of their ‘whims’ is met with (almost) deadly force.
    It is also the safest location in the world.
    Obviously you enjoy being safe in a low ‘crime’ area.
    NYPD are the most vicious, brutal and capricious thugs on the planet. Been that way since at least 1966. (Frank Serpico et al.)
    Enjoy your servitude, some of us prefer freedom, even at the risk of having to defend ourselves.

  • August 12, 2021. History will register it as the day the Taliban, nearly 20 years after 9/11 and the subsequent toppling of their 1996-2001 reign by American bombing, struck the decisive blow against the central government in Kabul. In a coordinated blitzkrieg, the Taliban all but captured three crucial hubs: Ghazni and Kandahar in the...
  • @Marshal Marlow
    @PJ London

    I think the India/Pakistan split worked really well compared to the inevitable genocide that would have happened had they stayed one country. Short sharp pain rather than never ending pain is a good trade.

    Replies: @PJ London

    I beg to differ.
    For a millennia they had existed as “Indians” even though there were religious differences.
    Yes there were and are some minor outbreaks of violence both within India (Moslem, Hindu-Sikh-et al) and in Pakistan (Sunni, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Shias and Ahmadis) but by making them separate, they have increased the level to Nuclear weapon level.
    Nehru refused to be second to Patel and yet the Muslim League whilst united was in the minority against the other parties.
    If not for Nehru, India would still be united and the 4,000-6,000 killed in the partition would not have died.

    • Replies: @Marshal Marlow
    @PJ London

    I don't think they had existed as 'Indians'. Indeed, the whole place was called the 'subcontinent' for that very reason. To western eyes the subcontinent wasn't something that fit the idea of a nation state, rather it was merely a collection of entirely independent and sometimes fractious principalities, each with their own foreign policy etc. I'm guessing that the stresses of partition along religious lines actually forced group identity, which in turn provided the fuel for the formation of two reasonably coherent nation states.

    We'll never know though.

  • @Maddaugh

    WJ-great observation about the soldier gear. It was the same in the Nam. The average NVA/ Cong soldier might carry a floppy hat, water bottle, rice bowl and bamboo joint with some cold rice and fish heads, perhaps a spare shirt, rubber sandals, AK, a few grenades and an AK chest rig.

    We became demoralised unless we had cold beer, steaks and Thanksgiving turkey with the trimmings, delivered in the field, along with the mail, porn and newspapers.

    When I look at the load of the US soldier in Afghanistan it was a wonder the guy could even move especially in mountainous terrain. I dont even know how any can rise from the prone position with all the kit.

    As far back as the 30's and 40's the German Wehrmacht conducted extensive and exhaustive studies on personal equipment designing backpacks and pouches of mountain troops so they contained what they were supposed to AND NO MORE. . If I remember my stats the full load was about 20 pounds including 2.93 pounds of food representing 3 meals to be consumed only when ordered. We decided to reinvent the wheel and make it concave !

    Speed, mobility, agility and aggression in the US Army have all but disappeared. The average recruit today is in addition an overweight unfit character who does not even know what he is fighting for and will not move unless there is extensive artillery and air to cover his attack or withdrawal.

    And now to add insult to injury they must also carry red high heels, matching dresses and designer handbags in their packs.

    We now depend on technology to win but still get creamed. What will happen if in an all out conflict the technology is destroyed ? It makes a guy's hair stand on end to think of the fallout.

    The most devastating consequence of this Afghan excursion is that the Taliban is now the second third world opponent to show the world the US can be defeated by a peasant army. The WILL to fight and stamina to endure any losses or wait any number of years will defeat the Yankee.

    The US seems to fight its wars with one had tied to their balls and the other up their ass. Its no wonder we lose.

    Replies: @notbe, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist, @PJ London, @Levtraro

    The Rhodesians and S Africans learned how to beat these.
    Have snitches and recce teams locate the Terrs as they moved and then drop hunter teams (20-30 men) as close on their heels as you could.
    The Hunters ran them down (as the Paras and RLI were younger, fitter, better trained) and killed them.
    If you did not get them inside 12 hours you were the laughing stock of the Battalion.

    • Replies: @El Dato
    @PJ London

    This may work against blacks. Keep armchairing.

  • @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
    @El Dato

    A merger between Pakistan, historically controlled by a set of Punjabis, mostly feudal landowners, and Afghanistan would be an impossibility. The Afghans would never buckle down to be ruled over by Pakistanis any more than they submitted to Amerikastan.

    Vivisection of Pakistan with the historically Afghan Pashtun areas around Peshawar rejoining Afghanistan is also extremely unlikely, even in the most far fetched scenario of Pakistan disintegrating completely. My Pakistani Pashtun friends tell me that Pakistani Pashtuns speak different dialects from Afghan Pashtuns, have increasingly little in common with them, and tribal divisions still prevent them from ever uniting anyway.

    An Afghanistan united, at least as a loose confederation of tribes and ethnicities, under a Talib Emir is about the best one can hope for.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Idiots do not understand that for 50% of the world’s population, the only thing that matters is Tribal affiliation.
    What should be done is split these areas (and Arabia and Africa) into tribal lands.
    You know “Apartheid”.
    It works for the people but not for the corporations and that is why it is opposed.

    “We were fortunate that the British became our colonial masters. Because they were the only ones that realised tribal identity was the basis of nations. Probably from the endless Scottish and Irish wars. You will note that the successful African countries are based on single tribes. Swaziland Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Nyasaland and Malundi. Multiple tribes with a single government do not do so well. Clan genocide is fairly common.”
    They let the French divide Arabia and then really screwed up when it came to India-Pakistan.
    Implement Apartness in all the world (including USA) and peace will reign.

    • Replies: @Marshal Marlow
    @PJ London

    I think the India/Pakistan split worked really well compared to the inevitable genocide that would have happened had they stayed one country. Short sharp pain rather than never ending pain is a good trade.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • The United Kingdom, the nation with the most billionaires per capita, is governed by a largely foreign, heavily Jewish plutocracy. Figures such as Richard Branson are commonly associated with British wealth, but his net worth pales in comparison to these individuals and families. A Sky News report on the wealthiest British citizens in 2021 reveals...
  • @R.C.
    Here's a 'control' who 'controls' the 'controlled opposition'.

    Topping the list is media and music mogul Sir Lenoard Blavatnik, who now controls a £23 billion Pound fortune. Blavatnik is an international Jew who was born in the Ukraine and holds both American and UK citizenship. He influences politics in both countries. Blavatnik helps bankroll both the Conservative Party (also known as the Tories) in London and the neo-conservative wing of the Republican Party in America.

    Oh, BTW, WHY do I not see any Rothschilds? As re this article supposedly about rich Jews in the UK - it should surely increase any informed reader's skepticism as to its completeness.

