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East Village Inky 1st Issue cover

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Cover of the East Village Inky Issue Number 63

The East Village Inky — in which the Hoosier-born mother of two native New Yorkers manages to issue forth yet another quarterly installment of their New York City lives. Perishables & Dry Goods! Insomnia! Naked people dancing in a wholesome manner! Obscurities reviewed! Live Theater! Recipes! Comics! Advice to the Fathers! Babyproofing Hilarity! A Paucity of Negative Space!

zine star

Current Issue: Issue Number 63, February 2021

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Feminist zine fest 2016

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Inky Cover

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Ayun Halliday / The East Village Inky

1270 5th Avenue, Cubicle 7D

New York, New York 10029

Questions? Comments?  Ex-Circulation Manager Jambo is standing  by….

Where, oh, where can you buy THE EAST VILLAGE INKY?

Perhaps you are lucky enough to live in a city where some foolish, independent bookseller has agreed to stock The East Village Inky for your shopping convenience. They support me! Now you support them!

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The Astounding BatMilo urges you to shop local!
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Monkey Wrench Books
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Atomic Books
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Microcosm Store
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Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery


Inky, Mungo and Issue 23

Most of these joints will mail order you a copy! As will the funky fine folks at online vendors Microcosm, Birdcage Bottom Books and Wow Cool.
Supporting them = supporting me!

BACK ISSUE SYNOPSIS & SUBJECT INDEX…Itching to know more about lice? Desperately seeking the inside scoop on bras, former neighbor Heath Ledger and the 2002 Tony Awards? Armchair traveler in search of a child-friendly destination? Have we got an East Village Inky for you! Order em a la carte the old fashioned in-envelope way, or futuristic-style on Etsy! Get a feel for the whole issue in the back issue synopsis below.

If you’re interested in a particular subject (or just killing time ’til it’s time to punch out), our fake  librarian recommends you check out a downloadable PDF of the East Village Inky SUBJECT INDEX  (It’s the zinely equivalent of Googling your own name.)

Ayun with her yellow zinefest back issue board


(here’s a hot tip as pertains to SOLD OUT issues, particularly the later numbers. Click the link anyway – it’s possible that an independent bookseller of distro may have it in stock, and we support your support of them! Microcosm, Birdcage Bottom Books, and Quimbys.)

Issue Eight (SOLD OUT) — In which some aberrant goat cheese lands a pregnant Midwesterner in a hospital with a fine view of the Statue of Liberty for what were intended to be the final golden days of her IV-obsessed daughter’s only childhood.

Spinal taps! Stoop sales! Backstage at Conan O’Brien with Inky and Greg!

Issue Nine (SOLD OUT)— In which a three-thumbed three-year-old assumes the lifelong mantle of Big Sisterhood while Milk Monkey resumes lactation and lets the dishes go unwashed in favor of keeping more crucial plates in the air.

Birth! Bitchmother! Newborn and improved with one hundred percent Milo power!

Issue Ten (SOLD OUT)— In which a certain Hoosier transplant tromps around Brooklyn, the East Village and numerous subway lines, more of less joyously burdened with an infant, the coughing nursery-schooler desparate to kiss him, a bulging ersatz diaper bag, a Bug’s Life lunchbox, an ill-advised sack of groceries and a deteriorating stroller.

Post-natal fashion tips! Yoko Ono! A quarter pound of ground pork!

Issue Eleven  — In which Bitchmother finds herself besieged by Lilliputians, opens her mouth to a very bad dentist, and reclaims her ancestral Hoosier recipes.

Procrastination! Instructions for brushing your washcloth! Inky’s obsession with the murder of John Lennon!

Issue Twelve (SOLD OUT)— In which a baby gets his first tooth but is denied free ice cream, the tub toys mildew and the wife of a soon-to-be-Broadway-playwright grows her crewcut out right before your very eyes.

Coney Island! Poor housekeeping! Top secret blueprints for making your own damn zine!

Issue Thirteen (SOLD OUT) — In which after a whirlwind summer, a 36-year-old mother prematurely assumes that life is returning to normal on September 10, 2001, a four-year-old’s plan for increased TV viewing is thwarted by a force more powerful than her parents, and oblivious as a housecat to the swirl of current events, a fat baby boy thinks he’s the big cheese just because he can walk.

Urinetown! Square dancing! The view from the periphery!

Issue Fourteen (SOLD OUT) — In which the toast of Broadway quits his day job only to discover that he is expected to mind the children so his wife can watch television at the gym, shop for underwear and work on her zine.

