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Now from the onset, I want to make a few things clear that I made in my last major Ukraine sitrep from 2018:

  • Ukraine hasn’t collapsed (desires of more deluded pro-Russians aside) nor has it come closer to it.
  • While Ukraine’s economy remains in the gutter, ahead only of Moldova in Europe, it is the more Russophone East and South that have, on average, been worse affected.
  • Ordinary Ukrainians still live far better than in the 1990s, even if living standards have if anything regressed over the past decade by most measures.

But on to the bad news: Despite occasional outbursts of optimism on the part of observers…

Now here’s the thing. I actually agree that Ukraine probably has the highest potential/reality gap of any country outside Best Korea. This a straightforward conclusion from national IQ vs. GDP per capita stats.

Problem is, Ukraine can remain “irrational” longer than you can remain solvent.

According to most indices of consumer well-being, Ukraine remains about as mired in the mud as it was in 2016. Here are some representative examples.


5.7M sqm of residential housing was constructed in 2020, down almost 50% from 2019. This is only 50% higher than in 4.1M sqm in Belarus (a country with 1/4 of its population that had an abortive color revolution). It is also a tiny fraction of the 80.6M sqm constructed in Russia. Many individual Russian regions have as much or almost as much construction as all of Ukraine. For instance, even outside the capitals, Krasnodar oblast (official pop: 5.2M) had 4.5M sqm of construction. Crimea inc. Sevastopol had 1.3M, or almost a quarter of the Ukrainian total. It’s evidently doing very well without Ukraine.


The past few years haven’t been good ones for automobilization in general in the ex-USSR. Still, whereas Ukraine once did have a small car manufacturing industry, today it’s as good as non-existent (<5,000 produced in 2020).

In fairness, Ukraine did see 200% growth in Q1 2021. Apparently, a small factory producing a few hundred cars per month started up in Zaporozhye. However, closer analysis shows that all it does is just simply assembly of Ladas (!) and Renault Arkanas from imported Russian subcomponents. So, basically doing for Russia, and at a very small scale at that, what the likes of Slovakia do for Germany. Eurointegration going from strength to strength!

In terms of car sales, less than 100,000 new cars were sold or registered in Ukraine in 2020. This is less than twice as much as the 52,000 in Belarus, and a tiny fraction of the 1 .63M in Russia.


7.6M passenger flights in 2019, vs 115M in Russia. This 1:10+ ratio is typical.


Saw this blog post by genby on meat production a few weeks ago.

This shows the ratio of Ukrainian to Russia meat production going down from 43% in 1990 to 23% by 2019.

This is reflected in meat consumption, which in Russia is comparable to OECD levels and almost twice as high as in Ukraine up to at least 2019.

Contra various claims, the price of a Big Mac (a standard product used to assess international differences in prices) in Russia is cheaper than in Ukraine. In mid 2020, the average Russian can buy almost twice as many Big Macs per month as a Ukrainian (a correlation that has held steady since at least the early 2000s).

In fact, genby makes an interesting argument that, based on prices in the Auchan supermarket chain, Russia might have the cheapest products relative to both Ukraine and Poland.


Hi Tech

You might rejoinder, why am writing about boring stuff like food and housing. What about high tech?

The reason is – I’m not sure it exists in Ukraine, period.

Now I certainly don’t want to create the (false) impression that Russia is any kind of technological superpower, in reality, the situation, while much improved in the last few years, is still decidedly uninspiring. It is not an O-Ring dense economy.

Nonetheless, it does produce 10% of the world’s power turbines and 40% of the commercial NPPs under construction, the world’s only nuclear icebreakers, the Armata and various nuclear Wunderwaffen. It created Sputnik, one of the most successful and effective Corona vaccines (even if adaption is low, because most Russians are anti-vaxxer idiots – but in that sense, it is in fact kindred souls with Ukraine).

A factory in Ukraine purportedly produces… 60% of the skis used in Europe. Impressive if accurate, but it’s telling that this is what one has to reach for to find examples of Ukrainian manufacturing success.

If you had invested into the Ukrainian stock market on the upsurge of good feeling immediately following the Euromaidan, you would only be barely up in grivna terms and massively down in dollar terms (you’d be up 3x in ruble terms with the MOEX and about 25% in USD terms). This is at once both remarkably in light of the noises made about opening up to Western investment, as well as what it says about their failure to come and what it implies for the Ukrainian economy.

(Incidentally, I note that, very unusually for Ukrainian institutions these days, the website of the Ukrainian stock market has a Russian translation to go along with English and Ukrainian. This says a lot about the ultimate limits of svidomism – it ends where money begins).


Ukrainian economy respecters hype Ukraine’s thriving IT outsourcing sector, which produced $4.2B worth of exports in 2019 (vs. $5.4B for Russia).

But this is actually a good illustration of what I have been getting at.

IT exports apparently similar and 3x higher for Ukraine in per capita terms, meanwhile in terms of what their respective IT spheres have actually create:

Russia: Yandex (inc. AI, cloud services, self-driving cars – basically, a parallel Google, that is its close technological peer, often coming to solutions at the same time as it or slightly ahead); mail group (Vkontakte, Russia’s Facebook); several e-commerce giants; world’s largest digital bank, TCS Group (Tinkoff). These are the foundations of a self-contained tech ecosystem replicating most everything that you can find in Silicon Valley (or Shenzhen) and which no other European country, not even Germany, possesses. There’s even a 23andme-equivalent (Genotek).

Ukraine: 4A Games and GSC make good video games, I don’t want to diss them. But they’re not Yandex or Vkontakte, and they’re not even CD Projekt Red (Poland). Otherwise, <1% of the population (freelancers) lead very nice lives, enjoying Western salaries with Ukrainian prices. Good for them, many of us aspire to the lifestyle of a geo-arbitraged NEET, but it’s hard to see how that will make a lasting contribution to Ukraine’s economic development.

Why do Ukraine (and Belarus) “export†IT services? Because they do not have a Yandex, an Ozon, or a Vkontakte to hire many of their talented software professionals. That Belarus apparently has half of Russia’s IT exports while its only IT company of any international stature is World of Tanks says it all.

In fact, one comparison could be to Moscow in the 1990s, which hosted one of Boeing’s most important global R&D centers and, as I recall, playing a rather a central role in designing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This was good for Russian programmers who stayed employed, but it was Boeing and the US that derived 99% of the added value from this. Much of the Ukrainian IT outsourcing sector can be described in the same veins. But today, many of those engineers would be working on places like the Irkut MC-21.


Again, as per above, I don’t want to give the impression that Ukraine is some Sub-Saharan African tier economic hole. Some of the unsatisfactory raw statistics are belied by things such as the propensity of Ukrainians to buy second hand cars from Europe, which accounts for the paucity of new car sales. Ukraine’s depopulation coupled with open labor markets with ECE have produced upwards pressure on wages for those who remain there. This has allowed them to float upwards and, anecdotally, improve their ability to do things like budget international travel (though the extent of it should not be overestimated – see the airline flight statistics).

But does any of this resulting in the appearance of the type of complex O-Ring industries that are the true foundation of long-term international wealth and First World convergence? There’s scant evidence of that. It remains an economy based on unmodernized metallurgical enterprises, some new fangled simple assembly work factories in the west, and geo-arbitraging IT service exporters based in Kiev and Lvov (who live very well, but whose contributions to development must be seen as minimal).

So Ukraine, which was already far behind, continues slipping back even further. Nothing particularly surprising, you can’t build an economy on Atlanticist cargo cultism and IT outsourcing.


• Category: Economics • Tags: Development, Economics, Russia, Ukraine 

This week’s Open Thread.


* Zach Goldberg, the guy who coined the “Great Awokening”, is now blogging at Substack. You should give him a follow.

* Alex Tabarrok observed that it is “depressing” that you’d have done better investing in Dogecoin this year than in Pfizer. I think this is a function of (1) vaccines being priced in, and (2) populism was never going to allow Big Pharma to extract significant profits from Corona vaccines, so furthermore, it was never even going to be worth much in the first place. In fact, pharma as a whole not only underperformed Dogecoin or crypto, but even the stock market as a whole. If the vaccines were created to “enrich” Big Pharma, as conspiracy people claim, they sure were not very competent at the “enrichment” part.

* TIL. Wikipedia – Complaint tablet to Ea-nasir. (h/t Daniel Chieh). The original salesman from hell.

It’s pretty funny, but a large percentage of the early Russian birch-bark manuscripts also concern various kinds of commercial disputes. E.g., one from 1025-1050:

The most amusing of these is a letter written by a guy called Zhirovit to another guy called Stoyan demanding the repayment of a nine year old debt of 4.5 grivnas. Otherwise, he threatened to sue Stoyan and to seek confiscation of his property. According to linguistic clues, Zhirovit is very likely a non-Novgorodian, perhaps from Smolensk, Vitebsk, or Polotsk.

