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Just another day in the democratic French Republic
Le Monde has released an article reporting on the publishing of books by French politicians, a veritable cottage industry. The report confirms a few things which any observer of the genre will long have noticed, e.g.: That French politicians write books to give off airs of literary gravitas. “‘The exercise is getting banalized and is... Read More
Learning French with Alexandre Cormier-Denis
The Québécois are a unique people, for the most part descending from a relatively small founder-population hailing from various parts of France, creating a besieged nation of 8 million French-speakers surviving for centuries in an Anglophone sea. I recently learned of a new menace to Québécois survival: the French. Indeed, the Québécois nationalist Alexandre Cormier-Denis... Read More
“Le 20h” nightly news on TF1 set the tone for the nation.
The Key to Macron’s Success...and Failures
In previous articles, we have seen how French pollster Jérôme Fourquet in his The French Archipelago has statistically documented the rise of social liberalism, the growing presence and character of Muslims, and the general decline of shared identity in France. Another crucial phenomenon is what Fourquet calls “the cultural, geographical, and ideological secession of the... Read More
Ultrasound of Emma - 20 weeks old. Credit: Michael Fürstenberg/Flickr
Or, the Accidental Biopolitics of the Culture Wars
Culture wars seem to be everywhere across the West these days. American politics has notoriously been plagued for decades by divisive conflicts over guns, abortion, and gay marriage (now replaced by the exotic trans phenomenon). Europe is also no stranger to such conflicts, whether within or between countries, though in the postwar era these appeared... Read More
Audrey Pulvar’s Racialist Move Is Backed by Left-Wing Parties and Media
The times they are a changin’. Just last week I wrote that “we are witnessing a racialization of French politics as increasingly colorful and woke youths reject the old generation’s quaint commitment to colorblind secularism as the bedrock of national identity.” The latest sign of this is provided by Audrey Pulvar, a prominent TV journalist... Read More
Time and again, we are somberly warned of the grave threat to democracy posed by Marine Le Pen as the leader of a quasi-fascistic party, the National Rally (Rassemblement National or RN). Yet, what the French politico-media class seems to fear most is a bit of genuine democracy, unmediated by slippery politicians and smarmy journalists.... Read More
A review of For a European Awakening
In Europe today, it is easy to fall into permanent numbness amidst the omnipresent falsehoods, frivolousness, and slouching. That makes it all the more remarkable when one encounters some who resist, some who hold to an ethos, to the legacy of an entire civilization . . . an invigorating oasis in the most sterile spiritual... Read More
The Revolution Eats Its Own in Paris City Hall
A strange phenomenon in postmodern life is the schizophrenic attitude towards differences between men and women. On the one hand, our culture denies that there are any significant psychological differences between men and women which might explain the radically different preferences of the sexes in many sectors. If virtually all UberEats food delivery bikers are... Read More
This time, it’s for real! Earlier this year, the French press released the results of a super-secret survey which found that, if forced to choose between nationalist leader Marine Le Pen and worn-out centrist-globalist President Emmanuel Macron, 48% would vote for Marine to lead their country. Never has any Le Pen been reported to be... Read More
As our world tumbles forth towards ever-more-previously-inconceivable levels of absurdity, you better learn to laugh or you’ll be crying all day. The latest example is the move by the French government to ban Generation Identity (GI), a civil society movement opposing immigration and defending native European culture. GI had just executed one of its trademark... Read More
In contrast to the situation in the Anglo-American world – where detailed racial data gives a good sense of most groups’ educational and socio-economic performance, criminality, voting patterns, etc. – there is no systematic collection of such data in France. This means that we have to estimate the general situation using proxy data, such as... Read More
A specter is haunting Europe: the specter of basic statistical literacy. As a law-abiding French citizen, I do not engage in any conspiracy theories or really any thoughts disapproved of by my democratically-elected politicians in the National Assembly and by public-spirited ethno-religious lobbying organizations like the LICRA and the CRIF. According to Wikipédia, the Great... Read More
On Your Own Time
In my working life, I regularly encounter people in public affairs with a total lack of interest in history. Even officials with PhDs who swear by democracy and the rule of law, and who claim to promote them, will tell me that a man like Alexis de Tocqueville is too ancient to be of any... Read More
Source: Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China
The European Union and China have agreed “in principle” to a deal on investment after seven long years of negotiation, pointedly ignoring the concerns of the incoming Biden administration. The economic consequences of the so-called Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) remain unclear, but the political signals are telling: the EU is following an essentially German... Read More
Will Hungary and Poland be bribed into submission?