Guerilla Marketeering! Pee pee and poo poo! A dance for darkest winter!

Issue Fifteen — In which the women and children must fend for themselves while Paycheck Monkey lollygags around the Middle East in the name of theatrical research.

Spring break in Savannah! Old scratched-up records! Absolutely no advice to the fathers!

Issue Sixteen — In which the younger members of the household experience a slight spike in babysitting due to their mother’s ambition to experience some of the Noo Yawk City glamour a-swirl around her Tony Award winning husband.

Movie stars! Magic tricks! Sex toys disguised as bananas!

Issue Seventeen(SOLD OUT) In which a 37-year-old Hoosier city-dude, a three-thumbed self-taught swimmer and a two-year-old suckling with crazy baby hair return from the wilds of Cape Cod to start kindergarten, make a lot of demands and forsake the butcher.

Recycling! Angry fish! Misadventures behind the wheel!

Issue Eighteen(SOLD OUT) In which an insomniac mother with a degree in theatre bites the hand that feeds her husband while recalling basement slow dances some twenty years past.

Snow! Quiche! An anatomically correct drawing that’s (almost) too hot for the fridge!

Issue Nineteen(SOLD OUT) In which Bitchmother wears her pajamas in public, takes the bus to the precinct and square dances in the gym, rendering herself so accurately in a portrait within that the two-year-old shouts “Put it away!” every time he sees that page.

Puppets! Joybubbles! The effects of freezing anti-war protests on five-year-old feet!

Issue Twenty(SOLD OUT) In which several birthdays in the Borough of Kings cause our anti-heroine to reflect upon the ball of mystery and satisfaction that once made her the most sought after party guest in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Mrs. Padgett! The 99-cent store! 1981’s Pillsbury Bake-off Winner Revamped In Lieu Of A 20th High School Reunion!

Issue Twenty-One (SOLD OUT) — In which an entire issue is devoted to a funnel-shaped account of three weeks in California.

The Bimbo Box! The melon-farming Monterey Aquarium! (never again!) Nary a word about recent lice infestations and false fire alarms!

Issue Twenty-Two — In which a three-thumbed public school student spends a lot of time scratching her head, and not because she’s feeling quizzical.

LICE! LICE! LICE! Return Flight Funnies! Alcohol Content Funnies! LICE!

Issue Twenty-Three(SOLD OUT) In which the Big Monkeys fly fourteen hours east of the Little Monkeys to the Land of the Rising Sun..

Electric commodes! Hello Kitty! Benighted Tofu Cookery!

Issue Twenty-Four — In which a new pet name (“Poochy”) leads someone to temporarily join forces with the least objectionable diet guru in the corporate bookstore.

The Yoga Duck! Dick Joke! High Decibel Bathroom Humor!

Issue Twenty-Five — In which patriotic New Yorkers attempt to defend themselves against an onslaught of Republicans.

French Tourists! First Amendment flash mob! Wiping the windows with the current administration!

Issue Twenty-Six — In which various combinations of the primary cast pair off and split for Berlin, LA, and the gloriously refreshing Mayan Riviera.

Pinkelstadt (das Musical)! El Coco Loco! Little MoMo’s wedding march!

Issue Twenty-Seven (SOLD OUT)— In which a 40-year-old Hoos-Yorker re-experiences the hubris of children’s art classes.

Bookstore tourism! Man Cooking! The end of Edwardo’s tail!

Issue Twenty-Eight (SOLD OUT)— In which three-quarters of the firm succumbs to Coney Island’s myriad charms.

Mermaids on parade! Shrimp allergy repealed! A baby emerges from someone else’s body for a change!

Issue Twenty-Nine — In which one of the main characters is ushered permanently offstage

SPECIAL JAMBO TRIBUTE ISH! Perfect for cat-loving kid haters.

Issue Thirty  — In which the children are forced to endure an entire week’s worth of cultural enrichment, as payback for Honey Bunny, swimming pool time, and CoCo the Class Bear.

Movie star neighbors! Facial shrubbery! Miss Bindergarten vs. Ms. Bloodshot!

Issue Thirty-One (SOLD OUT) — In which a 41-year-old woman becomes ensnared in a web of expensive accessories designed to keep her daughter on the weenie side of tween.

Sartorial hubris! Overgrown snowglobes! Inflatable patriotic bongo sticks!

Issue Thirty-Two (SOLD OUT)— In which Head Counselor Bitchmother packs the children off to Camp MamaLamaDingDong.

Modern art! Mice! A message from the National Corn Dog Advisory Board!