* AP: The NFL says it will halt the use of “race-norming†— which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive functioning — in a $1 billion settlement of brain injury claims. The practice had made it harder for Black players to qualify. Commenting such things is tiring at this point, and probably worthless. “Those who know, know.”

* Insomniac Resurrected:


• Tags: Blogging, Open Thread 

The YouGov poll on which animal Americans could take in a fight (covered by Sailer) was complemented by another poll asking Brits those same questions.

American women sure are confident. The Brits are… realistic? (On the large animals, at any rate).

Anyhow, for what little opinion (never having fought any of these animals) is worth:

  • I would guess a majority of healthy young men should be able to beat wolves and big dogs (~50 kg). I’m not sure that the idea that wolves are necessarily more dangerous than big dogs is accurate. Weight classes are similar, and some dogs were even specifically bred to kill wolves.
  • The fitter half or certainly quartile of male humans should be able to beat a chimp, they weigh 50% less (size matters a lot) and their strength advantage is overstated (claims of 10x are wrong, it’s actually more like 1.5-2x). As Triteleia Laxa pointed out in Sailer’s thread, in Africa, they occasionally prey on small children, but run from adults.
  • Really, chimps (presumably male), large dogs, wolves should all be around the 50%+ mark for fit young men, probably something like 10-15% for fit young women.
  • Any adult should be able to take an eagle. In fact, it’s a bit weird how the eagle is so feared (weight: 7kg is a big one).
  • Chances of victory for any human against the 5 animals at the bottom is as near to 0% as makes no difference. (I idly wonder if there has ever been a single case of an unarmed human vs. adult big cat victory or brown bear – heck, even black bear – victory in the past 100,000 years).

Here’s how Americans think various animals will do against each other in a cage match:

This actually seems… rather accurate, by and large.

Well, grizzly bears and polar bears should be essentially similar, and both would cardinally outclass any of the big cats. Quite a number of animals are overestimated, especially the medium cats, there are records of humans including women who killed leopards unarmed. Boars should be way higher than wolves, a man can kill a wolf unarmed but he won’t be killing a boar. LOL at 2 ton walruses lower than 7kg eagles (even polar bears rarely bother with them). Humans should unironically be considerably higher. Plenty of records of men and some women killing wolves and leopards. My guess is that boar and jaguars are the point at which our success rate would dwindle to near zero or zero.

One interesting contest that’s unsurprisingly close is lions vs. tigers. While they would seem evenly matched, I recall reading somewhere that Roman amphitheater records of contests between the two had tigers coming out on top almost all of the time. Since those would have been Bengal tigers, a lion should stand basically zero chance against a Siberian tiger.

Unsurprisingly, bears beat bulls.

• Tags: Animals 

Transhumanism, at its most basic level, is about extending human capabilities through technology.

In a sense, it has always been with us since at least the invention of fire. As David Landes notes, the invention of eyepieces in Renaissance Italy de facto doubled the productive life expectancy of artisans that relied upon fine motor skills for their labors. It probably wasn’t particularly critical so far as European ascendancy went – my best guess is that particular honor belongs to mass literacy, another technology that massively extended human capabilities, effectively augmenting the information storage capacity at our fingertips by orders of magnitude – but it certainly didn’t hinder the process.

This illustrates another fundamental aspect about transhumanism. While it is generally good for the individual – you want fire to cook your food, your want vaccines not to croak soon after childbirth, you want eyeglasses (or even better, contact lenses) to see better – it is primarily at the social and national level that it can be said to truly multiply capabilities. While Marxists believe that it was modes of production that constituted the the “base” of human development, in reality it has always been technology. When the stirrups were invented, you wouldn’t have had any particular luck as a peasant arguing its fine philosophical merits or demerits against the mounted nomads that rampaged down from the Eurasian steppes to engage in an orgy of slaughter, rapine, and brigandry. When industrial development went hyperbolic in Great Britain around the turn of the 19th century, it marked what was to become a century of exceptional genetic adaptiveness for the Anglo-Saxon race, which overspread most of the “Stone Age” world. Societies built on lagging technological paradigms, no matter how numerous the levies that manned them (though conscription potential, too, is a factor of development), were hapless in the face of it.

In the 21st century, one possibility is that dysgenics will destroy innovation-producing smart fractions sooner than they can launch a singularity of some sort. I call this scenario the Age of Malthusian Industrialism.

Another possibility is that some entity (an individual, a team, a corporation or political/military organization, a country, the “noosphere” as a whole) will launch a recursively improving AGI (artificial general intelligence). We can only speculate what the goals of this AI will be; there are disparate attempts to solve this so-called “alignment problem”, but my cursory impression of the space is that its prospects aren’t good. Nonetheless, while the question of who precisely invents and “launches” this AI is speculative, and might not necessarily end up benefiting its creators, another possibility is that it will help them achieve some kind of world domination (a “singleton” as it’s called in the literature), the side that possesses such an AI being in a position far superior even to America’s world nuclear monopoly in the late 1940s. Consequently, this is an area of research whose world-historical important is not done justice even by the current elevated hype around “machine intelligence” and the like.

The third possibility is what I call a “biosingularity.” The machine AGI problem is either judged to be too hard, or the hopes of solving the alignment problem too meager, to make it worth pursuing (also assumes that coordination problems constraining such research are also solved). Biosingularity at a basic level suggests massively augmenting base level biological intelligence, e.g. identifying the alleles corresponding to intelligence and figuring out reliable ways of mass editing them. The first country that starts to do this even a few years ahead of the rest of the pack – in my assessment, the most likely candidates are either some post-religious, non-SJW trading entrepots like Singapore, or more exotically, India – will rapidly gain an insurmountable lead relative to the rest of the world analogous to in world history to the Agricultural and the Industrial Revolution. Even today, countries with a notable smart fraction that is ~1 S.D. above the population average (Ashkenazi Jews in Israel; Brahmins in India; Jews and “Puritan descendants” in the US) strongly outperform their national IQs in the global GDP per capita league tables. Now imagine if this smart fraction was to have an S.D. advantage not of 1, but of 5 or more. Probably the resulting conquest will not be military in nature, but the cultural and economic domination will be total.

Now certainly tradcons can play a useful role in society, helping leverage national competitiveness. “Breeder” groups, most famously the Haredim in Israel, but also including more exotic examples such as the Laestadians in Finland, can elevate fertility rates above the “default” level and make sure that their country continues to be replenished with new bodies and human capital until they can be upgraded. They are also a pillar of patriotism and nationalism that insulates against state dissolution.

However, any country that allows the retrogressive and obscurantist worldviews that predominate amongst such insular traditional communities to unduly influence state policy is simply going to be left behind and will fade out of the pages of history. They are free to mutter about how transhumanism is transgenderism and how QR codes represent the number of the Beast to their heart’s content, but this should likewise disqualify them from any input on state technological or scientific policy. Their ideas are a recipe for long-term national helotization and precisely no nationalist would presumably want that that for his or her country. I would even say that nationalism is implicitly transhumanist.

There are nationalists who don’t care for transhumanism. That is fine. But then there are nationalists who strongly signal against transhumanism. These “nationalists” simply prioritize the welfare of their particular ideology (tradconism) over that of their nation, much like “liberal nationalism” usually de facto implies superior loyalty to the Democratic Internationale, “Communist” nationalism usually implies the prioritization of the global proletariat over national interests, and Neo-Nazism implies loyalty to global White Supremacy (or narrow German nationalism, if you’re talking of old-school NSDAPists). While alliances of convenience can in principle be built with these factions, one should always approach “nationalists” who privilege any particular ideological memeplex over the interests of their own people (whether it be Liberalism, Marxism, or nebulous Conservatism) with care.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Transhumanism 

Cargo traffic through Russian ports has almost doubled over the past decade (only Corona, a temporary factor, prevented a full doubling), after increasing by a factor of three during the previous decade.

Here is how it looks like per port/region (h/t genby):

The blue section corresponds to Arctic traffic and it had a full doubling.

As I wrote in a previous post, current plans call for an expansion of NSR traffic from 31.5M tons in 2020 to 80M tons by 2025 and 120M by 2030, so that should be another doubling at least.

Port of Murmansk.

The purple section (bottom) corresponds to the Pacific and also saw a doubling. This probably reflects the slow but inexorable reorientation of trade routes towards China and the Far East and away from Europe.

The pink section corresponds to Black Sea traffic and it increased by a more modest 50%, while the green section that corresponds to the Baltic Sea increased by 36%.

It should be set against cargo traffic numbers for the Baltic states, which have stagnated outright over the past decade as Russia has expanded its own capacities.

The Baltics in general have only been holding steady thanks to Klaipeda, which is the main port used for Belorussian sea exports (this largesse is imminently coming to an end). Those ports that were orientated towards Russian exports, especially Ventspils, have seen the most market collapses.

Russia is not obligated to patronize the ports of Russophobe polities, and the Putin government has been successful at provisioning alternatives for Russian exporters, with the result that Russian exports through both Ukraine and the Baltics have been falling.

