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Apollo 11 Launch in Very Slow Motion

We take you back to July 16, 1969 and the launch of Apollo 11, which landed humans on the moon for the first time. The footage slows things down, stretching 30 seconds of action to over eight minutes of viewing time. Here’s what it looked like in real time.

via @SteveSilberman

Vermeer with a BiC

Take  Johannes Vermeer‘s, The Girl with a Pearl Earring, and then try to reproduce it with a simple BiC pen. That’s what artist James Mylne does here. In 90 seconds, we see what took him 90 hours to pull off. Here it goes.

Truman Capote Reads from Breakfast at Tiffany’s in NYC (1963)

We’re bringing you some great authors this week. First it was Hemingway, then Orwell, and now Capote.

In 1958, Truman Capote put his stamp on the American literary scene when he published his short novel, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, in the pages of Esquire magazine. Authors and critics were quick to recognize what Capote had accomplished here. The always opinionated Norman Mailer would say that Capote “is the most perfect writer of my generation, he writes the best sentences word for word, rhythm upon rhythm. I would not have changed two words in Breakfast at Tiffany’s which will become a small classic.” About that, Mailer was exactly right. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is now a classic book – not to mention a classic film too (watch the trailer with the iconic Audrey Hepburn here). And now let’s rewind the audiotape and take you back to 1963, to the great 92nd Street Y in New York city, where Truman Capote reads from his little classic in his own distinctive voice. This audio clip runs about 17 minutes. Have a listen.

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Ernest Hemingway Reads “In Harry’s Bar in Venice”

Perhaps Ernest Hemingway wasn’t the best at reading literature aloud. And it’s why A.E. Hotchner once said, “one of Ernest Hemingway’s deadliest enemies was The Microphone.”

But even so, it’s worth recapturing the voice of the American literary giant – especially when we can hear him read from his  own work. The reading is called “In Harry’s Bar in Venice,” and it was recorded with a pocket recorder sometime in the late 1950s. You can access the recording (thanks to HarperAudio) in multiple formats here: .au format, .gsm format, .ra format. Or you can buy it as part of a larger collection called Ernest Hemingway Reads Ernest Hemingway.

Oscar Wilde in His Own Words

Click the image two times to take a closer look!

It’s a creative take on Oscar Wilde. And Erika Iris Simmons doesn’t stop there. You can find more of her creative “paperwork” creations on her web site. Beethoven, Hitchcock, Einstein – they’re all here… (For more of her work, also see Simmons’ Flickrstream.)

via Metafilter

Gravity Makes Music

This short film is best watched in full screen mode. Just click here to expand.

Thanks to Yoni for sending this one along. If you have a great piece of open culture to share with your fellow readers, feel free to contact us any time.

James Dean and Ronald Reagan Clash in Newly Discovered Video

Recently a friend of John Meroney at The Atlantic discovered this 1954 episode of General Electric Theater featuring Ronald Reagan and James Dean.

Dean’s performance is superb, and the episode (edited to 6 minutes) is a parable of the cultural tensions of the time — with drugged up, beatnik delinquents invading the home of a decent couple to subject them at gunpoint to jazz and slang: “man,” “fake it, Dad,” “you dig me,” “that’s crazy,” “don’t goof on me now.” It’s a quite fitting scene, especially given that Reagan went on to be the icon of the conservative movement, while Dean became emblematic of the rebellious youth culture to which Reagan’s movement was a reaction. But while the overt moral lesson of this episode is anti-rebel, there’s no doubt that powerful depictions like these–in which Dean’s expressiveness is as charismatic as it is frightening–only contributed to making rebellion cool.

Wes Alwan lives in Boston, Massachusetts, where he works as a writer and researcher and attends the Institute for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture. He also participates in The Partially Examined Life, a podcast consisting of informal discussions about philosophical texts by three philosophy graduate school dropouts.

The Hubble Celebrates 20 Years of Discovery

20 years ago (April 24, 1990) the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, beginning a long period of discovery. Today, NASA is celebrating the Hubble’s 20th anniversary by releasing one of the many brilliant photos taken by the space telescope. The image shows us a small portion of one of the largest star-birth regions in the galaxy, the Carina Nebula. As NASA goes on to describe it:

“Towers of cool hydrogen laced with dust rise from the wall of the nebula. The scene is reminiscent of Hubble’s classic “Pillars of Creation” photo from 1995, but is even more striking in appearance. The image captures the top of a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being pushed apart from within, as infant stars buried inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks like arrows sailing through the air.”

You can download NASA’s featured photo in various sizes and resolutions here. You can also look through an amazing gallery of Hubble photos sponsored by NASA, plus a beautiful collection by National Geographic’s here. Lastly, NPR has a nice audio slideshow that features astronomers talking about their favorite Hubble images. Thanks @lauraehall for the heads up on that.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.