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Credit: Musa Al-Shaer/AFP
Just like in 2006, when both Ehud Olmert and George Bush declared that the “invincible IDF†had, yet again, achieved a “glorious victory†and the entire Middle-East almost died laughing hearing this ridiculous claim, today both the US and Israeli propaganda machine have declared another “glorious†victory for the “Jewish state of Israel†cum “sole... Read More
The Biden Administration has gone out of its way to show itself as absolutely “woke-compatible†and even as a champion of “wokeness†(Foggy Bottom has just allowed US embassies and consulates to fly the “gay pride†flag next to the Stars and Stripes. I bet you they won’t do that in Riyadh!). According to the... Read More
Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. I will try to make a short summary (skipping a lot of details) in the bullet-point style: Whether Ze initially intended to stop the war in the eastern Ukraine we... Read More
Amazing news over the week-end: President Lukashenko has declared that Biden gave the order to kill him in a coup organized by the CIA. Now, we all know that Lukashenko says all sorts of things, many of them false or plain silly. Except that the Russian FSB has confirmed it all! According to the Russians,... Read More
Bad news all around today. The US has just slammed provocative sanctions against Russia even though the US ambassador to Moscow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and clearly told that if the US imposes more sanctions there will be no meeting between Putin and Biden. Then there is this: the US has informed the... Read More
The big news of the day is that Biden decided to call Putin. Here is how the Russians reported this: At the initiative of the American side, a telephone conversation took place between President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the United States of America Joseph Biden. The current state of Russian-American... Read More
Intro: cause vs pretext It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron†who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin... Read More
By now, you have all heard it. Here is the official transcript: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under -- denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN:... Read More
Just a few weeks ago I wrote a column entitled “The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs†in which I listed a number of developments presenting a major threat to the Ukraine and, in fact, to all the countries of the region. In this short time the situation has deteriorated rather dramatically. I will therefore begin... Read More
Indicators of the Coming American Collapse
This is the third book by Andrei Martyanov that I am reviewing, the first one was “Book Review - Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning by Andrei Martyanovâ€, while the second one was “Book Review: Andrei Martyanov's The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairsâ€. I also interviewed Andrei about this second volume here.... Read More
While the Ukraine has mostly been out of the news, there were bigger stories out there, things have gone disastrously wrong under “Ze†(Zelenskii) and the Ukraine is now looking at several time bombs which could explode at any minute. Here is a partial list of problems which the Ze administration will have to deal... Read More
Nostalgic recollection of a missed friend
Today I am not posting an analysis, but a recollection of an episode of my past. I hope that you, dear readers, will not mind. If you do, let me know and this will be the last one. Anyway, this is how one night I met a quite remarkable officer who later became a good... Read More
Introducing the headless chicken The EU has a major problem: it is run by a comprador class which is entirely dependent on the United States. Okay, that by itself is not the problem I am referring to. The problem I am referring to is one we could call the problem of the decapitated chicken: a... Read More
Biden and Poroshenko
First, a clarification. When I speak of "Biden" I don't mean the fungus (to use Tom Luongo's apt expression) which was recently planted in the White House, I am referring to the "collective Biden" which I defined here . With this caveat, now let's see why Russia might want to change gears in 2021. First,... Read More
Today it appears that the triumph of our adversaries is total. I want to post this column saying that I don’t believe for one second that this is true. All I want to do today is explain why. Thus, just to make clear to those alternatively gifted, this is not a comprehensive analysis and I... Read More
The mob did not win! This is how the supposedly conservative FoxNews celebrated the supposed defeat of a supposed mob. See for yourself: FoxNews finally showed its true face during the election steal when it declared that Trump had lost the election long before any evidence in support of this thesis materialized. It is now... Read More
I just listened to Trey Gowdy and a few others GOP big-shots condemn the “terrible violations of the law†committed by the protestors today and I take my hat off to these folks: they are truly world class hypocrites. When cops and mayors refuse to protect the innocent, the rule of law is doing great!... Read More
It sure looks like Biden will take over the White House one way or another, and while Trump and his supporters might still try a few things, the political correlation of forces inside the US ruling classes is clearly against Trump. As for the “deplorables†- they have been neutralized by stealing the election. Which... Read More