    Replies: @PJ London

    “Old money” does not advertise its’ wealth, but obscures it in trusts and foundations.

    I remember a photo of Baron Rothschild in a paper, he was wearing old corduroys, and an oil jacket, driving a old Ford cortina, popping down to the local newsagent on a Sunday morning for the papers.

    He had just sent TWO private Boeings with about 20 gardeners to Nepal because his agents had found a Rhododendron that he did not have in his Bedfordshire gardens.

  • @Angharad

    It's tragic. They should have been expelled PERIOD

    Replies: @grr, @PJ London

    They were, but allowed back when the monarch needed money.

  • Jared Taylor and his co-host note that there have already been 52 ambush attacks on police this year, which is twice the number of 2020 — which was already a record. The hosts also report on anti-white struggle sessions at AmEx and Raytheon, DIY reparations, whether Hispanics like being Latinx, and how anti-racism triumphed at...
  • First off, these are not “Ambushes!”

    More than 50% of blacks have been incarcerated mostly on BS ‘Drug possession” charges.
    Many people have “Bench Warrants” issued against them for traffic offences, many times when they did not know the court date or were screwed over by the prosecutor changing dates and venues.
    The police stop thousands every day on pre-textual stops.
    Failing to signal 100 ft before a turn, or, signalling more than 100 ft before making a turn.
    “The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
    Ayn Rand
    The first thing any cop does is ask for ID and run you for outstanding warrants, which with computer technology now means anywhere in the USA. It is how they get their jollies and get promoted.
    Driver, passenger, bystander, some kid walking down the street, all get ID-ed.

    If I am driving or riding in a car knowing that I have or may have an outstanding warrant, where I may face 10 -20 years in jail, and a cop pulls me over, I am going to give serious consideration to blowing the bastard away and staying on the run for another 20 – 30 years.
    Even if it is no more serious than having to pay a \$1,000 fine and I am broke, I am tempted to shoot and run.

    I did not ambush the bastard, he ambushed me.

    • Replies: @Reality echo
    @PJ London

    And look at what assertive policing did in NYC as chronicled in Scientific American's August 2011's "How New York Beat Crime". Enormous rollbacks in violent crime - "homicide, robbery and burglary — dropped by more than 80 percent."

    Why don't you and some of the other police-hating squad members come visit North Rochester. I will walk you up one of the bigger avenues at night and we can see where the threats are. Better yet we can visit some refugees living there (who haven't left yet) and ask what they see as threats.

    Finally, for an ongoing dose of reality why don't we compare notes on the situation in Chicago via ? By the way you get a demographic breakdown on shootings there.

  • The death in police custody last year of a violent felon whose heart stopped while resisting arrest led to the worst rioting in U.S. history. It has also led to much soul-searching, as Blacks in America wonder if they can continue to live side-by-side with Whites. There is increasing evidence that Afro-Americans are simply not...
  • @Trinity
    @PJ London

    I'm in favor of sticking your head in a toilet of piss and giving it a flush or two.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Well at least you read my comment.
    Brilliant repartee.

  • The people who actually lived with a mixed society for 300 years understood the problem and had a perfectly feasible and working solution.
    They created the 6th richest (standard of living) country in the world.
    They created the university that educated some 12 of Africa’s leaders.
    They led the world in Medicine, Virology, Nuclear Isotope research, Weapon development and a dozen other fields.
    The blacks in the country had the highest standard of living, health care and education in Africa.
    The largest and most advanced hospital in the southern hemisphere was reserved for blacks.
    They provided the blacks with their own legislatures, governments, and with lavish financial support.
    The system was named “Apartness”.
    They murdered the architect.
    They murdered “Apartness”.
    They raped the resources of the naive (corrupt) new rulers.
    It is now a shit-hole that has no future.

    • Agree: Bernie, CelestiaQuesta
  • @Trinity
    Haven't read the article yet but I noticed the proposed Black Homeland of the Deep South. NO WAY, JOSE. Yankees PRETEND like they love Blacks so much back in the day and White Yankees marched alongside Jews and Blacks during the Swindle Whites Movement, you New England Puritans and New Yawk leftists can take the Blacks.

    I say send Blacks and Jews to Africa since both groups are literally at war with Whites and aiming to destroy Western Civilization. Neither deserve a "homeland" in America because they have contributed NOTHING, all they have done is TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, and DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY. The Jew and his Black WMD OWE WHITES REPARATIONS, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

    IF you people want Blacks to have a homeland, you can give them New England, the Left Coast, The Upper Midwest, and New Yawk, since all those Whites there love Blacks and Jews so much.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Truth, @PJ London, @Rich, @Beau Nydle, @GomezAdddams, @Fr. John, @Tucker, @Question Mark

    “Haven’t read the article yet “… then read the damn article before you make a comment.
    Are you too lazy or too stupid to actually attempt to understand what is being said?
    Having read your comment I am certain that your cognitive skills are nil and your communication skills are less.
    I am not normally in favour of censorship, but in your case I make an exception.

    • Replies: @Trinity
    @PJ London

    I'm in favor of sticking your head in a toilet of piss and giving it a flush or two.

    Replies: @PJ London

  • If one were only limited to viewing or reading the US mainstream media the story of how President Joe Biden went down on his knees to honor two visiting Israelis would never have surfaced. Fortunately, the story did make considerable waves in both the Israeli and the alternative media, though not enough to convince the...
  • I read through to the end, waiting for an explanation or an opinion.
    Wasted 1,400 words which said nothing.
    Totally neutral waffle, I expect better from Unz articles.

    • Agree: profnasty
  • Controversy has raged for decades in academia as to whether the Maya of ancient Mesoamerica independently invented writing and a sophisticated number system, with many arguing that European influence must have been involved. The recent discovery of carvings, such as the one above, in the hitherto unexplored recesses of the Chac Mool Cenote (a water-filled...
  • @Achmed E. Newman

    Because I sometimes write about technology in China, about which I know a reasonable amount, readers sometimes think I am an authority on Chinese society, which I assuredly am not.
    No, I don't think you do know a reasonable amount about the technology. You are understandably impressed by it, from taking your 2-week trip, and it is indeed pretty impressive. Readers who know better don't think you are an authority on Chinese society. They think that you write as if you are, because you've been doing that for a while.

    However, I am impressed that you've read those books about the aspects of modern China that are very disappointing, to me as well as others, I'm sure. Peak Stupidity explains this disappointment in "Dashed high hopes for China" and Part 2.

    I highly recommend a 4th book on China to Mr. Reed and others here. The confusion is the title, which is a bit too close to that of David Goldman's book (which I have not read). This one is called We Have Been Harmonized, and it will scare the bejesus out of you regarding the Orwellian State of Chinese government and society under the current CCP and President-for-Evah Winnie the Pooh errr, Xi Jinping.