Issue Thirty-Three (SOLD OUT) — In which a severely sagging 41-year-old mother returns much refreshed, only to find that one of her children in a state ultimately requiring plastic surgery.

Austin, Texas! Little Children! Boobs Galore!

Issue Thirty-Four (SOLD OUT)— In which a fully grown adult makes quite a spectacle of herself on the streets and subways of New York.

Radical Buzzcuts! The Beatles! The True Meaning of Christmas!

Issue Thirty-Five (SOLD OUT) — In which the children are cast out of the New York City public school system’s pan, into the fire of the former Yugoslavia.

Luggage! Souvenirs! Lots of Hideous Pizza!

Issue Thirty-Six (SOLD OUT) — In which two powerless children are hauled into the wilds of Juneau, Alaska, courtesy of the world’s first Bio-Historical musical.

Perversion Theater! Mad Cow Redux! Glory Holes Galore!

Issue Thirty-Seven (SOLD OUT) — In which our heroes drive themselves to the very brink, researching the public middle schools of Brooklyn and beyond.

Motherwoman & Nanny X! Paparazzi Smackdown! Various Attempts to Draw Hands!

Issue Thirty-Eight (SOLD OUT) — In which a 43-year-old comics fan picks through her collection, trying to parse which should be viewed as inappropriate for viewing by the feral young.

Coney Island Skeeball Cost Analysis! Huck & Jim! Reiko vs Seiko!

Issue Thirty-Nine (SOLD OUT) SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY ISH!!! — In which a shockingly weather-beaten, 43-year-old, intentionally displaced Hoosier celebrates a decade’s worth of schlepping the 21-fingered-young around the city of her childish dreams.

Issue Forty (SOLD OUT)— In which the only New Yorker (via Indiana) of her vintage to list her actual birth year on Facebook travels back in time to ride the subway without pants, spend Xmas onstage with the feral young, and send her kid to camp by becoming a camp counselor.

Mother Puma! Freaky Fungi! Heinies Galore!

Issue Forty-One
— In which a fledgling children’s book author attempts to move more magazines by splashing her REKINDLED strictly non-sexual AFFAIR with a NEW YORK CITY CELEBRITY (of the non-human type) all over he cover in a misleading way!

Hugh Jackman’s Hair! Herpetology! A Buncha Poorly Drawn Superheroes!

Issue Forty-Two (SOLD OUT)SPECIAL SUMMER CAMP ISH! In which a 44-year-old Hoos-Yorker makes a temporary return to Neverland, ostensibly to provide an economically feasible way for the feral young to spend 4 weeks at sleepaway camp.

Missing Counselor Drama in Real Life! Lactose Intolerant Dessert! TheWeenie Man!

Issue Forty-Three (SOLD OUT)— In which a 44-year-old former theater major finds unexpected commercial success, courtesy of the untutored charismatic young during a slight let-up in the great fauxpendicitis scare of 2009.

Mother Puma & Gretchen Tiger! The Relativity of Funkiness! Couches!

Issue Forty-Four (SOLD OUT) — In which a 45-year-old secondary character becomes so wrapped up in guidebooks, Babies & Little Women, she inadvertently elbows the true stars nearly all the way offstage.

Unicorns! Youtube Pejorative! A Complete Script for At-Home Theatrical Fun!

Issue Forty-Five (SOLD OUT) In which a 45-year-old, papier-mache-helmet-wearing guidebook author publicly trashpicks to combat expenses of orthodontic nature.

Complaint Choirs! Viking Funerals! Dryer Lint!

Issue Forty-Six(SOLD OUT)—In which a 45-year-old hostess squires an inanimate visitor around NYf’nC to the ambivalence of the very ones you would expect to delight in such things.

Lateral Epicondylitis! Dawn Dolls! Something Nasty in the Mail!

Issue Forty-Seven (SOLD OUT)—In which a 46-year-old Hoos Yorker has much to teach you despite an appalling lack of credentials, vocation and time.

Empty Threats! Astounding Feats! Poorly Hand Drawn Hands!
(an alternative take on No. 47, from a Japanese zineshop & Google Translation)

Issue Forty-Eight (SOLD OUT)—In which a 46-year-old, comparatively Luddite Dorkimus Maximus opens herself up to all manner of ridicule.

ALL MUSIC ISH! DIY Illegal Downloads! Todd Rundgren! Hip Brooklyn Teens!

Issue Forty-Nine  (SOLD OUT)—In which the ENTIRE STAFF finds herself, I mean themselves, mysteriously transported to a non-existent island. Plan ahead!