The year 2020 has seen signification changes and further centralization of power in the European Union. There appear to be three major causes for this: British withdrawal from the EU which occurred on February 1, 2020. The coronavirus crisis, whose lockdowns have inflicted tremendous damage on the European economy, particularly in southern Europe, annihilating in... Read More
Over a century after Marx, a specter is indeed haunting Europe: the specter of nationalism. For the latest proof, we turn to Romania where a new nationalist party has burst into parliament with 9% of the vote. Romanian liberals, who very much form a minority sensibility in the country, are in shock at the nationalists’... Read More
Lessons from the Collapse of Catholicism in France
Jérôme Fourquet’s The French Archipelago provides a kind of dynamic radioscopy of the French nation as she has developed in recent decades. The picture, as detailed in my review of the book, is one of the fading away of the old sociological left and right, leaving behind a fragmented subcultural and political landscape, divided in... Read More
A particularly rare issue of Signal.
There is a striking contrast for the historian between how popular culture portrays National Socialism and how the historians present it. In popular culture, the portrayal is uniformly negative, to the point that National Socialism becomes a wholly incomprehensible phenomenon. At the same time, Nazi aesthetics and themes - whether or not these are framed... Read More
French President Emmanuel Macron came to attention recently with a long interview in which he criticized the German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. “AKK,” who is also the leader of the ruling Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) and heir-apparent to replace Angela Merkel, had written in an op-ed for Politico: “Illusions of European strategic autonomy must come to... Read More
A Statistical Portrait of a Nation in Decay
Jérôme Fourquet is a mainstream pollster with the venerable French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP), the nation’s leading polling agency. He made a splash last year with his book, The French Archipelago: The Birth of a Multiple and Divided Nation, which presented a fine-grain statistical analysis of socio-cultural changes in French society and, in particular,... Read More
Paul Valéry was a French poet and essayist, famous in the first half of the last century. Growing up in France, I knew Valéry chiefly because of a somewhat trite slogan attributed to him. He more recently came to my attention by the praise of the Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran. Valéry is one of the... Read More
In the absence of official statistics, observers interested in the ethno-religious changes of France society must resort to creative methods. One such method is to use the French statistical agency’s (INSEE) annual database of first names given to newborns. Using this data, the French identitarian news aggregator Fdesouche has charted the dramatic growth of newborns... Read More
As the judicial persecution of French dissidents intensifies, it is becoming more difficult to keep track of even the most punitive measures. Thus, I only recently learned that the French civic nationalist and publisher Alain Soral was sentenced last month to pay €134,400 ($158,500) to the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA), the French... Read More
The French identitarian writer and critic of Jewish power Hervé Ryssen was jailed on 18 September after having been found guilty of hate speech on three occasions. He has exhausted his right to appeal. He faces 17 months in jail and potentially more as he has other trials awaiting him. Ryssen was found guilty of... Read More
A coalition of French think-tanks and pollsters recently published the eighth edition of the Fractures françaises (“French Fractures”) poll, notably showing the evaporation of the “Macron bump” in favor of globalism and the return of the French to their traditional hostility to immigration and to loss sovereignty to the European Union. Macron’s election coincided with... Read More
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde recently spoke with the French business magazine Challenges [sic] on the “revolutionary process” of feminizing of the workplace (actually focusing on female leadership). Her comments were quite instructive on the state of globalist thinking on this question. Lagarde opens with the following salvo of factoids: This kind of hodgepodge... Read More