    Peak Stupidity has a 4-part review of this book by Kai Strittmatter*:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4


    * Note: Though this is an important book and well worth reading, I am not impressed by the author's take on American politics, especially regarding President Trump. The author sounds like he's never been here and comes through as a mindless turd on that topic. It's unusual for a review to trash the author for most of the beginning (Part 1) of a review, but it was deserved, believe me.

    Replies: @PJ London, @Mulga Mumblebrain

    “Though this is an important book and well worth reading, … The author sounds like he’s never been here and comes through as a mindless turd on that topic.”
    Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?
    So the author is brilliant on the parts that support your bias and and mindless on anything that flies against your prejudices.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    @PJ London

    Let me break it down for your feeble mind, London: The guy knows a lot about China because he has been there for long periods of time. He knows nothing about America, because, from what I can gather, he's never been here.

    I got a lot out his thoughtful, experience-based look at the Chinese government an recent-day society. He didn't need the mindless anti-Trump rants taken off a TV set.

    See, it's simple. Even a dumbass like you just might be able to understand. If not, you can read the review.

  • John McWhorter, who teaches at Columbia, is one of a handful of blacks who write sensible things about race. He complains that the media bellow whenever police kill a black man but are silent when they kill a white man, and worries that claims of “systemic racism” are leading to a movement to exempt blacks...
  • One of the problems is that no-one thinks things through.
    Quotas killed the Black society and dream.
    When a chess team of 6 players meet another team of exactly equal capability they will end up with 6 draws, it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out the strategy.
    Team A puts it’s number 6 player (least capable) against team B no 1. He gets beaten .
    However A1 now plays B2 and beats him, A2 plays B3 and beats him, A3 etc. The end result is 5 games to 1 for team A.
    By promoting a slightly less competent black to Harvard, he is outclassed, he would have fitted perfectly into say Syracuse and been successful.
    However in Harvard he is not capable of maintaining the level of his peers. The other students see that “Blacks” can’t keep up and are stupid. He see he can’t keep up and feels stupid and a loser. Meanwhile someone who would have been capable at say Clarkson is pushed into Syracuse. He is not capable of maintaining the level of his peers. The other students see that “Blacks” can’t keep up and are stupid. He see he can’t keep up and feels stupid and a loser. And so on down the line.
    It is exactly the same in commerce and industry. By forcing employers to promote Blacks beyond their level of skill and experience, you reinforce the stereotype. (The same goes for Women.)
    There are not enough short men playing basketball. Let’s pass a law saying that each professional team must play 3 players 5 feet 7 inches tall, (and they must be white), how successful would the team be and how would it feel to be a white player or a black player?
    There are brilliant blacks and really dumb whites but by forcing people out of their niche you are causing incredible damage.
    Everyone becomes frustrated and angry.
    There can only be one outcome.

    • Agree: Carroll Price
    • Replies: @Spud Boy
    @PJ London

    It's not the blacks that are smart enough to get into Syracuse that are causing all the mayhem in cities across America.

  • It has frequently been observed how Jewish organizations in the United States and Western Europe exploit their claimed perpetual victimhood to excuse their own ethnocentric manipulations while also providing cover for Israeli war crimes. What they refer to as the “Holocaust” is, of course, central to the effort, complete with a standard narrative that has...
  • If criticising the actions of Israel makes me “Anti semitic” then so be it.
    If saying that there is no evidence to support the Holocaust, other than spurious personal accounts, makes me “Anti semitic” then so be it.
    If saying that in the last 4,000 years only one group of people have been reviled and banished over 200 times makes me “Anti semitic” then so be it.
    On a personal basis I have worked with or encountered dozens of Israelis and I can honestly say that I found no redeeming feature in any of them.
    If this makes me “Anti semitic” then Tough Shit all you Jewish people who defend these scum.

    • Agree: Z-man, Druid55
  • He was like Blake’s tiger, always burning bright and chasing Rimbaud rainbows – just to finish, like Marat, in a bathtub. He was only 27. Jim Morrison died on July 3, 1971 in Paris. Half a century later, The Collected Works of Jim Morrison: Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics lavishly celebrates the soul of the...
  • @alwayswrite

    I'm free, not in jail 😂😂😂😂😂

    Anyway what exactly was it that Saint Julian did for me?

    Did he make me more free?

    Did he tell me the ' truth' about how naughty governments carry on?

    Nope,he's just as the judge described him,what was it, a narcissist,a dumb stupid narcissist,who hates everything and thought like all other dumb revolutionary fools he thought he could change the world

    I did laugh though when Ruptly ,(thats kremlin propaganda by the way),were there to see Assanges sorry dirty arse dragged out of the embassy i bet they had to fumigate the place after years of that dirty twat Assange

    And what exactly was he doing in that embassy?

    Playing with his skateboard in his dirty underpants,shagging women, being a twat!

    Funny isn't how the Russians new he was gonna get arrested,just waiting for it weren't they 😜

    So basically Assange allowed everyone to play him,Trump,the Guardian newspaper and then the Kremlin,who even appeared just like magic at that moment he was taken

    Sorry to piss on your parade but Assange is the worlds greatest idiot,oh and one more thing,apart from idiots like Craig Murray,no one gives a flying [email protected]#k about him 😩

    Replies: @PJ London

    “Playing with his skateboard in his dirty underpants,shagging women, being a twat!”
    Projecting much?
    What have you contributed to this world?

    “To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    • Replies: @alwayswrite
    @PJ London

    Assange never stood up for truth though,his life was about hacking and antagonizing the Americans,his bias was very obvious about this,and i simply don't believe he couldn't have published significant dirt on Putin's regime,but then why should he!

    As for my own life i never discuss personal details but i can assure you my contribution has been vastly more constructive and beneficial to the welfare of other people than anything shitty arse Assange has done with his miserable twisted life

  • I think it’s now obvious that Escobar writes this stuff whilst heavily under the influence of mind bending substances,the BS level is outstanding !

    If he thinks Assange is a journalist then he really is off with the little people,honestly St Julian is a Kremlin useful idiot,Putin should award him the Order of Lenin for his outstanding efforts in trying to undermine western freedom

    Personally i hope Assange rots in jail he’s scum and a traitor,he’s lucky he’s not Russian as he’d have got the novichok treatment,oh and didn’t Assange come to some agreement with Putin not to leak any stuff,i note Assange hasn’t got anything to say about Navalny,you’d think he would as he’s a big truth warrior

    The other point about this drivel Escobar wrote is the garbage about Afghanistan,just for balance he could have mentioned the Soviets experience there, lets remember they not only failed but that failure helped the whole filthy inhumane Soviet experiment on its way to the graveyard of really bad experiments

    Nobody wins in Afghanistan

    • Troll: Mikael_, PJ London
    • Replies: @anon

    "Personally i hope Assange rots in jail he’s scum and a traitor"
    Why do you need company?