For completion, here are the numbers for Ukraine:

The numbers for 2020 were 159M tons, so that jump in 2019 wasn’t a one off. Still, it comes from a lower base. The one port of Novorossiysk accounts for almost as much as all of Ukraine combined. Odessa used to be the premier port of the USSR.

• Category: Economics • Tags: Economics, Russia, Shipping, Trade 


* CORE. Richard Hanania – Freedom House, Woke Imperialists. Traditionally, Freedom House just penalized countries for not hewing to American geopolitical interests (e.g. see What I Learned from Freedom House…). Now, it’s transitioned to also penalizing them for opposing liberal/Woke positions, such as Poland’s opposition to “LGBT and gender ideology”, while the “connection between how many genders a government acknowledges and its level of democracy is never explained.” But I would say this is a good thing, since it just works to discredit Freedom House as an authoritative source on “freedom” outside the Core West.

Hanania also beginning a habit of making political predictions. (He has a good record of being correct). His main prediction is that 2024 will probably be Biden vs. Trump. At this point, I agree. I always though fantasies about Biden’s dementia were more rightoid cope than reality, and I underestimated the extent to which MAGA’ism isn’t really an ideology as such but a personality cult centered around the man which his eviction from social media did little to deflate.

* Polish nationalist @awslist (banned from Twitter multiple times) now has a YouTube channel called Hot Polish Takes. His first video is Polish Zeitgeist 2021.

* Robert Stark – New Pluralist Vision for California. Our podcaster is looking to go into California politics with an “Alt Left” style program focusing around UBI and anti-Woke signaling.

* XENOS. Robin Hanson – Parsing Pictures of Mars Muck. Probably the strongest possible case for the “pro-life” interpretation of the recent fungi-like images from Mars. (Not convinced, but appreciate Hanson for thinking it through).

* SJW. Larry Sanger – Wikipedia Is Badly Biased. Not really a secret, e.g. see Emil Kirkegaard’s comments on the SJW mafia there that patrol HBD/IQ articles, the censorship of Steve Sailer’s article to prevent positive mentions such as the expert survey that identified him as the most accurate journalist on IQ. Still, the criticism carries more weight when it comes from Wikipedia’s co-founder.

* Scott Alexander – Book Review: Arabian Nights… “is a book about love, wonder, magic, and morality. About genies, ape-people, and rhinoceroses who run around with elephants impaled on their horns. About how to use indexical uncertainty to hack the simulation running the universe to return the outcome you want. But most of all, it’s a book about how your wife is cheating on you with a black man.” I actually read it as a schoolkid, but don’t remember any of the stuff about the interracial cuckoldry, which is apparently one of the biggest themes in it (Steve Sailer IIRC once noted the same thing). Must have been one of those gay PC-13 abridged versions.

* Ron Unz – “The Truth” and “The Whole Truth” About the Origins of Covid-19. I think this is the latest update that contains links to all his main works on the topic.

* Vitalik Buterin donated $1B worth of Shiba Inu (a satire on Doge Coin, which was in turn the original memecoin) to an Indian Corona charity, the anti-ageing Methuselah Foundation, and a couple of other organizations. There was a tradition amongst these memecoin creators to lock liquidity in Buterin’s wallet, on the not unreasonable assumption he would never do anything about it. Ended up getting rugged, LOL.

* N.S. Lyons – Are we in a 500 Year Religious Revolution? I haven’t actually read this, but I saw it mentioned on Twitter as a good article.

* Insomniac Resurrected finds this gem by @KyivPride calling for a mobilization of the LGBT community in Donbass, “or in other words, let’s make Donbass queer!” The note that its sponsored by USAID “From the American People” is the cherry on the pudding. Not that I oppose such cultural exchanges, it’s pretty funny to imagine the seethe from Azov about this.


• Tags: Blogging, Open Thread 

The rumors that Roman Protasevich was associated with the Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi regiment incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, came off as too perfect of a “pro-Kremlin” caricature for me to initially put much faith in them.

But over the past couple of days it has been more or less confirmed that those initial reports, dismissed by Blue Checks as Russian propaganda, were in fact almost certainly true.

* In a 2020 interview with liberal Russian YouTube show host Yury Dud’, Protesavich himself admitted that he spent a year in the zone of the ATO in Donbass and sustained “several injuries” (though he claimed in an exclusively journalistic capacity). (h/t Ivan Katchanovski)

* The Ukrainian newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli, which is not a pro-Kremlin resource by any stretch of the imagination, wrote that he once did PR work for Azov.

* However, as Katchanovski points out, Google searches fail to show any of his credited photos/publications from that conflict.

* British journalist and filmmaker Jake Hanrahan: “He did more than that. He fought with a Belarus unit that fought alongside Azov. He was even shot in the chest on the battlefield. … He told it to my friend in person. My friend even has footage of him lifting his shirt to show the scar.”

* However, he did appear on the cover of “Black Sun”, Azov’s flagship magazine. That seems to go beyond a purely “journalistic” level of embedment.

* At this point, Azov leader Andriy Biletsky himself confirmed that Protasevich was “with them”, appearing to imply in a non-military capacity but without stating so explicitly: “Roman, together with Azov and other military units, fought against the occupation of Ukraine. He was with us near Shyrokyne, where he was wounded. But his weapon as a journalist wasn’t a gun, but the word.”

* So perhaps Protasevich was just a journalist (who produced no known journalism during that period) and an occasional cover model for Azov. But it does then beg the question of why he appeared in uniform in Azov parades. (h/t Volodymyr Ishchenko)

Full VK album. (Parade after the recapture of Mariupol).

* Interview from his own father, who said that he “was on the territory of Donbass in 2014 and fought on the side of the Ukrainian Army.”

* Now that Azov has become somewhat unhandshakeworthy in the West, some of its members and former members have sought to distance themselves from its “Nazi” associations. That is, its imagery are really all just ancient Slavic symbols, and only 10% of its contingent were Nazis.

Here is Protasevich selfie in a swastika-themed T-shirt.

* Komsomolskaya Pravda’s Alexander Kots has published an article and a further bunch of photos on his Telegram, which were taken from Protasevich’s phone after his arrest.

Incidentally, that guy next to him is called Stanislav Goncharov, he fought in Azov from 2014-16 and was nicknamed “Terror Machine” (which he tattooed onto his skull). Some time after returning to Belarus, he got a prison sentence, not for fighting in a foreign country, but for “hooliganism, incitement to racial, ethnic or religious hatred, robbery and possession of pornography for the purpose of distribution via the Internet.”

Just your normal everyday journalistic work:

But the ultimate clincher is a photo that links Protasevich (right)…

… to a soldier with his face scrubbed out who appears in a 2015 interview given to the Belarusian news site Nasha Niva by a soldier with the moniker “Kim.” In that interview, he reveals that he served in the Belarusian “Pahonia Detachment” of the Azov Battalion, and speaks candidly of his reasons for joining the conflict.

Every volunteer who came to the war has his own reasons. I was no exception. And there are a lot of reasons for these.

Firstly, Ukrainian blood also flows in me, since my distant relatives were Ukrainians.

Secondly, blood scores with the communists. Many innocent people were killed, thrown into prisons and exiled. This grief did not pass my family. And now Russia, as the legal successor of the “sovok”, is showing aggression and rolling into the “red abyss”.

Thirdly, the war is being fought not only for Ukraine, but also for Belarus. If you do not stop the Russian Putin horde now, then our country may be next. The buildup of the military power of the Russian Federation, including in Belarus, is a clear evidence of this.

There is another interview with “Kim” at from the same year, where he largely retreads the same lines. He notes that his mother opposed his decision to go to Donbass (“although she is a Belarusian, having grown up in Russia, she is close to the Russian World”).


This is the data we have to date – and it is quite at odds with the picture of Protasevich that has been painted by the Western media.

Does it make a difference?

Well, yes, I think it does. It’s the difference in narrative between “idealistic pro-democratic journalism helping people organize peaceful protests against dictatorship”, with Leonid Bershidsky being representative in this respect:

There’s a world of difference between a dissident such as Pratasevich, who has opposed the Lukashenko regime since high school and whose “crime†was to help run an anti-Lukashenko Telegram channel, and a fugitive intelligence service employee with government secrets such as Snowden.

… and “Neo-Nazi militant doxing policemen and threatening reprisals against them” (a combination that would put you away behind bars in well nigh any country).

Unsurprisingly, the Western media has opted for the former and will not brook engagement with the latter, with the one notable mention of Protasevich’s Azov connection being scrubbed from the online version.


The US and EU governments are accusing Belarus of “state terrorism” for forcing a RyanAir flight containing Roman Protasevich, an anti-Lukashenko activist, to make an emergency landing after a bomb hoax.