I lived most of my life in Europe and even though by the time I moved to the US (2002) Europe was already in a very bad shape, what I see happening there now never ceases to amaze me. In fact, it makes me wonder if the Europeans or, more accurately, the European leaders have... Read More
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to be considering that the Trump presidency is over. Yet, I am not so sure at all. Why? Because at this... Read More
First, I want to begin this analysis by posting the full translation of an article posted yesterday by the Russian webzine Vzgliad. I materially don’t have the time to make my own translation, so what I will post is just a minimally retouched machine translation, I apologize for this. original Russian text: [center/] Five main... Read More
A lot has happened very rapidly in the past two days and I will begin this analysis by a few bullet points summarizing what just happened (not in any particular order, including chronological): The war which has just ended was a real bloodbath and it has seen more casualties (counting both sides) than what the... Read More
I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and “deep empire†(transnational) resources being used to declare that “Biden†(i.e. Harris) has won, as of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where. I would even suggest that we will never really find out who won,... Read More
I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie†here: No, what I want to do is to ask a simple question: do you think the French leaders are simply stupid, suicidal or naive? I... Read More
I remember one evening in distant 1991, I was sitting with a few friends in the SAIS cafeteria discussing the future of the United States with a few very smart students, including a Pakistani Army Colonel, a US captain who served on aircraft carriers and a Spanish diplomat: we all agreed that “the system†was... Read More
This war is officially a war between Azerbaijan and the (unrecognized) Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (RNK) aka “Republic of Artsakh†(ROA) which I shall refer to simply as Nagorno Karabakh or “NKâ€. As is often the case, the reality is much more complicated. For one thing, Erdogan’s Turkey has been deeply involved since Day 1... Read More
We all know that we are living in crazy, and dangerous, times, yet I can’t help being awed at what the imperial propaganda machine (aka the legacy ziomedia) is trying to make us all swallow. The list of truly batshit crazy stuff we are being told to believe is now very long, and today I... Read More
It is with immense sadness that I have to report that Stephen F. Cohen passed away yesterday in his home in Manhattan at the age of 81. There are a few media outlets who have already reported this. Most of them discuss Stephen F. Cohen’s political ideas and his books, which is normal since he... Read More
In early July I wrote a piece entitled “Does the next Presidential election even matter?†in which I made the case that voting in the next election to choose who will be the next puppet in the White House will be tantamount to voting for a new captain while the Titanic is sinking. I gave... Read More
If you have not already seen this, check out this video of Hillary Clinton stating that, quote, "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances": "Any" means "any". That would include the (admittedly hypothetical) case of Trump clearly winning by a landslide. Again, "any" means "any". The direct implications of that is that the Dems... Read More
The situation in Belarus is evolving very rapidly, and not for the better, to say the least. A lot has been going on, but here is a summary of what are the most crucial developments in my opinion: Last Sunday was a major success for the Belarusian opposition: huge crowds took to the streets of... Read More
Some of my longtime readers might have noticed that I rarely (if ever!) wrote about Belarus or President Lukashenko. As always with the blog, there is a reason for why I do mention something and no less a reason why I do not mention something. In the case of Belarus or Lukashenko, my reason for... Read More
Illustration by Kent for the Saker Blog
Intro: not a pretty picture Let's begin with a disclaimer: in this article, I will assume that there will be a US Presidential election in the Fall. Right now, it appears to be likely that this election will take place (there appear to be no legal way to cancel or delay it), but this is... Read More
Roughly half-way through the year 2020 it is becoming pretty obvious that there are a number of major developments which almost got our total attention, and for good reason, as these are tectonic shifts which truly qualify as "catastrophe" (under the definition "a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth"). These are:... Read More
U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden head toward the Capitol Platform during the 58th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2017. More than 5,000 military members from across all branches of the armed forces of the United States, including reserve and National Guard components, provided ceremonial support and Defense Support of Civil Authorities during the inaugural period. (DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos)