    Replies: @alwayswrite

  • @IvyMike
    I toad you once and I toad you twice, that's a great lyric using toad.
    1st part of Pork lips Now is genius, hell in a hotel room in Saigon, they ought to have handed Martin Sheen an Oscar for that, then retired the award. The surf assault is pretty good, then the movie starts sucking as soon as they head upriver, too bad.
    Did that fat despairing drunken pop idol who died in a bathtub really have anything to say? Just more bubblegum music to my ear.

    Replies: @PJ London

    Agree about the acting, disagree on the music. It was an inspired choice.
    The concert scene and bridge scene perfectly encapsulated the war.
    Brandon’s “the horror” will be iconic for ever.
    Nothing I have seen since comes close A porkers lips.

  • The Russian Direct Line is a unique exercise in direct democracy: Russian citizens call up their president and he answers their queries and solves their problems, like a Nordic konung a thousand years ago. Russia came into being as a chain of Nordic princedoms that practiced this sort of direct access to their ruler; early...
  • I have long held that the best form of Government is a “Benevolent Despot”. Monarchies and then Sweden, Uruguay and many others.
    Yeltsin was a buffoon, sort of Trump plus vodka, but on his deathbed it is reported that he said to Putin, “Protect Russia.”
    Whether this is true or not I have no idea however, Putin’s only objective is to protect Russia.
    Every action is weighed on whether this is good or bad for Russia.
    Taking on the USA or NATO will be a catastrophe, of course Russia will win, but at what cost?
    So he avoids wherever possible any conflicts.
    Taking on the Jews worldwide by restricting Israel too heavily or openly would be a disaster. So he sets limits and bides his time.
    Both USA and Israel know that he has established “Red Lines” do not cross or the retaliation will be severe.
    Mainly the lines consist of “Never kill a Russian,”
    Turkey had to learn the hard way, USA learned the hard way and Israel is very careful not to cross the line.
    Putin delegates and heaven help the bureaucrat that displeases him by not following through.
    He knows that people grow through experience and sometimes failure so he allows his ‘managers’, mayors etc. to take their own paths and their own risks, but not too much or stray to far.
    He knows that he sometimes has to bypass the ‘official’ channels to hear what is happening in Russia.
    He has reinvented Russia from a failed Empire and corrupt oligarchy into a modern, powerful but small and limited state.
    Unlike Trump he realised that it will take time, years at least and maybe generations, to achieve the potential that Russia is capable of. He has to prioritise and schedule. First safety from external and internal foes. Then rebuild society, then rebuild prosperity.
    Xi is following faithfully in his footsteps.
    Long may they both prosper.

    • Agree: InnerCynic, Alfred, annamaria
  • @Anatoly Karlin

    To repeat a previous comment:

    Not going to engage in this debate again, but would invite interested readers to look over my arguments in as well as the claims by utu, my and melanf's replies to them, and make your own decision on who likely has the better informed perspective on Russia's vaccine situation.

    tldr; There was a surplus of vaccines from February as evidenced by empty slots at clinics and zero queues at public vaccination spots, despite an intensive information campaign promoting it. The vaccines that were exported would have otherwise been thrown away. Now that fear has spiked with the new Delta wave and tripled the daily vaccination rate, foreigners are getting the short end of the stick:

    As an aside, I would add that I was perhaps the first pundit in the Anglosphere to write about how Russia was drastically underestimating its Corona deaths. But somehow I end up a Kremlin propagandist, at least according to a boorish alcoholic who claims that my participation in trialing the Sputnik vaccine was tantamount to stealing it from pensioners. Many of whom, as it turned out, didn't even want it, viewing it as a government conspiracy to kill them to save on pensions.

    Replies: @utu, @PJ London

    Could it not be that Russia is actually counting Covid deaths only where Covid is in fact the cause.
    In the west, anyone who tested positive for Covid in the last 28 days and died (even when falling off a bicycle under a truck) was counted as Covid, and unusually there were zero deaths from Flu which normally claims many more than 300,000 per year. :-
    “WHO : annual mortality burden of influenza to be 250 000 to 500 000 all-cause deaths globally; however, a 2017 study indicated a substantially higher mortality burden, at 290 000-650 000 influenza-associated deaths from respiratory causes alone, and a 2019 study estimated 99 000-200 000 deaths from lower respiratory tract infections directly caused by influenza. ”

    Covid has apparently cured Influenza world wide.

  • Anon[743] • Disclaimer says:
    @israel shamir

    Why won't you go to Facebook or to any other social network that will take you, and stay away? Here is not a social network; your remarks are off-topic. Get lost!

    Replies: @Anon, @Meimou

    Israel, you write superb articles but you must keep in mind that even oracles attract idiots. Here on UR we have more than our share namely Gefreiter Shuetze and the Chinese puppets Ms. Mulga and his girl friends Biff and Dan D and a few others. Who should get first prize for Dunce of the Year ? Its a hard choice.

    Each one tries to be more stupid than the other as if they wished to show their skill at being simpletons.

    But, I digress. Back to first prize ! I would nominate Heebhunter though. If Plato and Socrates were to submit an article the Heeb’s comment (as they usually are ) would be “kikes, amerimutts, anal Jews, scum Schlomos, dirty shekels etc”. very intellectual no ?

    Its the old story and you have to understand Israel, that at the Kentucky Derby even an ass has the right to bray. Most of us here on UR try to shut out these morons but I have to admit their ignorance is annoying.

    We all wish they would go elsewhere but like pesky cockroaches they follow us around. Swatting and bug spray does not work. What cannot be cured must be endured.

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Troll: Schuetze
  • anon[588] • Disclaimer says:

    More people would be willing to take a natural traditional vaccine (a weakened form of the viris) wilh all known helpful adjuvants (zinc, vitamin D, ACE-2 inhibitors, natural antivirals) administered seperately. What many aren’t willing to do is to take a gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine that might clot their blood, damage their hearts, accumulate spike protiens in their ovaries, or permanetly change their genetics.

    Putin loves his people. Bennet loves his people. Biden loves Biden.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • I usually try to do inspirational posts on holidays. This Independence Day is difficult, because it’s the first one in our nation’s history where we are totally, openly enslaved. But I shall do my best. This is a day that represents patriotism, and that patriotism is largely rooted in our freedoms as Americans. I hate...
  • @SafeNow
    “Our national identity was related to the protestant work ethic”

    I would add the footnote that our naturalized Chinese immigrants (and their descendants) here in S. California fit this identity quite well. Industrious, respectful, decent, meritocratic. Sad to recall: About 5 years ago, one gal I knew was studying civics for her naturalization test, and together we rejoiced in the fact that, here in the U.S., your rights can’t be taken from you by government, because they did not come from the government in the first place, they came from God.