I am occasionally told that the elevated and demanding moral precepts of ancient men were unrealistic and all talk. One may or may not like the writings of the knight Geoffroi de Charny or the sayings of the samurai Jōchō Yamamoto, but in any case no real human could actually live like this. As an... Read More
26% do not oppose the assassination of cartoonists mocking Mohammed
With the beginning of the trial of 11 Muslims accused in the 2015 Charle Hebdo massacre, the notorious French newspaper is republishing the cartoons of Mohammed which got 12 of their colleagues murdered. Bernard-Henri Lévy and secularist establishment are celebrating this brave expression of free speech as a triumph of the Values of the Republic.... Read More
I first read the memoirs of General Heinz Guderian, Germany’s foremost tank commander during the Second World War, while I was still in high school. I have to say that Guderian’s whole deportment immediately appealed to me. Here was a man of great dynamism, loyalty, and innovation; one who understood service and command, and who... Read More
Edmund Burke by James Northcote.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons
From the French Revolution to BLM
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Fróði Midjord and Andrew Joyce on Edmund Burke’s classic counter-revolutionary text, Reflections on the Revolution in France. I invite you all to have a listen as Burke’s work, in particular his psychological analysis of the Left, has stood the test of time and remains uncannily insightful in... Read More
The French anti-Zionist and civic nationalist writer Alain Soral has finally been arrested. This has been a long time coming. Apparently he was simply taken in the street by three police officers in plainclothes. According to his website Égalité & Réconciliation: A sampling of Jewish reactions: The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (effectively the... Read More
Due to the lack of official ethnic statistics in France, it’s quite difficult to precisely gauge demographic developments. Among newborns, our best proxy up to now has been the testing for sickle-cell disease, a procedure largely limited to populations susceptible to this illness, that is to say those from the Middle East, Africa, India, and... Read More
Politico Europe reports: President Kaczynski is most memorable outside Poland as the twin brother of fellow politician Lech Kaczynski, who sadly died in the Smolensk air disaster in 2010. Polish state television, which is acting as a cheerleader for Duda, has hit similar tones
Just Who Was Behind the East African Slave Trade?
Two young Flemish nationalist politicians have symbolically restored a century-old monument to the Belgian Congo. The reason? Not for any particular sympathy for Belgium’s colonial past, but because the monument mentions a taboo fact: the Belgian annihilation of the Arab/Muslim-led slave trade in eastern Congo. The Monument features a statue of a Belgian crushing an... Read More
Results of second round of French municipal elections in selected cities. Image credit: Visactu. Under the shadow of coronavirus, the French people people have elected their mayors and local councilors for the next six years. Well, some of them did, as a vast wave of apathy swept the nation, leading to a turnout of just... Read More
Bad news for southern Europe. It looks like coronavirus will further entrench the European Union’s long-standing disparities between north and south. According to the European Commission’s estimates, the economies of Italy, Spain, and Greece will all shrink over 9%. By comparison, the EU average is 7.4%. France will shrink 8.2%, while most Nordic/Germanic countries will... Read More
We are living in kooky times. The European Parliament has voted a pro-BLM resolution affirming a wide array of victimarian concepts (“structural racism,” intersectionality, “racialized persons,” and the very francophone “Afrophobia”). Yesterday’s kooky left-wing meme is tomorrow’s law of the land. The EU lawmakers cite the fact that: Apparently none of the 400+ elected officials... Read More
Jean Raspail, the famed French explorer and writer, has passed away at the age of 94. This man is famous in our circles, not just in France but around the world, for his controversial 1973 novel The Camp of the Saints, which imagined what would happen if 1 million Third-World immigrants suddenly landed on the... Read More
“I do not need to apologize as a white woman and as a French woman”
Marion Maréchal Le Pen,[1] the niece of Marine Le Pen and granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, has published a Facebook video reacting to the Black Lives Matter protests, the destruction of historic Western monuments, and French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner’s recent statement that he is ready to “bend the knee” for BLM. I post below... Read More
