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    Biden and Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16. Speculation has been rife that Biden will try to draw Russia away from its deepening relationship with China. This makes patent sense - even American strategists have long realized that China isn't just a much bigger Mexico, and in fact constitutes the one threat to...
  • @RadicalCenter
    @Anatoly Karlin

    Didn’t get the gist of your comment.

    As part of the US government’s needless belligerence, it has wrongly tried to harm the Russian people with economic sanctions. Is that what the US gov is doing that prevents Russians from cutting the population gap?

    And how could Russia cut the population gap with China that much in two years, with or without US interference?

    Thanks —

    Replies: @Anatoly Karlin

    If there was no US interference, it is almost certain that Belarus would be united with Russia by now, and a good chance that Ukraine, or Eastern Ukraine at any rate, would be so likewise or at least in a close association agreement.

    A Russia with effectively 200M people instead of 150M would not be vastly more powerful, but it would significantly improve its economies of scale.

    • Agree: AltanBakshi
  • @AP
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    No reason to be shocked. Countries that border each other tend to be enemies, unless one is so dominant that being an enemy would be suicidal. Then the relationship becomes one of subservience. Alliances are good with more distant powers.

    Germany and Russia were allies until they swallowed Poland and bordered each other. Vietnam and Philippines are close to China. To the extent that they can count on distant American support in order to be viable against China, they will be anti-Chinese. But if they feel America wavering or stepping back they will accommodate to the hegemon that could destroy them. Ukraine which borders the West/NATO can afford to be anti-Russian in a way that Georgia and Azerbaijan cannot. The latter played its cards better.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack, @sudden death

    The latter played its cards better.

    How so?

    • Replies: @AP
    @Mr. Hack

    Azerbaijan did not antagonise Russia while quietly also cultivating ties with the USA, Turkey and Israel. It was then able to crush Armenia at a time when Armenia forgot where it was and chose the USA over Russia.

    Georgia in contrast chose to antagonize Russia.

    Replies: @Mr. Hack

  • The cup overflows with thought provoking reactions for this COTW. Wency on the drop in the stock price of liberal white women: Democracy is a zero sum game. That's why it generates so much anger and resentment. Wency again on the two most famous dystopian novels of the 20th century (with Fahrenheit 451 occupying the...
  • @Twinkie
    @V. K. Ovelund

    As far as pomposity goes, the man backs it up with intellectual substance.
    His intellectual substance as such is rather shallow. He and his fans confuse verbosity and antiquarianism with intellect.

    I invite such people to read, say, Etienne Gilson's "The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy" to get a sense of what a real intellect writes of the true medieval Christian thought (particularly as opposed to the cartoon image of it that post-Enlightenment authors paint). Intelligent Dasein's comments are not even a poor imitation of such serious works.

    Intelligent Dasein’s thesis regarding slavery seems unassailable
    Yeah, well, for much of human history, pretty much all sex was rape. That doesn't mean that's the way sex is today or should be. A lot of things are "natural human conditions" devoid of the constraints of a modern civilization. Conflating the soul-crushing nature of true servitude of the past with the "wage slavery" of today is an exaggeration, to say the least. The machines that have been invented by human ingenuity have created numerous problems and tragedies to be sure, but they have also produced wonderful benefits and uplifted many - indeed, millions - from crippling and stunting poverty.

    though you have parried his feudalism with admirable flair, I believe that he is essentially right there, too.
    Our view of feudalism is rather romantic since only the accounts of those who were at the top survive, by and large. But we know from other evidences and deductions of history that it was filled with unimaginable inequities and violence. The kind of people who speak highly of such a past always imagine themselves the overlords in that fantasy, but never the peasants.

    Moreover, when the peasants finally did have enough of it all, the result was sometimes horrific to the seigniors too:

    "peasants killed a knight, put him on a spit, and roasted him with his wife and children looking on. After ten or twelve of them raped the lady, they wished to force feed them the roasted flesh of their father and husband and made them then die by a miserable death".