    Replies: @Pheasant, @Max Edge, @PJ London

    There was a time when Protestants had a work ethic, along with Catholics, Muslims and many others.
    Hindus opened their little shops 18 hours a day, Jewish tailors worked from 6am to midnight. One worked to obtain assets, property that was protected by law as being yours.
    The whole concept of “working” has been erased from the western society. Now we grab what we can while we can as we know that it will be taken from us by the bankers under the guise of usury or taxation.
    The concept that on one’s death : “You can’t take it with you when you go.” has brought about the situation that they will take it from you before you go.
    The only adequate response is : “If you swine go before me, then it won’t do you any good at all.”

  • Freedom was for the American people (…)
    All kinds of nations change governments, and they don’t magically stop existing.

    You don’t seem to be able to complete the syllogism. America is not a nation state. It’s a societal experiment based on a few political ideas. These ideas’ time has passed. The experiment has failed. America is history. Happy 4th of July!

    • Agree: BluEidDvl, PJ London
    • Troll: Chris Mallory
    • Replies: @Irish Savant

    So what do you think comes next?

    Replies: @ValMonde

    , @BluEidDvl

    Agreed. America is different in that it has no common heritage. No common race. No common culture. No “glue” that holds us together as a people. We are not a “Blut und Boden” society or people. What does the Sicilian who lived in a Brooklyn tenement in 1910, A German farmer who settled in Wisconsin in 1850, an Anglo who’s ancestors have been in New England since the 1630s, an African who’s ancestors lived in slavery from the early 17th to mid 19th century. A Cambodian refugee from the 1980s. An Amerindian who’s ancestors have been here for 10,000yrs share in common?. Very little I’m afraid. Save maybe an abstract concept called the “American dream”, & that can mean a million different things to a million different people. That dream has manifested itself often into depraved hedonism & debauchery & dare not judge because this is “Murica”.

    We’ve outsourced most of our production. Our infrastructure is collapsing. Our public schools are an absolute joke. We’ve overspent spent ourselves into the stratosphere. The 3rd world is pouring across our borders by the millions. Our dollar is nearing collapse. And to top it off, we’re armed to the teeth. Mix all that together with a population where half the population literally hates the other half, where there are no common bonds of kinship, ethos, language, culture & history that historically binds a people together & you’ve got yourselves one helluva witches brew.. 🤔

    Replies: @Meimou, @follyofwar, @Chris Mallory, @BlackFlag

    , @Francis Miville

    The experiment was conducted by Jews right from the start : they are the only people so massively using others as subjects for experiments by excepting themselves from all kind of natural order, as they are the only people with a religion where they can even recreate a homunculus in a laboratory. Any experiment is failed from the rat's point of view, as they always end up being sacrificed, but maybe for the experimenters it was quite a success that proved among others the feasibility of their NWO.

    , @ltravail

    I have to agree with you to a large extent. These marginalized neo-nazi hacks (with apologies to real former Nazis) twist themselves into logic pretzels trying to find some way to apply the old European "blood and soil" romanticism of the early 19th century to the US. In fact, it was precisely that romanticism that America, as an idea, completely rejected in favor of the "melting pot" analogy...assimilation to the "idea", not to "blood and soil." I am as distressed as many others by the sight of that "idea", or ideal, collapsing around us like the WTC towers. But I have nothing by joy for the demolition of the "idea" as interpreted by toxic people of the Daily Storm stripe. The founding of the idea, or "experiment", of the USA was one of the most remarkable achievements of humanity. To that, I say Happy 4th of July. That it's coming asunder so rapidly is one of humanity's most remarkable tragedies. But to the nonsense of this tortuously incoherent "thinking" I say good riddance.

    Replies: @Nisbe

  • To some it may seem that the author has taken slight leave of his senses; that in obsessive pursuance of now obscure events of mere historical relevance he evidences a strange and incurable critical distemper. Certainly, judging by the mass amnesia – even amongst so-called ‘progressives’ – for these events, such a diagnosis appears well-nigh...
  • @dimples
    I'm not really a fan of the 'bombs under the floor' theory with regard to the 7/7 underground train bombings. This would mean that the bombs would have to be pre-planted, thus how do you match up the bombs with the bodies of the so-called bombers? The bombers could have got in one carriage, the bombs could be in another carriage. Thus the bombers could have been among the survivors. How do you ensure that the particular train set in which you have placed the bombs is going to be the one that the bombers board? Do you put bombs under the floors of every carriage of every train in the system?

    According to the inquest the bodies of the bombers were found in the trains. As I recollect the theory that they were later killed at Canary Wharf is fake news and seems unlikely to me. If the bombers twigged they had been set up, why run to a remote spot where they could be easily isolated and killed?

    In my opinion, the Jaguar that pulls up next to the Four's car gives them the real bombs, which they are possibly told are merely bottles of hydrogen peroxide which they are to deliver to various sites around London. Two of the Four were probably MI5 informants, as shown by their half-arsed 'jihadi suicide' videos which were merely propaganda. I consider that they believed their bomb factory flat was a sting type operation intended to draw in potential terrorist bombers, so delivery of material to other supposed similar sites in London would not have aroused any curiosity in them.

    The editing of the CCTV footage of the Jaguar in the station car park is one of the most extraordinary features among many such extraordinary features of the whole affair. Not one journalist of any description was curious at this obvious discrepancy but if you were to have told one of them about it, their reply would probably have been to tell you to fuck off the police know what they are doing, and indeed they do.

    The Peter Power drill is in my opinion a massive red herring and probably designed to be such. It was a desktop drill only, and Mr Tarpley's theories aside, had no relevance to the bombing at all, except that it occurred at the same time.

    Replies: @dimples, @Nick Kollerstrom, @PJ London

    You obviously cannot or did not read.
    There were NO BODIES of the alleged bombers. None.
    There were no remains ever of the bombers not in the trains and not on the bus!
    There were no camera, CCTV or even eyewitness testimony that the young men were even in Luton never-mind London on the day. None.
    It was a complete set-up and the men were taken out of the game before even reaching Luton!
    ” I have considered those submissions, but in the light of all the evidence I have heard during the 52 inquests, I consider they have not provided any sufficient reason to resume the inquests into the four bombers.
    One would hope, therefore, that these proceedings will be an end to the investigation of what happened on 7/7.”

    Move along nothing to see here.
    52 not 56!
    There was no inquest nor were any remains identified as being the bombers.
    There was (for a few hours) a single photo taken by a passenger of the floor of the train with jagged metal extending into the carriage. Impossible from any explosion inside the carriage.

    • Agree: Notsofast
    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
    @PJ London

    As fate would have it, we (family) were scheduled to fly to London the next day (8th, arriving 9th). A day or two after arrival, I saw a story in a Cambridge (?) paper about a local dancer who was in one of the cars on his way to a rehearsal. He claimed that bodies were literally piled on him. On the way out of the car, one of the rescuers told him to "mind the hole". He noted that the metal was pushed upward (maybe the same one who took the photo), and also said he didn't see any men in the car matching the description of any of the alleged perps.