He participated in the Euromaidan, although other reports that he worked as a press secretary for the Azov Battalion in the subsequent Donbass War all seem to date from the past few couple of days and are of dubious authenticity EDIT: In a 2020 interview with Yury Dud’, Protesavich himself admitted that he spent a year in the zone of the ATO in Donbass and sustained several injuries (h/t Ivan Katchanovski), though he claims he worked in an exclusively journalistic capacity. However, as Katchanovski points out, Google searches fail to show any of his credited photos/publications about that war. Moreover, an issue of the “Black Sun” magazine of the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in which he poses in camo (right) has recently been dug up (h/t Insomniac Resurrected). Associations that would get you permanently canceled/deplatformed in the West are quietly tided over when you serve Western geopolitical interests. /EDIT. During the late 2010s, he worked for various Western-sponsored media organizations, including RFERL. In the runup to last year’s elections, he co-founded the Telegram channel “NEXTA” that coordinated many of the protests during the abortive Minsk Maidan. In Belarus, he faces charges of organizing mass riots, as well as doxing the identities of riot policemen and calling for reprisals against them.

I can’t judge to what extent those allegations are accurate. But the main issue of contention isn’t so much that, but the allegations that Belarus was committed “air piracy” or even “state terrorism” in pursuit of a political prisoner. These criticisms might have some merit, as phoning in fake bomb threats and sending a MiG-29 to tail a commercial airliner to force it to make a landing does seem to be an extreme step. Or it would be, had Western countries and their client states not repeatedly engaged in such politicized “air piracy” itself over the past few years.

First, there was the 2013 episode with respect to the Presidential airliner of Evo Morales, which was forced into making a landing in Austria after a wall of countries including France, Spain, and Italy denied airspace to his plane. This was because back in Moscow, Morales had hinted that he was open to offering Snowden asylum, which spurred the US into demanding its vassals ground the plane.

Second, there was an entirely analogous plan jointly implemented by the Ukraine and the US to lure Russian mercenaries from Wagner with fake job offers in Venezuela by way of Minsk and Istanbul, and nab them while they were over Ukrainian airspace. (Amusingly, after Lukashenko handed the Wagnerites back to Russia instead, the Ukrainians put him on their “Peacekeeper” list of enemies of the Ukrainian nation). Indeed, Western media coverage of this failed operation, to the extent it happened at all, was decidedly not in the “state terrorism”/”air piracy” frame. For instance, Business Insider Mitch Prothero’s title says it all: How Ukraine’s audacious secret service successfully scammed Putin and his mercenaries” by Mitch Prothero.

Westerners aren’t so happy when countries that aren’t in their club pull their own tricks against them.

Anyhow, from Russia’s perspective, it would certainly be good if the EU goes ahead with all of the sanctions it is now considering – banning Belavia and flights over Belarus, withdrawing recognition of Belorussian pilot licenses, and perhaps even suspending ground transit into Belarus (this is apparently getting seriously discussed). Some countries, including Lithuania and the UK, have already banned their air carriers from making flights over Belarus. The more isolated Belarus from the West, the brighter the prospects for its reunification with Russia.


There’s a good chance aliens exist, perhaps including in our galaxy. However, there are reasons – the Dark Forest theory, the Katechon Hypothesis – for why we should expect them to be paranoid about being detected.

In contrast, MIC shilling can be rather open.

It is curious that there’s no media denunciation of this, as is typical with many other conspiracy theories. Public bravado and Woke Mil grandstanding, Chinese military spending is rapidly catching up to the US while PPP-adjusted procurement spending has probably already flipped it as of this year. However, admission and public discussion of this is a no go area, as it challenges the US image of itself as absolute military hegemon. But xenos are a different matter.


Within countries, anti-vaxxer sentiment tends to fall with rising IQ (e.g. white males with no degree see no difference in risk between contracting COVID-19 and getting vaxxed, barely higher than the numbers for Blacks and Hispanics, while Whites with a degree give the factually correct answer).

However, between countries, there seems to be no such correlation. If anything, it is an inverse one. To take a related example for which we have international polls, the countries of the Third World almost universally support vaccinating children, while the countries with the most anti-vaxxer sentiments famously tend to be an odd medley of First and Second ones (most notably, France, Japan, and the f.USSR sphere).

Why the difference? Probably the most obvious one is that so far as many Third Worlders, it’s a clear-cut case of whom to believe, Internet conspiracy people or their lying eyes (namely, having had vast mortality reductions through suppression of once endemic diseases within living memory). In the industrialized world, both the first world and most of the former socialist bloc, this process happened much earlier and has become part of “background” life. It is thus an issue that has been largely relegated into the realm of political signaling, e.g. displaying disaffection with the Establishment (rightoids and hippies in the West, sovoks in Russia… I don’t know who their equivalents are in Japan).

That this is accurate is suggested by the fact that Western liberal normies go anti-vax when it comes to Sputnik V (as it signals Russophobia).

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Anti-Vaccination, Anti-Vaxx, Corona, Signaling 

It’s a little commented fact, but one that is true nonetheless, that Russian relations with Israel are better than with almost any Western country.

  • Open visa regime.
  • No sanctions over Crimea, an attitude largely of mutual studied indifference as regards Ukraine and Palestine, respectively.
  • Open to Sputnik V vaccine.
  • Criticized Biden’s comments about Putin as a killer as “bizarre and extreme.”

Many more such examples can be brought up.

Now many of the Jew obsessed people here have this strange idea that Russia has some kind of duty or obligation to denounce and attack Israel to satisfy their personal fantasies. But by their own arguments, ZOG runs the US, so this is really asking Russia to put itself in the position of Iran, magnified tenfold (because most Americans hate Russia as it is already).

This is why official Russian statements on the Gaza conflict are quite anodyne and boil down to calls for a ceasefire. The Chinese also have good relations with Israel (why not? It has even transferred them American military technology) and the more “anti-Zionist activist” types tend to get slapped down. And why shouldn’t they? It’s not like it’s the Israelis who are pushing the Uyghur Genocide black legend.

These are normal, practical state-to-state relations. It is the US, of course, that behaves highly abnormally with respect to Israel, sending it billions of dollars and providing diplomatic cover for behavior that would get a country like Russia sanctioned to hell and high water. But that’s the problem of Americans (to the extent that Americans see it as a problem, most don’t, AFAIK), not of Russians or Chinese.


Results of the 2020 Census have been released. Some links:

Here’s a table of the regional change:

2020 2010 %
Beijing 21893095 19612368 0.12
Tianjin 13866009 12938224 0.07
Hebei 74610235 71854202 0.04
Shanxi 34915616 35712111 -0.02
Inner Mongolia 24049155 24706321 -0.03
Liaoning 42591407 43746323 -0.03
Jilin 24073453 27462297 -0.12
Heilongjiang 31850088 38312224 -0.17
Shanghai 24870895 23019148 0.08
Jiangsu 84748016 78659903 0.08
Zhejiang 64567588 54426891 0.19
Anhui 61027171 59500510 0.03
Fujian 41540086 36894216 0.13
Jiangxi 45188635 44567475 0.01
Shandong 101527453 95793065 0.06
Henan 99365519 94023567 0.06
Hubei 57752557 57237740 0.01
Hunan 66444864 65683722 0.01
Guangdong 126012510 104303132 0.21
Guangxi 50126804 46026629 0.09
Hainan 10081232 8671518 0.16
Chongqing 32054159 28846170 0.11
Sichuan 83674866 80418200 0.04
Guizhou 38562148 34746468 0.11
Yunnan 47209277 45966239 0.03
Tibet 3648100 3002166 0.22
Shaanxi 39528999 37327378 0.06
Gansu 25019831 25575254 -0.02
Qinghai 5923957 5626722 0.05
Ningxia 7202654 6301350 0.14
Xinjiang 25852345 21813334 0.19
CHINA 1411778724 1339724852 0.05

Key highlights:

Population has grown by 5.4% from 1.340B to 1.412B. Its population was 10M higher than projected, entirely due to Guangdong (which has 126M, not 115M). This is obviously a case of internal migrants not being tracked.

North-East China (Dongbei), as expected, is in the throes of severe depopulation. Heilongjiang, which borders Russia, falls from 38.2M in 2010 to 31.9M now. For comparison, this is a faster rate of decline than what the Russian Far East experienced in the 1990s. This is the region from where the neocons and East European Russophobes were telling you that the Chinese would mount their demographic takeover of Siberia from. Meanwhile, Jilin with 24.1M people now has fewer people than North Korea which is creeping up to 26M.

What seems to be happening is that the entire region, only really settled in 19C, is emptying out towards the sunnier south, especially Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta, in a reflection of what is happening in many other countries. On the bright side, I suppose, this suggests that the stagnation in wages and GDP per capita and the ultra-low fertility rates in Dongbei are somewhat exaggerated if the underlying population base has been bleeding out so rapidly.