    That’s his style.
    But that's not even what bothers me about him (his "style" as such is just annoying and buffoonish). It's his God-complex. He literally wrote once that he is "right about everything." For an alleged man of faith, his lack of intellectual humility is astounding... which was why both I and another commenter (I think it was "res" or possibly "Johann Ricke") thought he seems to be someone pretty well-read from an otherwise unintellectual environment where he is used to be being the smartest person in the room.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Wency, @res

    A lot of things are “natural human conditions” devoid of the constraints of a modern civilization. Conflating the soul-crushing nature of true servitude of the past with the “wage slavery” of today is an exaggeration, to say the least.

    I agree with you here (though I’m not interested in analyzing I.D. as a person). Within pre-industrial society, there are many common fates worse than many sorts of slavery — though the Arab sort where they castrate you and rape your womenfolk and work you to death is pretty bad by any standard. I believe it’s for this reason that Scripture advocates humanizing slavery somewhat, but does not forbid it.

    So yes, the mainstream narrative is entirely unnuanced about slavery and at least partly wrong about almost everything in this matter, and getting worse. But reality check: that doesn’t mean that slavery is anything like working at McDonald’s. They don’t whip you if you screw up making a McFlurry at McDonald’s. They don’t send men and dogs to hunt you down if you don’t show up for work at McDonald’s.

    I’m not sure how one can simultaneously hold the view that it’s unjust how mainstream Republicans constantly screw over the working man while also thinking “It wouldn’t really be so bad if the working man was enslaved again.”

    • Agree: Twinkie
  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • @Thorfinnsson
    @Ron Unz

    I think most standard history books usually discuss the internal conflicts within the Japanese military and political leadership between those who wanted to strike north against the Soviets and those who wanted to strike south against the Western powers. From what I recall, a top priority of Soviet agents in both Japan and America was to help redirect the Japanese southward, and they succeeded. McMeekin’s book discusses this in considerable detail.

    So although the term “Kantokuen” is quite uncommon, the idea is widely known. I’d certainly read about it dozens of times over the years, while until you mentioned the Japanese name for the possible operation I don’t think I’d ever seen it. Meanwhile, the notion of an early 1940 Allied attack on the Soviets was been almost totally removed from all Anglophone historiography for two or three generations, an entirely different situation.
    I haven't yet read McMeekin's book, though I intend to after completing the book I'm currently reading. There was indeed an internal conflict within Japanese leadership, and the Strike South faction won out for a variety of reasons. These included the army being bogged down in China, the decisive Soviet victory at Khalkin Gol, the greater availability of needed raw materials (especially oil and rubber) in the "Southern Resource Area", and rapidly deteriorating relations with Britain and the United States in the aftermath of the occupation of French Indochina.

    I'm not sure to what extent Soviet agents played a role in this, but Western and especially US diplomacy was certainly critical. A watershed moment was when Dean Acheson exceeded the President's asset freeze orders to embargo all oil exports to Japan.

    Operation Barbarossa upended this balance by creating a new opportunity for Japan to strike north, which the army was very much in favor of. The failure of the Germans to achieve a strategic decision in Russia during the summer (or at all) ultimately caused the new plan to be shelved. This is comparable to Operation Pike in that the rapid German success in the west caused that plan to be shelved.

    Stylistically, perhaps. On the other hand, his work was absolutely revolutionary and seminal, and it completely overturned the established narrative of World War II, while McMeekin’s exhaustive archival research has now confirmed that Suvorov was essentially correct. Meanwhile, Suvorov’s books sold many millions of copies, and established him as probably the world’s best-selling military historian.

    I think both your characterization and my own are correct, but I suspect that mine has greater long-term significance.
    The problems with Suvorov's work have been well explored in these comment sections many time, so I won't belabor the point, but the basic issue is that he inappropriately ties procurement decisions to strategic intent. The same logic could be used to claim that Germany was not pursuing an aggressive foreign policy in the runup to the war because its armored formations were small and mostly equipped with inferior tanks.