Just by asking the question of whether the next Presidential election matters, I am obviously suggesting that it might not. To explain my reasons for this opinion, I need to reset the upcoming election in the context of the previous one. So let's begin here. The 2016 election of Donald Trump The first thing which,... Read More
Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase
I have to say that I am amazed that so many folks on the Left seem to think that the current riots in the US are a spontaneous rebellion against police violence, systemic racism, and history of persecution and exploitation of Blacks and Indians, etc. As for the violence, looting and riots - they are... Read More
It is quite interesting to observe how many commentators are completely misreading the current race riots or compare them with previous race riots in the history of the US. I suppose that by telling themselves that these latest riots are "just like" or "not nearly as bad" as past US race riots they try to... Read More
Cops in DC
I have lived in the United States for a total of 24 years and I have witnessed many crises over this long period, but what is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall. And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying... Read More
At this time of writing, it is too early to declare the danger over, but at least three out of five Iranian tankers have made it safely to Venezuela (confirmation from TeleSur and PressTV). Furthermore, while we should never say "never", it appears exceedingly unlikely that the US would let three tankers pass only to... Read More
Amidst the worldwide pandemic induced scare most of us have probably lost track of all the other potential dangers which still threaten international peace and stability. Allow me to list just a few headlines which, I strongly believe, deserve much more attention than what they got so far. Here we go: Military Times: "5 Iran... Read More
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and the F-35I
First, let's begin with a few (apparently unrelated) recent news items: The latest US PR disaster in Venezuela shows that the AngloZionist Empire truly is agonizing. While this is hardly the first that that a US "special operation" goes down in an embarrassing failure, but even by US standards this latest disaster in Venezuela is... Read More
The Saker: I suppose that like any system, the economy and financial system in the USA and, more generally, in the West can take some punishment, but there has to be a “point of no return†after which the entire systems comes tumbling down like a house of card. My first question is double: a)... Read More
For those of us who followed the Russian Internet there is a highly visible phenomenon taking place which is quite startling: there are a lot of anti-Putin videos posted on YouTube or its Russian equivalents. Not only that, but a flurry of channels has recently appeared which seem to have made bashing Putin or Mishustin... Read More
Maybe the "the Russians did it" narrative is getting stale. Or maybe the leaders of the Empire have finally figured out that China is even more dangerous to the Empire than Russia. But my personal gut feeling is simply that the AngloZionists are freaking out about the "full-spectrum" loss of face they suffered with their... Read More
Frankly, I have never considered USN carrier strike groups as a "Cold War capable" element of the US Navy. Yes, in theory, there was the notion of forward deploying these carriers to "bring the war to the Soviets" (on the Kola Peninsula) before they could flush their subs and aircraft through the GUIK gap and... Read More
It has been pretty obvious for many years already that the AngloZionist Empire was not viable, that it had to tank sooner or later. There were two main scenarios which were typically considered for this collapse: an external crisis (typically a major military defeat) or an internal one (economic collapse). Personally, I always favored the... Read More
Russian Army Trucks in Italy
The COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is, by any measure, an immense planetary crisis which will probably change the world we live in forever. Still, there are other issues which are maybe not quite as dramatic and important, but which deserve not to be forgotten. Here are some of those The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard It was... Read More
Between the fallout of the murder of General Soleimani and the coronovirus, the Ukraine has been somewhat forgotten, which is understandable, but also potentially dangerous. The "young and dynamic" President Zelenskii has more or less been forgotten, especially by the legacy corporate ziomedia. This does not, however, mean that the situation there did not evolve... Read More
The 20th century has seen a seemingly countless number of military conflicts, ranging from small local clashes, to at least two world wars. The same 20th century saw a huge efforts by major powers to develop three types of so-called “weapons of mass destruction†(WMD): Atomic, Bacteriological and Chemical (ABC). All of these WMD were... Read More
New Map of Idlib with Security Corridor
Following 6 hours of grueling negotiations, including direct negotiations between Putin and Erdogan, the parties have finally agreed to the following: A ceasefire will begin at midnight. Russia and Turkey will jointly patrol the M4 highway (M5 now belongs to Damascus). A 6km buffer zone will have to be created and enforced on each side... Read More