NBS statistics head says number of births fell 18% to 12M in 2020, for a total TFR of 1.3 children per woman. China seems to be plummeting to South Korea-tier fertility with a time lag of 20 years. This probably doesn’t have much to do with coronavirus. After all, China only had a short but sharp lockdown which successfully suppressed the epidemic and has since been living in normality. Desired TFR is 1.8 children per woman, and realized TFR is usually at least 0.5 children less than desired, so a recovery in this indicator cannot be expected any time soon. Probably not for decades.

Urbanization rate is at 64%. This is relatively low for a country at China’s level of development and its future rise will be a further dampener on fertility.

So it seems pretty clear that China’s population is close to its all time peak and will start to decline in the early 2020s.

The average age of the population is 38.8 years. For the first time in modern history, it is higher than that in the US.

• Category: Economics • Tags: Census, China, Demographics 

I visited the Central Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, just slightly less than a year after its consecration.

It is quite rare that reality exceeds visual media.

But the Fortress-Monastery does so, in spades, and that despite its already superlative neo-Byzantine steampunk aesthetics on screen, which are like something out of a Maxim Bedulenko painting.

Unfortunately, my cell phone battery expired with freakish rapidity when I came to the Fortress Monastery, as did my reserve bank. Presumably, the machine spirits within them were unsatiated with my lack of prayers to them. (Hence, most of these photos will be from travel companion VV, who was luckier at appeasing the machine spirits).

The references to Warhammer 40K are not even whimsical. All around the complex, both inside and out, liturgical chants percolate through the air. The only things missing are the Cherubim fluttering amidst the Cathedral’s vaults.

Brass cremation urns bear contain the remains of Russian soldiers from different WW2 battlefields.

They are arraigned in a semi-circle around a monument to the Mother of the Victor, within which burns an eternal flame.

The steps up to the gate, as well as the floor within the Cathedral, are made out of melted down German armor and weaponry.

Upon the main gates is an engraving of angels striking down the Reichsadler.

The dimensions of the Cathedral are symbolic. The diameter of the main dome is 19.45 meters, while the height of the small dome is 14.18 meters (the number of days in the Great Patriotic War).

The central apse features a metallic relief dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ. More than anywhere else, photos fail to do justice to what in real life looks like a divine being in 3D, a God-Emperor if you will, irradiating into the infinite blue, star-studded heavens.

The glass mosaics feature Red Army orders and ribbons. One of them contains a hammer and sickle. When the Cathedral was being constructed, there was a minor scandal about one of the murals depicting Stalin. It was later removed, his status as a persecutor of Christians being incompatible with being so honored.

The main dome is dominated by an image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It is the largest mosaic of Christ’s visage in the world.

Most of the main murals on the ground floor are dedicated to the Great Patriotic War…

… as well as one that honors the heroes of post-WW2 conflicts up to the liberation of Crimea in 2014. Commenter Serg6499 points out that two of the soldiers here may have a resemblance to Givi and Motorola, two heroes of the War in Donbass.

FWIW, I didn’t see empty space for future conflicts. I wonder how that problem will be solved if/when the need arises.

The four murals above the main murals feature the the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the Russo-Japanese War, and World War I. My one critique is that I would have devoted more attention to World War I, this being, after all, a larger and more consequential conflict than the others. But it’s a minor one at that.

The underground crypt really gives off those Dwemer vibes.

One minor thing that you hardly notice – and that’s by design – is the painstaking attention to make everything fit congruently. The ornamental grillwork of the park benches corresponds to the patterns of the friezes on the Cathedral’s exterior.

Even the cafes and souvenir shops outside are painted green and don’t agree obtrusive advertisements.


The building encircling the Fortress-Monastery is a WW2 museum called the 1,418 Steps of Victory (=the number of days in the GPW) and is packed with highly immersive and interactive displays that obviously took a lot of money and effort to assemble.

As a visual and auditory experience, it is on a level with the Jewish Museum. The rooms are thematic and cleverly use light, sound, and in one case temperature (ice level air conditioning in the section on the Road of Life) to create an immersive experience.

There are two rooms showing short films, one of them featuring the history of the Night Witches, the other one something else (we didn’t stay to watch the it because the museum was closing soon).

One room off to the side from the main exhibition had graphic images and artifacts of Nazi atrocities.

One interesting room had small scale models of many of the monuments to Red Army soldiers in various European countries from Norway to Bulgaria. AFAIK some of them, e.g. in Warsaw, have been removed. It would be a nice additional touch to mark them out so.

Another room of the museum contained Hitler’s tattered uniform.

The final corridor has images of dead and surviving soldiers floating like a river of souls above candles in honor of them.

The screen at the end goes through the 27 million casualties suffered by the USSR across the 1,418 days of the war. The count does not go up linearly over time, so it seems that they took care to calculate casualties over precise time intervals.


The Military Cathedral and the Road of 1,418 Steps are just part of an entire complex that is run by the Ministry of Defense, which also includes a couple of military museums, a huge tank museum, a partisan village, a tank demonstration yard, a shooting range, and a huge expo center for exhibiting modern Russian weapons to foreign buyers (names like US-sanctioned Rosoboronexport are prominently featured).

Russian flags everywhere. It is, all in all, an unabashed festival of militarism.

And there are huge new buildings still under construction.

The military museum has a large collection of Soviet, German, Axis-aligned, Allied (mostly Lend-Lease), and even some Japanese tanks. There are also many other types of WW2 weaponry, as well as variants from the Cold War and even the modern era.

One section of the museum, pristine clinical white, is devoted to NBC warfare. These anti-gas masks for dogs were developed in 1932.

There is a massive outdoor section with a wide variety of modern weaponry, including…

… a Su-33…

… as well as an S-400 (sic!) system, and a a truck that carries the A-135 nuclear-tipped missile defense system which defends Moscow.

Hangar belonging to the United Aircraft Corporation. I happen to own a (purely symbolic) amount of their shares.


The complex can also be said to include the Tank Museum at Kubinka, which I visited a couple of years ago. It is about 5 km away and has literally hundreds of tanks in six huge hangars, making it one of the largest tank museums in the world.

The first hangar contains early Soviet tank forces starting from their germination in August 19, 1914 (when the world’s first automobile machine gun brigade was formed), through to the 1930s.

The three main hangars are devoted to Soviet, German/Axis, and Western Allied tanks of World War II.

The last two hangars include Soviet tanks of the early Cold War, and of the late Cold War and modern era.

Here is a Hungarian 38M Toldi just for reiner Tor.

Mobile siege mortar “Adam”.

A special German anti-mine tank that looks like a ball.

Perhaps the most unique part of the collection is the world’s only surviving example of a Maus. Clocking in at 188 tons, it was the heaviest tank ever built. It crawled at 7 km/h and was too heavy for bridges.


I would say that at this point, Patriot Park is already well worth a visit if you are in Moscow for a week or so, especially if you are interested in military history, or more broadly the ideology of modern Russia:

As a religious institution, I would say that the Military Cathedral is my second favorite religious center in Russia after the St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery (and ahead of the overly touristic New Jerusalem Monastery, and even the St. Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad). As a comprehensive military museum complex – in between the Museum of 1,418 Steps, the Patriot Park military museum, and the Kubinka Team Museum – it is, I think, ahead of anything in Moscow proper. If you want to comprehensively explore all of it, including the Cathedral and the three main museum, as well as the shooting range, the partisan museum, and other exhibitions, you will need at least two days, probably three.


Egor Ligachev, leader of the “conservative” wing of the CPSU under Gorbachev, died yesterday at the age of 100. He was a teetotaller who took good care of his health. The cause of death was bilateral pneumonia, though his son says it wasn’t COVID-19.

By all accounts, he was a decent and uncorrupt man, e.g. see this in a blog post by elections blogger and oppositionist Alexander Kireev, in which he imagines the outcome of a Soviet election in 1990 (coincidentally written just a few days ago):

I met Ligachev in Moscow not far from the State Duma building in 2004. He was already a former deputy at that time, but he walked towards her even at a surprisingly vigorous step for an 84-year-old man. I greeted him politely, because no one paid any attention to him. We talked a little: he was even glad that a young man like me knows him well. He gave me his book and wrote. Let me draw your attention: a member of the top leadership of the USSR, the former head of the Tomsk region (besides, under him at that time oil fields were developed in the region!) Went to the State Duma on foot. Maybe he lived within walking distance, I’m not sure. Yes, and it was in the summer, the weather was good. Of course, he must have had enough money for a taxi, but he still walked on foot. He was dressed simply, one might say in the Soviet way: an ordinary shirt and trousers. So it would have come out in 1980, not in 2004: no one would have paid attention. It seems to me that it was clear from everything that he was living the life of an ordinary Moscow pensioner, and not some kind of millionaire. Can you imagine this for the current leaders of Russia?

Yes, that’s quite hard to imagine. But it didn’t exactly do Ligachev or the classical Marxist-Leninist ideals he espoused a lot of good. He did always come across as a damp rag to me. He played a crucial role in promoting Gorbachev as the successor to Andropov, and supported him until he felt that perestroika had gone too far in the direction of Social Democracy; then he settled for writing complaints to Gorbachev, which were “ignored” and eventually led to his dismissal from the Politburo in July 1990. The author of the famous phrase “Boris, you are wrong” had also played a central role in promoting him into the Party’s Central Committee in the first place.

