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German governments have used two strategies to crush dissent in the last century. The Third Reich used Gleichschaltung, or “coordination,” with the state pushing public and private organizations into line with National Socialism. Communist East Germany used Zersetzung, “decomposition,” with its Stasi secret police wrecking the personal lives, careers, and reputations of dissidents. White advocates... Read More
History doesn’t change to fit our wishes. We wish whites hadn’t imported blacks as slaves and had not changed immigration policy in 1965. However, in a multiracial society, history often isn’t about facts. It’s a weapon. A story about the past justifies current policy. When history doesn’t provide a suitably horrific example, invent one. The... Read More
An embassy is a nation’s face to the world. An American embassy is American territory, the flag expresses sovereignty, and attacking an embassy is an act of war. So what are we to make of American embassies that fly Black Lives Matter flags? The BLM flag now represents the United States. It’s bizarre enough for... Read More
Jean Raspail wrote the most prophetic book of this century, The Camp of the Saints. It ends with the last remnant of the West about to be overrun. The book’s final words are: “The fall of Constantinople is a personal misfortune that happened to all of us only last week.” Tomorrow, May 29, that colossal... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s book Democracy: The God that Failed. The hosts cover the limits of libertarianism, the problem with prioritizing economic theory over everything else, and question Prof. Hoppe’s claim that monarchy is better than democracy. Listen
Greater Idaho “What is to be done?” ask white advocates. There are countless strategies, but a crucial one is to build power on the local level. One way to do this is to secede from states and either join or create other states. The Left is already trying to do this. It wants the District... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the late Wilmot Robertson’s magazine Instauration and his most important books: The Dispossessed Majority and The Ethnostate. Listen
Last year, Robert Hampton cited several cases of black criminals, even a murderer, who were let go or got light sentences because of “racism.” A murderer’s conviction was overturned because a juror might have said the “N word.” The juror denied it, but that didn’t matter. People in police departments, security companies, and the military... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Francis Fukuyama's The End of History and the Last Man and its many critics. Listen
Why do they hate Elon Musk? The head of Tesla and SpaceX should be a progressive hero. Leftists lecture us about “climate change” and why we need a Green New Deal. One group, Extinction Rebellion, warns of “mass extinction” unless there is revolution. The Guardian says some parents regret having children because of “climate change.”... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Paul Gottfried's enormous body of work. They cover his key insights about the leftist worldview, the managerial state, and American conservatism. Listen
“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.” – Thomas Jefferson The trial was pointless. We knew... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the late Sam T. Francis, philosopher-king of the dissident right. Listen
In a recent podcast with Chris Roberts, we talked about James Burnham. Burnham ripped the mask from pious rhetoric, showing the lust for power behind it. Ideology is the mask that power wears. Today, in America, people pursue status, even (perhaps especially) when they claim to be victims — except whites. In fact, there are... Read More
On Sunday, a white woman police officer shot a young black man, Daunte Wright, in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. The police chief said it was an “accidental discharge” and the cop meant to use her taser. City Manager Curt Boganey, who is black, said he would not fire the officer immediately and that she should get... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss the work of the late James Burnham. Though largely forgotten by the conservative movement he helped create, Burnham’s analyses of power, class, and liberalism are invaluable. Listen
We’re at a turning point in our history. America has practically adopted an official state ideology: Critical Race Theory (CRT), which holds that white privilege and racism are embedded in all institutions and cause inequality. Thus, practically unlimited government intervention is justified to remove racism. In practical terms, this means attacking whites, the group that... Read More
For months, the Capitol has looked like the American embassy in the Green Zone in Baghdad. A few weeks ago, I walked around the heavy barriers and saw countless signs from residents pleading for them to be taken down. Washington DC votes overwhelmingly Democrat, but yard signs suggest residents don’t want to live on something... Read More
The Nation’s Elie Mystal is one of the country’s most widely read journalists. He recently wrote: “[O]ne of the principal benefits of the pandemic is how I’ve been able to exclude racism and whiteness generally from my day-to-day life.” Though he occasionally must worry about white people “on Zoom,” the good news is that “white... Read More
Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss Ayn Rand and her enormously popular books. They cover her influence on American conservatism, and even Leftism, and why that influence has largely been for the worse. Listen
In their pilot podcast episode, Gregory Hood and Chris Roberts discuss becoming right wing and the nature of Right versus Left. They speak about the importance of hierarchies and hypocrisy, as well as left-wing conspiracy theories, racial impostors, outrage culture, and much more. Listen
The United States faces threats in Europe and the Pacific. In February, President Biden declared “America is back” and “diplomacy is back.” He implied that President Trump had destroyed “democratic alliances.” President Trump only wanted European nations to pay their share in NATO. You could argue that Mr. Trump was pro-NATO, because he wanted an... Read More
For most people, “white nationalist,” like “racist,” is just a slur without any real meaning. But it does have a meaning. “White nationalism” is government concern for white interests. Ultimately, it would mean building a nation for whites. The reason we have different nations is because peoples are different and have different interests. Peoples share... Read More
The headline is from a Turkish government site: “French call to replace English with Latin as Europe’s official language.” When I read the headline, I laughed. I stopped laughing as I read the article. Yes, Latin should be the official language of the European Union. It’s an even better idea than that of Eric Zemmour... Read More
Weddings are usually cause for celebration, and royal weddings are cause for national rejoicing. Even we colonials are fascinated by the British royal family. In 2014, when King Felipe VI succeeded his father Juan Carlos I of Spain, the crowds were puny compared to the commoners who rejoiced to see Prince William marry Kate Middleton.... Read More
There is a story about Dr. Samuel Johnson and his famous dictionary. Some ladies told him they were glad he had omitted “indelicate and objectionable” words. Dr. Johnson said he was sorry they had looked for them. That could be a story about conservatives and progressives. Progressives are dying to find hate crimes and neo-Nazis... Read More
It’s the oldest joke about the American conservative movement: “What do you call the one black guy at CPAC? The keynote speaker.” Every year, the Conservative Political Action Conference (sponsored by the American Conservative Union) tries to show it is not racist by propping up token non-whites to speak about “leaving the Democrat plantation” to... Read More
The title of the late Jerome Tuccille’s book about libertarianism was called It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand. For conservatives, the same could be said of Rush Limbaugh. Neocon or paleo, white advocate or “movement conservative,” Christian or agnostic, capitalist or protectionist, it’s hard to find anyone on the Right who didn’t spend some time... Read More
Most Western media call Russian dissident Alexei Navalny a hero. Mr. Navalny is now in a Russian prison, and our most prestigious newspapers are cheering his anti-Putin crusade. These are official editorial statements from leading publications. “The Times view on Alexei Navalny’s bravery: Russian Hero,” The Times, December 23, 2020 “The Extraordinary Courage of Aleksei... Read More
The New York Times is hostile to free speech. Last year, it published a column with the title “Free Speech is Killing Us.” Nor is the Times friendly to whites. Onetime editorial board member Sarah Jeong complained — among many other things — about “dumbass f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions... Read More
The Regime on the Potomac has begun its campaign of repression. Media hysterics about “insurrectionists” and a vague Department of Homeland security bulletin about terrorism created an artificial crisis. Figures in the new Administration are eager to use state power against “racists,” even while they tolerate real crime. Add to this the concepts of “restorative... Read More
Joe Biden says he wants unity. What he does spreads division. Mr. Biden is hardly a radical leftist by today’s standards, but that is because the ground has shifted dramatically. His current positions on immigration, race, and crime are extreme compared to his previous moderation. I believe he won the election because he campaigned as... Read More
Donald Trump is gone. No storm broke. No reckoning came. There was no plan. In his place, a career politician assumed the presidency. Joe Biden muttered some platitudes. Most people have already forgotten them, probably including Joe Biden. We’re told the inauguration was historic and dramatic. It was banal and boring. It celebrated mediocrity. It... Read More
Respectable political opinion in the West is mostly nonsense. Sometimes, even race realists become so used to the stupidity that we are like the fish who never notice water. Sometimes it takes China, a self-respecting civilization-state, to expose our elites’ silly beliefs and shameless hypocrisy. American journalists and politicians are in a moral panic over... Read More
Anyone can see the footage. Ashli Babbitt was a young woman at Wednesday’s protests. She had no weapon, not even a stick. There were armed police in front of her and behind her. She posed no danger to anyone. Still, a police officer, apparently black, shot and killed her. I never thought I’d say this,... Read More