    What I found interesting was that when Hill was charged for interfering, part of the prosecution argument that his video was false. The "Not Guilty" verdict was, in essence, the jury saying they didn't believe the official narrative.

  • I have said this many times. I will say this again and say this till I die: The region of South Asia is hell on earth. The worst humans on the planet. By far the worst humans with the worst traits ever possessed by mankind. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka-all of them, … harsh as it sounds if this region is nuked, carpet bombed out of existence the world will improve by a few notches. The chinese and blacks have nothing on south asians. Its absurd how the whitey does not see this.

    The worst traits of mankind: Arrogant, self centered, anxious, greedy, sex obsessed, religious fundamentalism that makes red America look like a left leaning atheist nation, money obsessed to the extent of selling their friends and nation, amoral, deceitful, lying, backstabbing. Each human possesses this trait to varying degrees. They are all culture poisoned humans….all 1.8 billion of them.

    I have pondered on this subject for years. Why are the people here like this and the only answer I have is that the climate and diet has made them this way through centuries of evolution. The temperate zone and the spicy curry has devolved them. The white world will soon find out where the real hell lies.

    • Replies: @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
    @RJ Macready

    Ooh, thanks. That makes me like you so much more. Spoken as a South Asian.

    Replies: @RJ Macready

    , @Ukraine Tiger
    @RJ Macready

    You got your geography mixed up. You are discribing to a tee the area west of Jordan and east of the Mediterranean, south of Lebanon and north of the Sinai. As for your completely racist rant, Asians are some of the cleanest, kindest and friendliest people on the planet and everyone of them is a far better person than the likes of you.

    Replies: @A.K.Patal

    , @moi
    @RJ Macready

    Did you mean to say South Asia or Israel...?

  • From the New York Times news section: I.e., "equitably" meaning Blacks First. But three weeks later, she instead received an email that broke the bad news: The award had been rescinded thanks to a lawsuit filed on behalf of white restaurant owners that successfully challenged t
  • @Wilkey

    In late May, Syovata Edari, the owner of CocoVaa Chocolatier in Madison, Wis., was told she would receive $50,000 from Mr. Biden’s government...
    Ahhh yes, she was set to receive all this money from "Mr. Biden's government."

    Gotta love the way the writer phrases this. The money is not coming from the American taxpayer, but from "Mr. Biden's government." Was Joe Biden himself paying for it? Were his campaign donors paying for it? How dare some random federal judge stop Joe Biden and his donors from giving their own hard-earned money to whomever they want to give it to.???

    “It doesn’t surprise me that once again these laws that we fought and died for, that were intended to benefit us — to even the playing field a bit more — are being used against us,” Ms. Edari, who is Black, said, referring to the Constitution’s equal protection clause.
    How many black women have "fought and died"for such laws?

    And did the hundreds of thousands of Civil War soldiers who fought and died to free the slaves die for the purpose of having their own descendants (assuming they were able to have any) could be discriminated against?

    Replies: @Paco Wové, @PJ London

    Just to be accurate no soldier fought or died to free slaves.
    Nobody gave a shit about slaves.

    Abraham Lincoln said the following on September 18, 1858 in a speech in Charleston, Illinois:
    “I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favour of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races [applause]: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favour of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favour of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” —

    The war, like everything else was about profits.
    “In December of 1860 and January of 1861, many newspapers across the North and Midwest echoed Greeley’s sentiments to “let the South go in peace.” But the bankers, railroads and shippers soon informed the press of the financial implications of southern independence.
    The editorial tune changed dramatically in February and March of 1861 to “No, we must NOT let the South go,” and “what about our shipping?” and “what about our revenue?” As the New York Times noted on March 30th,“We were divided and confused until our pockets were touched.”
    [ See Northern Editorials on Secession, Howard C. Perkins, ed., 1965

    Lincoln advocated Apartheid, unfortunately he was shot, just like HF Verwoerd.

    • Replies: @Gamecock
    @PJ London

    “what about our revenue?”
    The United States was financed by tariffs, generally paid by Southerners. The North and West controlled Congress, hence controlled the spending of Southern money.

    Lincoln supported the Morrill Tariff, which would raise the tariff 3X. Lincoln/Republicans goal was to EXPAND GOVERNMENT! Imagine that.

    PJLondon is correct: Secession meant the loss of financing for the United States.
  • Progressive Democrats have long been among the most fervent advocates of ranked choice voting. Many believed, though scientific data has yet to be proffered in support of their thesis, that it would have been harder for corporate Democrats in the Democratic National Committee to cheat Bernie Sanders in 2016 had the party's primaries been conducted...
  • @admin user
    how about, you can upvote or downvote a candidate?

    maybe you don't like any of them -- but you really hate one of them -- so you vote against that hated candidate.

    any candidate that receives a net negative vote count can never run for public office again

    Replies: @PJ London

    This is the best idea yet and truly represents how people feel.
    Few people voted for Trump, but millions voted against Hilary Clinton and therefore had to tick Trump for president.

    Change the whole system so that we vote against people we detest and the candidate with the fewest votes wins.

    Of course we have to fix the computer count problem and the corrupt lying vote counter problem.

  • Last year in South Korea, I went into a fried chicken place and asked for half a bird. Misreading my hand gestures, the lady gave me a full one, but chopped up. It’s standard in South Korea to gorge on an entire chicken, while downing mugs of beer. Their BBQ restaurants also stuff you with...
  • @Anita Patel
    Actually, as one thinks about it, depopulation is the only viable solution to our present ecological woes. There is no other solution that humanity will accept. And yes, our meat eating habits are one of the main causes of environmental degradation. We must become vegan. It is not rocket science. Anyone with a mere handful of brain cells to rub together will arrive at the same conclusion. A few generations of low or no population growth accompanied by a vegan diet will reverse much, though not all, of the damage our species has inflicted on Mother Earth.

    Replies: @Bite Moi, @Colin Wright, @PJ London, @follyofwar, @ThreeCranes, @haha, @Brad Anbro, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @daniel le mouche, @Joe Levantine, @onebornfree, @profnasty, @Johnny Johnny, @A Half Naked Fakir, @VICB3, @Ray Caruso, @Cold War Boomerwaffen, @Bill Jones, @Shiva, @Max Edge, @ssa, @aandrews

    What a load of pretentious tripe.
    Earth is not a ‘mother’ it is a planet.
    “Man” has not inflicted damage on the planet any more than rats, elephants or ants have.
    When man was much fewer ‘meat bearing’ animals were in huge profusion. African plains (including what is currently the Sahara) were teeming with antelope. Buffalo covered the american prairies in such numbers that one could not see the ground.