    Suvorov was indeed very popular, which is not indicative of quality. He filled a popular hunger for anti-Soviet and also revisionist WW2 literature against the stale narrative. The most successful American WW2 historian in my lifetime is probably the late Stephen Ambrose, whose books were terrible and also guilty of plagiarism.

    Suvorov's thesis may have been new to Anglophones, but the thesis was not new. The same debate took place in West Germany in the 1950s, and the theory was originally advanced by German leadership during the war after encountering unexpectedly massive Soviet resistance and military power. German Eastern Front veterans commonly espoused the idea after the war.

    To close this, you still haven't definitively stated what exactly you think is so embarrassing about Operation Pike so as to motivate a coverup.

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @utu


    From what I recall, a top priority of Soviet agents in both Japan and America was to help redirect the Japanese southward, and they succeeded. McMeekin’s book discusses this in considerable detail.

    I’m not sure to what extent Soviet agents played a role in this

    Peter Nimitz recommends Toland’s book The Rising Sun as a background on Soviet-Japanese relations in the period as a companion to McMeekin’s new book.

  • @iffen
    @Mr. Hack

    Alas, nobody wants to be "Little Russians" anymore.

    Replies: @Bashibuzuk

    At the time of the Tsarist Russia, when the “Little Russian” ethnonym was used, only around 48% of Russian elites considered Russian language as their native tongue. 28% were Polish speaking, you had around 10% German speaking aristocracy (with a total population of Germans in the Russian Empire being 2%), you had Caucasian aristocracy (Georgian mostly, but also Tatar / Kumyk etc). You even had the descendants of the French Royalist emigrées . The “Great Russians” were actually great in numbers, but not that great in their influence on the Empire’s affairs with the immense majority of them being illiterate peasants only freed from serfdom for a couple of generations. And with the late Romanov being of 90+ % Germanic ancestry, it is actually not surprising at all. Fits all right with Karlin’s IQ observations.

    • Replies: @AltanBakshi

    Again you are telling these facts like they would be unique to Russia, nobility was quite international and partially Germanic or foreign almost everywhere in Europe after the Migration period. Some places had it much worse, Baltics, Ireland, Medieval England, Austrian lands, Osman state etc...

    Italy is an exception, they always kept their native aristocracy, even when French or Latinized Gauls were ruled by the Franks, senatorial class was still alive and well in the Ostrogothic and Byzantine Italy. Though some Italian dynasties had their origins in France or Spain, like Bourbons of Two Sicilies.

    Replies: @AP

  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there. ... Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black...
  • I think this is going to give me an opportunity to focus on Charles Murray’s work and career from sort of a holistic, top of the mountain looking down, sort of way. Facing a little bit of our own reality.

    I already have the book in a Kindle edition, and I’ll eventually get around to reading it, hopefully I can make some time before the three months of almost non-stop work that will be my July, August and September, if not it won’t be until things calm down in October.

    But I know that, in the pre-release promotional materials, one of the things that Murray himself wrote about this book is that he wants it to be a call to action to (pph): “All center-leftists and center-rights of good will.”

    I reacted right as I read that: What, all five of them?

    And that points to a problem that so many in our sector, including myself, and so many of you reading these words, have had with him. He’s really ace about telling us about the problem, then turns right around and bashes and trashes the people and sectors most likely to think that these things he describes are indeed problems and want to solve them. All the while, he’s chasing around “center-leftists and center-rightists of good will,” the sort of people that, back in the days when they were substantial in number and power, wanted no part of anything he had to say, and threw him under the bus when things got just a little too hot. And now that they’re pretty much non-entities, it’s about as useful to appeal them as it is to try to get Know-Nothings, Whigs, Bull Moosers and Free Silverers on your side.

    That’s why, at least according to other reviews, Murray takes such annoying swipes at “white identity politics.” He doesn’t like the very people who are the only ones interested in solving what he openly states is the problem. But at the same time appealing to political ghosts.