So, just as clueless on judging people as he was on understanding market economics:

One of the most memorable anecdotes from Stephen Cohen’s Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives is where he recounts a visit by Egor Ligachev, probably the second man after Gorbachev in the late 1980s USSR, to New York, in which he amazed his interlocutors by repeatedly asking who was responsible for organizing the food supply to the city.

Nor did he have the spine to support the August coup against Gorbachev. With limp-wristed “hardliners” like this, it is not as much of a surprise that the USSR fell apart.

Well, not limp-wristed except as concerns Russians and their self-determination, at any rate. He hated expressions of Russian nationalism, criticizing the KPRF’s turn to a populist pro-ethnic Russian position during the 2010s.

The blogger denalt has gathered some quotes he said on this matter from 2012:

The Pskov regional committee of the Communist Party, headed by him in the New Year’s address to the residents of the region, called on“ Russian to the Russian – help! â€. If this is not a manifestation of nationalism, so what is it, where is the “fierce struggle against the vulgarization of the Russian idea by nationalism?”

The divided Russian people arose as a result of the destruction of the Soviet Union, the dismemberment of the Soviet people. By and large, it should be primarily about the divided Soviet people. The reunification of the Russian people, like any other fraternal people, can be resolved only when the Soviet people are restored on the basis of the alliance of Russians with other nationalities, in the process of building socialism, eradicating nationalism and chauvinism. ”
… only Union 2.0. No Russia!

As for the labor migrants, which are referred to in the Party’s Address to the Russian people in a very unfriendly manner, without any “caution and prudence â€, then it is time to stop all kinds of vilification against them, accuse them of “settling in primordially Russian territories â€. After all, this is a part of the divided Soviet people, moreover, mainly the most disadvantaged … Apparently, it is necessary to thoroughly deal with migrants, their organization and political education.

They continue to insist that the Russian people are a state-forming people, thereby imposing the idea of ​​its unity. Although it is known that the state in a class-antagonistic society is formed not by the people, but by classes. After all, these are the basics of Marxism-Leninism.

Tsarism suppressed non-Russian peoples, sowed mistrust, discord between them, and equally instilled alienation among the Russians towards them. Native languages ​​were in the corral, to the point that it was forbidden to publish newspapers in them, and to teach in their native language in schools. The peoples of Russia were In a word, as it was said: in tsarist Russia there were two misfortunes: below – the power of darkness, and above – the darkness of power.
… In a word, if the tsarist autocracy was not, in the full sense, a prison of peoples, then, according to V.I. Lenin, it included “a bloody past, when the Russia of the capitalist oppressors played the role of an executioner over other peoples.

So no wonder that multi-national liberals (“noviops”) tend to have a bit of a soft spot for this sovok fossil.

Conversely, I suspect, this hints at a reason for a significant part of the revulsion against the “conservative” wing of the Soviet establishment on the part of ethnic Russians in the late 1980s.

• Category: Culture/Society • Tags: Communism, Obituary, Russia, Soviet Union 

This week’s Open Thread.

~ Emil Kirkegaard – Meta-compilation of HBD related materials. Very useful link. Also dug up this Blast from the Past: Who’s afraid of the big bad data?

~ NEW PAPER. Rieger, M. O., Wang, M., & Hens, T. (2021). Universal time preference. PloS One, 16(2), e0245692. (h/t @whyvert)

~ XENOS. Pop Mech: Scientists Believe These Photos Show Mushrooms on Mars—and Proof of Life. One of the authors seems a bit kooky. Still, there seems to have been a sharp increase in observations suggestive of alien life over previous years: Oumuamua; Phosphine gas on Venus; USAF releasing UFO vids; now these Martian shrooms.

~ Redditor writes about the gradations of wealth, which largely backs what I intuited here: Note that even this elite hobnobber, with his very fine grasp on social status associated with various wealth gradations, acknowledges that nothing much changes in the run up from ~$100M to $1B. Soppy conclusion.

~ Pro-Ukrainian band of white supremacists arrested in Russia (h/t Insomniac Resurrected). Backs my oft made point that the most passionarny champions of Ukraine are not actual Ukrainians but Russian Neo-Nazis. Worth bearing in mind that when commenters like “LatW” complain about Putin “repressing” Russian nationalists these days, it’s mainly people like these they have in mind.

~ Razib Khan: Our Three-Body Problem. I really think he overdoes this model of a tripartite cultural division (West/India/China), but worth reading anyway.

~ CRYPTO. PocketNet ($PKOIN) looks like a kind of Gab on blockchain. Laura Loomer recently joined – would be interesting if the deplatformed MAGA people start converging there. Anyhow, I am @akarlin there. I suspect decentralized social media will largely revolve around Holochain and Urbit, but it’s probably not a bad idea to snap up an account there too.

• Tags: Blogging, Open Thread 

This is Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s assessment of global excess mortality from COVID-19 from the beginning until May 3, 2021. (h/t Ron Unz)

You can read about the methodology here.

All in all, this sadly comports with the “millions” prediction I made in February 24, 2020. While at the end of last year I thought we would top out at 10 million, the spread of more infectious variants and vaccine distribution snafus means that we will almost certainly exceed that cumulatively by the end of this year. I also think it likely that even these excess mortality estimates substantially undercount India and Indonesia, as well as Sub-Saharan Africa (though the latter is insulated by its very low median age). Remember that statistics are often substandard outside the industrialized world, and more speculative than real in much of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Here are the top 20 countries by Corona mortality from March 2020 to this May:

Country Total COVID-19 deaths Reported COVID-19 deaths
United States of America 905,289 574,043
India 654,395 221,181
Mexico 617,127 217,694
Brazil 595,903 408,680
Russian Federation 593,610 109,334
United Kingdom 209,661 150,519
Italy 175,832 121,257
Iran 174,177 72,906
Egypt 170,041 13,529
South Africa 160,452 54,390
Poland 149,855 68,237
Peru 147,765 62,739
Ukraine 138,507 46,737
France 132,680 105,506
Spain 123,786 85,365
Germany 120,729 83,256
Indonesia 115,743 45,938
Japan 108,320 10,390
Romania 87,649 28,382
Kazakhstan 81,696 5,620

And here are the top per capita “performers” (deaths per 100,000):

Country Total COVID-19 death rate Reported COVID-19 death rate
Azerbaijan 648.8 44.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 587.2 262.1
Bulgaria 544.5 238.7
Albania 525.7 88.0
Mexico 493.9 174.2
North Macedonia 467.9 230.0
Belarus 459.6 27.1
Romania 455.6 147.5
Kazakhstan 444.2 30.6
Peru 434.7 184.6
Slovakia 427.6 216.6
Russian Federation 404.6 74.5
Lithuania 395.1 141.7
Poland 389.9 177.5
Czechia 386.8 276.0
Hungary 386.7 288.2
Republic of Moldova 377.6 158.4
Montenegro 338.1 242.0
Ukraine 314.5 106.1
Latvia 312.6 111.9

In the end, there seems to have been very little difference in outcomes amongst the East Europeans, despite significant policy differences (e.g. Belarus never had a lockdown, Lukashenko being an outspoken floomer, while Ukraine had the strongest lockdowns). Russia, which didn’t have real lockdowns after the first one, is around the same ballpark as Poland, and Ukraine is catching up fast. If you’re not serious about suppressing Corona and then keeping it that way through centralized quarantines and technological means, then it’s best not to bother with lockdowns at all to at least keep the GDP pumped. This is why I refrained from endorsing the second round of lockdowns.

Anyhow, by and large, vaccines are now accessible to anybody who wants them. So I can’t say I actually care about deaths at this point, if elderly anti-vaxxers want to croak, then good on them for reducing the pensions burden.

Amusingly, the world leader in Corona deaths seems to be Azerbaijan. These are the Chads would marched through the streets of Baku, demanding “end the lockdown, start the war.” Azerbaijan had a good year, its territory expanded.

Serbia is conspicuous by its absence. Vucic has handled things extremely well. Its politicians might be more rational than in most of Europe.

• Category: Science • Tags: Corona, Coronavirus, Demographics, Mortality 

You missed the Big Tech explosion because you didn’t understand what de facto monopolies wedded to economies of scale can do. You have been deplatformed by Zuck and @jack for being a racist and a white supremacist, and you don’t even have their stonks for consolation. You didn’t hop aboard the Tesla train because you thought it was going to zero. You didn’t buy and hodl Bitcoin in 2013, Ethereum in 2017, or Chainlink in 2019. You kept your savings as certificates of deposit. You listened to Peter Schiff and plowed all your money into a shiny bauble that has been devaluing for centuries because the hyperinflation was going to take off any day now. You rushed into the GME squeeze just as the music stopped. You belated bought Coinbase to get crypto exposure against my advice and were dumped on by the founders.