Paris Demonstration, 2020
We’re all living in Amerikwa
In the great capitals of Western Europe, thousands of people have been protesting against the death of George Floyd and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In the Netherlands: In Copenhagen: And in front of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin: There is a long history of Europeans shaming Americans for mistreating Negroes. For... Read More
France and Germany recently agreed in principle to create a €500 billion three-year fund to relaunch the European economy after the coronavirus crisis. This would be funded by the EU raising funds on financial markets and then using these to invest in those countries and sectors worst-hit by the crisis. This represents a great leap... Read More
Alain Peyrefitte, a former minister and close collaborator of Charles de Gaulle, meticulously maintained notebooks in which he recorded his many meetings with the great French president. The recordings are gathered in his monumental memoirs, C’était de Gaulle (“That Was De Gaulle”), stretching out to over 1800 pages of sayings and discussions. The work thus... Read More
Colonel Mathieu, leader of the French forces in The Battle of Algiers.
I recently had the pleasure of participating in a podcast with Fróði Midjord discussing the classic 1966 film by Italian director Gillo Pentecorvo, The Battle of Algiers. This was part of Guide to Kulchur’s excellent “Decameron Film Festival,” which is taking advantage of confinement to interview a range of prestigious speakers, from Jared Taylor to... Read More
Adolf Hitler with Finnish military leader Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (right). The two held Hitler’s only private conversation preserved in an audio recording. Credit: Lehtikuva Oy.
Hitler should have recorded everything
I have a distinct dislike for the journalistic class as a whole. They do not so much report news as collectively make the news, according to a peculiar pack mentality, which combines commonly-agreed designated good guys and bad guys, but also sometimes brutal and erratic shifts collective opinion, not according to the whims of an... Read More
My take on modern Star Trek compared to the old: Star Trek very much embodied what liberal American white males of the 1980s and 1990s thought the future would (or should) look like: secular, sexually liberated, humanistic, meritocratic, equitable, and technological – a man’s world, basically. In this world, religion plays practically no role in... Read More
In an address to the nation and the wider francophone world on Thursday (April 16), the Franco-Cameroonian[1] comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala called for peace and reconciliation in these anxious times of confinement and coronavirus. Opening his video with his customary “may peace be with you and with your spirit,” Dieudonné recalled the many world leaders... Read More
The posters and trailers for today’s films and TV series generally look awful to me. I occasionally give them a chance, against my better judgment, and find I have wasted my time. All these pope dramas and even Emir Kusturica’s documentary with Uruguayan President Peje Mujica: meh.[1] So I look to the past. I’ve recently... Read More
In the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Hellenistic culture each ethnic community was self-conscious of its historical traditions and of the way in which these traditions related to those of other groups. . . . The work of most of these historians exists now only in quotations and extracts in the writings of later Christian writers .... Read More
Spanish police using drones to surveil citizens and instruct them to keep home.
Coronavirus Brings Back the Spirit of the Polis
The coronavirus epidemic has been highly instructive. In the face of a looming early death for millions of citizens, Western States have entered a genuine crisis in which the Schmittian sovereign – who was always there lying in waiting – has reemerged into the open and taken all the measures deemed necessary, liberty and law... Read More
The Christian Knight’s Ethos according to Geoffroi de Charny
Geoffroi de Charny was a widely respected French lord of the fourteenth century. A bearer of the royal standard (the Oriflamme) and the first recorded owner of the Turin Shroud, he spent his life fighting in various wars before dying fighting the English and Gascons at the battle of Poitiers in 1356, in his late... Read More