    The other dead end flaw in Murrayism, related to what I just wrote, is that he has spent a career trying to tell the people who benefit from cognitive stratification that the system of cognitive stratification is a bad thing. Might as well have tried to sell Ronald McDonald on the fact that ground beef is bad for your cardiovascular health. To some people, the bug is the feature.

    A mind slightly more conspiratorial than mine may wonder if Murray even wants that which he considers problems to be solved, and that the fact that he still has cushy employment and some cache of mainstream platform visibility of the sort that, e.g. Sam Francis and Jared Taylor, quickly lost, points to something being suspiciously amiss or not quite right.

    • Replies: @Desiderius

    By center whatever he means normies. He’s trying to appeal to them by flattery. It’s evidently the only tool in his social toolbox. He’s not alone.

    Maybe he’s belatedly trying to rummage around in our rich heritage for others. Better late than never.

    Replies: @Barnard

    , @AndrewR

    He's an old man. Do you expect him to go around leading fights against communists in the street?

    It can be useful to at least publicly pretend that white nationalism is not a viable path forward. It's increasingly obvious to normies that a "colorblind" approach has led to increasingly anti-white measures as the left refuses to play by the same rules that they conned conservatives into adopting. It's not hard to put two and two together.

  • The cup overflows with thought provoking reactions for this COTW. Wency on the drop in the stock price of liberal white women: Democracy is a zero sum game. That's why it generates so much anger and resentment. Wency again on the two most famous dystopian novels of the 20th century (with Fahrenheit 451 occupying the...
  • @V. K. Ovelund

    What interested me about the feudalism comment and this is that it strikes me as a little odd for a distributist, or at least one who uses the term approvingly, to go immediately and without pause from lauding the Distributist State (“feudalism” would be distributive, in Belloc, precisely in its evolution away from servility) to the Servile State; particularly as, in the contrast between the two banks of the Ohio in the 1830s, the Ohio side, as much as it may have tended to exalt the kind of crass materialism he dislikes, would have been rather closer to “distributism” than the other.
    Your comment is serious, of course. It shows a welcome appreciation for the topic. Still, I am unsure that harmonizing distributism with slavery was Intellectual Dasein's chief intent. However, I. D. is obviously quite capable of speaking for himself, so if he wishes to respond to your comment he can.

    I. D.'s evidently puts some persons off, including Twinkie. Plainly, I. D. does not mind putting some persons off; but I still like his commentary. He so often makes me think about a topic from an illiberal angle I had not considered that I look forward to his commentary, every time.

    As far as the writing style goes, well, it's nothing like Hemingway's. That's for sure. I do like his writing style, though. I am unlikely to wish to emulate it, but I do like to read it.

    As far as pomposity goes, all of modernity is pompous, except when it is merely tasteless and shabby. Modernity is inhuman. Typing on my modern PC keyboard (which I like), I have no answer for this problem, but I think that thoughtful men who explore the problem space are valuable. I. D. is such a man. If he does not explore the problem space, who will?

    Replies: @RSDB

    If he does not explore the problem space, who will?

    Well, it seems to me I have heard this debate before– as I mentioned, I thought Belloc’s treatment worth reading*, and while I’m not sure how much purpose our rather airy discussions on some webzine actually serve, I do recall talking about this general sort of thing before on here**.


    I’m certainly not in a position to lecture anyone else on pomposity, but as the question of style has been brought up, the commenter in question would probably be able to focus more people’s attention on his points rather than his delivery if not for the combination of two things: first, the weird WWE-style trash-talk (“It really does get tiresome being consistently right about everything all the time”, ” you are an idiot who does not know how to think”, etc.), and, second, the long-windedness and high-flying delivery which some other commenters have criticized.

    *I did say “worth reading” and not “the ending point of all discussion on the subject”.

    **Two examples

    • Agree: Twinkie
    • Replies: @V. K. Ovelund

    ... the commenter in question would probably be able to focus more people’s attention on his points rather than his delivery if not for the combination of two things ...
    I know that, but he's a character. He grates some others' nerves but I like him; and he really does inject some fascinating points into discussions, points I'd likely never have thought of on my own.