You are now seething, coping, and on the verge of roping. (You, visualized, see right).

But opportunities come time and time again, and crypto aside, I think that one of the best candidates for OOM-tier increases this decade is Russian tech*.

First things first. Russian nominal GDP was just 7% of the US level in 2020. Russia has had a pretty bad 7 years since 2014, in which its prior one and half decades of convergence to developed world income per capita stalled. But national economic fortunes tend to come in cycles, so there’s good reason to believe that the 2020s will be one of resumed fast growth in Russia. There has been adjustment to the negative external shocks of the 2014 oil price collapse and the Crimea sanctions, infrastructure has been upgraded, zombie banks closed down, business regulations liberalized, the threat of further sanctions downgraded thanks to lesser reliance on foreign financing and more trade shifting to China.

The current capitalization of the Russian stock market is at 55% of its GDP, which is lower than its ten year mean of 62%. Meanwhile, the US at 190% is similar to that in 1929 and 2008 and by some measures is the single most overvalued stock market in the world. This does not necessarily mean that the American stock market is in a bubble and that a collapse is imminent. Unprecedented low interest rates, the increased prominence of tech stocks with their high p/e ratios (justified by their quasi-monopoly status), and broader market participation (i.e. zoomers plowing their Bidenbux into stonks and $DOGE on Robinhood) may mean that the US has simply become permanently more “financialized”. But, whether or not a crash is on the cards, it’s hard to believe that further rapid growth in US stocks this decade is possible, at least relative to opportunities in less pumped markets.

This is not the case in Russia, which is modestly below its historic average and which is now seeing a phenomenal increase in the amount of small time traders on the Moscow stock exchange. Thanks to the spread of cheap mobile brokerage services, the number of individual investors on the Moscow stock exchange has exploded in recent years, going from 417,000 in 2008 to 1 million in 2015, 2 million in 2019, 4 million in 2020, and 9.5 million this January. It is currently increasing by close to a million per month and now stands at 11.2 million. (In per capita terms, this is now not that far off from the $10M shareholders of Germany). This is driven by what seems to be a sharp change amongst the younger segments of Russian society to investment. While the Soviet generations are financially illiterate, some pensioners even preferring the mattress over bank deposits, zoomers are using mobile apps from companies like Tinkoff and VTB to play about with stocks, ETFs, and bonds just like the Robinhood degenerates in the US.

So what we have in Russia right from the get go is a virtuous trifecta in which GDP (PPP) is on the cusp of resuming upwards convergence to developed world levels, nominal GDP is poised to rebound even harder (Russia is literally the world’s cheapest country at this moment after Lebanon, as proxied by the Big Mac Index – more so than the likes of Ukraine and Vietnam), while the stock market in turn is poised to ramp up as a share of this GDP as the fintech revolution and fading sovok mores make Russia into a stock owning society again. (Incidentally, this would not be a novelty but a return to historic normality – Russia before 1917 had one of the world’s biggest stock markets, accounting for ~10% of world capitalization). This alone has a reasonable likelihood of eking out a doubling or a tripling during this decade and one that it’s possible to gain exposure to from some ETF that tracks the MOEX.

However, I believe that the real promise lies in Russian tech stocks. In contrast to Europe, whose native attempts to set up a tech ecosystem have failed/were brain drained away to Silicon Valley (only one of note is Sweden’s Spotify), Russia has its own, significantly self-contained IT ecosystem covering the broad range of search, e-commerce, social networks, car-hailing and ride-sharing, and fintech. But unlike American Big Tech, which has seen epochal increases in market cap over the past decade, the process is only in its incipient stages in Russia. They are ridiculous undervalued – but only so long as both Russians and foreigners don’t notice it.

That said, this isn’t an absolutely guaranteed money-making play. There are structural reasons why these prices will probably remain much lower than those of their American equivalents, even if the gap narrows. Hence, I’ll provision a “FUD” (fear, uncertainty, doubt) section to each stock.


Yandex (YNDX) is the biggest tech company in Eastern Europe. It has consistently accounted for 60% of the Russian search market (most of the rest accrues to Google), but it has its fingers in many other pies:

  • It not only owns Yandex.Taxi (Russia’s Uber), but has a dominant stake in Uber Russia. Accounting for ~60% and ~30% of the mobile ride-hailing market, this makes it a near monopoly in the sector.
  • It is working on self-driving cars and the results have looked promising from as early as 2018.
  • Yandex.Drive carsharing service.
  • Expanding into e-commerce sector with Yandex.Market, previously the dominant price aggregator/comparison site – now developing own capabilities to compete with main rivals Ozon and Wildberries.
  • Has a broad presence in various IT services in general: Personal assistant (Alice), cloud storage (Yandex.Disk), food delivery (Yandex.Food), and seems to be actively developing a YouTube replacement of late (Yandex.Efir).
  • Has the most advanced AI labs in Russia (though it pales besides Google, which controls two of the world’s top three, DeepMind and Google AI).

Market cap: $23B (60x lower than Alphabet’s $1,360).

FUD: Google dominates not just US search but global search, whereas Yandex only dominates 60% of the Russian market (though it also has a substantial presence across the CIS and even a minor one in Turkey).


Ozon (OZON) is Russia’s biggest publicly listed retailer, third biggest online store, and biggest multi-category online store.

Market cap: $12B (125x lower than Amazon’s $1,540B)

Its stock prices have gone up by 50% since it IPO’ed in December 2020. (I am very happy to have jumped on that train from the start). Even so, it remains a bargain basement buy in the long run.

To find out why, I would recommend Gleb Krivosheev’s article about Ozon at Seeking Alpha. But I will recount the main points in short here. The Russian e-commerce market was only worth $30B in 2019 (or just 6% of the Russian retail market), but has increased at a rapid clip over the past few years and CAGR for the next 4-5 years is projected to be 40%. Corona has helped this sector along as has a breakdown of hangups originating from the low-trust Soviet era and 1990s about paying for a product before it’s delivered. This will put the size of the Russian e-commerce market at $100B by 2024.

But another critical consideration is that the Russian e-commerce market, being in an earlier historical stage, remains highly fragmented relative to most other countries. The competition is likely to focus around Ozon (6% of the market in 2020), Wildberries (13%), Ali Express (8%), and Yandex.Market (2%). Wildberries is run by Tatyana Bakalchuk, who at $11B net worth is Russia’s richest woman (and probably the richest self-made woman outside China). It has branched out from specializing in women’s clothing and become Russia’s leading e-commerce store, with a very good distribution network but mediocre website. Yandex.Market represents Yandex’s foray into e-commerce and enjoys access to its parent’s technical expertise, but its distribution network is close to non-existent, it is starting from a very low base, and it will find it hard to muscle in at this stage (Beru, its prior e-commerce venture with state bank Sberbank, was folded up in 2020). Ali Express is a joint venture between and AliBaba. Ozon has a very nice website – it is explicitly modeled on Amazon – but its distribution network and volumes remain inferior to Wildberries. Still, the money from the IPO has helped it grow and in my opinion it is in the best position to become Russia’s Amazon.

FUD: Ozon will never have the global reach of Amazon, it will not account for as big a share of the (much smaller) Russian market, and it also doesn’t have Amazon’s cloud services division. (MLRYY) is mainly known for its 100% ownership of VK (Vkontakte), the largest social network in Russia (43% of people on some social network use it), as well as the more boomer/prole Odnoklassniki (31%). This is the dominant social network in Russia and, confounding some predictions, has increased market share against Facebook (9%).

VK’s user experience is often considered to be superior to Facebook’s. It runs faster and more smoothly, has fewer weird bugs (Facebook’s codebase is atrocious), and doesn’t need add ons like Facebook Purity to restore some semblance of sanity to all the clutter.

It has its fingers in some other pies as well, such as cloud services, online games, and its own email and search engine. That said, Vkontakte is without a doubt the crown jewel in its portfolio.

Market cap: $6B (120x lower than Facebook’s $730B)

FUD: However, so far as social media goes, network effects are key and Facebook dominates the social network landscape not just in the US but across most of Europe as well as India. Meanwhile, VK has a merely preeminent position within Russia and the post-Soviet countries (even in Ukraine, despite VK being ostensibly banned).


TCS Group (TCS), more commonly known as Tinkoff Bank, is the largest digital bank not just in Russia but in the world by number of customers, who number 10 million.

Market cap: $11B

No obvious American analogues, but it’s an very clean and user-friendly product that dominates Russian fintech. Added bonus: Neo-Tsarist aesthetics.

FUD: Has already doubled in the past half a year, so will probably take a pause in further growth.


Another fintech company of note is payments processor Qiwi. However, it’s quite dated and much of its recent price movements are driven by rumors over an imminent buyout by Yandex (which has failed to materialize).