Zombies!  Ukulele Firestorm! Three Uses for Socks!

Issue Fifty —THE GOLDEN JUBILEE! (SOLD OUT) The zine-iest issue in East Village Inky history! Zine reviews! Zine fests! Zinester glitterati and promising newbies rendered in pen, ink, and copious amounts of white out.

Neighborhood Celeb Sightings! Human Bunnies! Raspberry Jalapeno Soup!

Issue Fifty-One (SOLD OUT)— Homeschooling Extravaganza!  BRACING NEW MINICOMIC FORMAT! In which an educator of questionable credentials seizes the reins.

The Civil War! Gregraham! The Cult of Coconut Milk Yogurt!

Issue Fifty-Two (SOLD OUT) In which we celebrate 18 years of NYC living by mistakenly referring to it as our silver NY-versary at least 3 times. Never before revealed anecdotes and lots of art & weirdy theater! Did we mention that this zine is now a minicomic?

Bodily Fluids! Immersive Theater! A Secret Underground Bowling Alley!

Issue Fifty-Three (SOLD OUT) In which the self-placed choke chain morphs into a 3-comic-panel-a-day noose in a soon-to-be-notorious, never-to-be-repeated, fertile…mayhaps too fertile…stunt!

Camp-out Horror Stories! Dramatic Homeskoolin’! Dumpstered Bagels!

Issue Fifty-Four (SOLD OUT) In which a certain leathery matriarch breaks with the expected, finally acting on her agent’s long ago comment that yet another destined-to-be-a-bestseller book idea (“An autobiography told entirely in kitchen objects!”) would make “a really good zine”.

Lusterware Tragedy! A Mysterious Package! The Geography of Michigan!

Issue Fifty-Five (SOLD OUT)In which Mother Elephant takes over a year to gestate tales of travel with the young, and in so doing eventually manages to wrap the sieve-like remains of her brain around what this portends for THE FUTURE!

LONDON! ROME! A large penis is always welcome!

Issue Fifty-Six (SOLD OUT) In which the Chief Primatologist usurps the kids’ position, possibly to their relief, in an issue devoted to the relocation of East Village Inky headquarters to East Harlem, after 16 years in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.

Boxes! What I’ll Miss! What I Won’t Miss!

Issue Fifty-SevenIn which our readers learn how to talk like a true denizen of the East Village Inky using this handy lexicon-cum-coloring book. A revolutionary new method meets the vertical format!

Pop-zip! A large penis is still always welcome! You tell about it!
(and for those who’ve been agonizing over the print size – it’s bigger now! Big as split peas!)

Issue Fifty-Eight (SOLD OUT)In which the Chief Primatologist holds forth on some of life’s most pleasurable pleasures, big, small, universal, bizarre…

Rats! Fawns! Avocados!

Issue Fifty-NineIn which the Chief Primatologist escorts the sole student of Theater of the Apes homeskoo around Italy for the summer.

The Sound of Musica! The Scent of Hazelnuts! Village People lighters!

Issue Sixty(SOLD OUT) In which Mexico is elbowed offstage and the looming empty nest reframed, by an unforeseen date in the dementia mines.

The Most Beautiful Woman in Dementialand! Hot Hoosier Gossip from 1978! The Eclair Nozzle!

Issue SixtyOne(SOLD OUT) In which the Chief Primatologist, head teacher, and lone administrator of the Kotis Residence Secular NYC Homeskoo takes the opportunity to reflect on what she has unlearned

Cunning use of animals to disguise human identity! Student artwork, rescued and reproduced a la our queen, Lynda Barry! Don’t clap for that!

Issue Sixty-Two(SOLD OUT) In which New York City is clobbered by a pandemic, which doesn’t make us special, just first.

Hear my Hoosier accent, along with some zinely trade secrets on my interview with A People’s Guide to Publishing podcast:

The East Village Inky is published more or less quarterly. This back issue guide is updated annually. We aims to please, so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, shoot us a yawp!

Just think, if Greg had hitched his cart to a different wagon, his Advice to the Fathers from Issue 14 might have wound up as a reprint in Disney Family Fun, if not Gay Parent, instead of this august cyber publication from the Barnard Center for Research on Women.

And let’s not forget our ol’ pal, Bitchmother!

And just for the hell of it, let’s Zine Mob the F train, a NYC zinemakers’ response to the botched Amtrak Writers’ Residency program.


Assistant Circulation Editor Mungo is honored to have made the zinecats Tumblr, February 2014.

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