    If he behaves similarly in real life (and I do not assume that he does), well, I assume that he will have had to find associates that possess a certain sense of humor and can appreciate his approach.

    Replies: @dfordoom

    , @V. K. Ovelund

    I neglected to acknowledge your reference to Belloc. My reading list is too long: I'll never get to all of it; but I have read a little Belloc and have admired what little I read.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Diversity Heretic
    Like Charles Murray, I too am a product of Newton, Iowa, albeit a bit later in time, but probably not much in attitude. And if government were like the Jasper County Board of Supervisors, loss of legitimacy might be a problem. (Although I'm not sure about those people over in Polk County!) But the Midwest Nice, civic nationalist position of Charles Murray is, as one commenter on Unz put it, a hothouse flower, that withers rapidly in the intensity of interracial conflicts. Charles Murray's calls for rationality and the acceptance of racial differences not flattering to blacks and Latinos will fall on deaf ears. Unlike Charles Murray, I've made the jump to White identitarianism. I have no hostility to blacks, Latinos, Asians, or Jews; they're just not my people any more.

    But I don't think Charles Murray has much to worry about. Whites are so demoralized and so intimidated in asserting their own interests that I cannot imagine the provocation that would result in a "White Lives Matter" movement willing to copy the tactics of BLM. There will probably have to be a mass culling of whites in North America and western Europe before white identitarism has any mass appeal.

    Replies: @Joe Paluka, @JackOH, @profnasty, @Realist, @frontier, @Citizen of a Silly Country

    DH, thanks for that “Whites are so demoralized and so intimidated . . .”.

    We are in a big-time mess when the political choice faced by innocent Whites is to smilingly cave in to the abrogation of their right of voluntary association, their right to be judged by the content of their character and education in applying for work and advancing therein, and much else that the civil rights laws have spawned.

    Either that, or face a smear-up as a Klansman/Nazi/White Supremacist slob.

  • Do not “pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19 because it would ‘open a can of worms’ if it continued”. This was the instruction given by the US State Department to its investigators over a year ago, as reported by Vanity Fair in a long piece on Lab Leak. State Department investigators were warned...
  • R2b says:
    The UK is the most advanced country in Europe with regard to vaccination: as much as 30 million people, almost half the 66m population, have now had both Covid jabs. Almost 42 millions have had at least one jab.

    Yet, the UK is now ahead of all other 43 European countries in terms of Covid19 contamination, according to an Oxford-based statistics platform, with 107.3 cases per million inhabitants.

    Spain has the second-highest Covid infection rates, with 104.6 cases per million people, but Italy, one of the European countries hit worst by the first wave of the virus last March, now has just 28.5 cases per million.

    The paradox is worth considering.
    The UK has both the most advanced vaccination programme, as well as the most restrictive set of social control measures. The country, compared to any other in Europe, has been turned into a gigantic prison for over a year. Yet, it is faring much worse than any European peer. How ironic.

    This situation is of course blamed on something "special", a new Indian variant, which, after the South-African variant and the Essex variant, seem to mysteriously elect the British Isles to thrive, all despite the borders being closed in practice.

    Replies: @ivan, @R2b

    Thank you!
    Really says a lot!
    The more you fight covid1984, the more it gets to you!
    That’s a law and a fact.

    Ignore it, and let it be the little more severe yearly flu, and we could have prospered!
    Now businesses go down the drain, whilst we are quarantined and masked, and Boris with G7:ers are boozing maskless, swinging the bottle!
    Nice world!