PREDICTION. Huge #FOMO into Russian “Big Tech” in next few years driven by increasing numbers of Russian investors and cheap American money migrating to emerging market for cheaper assets. This will replicate what happened in the US during 2010s. Yandex worth $250B by 2030, Ozon worth $100B. OOM-tier increase across this sector producing gainz rarely seen outside crypto.


Perhaps the very best thing about this is that the two most common and obvious objections FUDs against Russian Tech should in fact turbocharge it even further.

Sanctions Risk – In the short-term, increased American sanctions – should they actually happen – could drive out American investors, who despite poor US-Russian intergovernmental relations account for a stunning 50% of all foreign ownership of Russian stocks (the Brits account for another 20%… despite high trade flows, Europeans only accounted for 26%, probably due to continental aversion to stock investment). OTOH, this also increases the risk of significant Russian restrictions on American tech within Russia. There are already moves towards this that I have covered on this blog due to American Big Tech censorship of state-affiliated Russians – and this isn’t just happening in Russia, but in some other countries concerned with American tech pushing a culturally SJW and bluntly pro-American regime geopolitical agenda. Restrictions or outright blocks on American social media will unequivocally benefit their Russian competitors by opening up their market share to them. Restrictions on Google-YouTube and Facebook/Twitter will directly benefit Yandex and Mail Group in a sector that naturally tends to winner takes all. While those Russians who really need it for work or are heavily invested into Western networks will get around them via VPNs, the normies are unlikely to bother with it. Meanwhile, those Russian companies are insulated from counter-reactions by virtue of having very little presence in Western markets in the first place. Consequently, the trend towards national fragmentation of the Internet that Balaji S. Srinivasan often talks about constitutes a major downside risk for American Big Tech but an upside one for Russian Big Tech. (While being largely irrelevant to Chinese Big Tech, which completely dominates the Chinese online ecosystem thanks to American Big Tech having been barred from there from the start).

Rule of Law – Many Russian stocks trade at a discount relative to earnings on account of the perception (not on the whole unjustified) that Russia has inferior rule of law and property rights protections. (Though this disproportionately affects state-owned companies like Gazprom and Rosneft). However, this also happens to be a “fixed” factor and as such, irrelevant – it is, after all, the dynamics that are important so far as changes in valuation are concerned. At worst, perceptions on the Russian business environment will remain constant, which will keep the p/e ratio steady – you’ll still make tons of money when Yandex and Ozon earnings increase fivefold and they start paying dividends. However, should perceptions of Russia improve to the point that it becomes perceived as a “normal” developed country to do business in, then default p/e ratios could double and you could be looking at crypto-tier returns for Russian tech during the 2020s. Moreover, this should be set against the possibility of Western and especially American corporations being hamstrung by increasing inane social justice-driven ESG requirements.



* Necessary boorish disclaimer that this is entertainment not financial advice, invest at own risk, DYOR, etc, etc.

• Category: Economics • Tags: Finance, RTS stock market, Russia, Technology 


~ Fake News. Final unraveling of the Russian Bounties “story.” As I said from the beginning, if you believe that the Taliban need Russian rubles to kill Americans, you’re either a neocon or a moron.

Glenn Greenwald on this topic.

~ Scott Alexander – Prospectus On Próspera. Think of the flies. (Or, why I’m not a fan of “solarpunk”).

FWIW, I think it’s a cool experiment, but I don’t think much will come out of it. It’s just downshifting on a very large & organized scale, but one that strips much of the benefits from it. Would you want to live in this ghastly modernist architectural ensemble, paying US-tier prices for property? What exactly is the point when you could go to, like, Puerto Rico – which I gather has become a playground for Bitcoin millionaires who don’t want to pay taxes? So Prospera will select for weird libertarian American ideologues, culturally insular ones at that (wanting to create their own bubble in the Third World) plus equally weird Hondurans with high % of confidence tricksters, etc. (more normal/talented ones can just go to the US). Doesn’t sound like a recipe for success.

~ Coinbase. Clown market values a CEX that’s 10x smaller and crappier than Binance at more than a third of that of the world computer (which I told you not to invest in). But imagine what happens when this boomer money goes into crypto directly.

~ Crypto bans don’t work.

~ Paul Robinson (RT) – Biden’s Russia policy ludicrous, unbelievable, contradictory & unprecedented: First offers Putin summit & then imposes sanctions

~ Moscow Procurator threatens to recognize Navalny’s organizations – the FBK, and the regional Navalny HQs – as extremist. Not illogical, it seems hardly wise to maintain a de facto network of soviets-in-waiting that answer to an increasingly hostile foreign Power.

~ Woke Spooks. I suppose it was the inevitable that the CIA would eventually drink its own Kool-Aid. This is good for the world.

~ Ukraine now says it believes Iran intentionally shot down Flight 752. What level of ass-kissing is this?

~ Guillaume Durocher – Bumbling Towards the Biosingularity. The contradictions of biopolitics: Leftoids often de facto pro-eugenic while decrying it, while populist rightoids de facto pro-dysgenic even while many of their brighter elements recognize its importance.

~ Twitter creates a #MilkTeaAlliance emoji. China is correct to block access to it as a tool of a foreign Power intent on its dissolution. Russia needs to follow suite.

~ RT: Our two mortal enemies are Russia & ISIS, says explosive new report on ‘existential threats’ from Georgia’s top security agency

Georgian: “You are worse than ISIS.”

Russian: “That is an interesting opinion, but I’m waiting for you to weigh the tomatoes.”

• Tags: Open Thread 

Society 282 in action!

But actually, it’s not just a “society” (as in “social pressure”, no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man.

You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in 2016.

And now, thanks to the last bastion of free journalism in the form of tabloids like The Daily Mail, we now learn that the Feds had no intention of letting Derek Chauvin walk free even in the event that the jury voted him innocent of murder for failing to correctly diagnose a fentanyl overdose when arresting a violent repeat criminal.

Overall, it’s hard to dispute Fuentes’ own assessment of the situation:

PS. I warned you against buying Coinbase for purely technical reasons – if you want exposure to cryptos, get the real thing, as opposed to an overvalued cex that augments crypto exposure and with a vastly inferior instrument to boot that gives none of the actual benefits of crypto. (Correctly, as it turns out, as it was promptly dumped upon by its own execs). That Fuentes was kicked from Coinbase further reinforces this point: “Not your keys, not your coins.” Nobody can take your Metamask wallet from you for being an anti-USG dissident. Don’t use wallets that you don’t control for dissident fundraising! Especially not ones with strong KYC and in bed with the IRS like Coinbase. That sort of defeats the entire point of crypto as it pertains to censorship resistance!


US Embassy in Moscow:

Reduction of Consular Services – Effective May 12, U.S. Embassy Moscow will reduce consular services offered to include only emergency U.S. citizen services and a very limited number of age-out and life or death emergency immigrant visas. These service reductions are necessary due to the Russian government’s April 23 notification of its intention to prohibit U.S. Mission Russia from employing foreign nationals in any capacity. Non-immigrant visa processing for non-diplomatic travel will cease.

Trump – Muslim travel ban.

Biden – Russian travel ban.

Anyhow, as I keep saying, this “social distancing” from the US and the West in general is a good idea. It blunts the impact of bad Western memes and tars their promoters within Russia by association.

Meanwhile, it’s not as if Russians have much to do in the US.

Tourism? You can fly to well nigh anywhere in European Russia from Moscow for $50-$75. Why do Russians need the US when they have this at home?

Business? Trade with the US is something like 5% of Russia’s trade balance. The only “physical” American things I can think off from the top of my head that I use are Tabasco sauce and the garbage disposal unit (pretty exotic in Europe).

Education? So far as 98% of Russians who send their children abroad are concerned, a Western education is needed to signal their social superiority to vatniks, as opposed to human capital accumulation. There are edge cases where this might still be useful (e.g. grad work with specific specialists in some STEM fields), but otherwise, there is no meaningful difference between undergraduate or graduate courses as taught in Russia or the US. Barring voluntary-mandatory extracurriculars on white privilege – but somehow, I think Russians can do without it.

Birth tourism? Something that 1,000 Russians do per year. A drop in the ocean. Inconveniencing the type of people who do this can only be to Russia’s benefit.

That said, this is a significant development on two accounts. First, it means that restrictions on travel will probably ramp up in parallel between Russia and the EU, because Europe follows America’s lead (indeed, former Estonian President Toomas Ilves has suggested as much), and between China and the US, because much of what has been implemented against Russia is also getting copied over with respect to China as the cold war between them ramps up. Such a severing between China and the US will be much more significant, given the much more intensive people flows and economic links between them, than between Russia and the US.

Second, it constitutes an ironic contrast to the situation during the Cold War, when the USSR prevented its people from traveling abroad. Now it does not such thing, and it is, in contrast, the Americans who are now blocking Russians from visiting the US. Ironically, this most inconveniences money pro-American fifth columnists within Russia, not the vatniks who constitute the Putin base.

Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary†would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.