    ‘Meat’ is much reduced thanks to mankind.

    If any of you morons spent 10 minutes on Google earth satellite view, you would see that the earth is green, forested and doing just fine.
    So go away with your childish prattle, join Greta and her idiot friends in a mutual orgy of grief and rage and leave the adults to get on with providing food and shelter for all of you.

    • Replies: @Sollipsist
    @PJ London

    With a bedside manner like that, you missed your calling as an oncologist.

    "Nothing to worry about. You've just got a couple dozen malignant growths that metastasized during the very recent past, but the vast majority of your body still looks perfectly healthy from a block or two away."

    , @GMC
    @PJ London

    There is another Elephant in the Room / Planet and they are all the weather weapons that the NWO/USA is using as a war against us and the planet. I'm not talking just about seeding clouds for rain, since the Chinese are doing this favorably in areas that used to grow - nothing. But are now producing food.
    The US military used cloud seeding in order to drench the Cambodian/Vietnamese borders and I can verify that one . Are they now using weapons to create droughts for forest fires, tornados, over seeding clouds for floods, and are they moving the jet stream around for the fun of it too? There have been too many Secret research projects that have nothing to do with helping mankind. And this is a huge problem - if all these research climate weapons are being used, as I think they are Thanks.

    Replies: @HbutnotG

    , @Old and Grumpy
    @PJ London

    Volcanos do more in one eruption than the entire history of mankind can do. What made the ice age end? Sure wasn't our meat eating ancestors. A super volcano perhaps?

    Replies: @Resartus

  • [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] I've passed comment before, more than once, on the ambivalence we all feel towards the police and other law enforcement agencies. We know we need them; we appreciate what a tough job they have; we want to support them and encourage them; but …...
  • Although the order to clear the room was absurd, if the sheriff had refused to follow that wrongful order, scenarios might have developed under which his job and pension might have been jeopardized. On the other hand, if he (wrongfully) cleared the room, there is no scenario under which the attendees could have accomplished this. That was the sheriff’s pension-vs.-doofusses calculation.

    The essay’s headline reads “patriots must get involved,” but an honest and realistic headline would then add “…even though dreadful personal consequences might ensue, to you or your family.” The “too much to lose” problem is now so firmly entrenched that the U.S. has passed a “tipping point”; a point of no return.

    Here on Unz, there are three main types of belief about Derb’s “authoritarian leviathan”: (1) It’s too late; the tipping point has passed; (2) There’s still time; get involved; go to meetings; vote the rascals out; (3) We’ve got the numbers and the guns, if pushed too far, we can take care of this.


    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @Sin City Milla

    Derb’s “authoritarian leviathan”: (1) It’s too late; the tipping point has passed; (2) There’s still time; get involved; go to meetings; vote the rascals out; (3) We’ve got the numbers and the guns, if pushed too far, we can take care of this.
    Whichever it is, the authoritarian leviathon is definitely coming since democratic process has been all but destroyed by the PC Marxists. Let's just make sure that the Leviathan is ours n not theirs.
    , @Achmed E. Newman

    I was about to mash [Agree], Safenow, but, regarding the last part, I still lean toward (3) over your (1).

  • The police are statistically the most dangerous people the average person will ever encounter. This is when you are a completely innocent person. You have a much greater chance of being killed by a cop that you do being killed by a gang member or other criminal.

    Normal people should make every effort to stay completely away from and not interact with police.

    • Agree: PJ London
    • Replies: @dindunuffins
    @George 1


  • ambivalence we all feel towards the police and other law enforcement agencies.

    No ambivalence on my part. Anyone carrying a weapon employed by gov’t is a Judas goat mercenary.

    We know we need them; we appreciate what a tough job they have; we want to support them and encourage them

    I know we don’t need them because they are useless in fighting crime. Their only mission is to enforce all the stupid laws the controllers cook up. What tough job? They’re pampered mercenaries under law. They get to do what is prohibited for the rest of us. I definitely don’t want to support them because they are the tip of the spear in any and every effort to tyrannize us.

    • Agree: PJ London
  • No cheers at all for the overpaid, pampered snowflakes who are low enough scum to take employment as law enforcement.

    If I want my dog shot, wife manhandled, children molested, and myself forced to play a lethal game of Simon Says, I will call the cops. Otherwise I will take care of the problem myself.

    At best the cops will show up late. Then stand around with their thumbs up their asses writing a report and looking for a reason to arrest me.

    There are no good cops. They are all lying cowards.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    @Chris Mallory

    No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
    Jan 02, 201812:50AM
    Category: Politics
    Posted by: Michael Z. Williamson

    Here at the house, I have a couple of decades plus of military experience. I have tools to dig in or out of natural disasters. I have extinguishers and hoses. I have a field trauma kit and bandages. I have weapons both melee and firearm. I know how to use them. I know how to trench, support and revet. I understand the fire triangle and appropriate approaches. I understand breathing, bleeding and shock. I know how to detain, restrain and control. I have done all of these at least occasionally, professionally. I've stood on top of a collapsing levee in a flood. I've fought a structure fire from inside so we could get everyone out before the fire department showed up, which only took two minutes, but people can die that fast. I've had structures collapse while I was working on them. I've been in an aircraft that had a "mechanical" on approach and had to be repaired in-flight before landing. I've helped control a brush fire. I've hauled disabled vehicles out of ditches in sub-zero weather.

    My ex wife has over a decade of service and some of the same training.

    We have trained our young adult children.

    My wife is a rancher who knows her way around a shotgun, livestock, sutures and tools, hurricanes and floods, and works in investigations professionally.

    Our current house guest is another veteran.

    This means if anything happens at the house--and last year we had a lightning strike, a tornado and a flood within 10 days--we're pretty well prepared.

    Now, we're probably better off than 95% of the households out there. The level of disaster that necessitates backup varies.

    If we find it necessary to call 911, it means the party is in progress and it's bad.

    You will probably not be going home safe at the end of your shift.

    And you know what? If it gets to that point, I really don't give a shit. I don't give a shit if you get smoked. I don't give a shit if you fall under a tree. I don't give a shit if you get shot at.

    Because at that point, I've done everything I can with that same circumstance, and run out of resources.

    If my concern was "you going home safe," then I'd just fucking hunker down and die. Because I wouldn't want that poor responder to endanger himself.

    Except...that's what I pay taxes for, and that's what you signed up for. Just like I signed up to walk into a potential nuke war in Germany and hold off the Soviets, and did walk into the Middle East and prepare to take fire while keeping expensive equipment functioning so our shooters could keep shooting.

    There's not a single set of orders I got that said my primary job was to "Come home safe." They said it was to "support the mission" or "complete the objective." Coming home safe was the ideal outcome, but entirely secondary to "supporting" or "completing." Nor, once that started, did I get a choice to quit. Once in, all in.

