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U2’s Album Songs of Innocence Released for Free on iTunes Today

Apple had lots of big announcements today — a new watch, a new iPhone, and payment system. But wait, there’s more! On its big day, Apple also announced that anyone with an iTunes account can download for free Songs of Innocence, U2’s first album in 5 years. The album will remain free on iTunes until October 13, 2014, after which time it will be released on CD and maybe vinyl. You can access the album in several ways.

1.) On your iOS device, go to the Music app and select the Albums tab. Select Songs of Innocence. Tap a track to listen or tap the iCloud icon to download.

2.) On your Mac or PC, open iTunes, then select the Albums tab. Select Songs of Innocence. Select a track to listen or click the iCloud icon to download.

3.) On any of your devices, go to Featured Stations and select Songs of Innocence to listen. Starting September 10.

If you have any issues finding the free download, you might want to look through some of the troubleshooting suggestions found on this page.

Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad: A Free Online Course by Stanford

FYI: Apple officially released iOS7,  the latest operating system for the iPhone and iPad, on September 18. Almost simultaneously, Stanford began offering a course teaching students how to design apps in the new environment. Although the course is still in progress, the initial video lectures are now available online, you guessed it, on iTunesU.

This course, along with other top-flight coding courses, appears in the Computer Science section of our big collection of 775 Free Online Courses, where you’ll also find courses on PhilosophyHistoryPhysics and other topics.

Looking for tutorials on building apps in Android? Find them here.

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Steve Jobs on the Rise of the Personal Computer: A Rare 1990 Interview

In early 1990 Steve Jobs granted a very rare interview to the makers of a PBS NOVA miniseries called The Machine that Changed the World.

The producers of the series had a tough time getting Jobs to talk with them. They had already interviewed Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak and most of the other founding fathers of the personal computing revolution, but the reclusive Jobs brushed off all requests. “As we started the series,” writes Nancy Linde at the NOVA Web site, “we were warned time and time again. ‘You ‘ll never get Steve Jobs on camera.'”  After multiple requests, Jobs finally replied with a terse “No, thank you.” Linde continues:

But we had an ace up our sleeve by the name of Robert Noyce. A legend in the computer world as the co-inventor of the microchip and co-founder of Intel, Bob Noyce was a strong supporter of The Machine That Changed the World and served on our advisory board. Like most in Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs revered Bob Noyce, and a one-paragraph letter from Noyce changed Jobs’ “no” into a “yes,” giving our series one of a limited number of interviews Steve Jobs gave in his short lifetime.

At the time of the interview, Jobs was 35 years old and about midway through his 11-year exile from Apple. He was working with NeXT, the computer company he founded after being pushed out of Apple in 1985. In keeping with the theme of the miniseries, the interview deals mostly with the big picture. Jobs talks about the role of the computer in human life, and about the emergence and evolution of personal computing. He tells the story of how he and his early friend Wozniak (referred to in the interview as “Woz”) turned a hobby into a business and developed the Apple I and Apple II computers. He very briefly touches on the first two drivers of the personal computing revolution — spreadsheets and desktop publishing — before talking at length about the revolution that was yet to come: networked computing. The World Wide Web had barely been created in 1990, and Jobs is fairly prescient in his predictions of how the linking of computers would change the world.

The interview is presented above in raw form. You can read a transcript of the conversation at the WGBH Web site.

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Every Apple Ad Ever Aired on TV

Introducing a new YouTube Channel that gives you every Apple ad ever aired on TV — 485 ads, in total.

You can start with the iconic ones — the 1984 Super Bowl commercial directed by Ridley Scott, which aired just weeks after Steve Jobs demoed the first MacIntosh ever. Or, the famous “Think Different” campaign from the late 1990s. The official “Think Different” video was narrated by Richard Dreyfuss, but we’d encourage you to spend time with the never-aired version narrated by Jobs himself. Other vintage ads can be found in these chronologically-organized lists: 1977-1985, 1985-1996, 1996-2007 and 2007-2011. The 1981 Dick Cavett clip above appears in the first group.

But the collection also lets you sort ads thematically. So, for example, you can jump into the U.S. Get a Mac campaign, where you’ll get plenty of John Hodgman. Also find versions of the same campaign from the UK and Japan. Finally, Apple ads featuring celebrities — from Bob Dylan to Zooey Deschanel to Spike Lee — are all neatly packaged together too. H/T @coudal

Microsoft Rolls Out Its New Tablet in Fine Apple Style

This week, Microsoft rolled out its new tablet, simply called Surface, which gives you another way to enjoy our courses, moviesebooks, audio books and the rest. In many ways, Surface resembles the iPad in its look and feel. And when it came to unveiling the tablet, Microsoft’s execs couldn’t think outside the box created by Steve Jobs. A video made by ReadWriteWeb makes that rather painfully yet amusingly clear….

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Download David Hockney’s Playful Drawings for the iPhone and iPad

Last year, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto staged an exhibit of David Hockney’s playful drawings produced with/for the iPhone and iPad. Hockney became an early adopter of Apple’s popular devices and started creating finger-drawn images (using the Brushes app) in 2008. Initially, the English painter only shared his digital drawings with a small circle of friends. Then he decided to make them available to the larger world, presenting them first in Paris in 2010, and then later in Toronto. Here, Hockney explains the basic thinking behind his Fresh Flowers exhibitions.

Throughout the Canadian exhibition, the ROM invited the public to download a series of free images by Hockney. They’re all still online, and we’ve gathered them below. What will you do with them? Put them on your iPhone or iPad, of course. (Find instructions here and here.) Or whatever other device you please.



Steve Jobs Plays FDR in Apple’s Rally-the-Troops Film, 1944

Shortly after Apple aired its famous Ridley Scott Super Bowl commercial in 1984, the upstart company knocked off a cheap World War II-themed internal video — a rally-the-troops film — dubbed 1944.  The cause is freedom and the mission, to save the world from bad computing. The enemy isn’t the Axis (Germany, Japan, Italy.) It’s IBM and its “big blue mono-blob.” And the commander in chief? It’s Steve Jobs, of course, channeling F.D.R. at roughly the 5:30 mark (find the isolated cameo below).

To be sure, there’s an historical quality to this film. It offers a visual reminder of how Apple positioned itself against IBM before Microsoft came along. (Walter Isaacson drives home that point in his recent biography of Steve Jobs, which you can download from Audible if you sign up for a free trial.) But there’s also something more timeless about the film. It just goes to show that every company, no matter how much they think different, can revel in the same corporate gimmicks — the schwag, the fawning inside jokes and the rest. Poof, there goes my chance to work at Apple one day.

via Apple Insider

Van Gogh to Rothko in 30 Seconds

What if you took great works of art, stacked them side by side, and had them tell a story? You’d have a decidedly artful video … and a great teaser for the new artCircles iPad app that brings you collections of images curated by well-known figures including Yves Behar (named one of the “World’s 7 Most Important People in Design”) and John Maeda (president of Rhode Island School of Design). The app is free on iTunes, and if you pick up the new iPad with retina display, you can see where the device really excels. Or at least that was my experience when I gave it a spin.

And while we’re on the topic, here’s another free app worth checking out: “The Life of Art.” Produced by the Getty Museum in LA, the “Life of Art” gives users a chance to understand how objects end up in a museum in the first place. Photography, animations, video, and 360 degree rotations narrate the artistic lives of these objects. Find the app here. H/T Kottke

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