

Reads. Crafts. Rabble Rouses. Rants. Cis. She/her. Doesn't look like Rita Hayworth.

Unit: març de 2017


Has blocat @HerHandsMyHands

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  1. Tuit fixat
    5 de maig de 2017

    FYI: I'm just a tish angry this morning & not in the mood to entertain fucking stupid asshole delicate Trump voters or MSM, who fucked us up

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  2. ha retuitat
    fa 1 hora

    Like I'm sitting in my dark living room yesterday and I catch myself timing out when the sun will go down and it'll cool off, thinking it's soon, and no. No, sunset in Seattle is an hour later than in LA. Sunrise is sooner. This legitimately is uglier in the PNW than the SW.

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  3. ha retuitat
    fa 10 minuts

    This… it’s not just hot. It currently doesn’t start to get dark until 10pm

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 2 hores

    We've entered this interesting timeline where "give people money" actually ended up being a policy win and a messaging loss, as the Biden Admin abandoned it as soon as it became the scapegoat for low-end hiring troubles. Crazy how fast that inverted.

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  5. ha retuitat
    fa 1 hora

    This is the secret law of the universe: If you don’t fix the original racist thing, you get more racist things. You don’t even need new maps. Just get the redlining maps and plug in literally anything that matters and boom: it’s discriminatory.

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    This applies to EMTs and paramedics as well. Not just as someone who understands psychology, but as someone who’s been in a severe accident PLEASE give people the emotional support and care they need in that moment along with physical care.

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  7. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    Long story short, mental care for people who’ve been injured is JUST as important as their physical care. Our police system shouldn’t exist, but if there’s any fucking place they should NEVER be it’s emergency situations or around ANYONE having a mental health crisis

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  8. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    I was the only one to hold the victims’ hands, the only one to keep the passenger conscious as she struggled to fight staying awake. Even with “trained” officers around me I was THE ONLY ONE providing what little care I could without equipment

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  9. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    Last night I pulled over for a wreck to help the people that were injured. My heart dropped when I realized police were coming before EMTs and I was right in feeling that

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  10. ha retuitat
  11. ha retuitat
    27 de juny

    How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory | The New Yorker

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  12. ha retuitat
    fa 58 minuts

    Where Bezos's empire has exceeded the imagination of Richard Bachman* in its dystopian qualities is that they've managed to combine the sub-viable employment and the degrading and dangerous contest into one. (*Still aware, thanks.)

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  13. ha retuitat
    fa 1 hora

    This isn't just dystopian, this is specifically like something out of Richard Bachman*'s The Running Man, where the working class is forced to participate in dangerous contests in order to afford to survive. (*I am aware, thanks.)

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  14. ha retuitat
    fa 1 hora

    The cops attacking Pride in New York after being uninvited keeps making me think of the end of "Homer's Barbershop Quartet", the Simpsons episode where Chief Wiggum gets kicked out of a musical group as part of their journey to mainstream success.

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  15. ha retuitat
    fa 2 hores

    ok friends! We're in the last 41 days of our fundraiser to forgive $1.5 MILLION in junk medical debt for poor folks in KY and TN. We need $59/day to hit our goal by 8/7. Every tax deductible $1 forgives $100 debt. Please boost & donate! ?

  16. fa 2 hores

    Break time, . Eat something, lower your shoulders, stretch your legs, drink more water, relax your jaw, and breathe. . . . . . . . . . .

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  17. fa 2 hores

    Break time, . Eat something, lower your shoulders, stretch your legs, drink more water, relax your jaw, and breathe. . . . . . . . . .

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  18. ha retuitat
    fa 10 hores

    All in the police file: “Extensive undisclosed documents, including a failed polygraph test, a statement from [witness’s] wife that he had identified a different perpetrator, & an undated letter from [witness] to a homicide detective, seeking help in exchange for information.”

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  19. ha retuitat

    This is the ACTUAL mission of critical race theory: unpacking the systemic injustices embedded in our laws, which work to disproportionately harm people of color. The criminal justice system in this country is littered with outrages like this one. SMDH.

  20. ha retuitat

    I’ve been watching and tracking this for years now . They’ve been doing it in plain sight , half of the digital strategists they hired are because of their success with these tactics And the “resistance “ has aided them every step of the way

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  21. ha retuitat
    fa 6 hores

    This is a very heartening thread. It’s like I’ve long said: TERFs are very loud, but very few in actual number


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