    When that 80 year old lady smells smoke or hears a noise outside her first floor bedroom in the ghetto, she doesn't care if you go home safe, either. She's afraid she or the kids next door won't wake up in the morning.

    If I call, I expect your ass to show up, sober, trained, professional. I expect you to wade in with me or in place of me, and drag a child out of a hole, or out from a burning room, or actually stand up and block bullets from hitting said child, because by the time you get there, I'll have already done all that. And there will be field dressings, chainsawed trees, buckets and empty brass scattered about.

    I don't want to hear some drunk and confused guy squirming on the ground playing "Simon Says" terrified you so much you had to blow him away. I don't want to hear that some random guy 35 yards away who you had no actual information on "may have reached toward his waist band. Or that "the tree might fall any moment" or that "the smoke makes it hard to see."

    Near as I can tell, I don't hear the smokejumpers, or the firefighters, or the disaster rescue people say such things.

    But it's all I ever hear from the cops. If you and your five girlfriends in body armor, with rifles, are that terrified of actually risking your life for the theoretically dangerous job you volunteered for and can quit any time, then please do quit.

    You can get a job doing pest control and go home safe every night.

    Until a bunch of fucking pussies with big tattoos, small dicks, body armor and guns blow you away for minding your own business.

    Because what you're telling me with that statement is, your only concern is cashing a check. That's fine. But if that's your concern, don't pretend you're serving the public. If you wanted to help people at risk of life, you would be a firefighter, running into buildings, dragging people out, getting scorched regularly.

    If you're cool with writing tickets, then there's jobs where you can do just that.

    If you want to tangle with bad guys and blow them away, fair enough. But understand: That means they get to shoot first to prove their intent, just as happens with the military these days. Our ROE these days are usually "only if fired upon and no civilians are at risk."

    If your plan is "shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, then if anyone is still alive try to ask questions," and bleat, "But I was afeard fer mah lahf!" you're absolutely no better than the thugs you claim to oppose. All you are is another combatant in a turf war I don't care about.

    Since I know your primary concern is "being safe," then I'll do you the favor of not calling. Cash your welfare check, and try not to shoot me at a "courtesy" sobriety checkpoint for twitching my eye "in a way that suggested range estimation."

    If you're one of the vanishingly few cops who isn't like that, then what the hell are you doing about it? If there's going to be a lawsuit costing the city millions, isn't it better that it be a labor suit from the union over the clown you fired, than a wrongful death suit over the poor bastard the clown shot? Both are expensive, but one has a dead victim you enabled. So how much do you actually care about that life?

    How is the training so bad that it's not clear who is the scene commander who gives the orders?

    How is it that trigger happy bozos who, out of costume, look no different from the gangbangers you claim to oppose, get sent up front to fulfill their wish of hosing someone down because "I was afraid for my life!"?

    Why does the rot exist in your department?

    If you can't do anything about it, why are you still in that department?

    At some point, collective guilt is a thing.

    You've probably not been a good cop for a long time.

    And I still don't care if you go home safe. I care that everyone you purport to "serve and protect" goes home safe.

    Replies: @Per/Norway, @kba56

    , @dindunuffins
    @Chris Mallory

    There are no good blacks. They are all lying cowards.

  • When I was 8 years old, I discovered my parents’ record collection. It had all of the boomer classics. This was the first time I listened to David Bowie’s “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.” I wasn’t quite ready to understand Pink Floyd’s The Wall or The Who’s Tommy...
  • With all due respect, the writing was on the wall with the OJ trial.

    • Replies: @Miro23
    @PJ London

    With all due respect, the writing was on the wall with the OJ trial.


    I would put the divergence back in the 1920's - particularly in two books written by the same person. Henry Ford wrote "My Life and Work" (1922) which is the ultimate expression of American industrial creativity (that led to US world leadership in manufacturing and industrial technology). And, about the same time he wrote (or rather arranged to be written) "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem" (1920) describing the Jewish financialization and looting of nations throughout history.

    P35 - "Industry and Finance, are in a struggle to see whether Finance is again to become the master, or creative Industry. This is one of the elements which is bringing the Jewish Question to the bar of public opinion."
    One hundred years later it's clear to see that Finance has won (in the US) - but also that Industry has won in China (a place not even on the radar in 1920).

    Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain

    , @the cleaner
    @PJ London

    The writing was on the wall when the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation

  • In the latest sign that the US government’s War on Domestic Terror is growing in scope and scale, the White House on Tuesday revealed the nation’s first ever government-wide strategy for confronting domestic terrorism. While cloaked in language about stemming racially motivated violence, the strategy places those deemed “anti-government” or “anti-authority” on a par with...
  • @Franz

    For instance, those who “violently oppose” “all forms of capitalism” or “corporate globalization” are listed under this less-discussed category of “domestic terrorist.”

    I knew it. Sooner or later they were going to cancel Jack London, and they just did.

    The Iron Heel, by Jack London

    Replies: @PJ London, @frontier

    and I am next.

  • Earlier this year, my brother suddenly asked me what “Critical Race Theory” was. I was elated, for this was proof that this pernicious, genocidal, anti-White theory was finally entering into the consciousness of Whites. Since my brother asked me, stories about Critical Race Theory (CRT) have mushroomed, including much criticism of this previously arcane intellectual...
  • Another great analysis of what and how, which adds a trifle to our knowledge.
    Preaching to the choir gives a lovely masturbatory satisfaction, but doesn’t give birth to anything.

    Nothing can or will be done about it until the general public understand WHY it is being pushed on us.
    What is the basic reason for these actions which are or have been so well hidden?
    I have republished the list of actions of the Frankfurt school a number of conversations and the final line is, “We will make the west so corrupt that it stinks.”
    So what? So what if the west stinks. Mumbai stinks, Jakarta stinks, what difference does it make that the west stinks?
    What is it about the west, (Western society, whiteness) that it has to be destroyed?
    Why not destroy the Asians? There are more of them, why are they not a danger?
    The blacks, the Arabs, surely they are more numerous, why are they not a danger?
    The Jews, that everyone goes on about, are “White”, does the diatribe and hatred of ‘whiteness’ differentiate by religion or tribe? I have not seen any CRT that says Jews are not white.

    What is the objective and why is the objective important? To whom is the objective important?

    Until those questions are clearly identified and answered nothing can be achieved.

    • Replies: @El Dato
    @PJ London

    Maybe they identify with Isaac Asimov's "Second Foundation".

    We have no theory on how, why or whether cultural meories are maintained across generations as some kind of mass instinct.

    , @Rev. Spooner
    @PJ London

    Like a moth to light, Jews are attracted to only money and power. If it happens to be whites, so be it.

    , @Geowhizz
    @PJ London

    White skinned Jews known by me deny being White.