For decades, progressives have been warning us about the religious right. There is no such outcry when it comes to the religious antics of Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock of Georgia. He is senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church (EBC), which claims to be the “spiritual home of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”... Read More
There’s an idea of a Joe Biden — but no real person. He is the president-elect, but he seems almost irrelevant even before he takes office. Does he even know who will be in charge? Just this week, he called Kamala Harris “president-elect.” His campaign offered nothing new. The Atlantic described his victory this way:... Read More
Last night, President Trump signed a $2.3 trillion spending package that combined COVID-19 relief with funding to keep the government running. Earlier that day, President Trump had reposted the speech in which he warned Congress to “increase payments to the people, get rid of the ‘pork.’” He folded hours later. This is a pattern. In... Read More
This is the ninth in a series about the continuing disappearance of whites from American cities (see our earlier entries for Birmingham, Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Richmond, Milwaukee, Baltimore, and Philadelphia). Many people still pretend that The Great Replacement is a myth or a conspiracy theory, but the graphs that accompany each article... Read More
No one wants white privilege. Being white can cost you a job, a raise, or admission to an Ivy League college. Now, it might even kill you. The Centers for Disease Control advised states to consider non-whites a critical group for vaccine distribution. About half the states, including “red states” such as Idaho, Utah, and... Read More
The Cleveland Indians are no more. The team was already scrapping mascot Chief Wahoo — said to be “racist” — and now, the name itself is gone. It’s nothing new; the Indians join the Washington Redskins, the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux, and the William & Mary Tribe (formerly the “Indians.”) President Donald Trump... Read More
In March, I wrote about what I think should be done. My ideas included building power locally, moving to the country, and promoting secession within states. Some of these things are happening. There are movements to build a “greater Idaho,” to expel Chicago from Illinois, and to have parts of Virginia join West Virginia. However,... Read More
History Has Begun is a very important but badly flawed book. Bruno Maçães, Portugal’s former foreign minister and now a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, perfectly describes the myth of American civilization, arguing that America was founded on “the promise of fantasy.” America lets people live out compelling stories, something which is central to... Read More
This is the eighth in a series about the continuing disappearance of whites from American cities (see our earlier entries for Birmingham, Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Richmond, Milwaukee, and Baltimore). Many people still pretend that The Great Replacement is a myth or a conspiracy theory, but the graphs that accompany each article in... Read More
China is notorious for a “Social Credit System” that controls the lives of citizens, rewarding what the authorities want and punishing what they don’t. The United States has a social credit system, too, even if we don’t call it that. And ours is worse. The Chinese system tries to build social trust. Ours destroys trust.... Read More
Many white advocates are unhappy about last night’s election results. They didn’t get the decisive Trump win they wanted and it’s suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states when the authorities decided they couldn’t finish counting votes until tomorrow. Texas and Florida didn’t have that problem. Fox News called... Read More
Symbols represent concepts, values, and ideologies that are felt more than expressed. You either understand a symbol or you don’t. One key American symbol is the national anthem. Black singer Whitney Houston probably performed the most famous rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” in history. At Super Bowl XXV in 1991, a patriotic crowd cheered and... Read More
Thomas Jefferson High School
Demographic change has remade the Old Dominion. Once reliably conservative, Virginia is now a blue state. Non-white immigrants and white liberals moving to Northern Virginia (NOVA) lead this sea change. Arlington, once home to Robert E. Lee, and Alexandria, once a city that honored the Confederacy, are occupied territory. Liberal whites and Asians face a... Read More
“The Great Replacement” of whites is a myth or a conspiracy theory if you oppose it. If you think it’s a good thing, then it’s real and something to be celebrated. Whether it’s real or not apparently depends on what you believe, not the facts. There are many examples of this double standard. However, it’s... Read More
Yesterday, Twitter gave the New York Post the AmRen treatment. The right-leaning tabloid published a damning report about how Hunter Biden profited from his father’s influence, but Twitter users got this message if they clicked on the link. Potentially spammy or unsafe. Sure. This is the same message you get if you click on an... Read More