  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • In JawJuh, Tucker devoted two segments on two nights this week how Blacks from Apelanta are going over to the overwhelmingly White section of Buckhead and attacking Whites. Stabbed some pregnant lady on a hiking trail, attacked a couple, punching the woman and man. Welcome to South Africa, Buckhead. Buckhead is an exclusive part of Atlanta and I am guessing there are not only Yankees there but plenty of rich, White leftist douchebags who probably claim to be colorblind and praise MLK. Who know, the type of people who never had to deal with hoodrats, monosyllable Blacks at Popeye’s fried chicken, are working alongside some Black guy falling asleep standing up in a battery factory. Also in JawJuh they apprehended yet another Black guy that went on a murder spree down in Columbus, Georgia, and of course ALL THE VICTIMS WERE WHITE. The Black shooter even claimed he shot the victims because of their skin color.

    Whites being attacked in Buckhead by Blacks only because they happen to be White by Black perps, a Black thug shooting Whites only because they are White, he even admitted it, and ONLY Tucker Carlson covers it. I live about 60 miles from Atlanta, watch the Atlanta news and I had not heard of either incident until Tucker covered it.

    American Whites are heading for a post apartheid South Africa style of government and attacks on Whites by Blacks will be even more common than they are now, which is saying a helluva lot. White man and woman, YOU HAD BETTER SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT, otherwise expect to live and experience the ordeal White South Africans are going through. You either DEMAND THIS SHIT STOPS RIGHT NOW OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES IN THE FUTURE.

    • Replies: @YackDaRipper

    "Critical Race Theory Negates MLK's 'Dream'".

    Yes, these terms are acceptable.

    , @restless94110

    I fail to understand how you can compare South Africa with the US.

    South Africa is majority black. US is majority white/hispanic.

    Ain't no South Africa happening here, bro.

  • anon[108] • Disclaimer says:

    I already live in rural white Christian America, and the Amish/Mennonites all think Niggers can be their brothers-in-Christ, and spend much effort to save all the baby niglets in Haiti with their Haiti Benefit Auctions. And car-driving Mennonites are cucking-for-Jesus and raising adopted niglets, just saw a young, adopted kinky-haired, fat-lipped sheboon in a Conservative Mennonite prayer covering for women at the grocery. Praise Jebus! Conservatism conserves nothing, because Christianity saves nothing. How can it? “Salvation is from the Jews.” LOL What utter blasphemy uttered by a goddam Rabbi!

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Chris Moore

    Saying a Zionist network of loosely organized sociopaths being led by a cabal of kosher psychopaths = "100% America is one lying Ungodly Satanic Nation" is something only a pro-ZOG propagandist would say.

    Replies: @Supply and Demand, @gay troll

    If the average American aids and abets ZOG by being a patriot, then yes he is right. If you celebrate the Fourth of July, you’re the problem.

  • utu says:

    Why Mike Whitney? If Ron Unz interrogated Mike Whitney about the bizarre ideas about Covid-19 that Mike Whitney kept spreading from the beginning of the pandemic that would be somewhat interesting and would help to undo damage Ron Unz’s caused for giving Mike Whitney platform to spread disinformation for over one year. By choosing Mike Whitney as a vehicle to popularize his own hypothesis of the origin of the pandemic is self defeating. Does Ron Unz want to be taken seriously or he puts his hypothesis on par with the nonsense that Mike Whitney spreads?

    • Agree: Johnny Rico
    • Replies: @Johnny Rico

    Totally. I'd also like to know why Nicholas Wade declined Ron's offer to publish his article on UNZ Review.

    Replies: @utu

    , @PetrOldSack

    Why Mike Whitney? ...when there are such prime choices on the main menu: Kevin Barrett, Anatool Karlin, proven and true midgets of the Covid farce. What agenda can do, i wonder how they compare to movie actors and politicians in incentives. It all feels like second league. The surplus population likes soccer, the Jewish middle class like to play su-c-c-er.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • Murray has his uses but also a selective myopia…. one doesn’t need to sift through reams of data ( the obsession of modern kwakademia) to acknowledge what is patently obvious to anyone not having succumbed to terminal imbecility..

    Identity politics and much of the ‘lefts’ current cancerous ideologisms are a ‘potemkin village’ a facade that currently masks the abject failure of everything they fanatically idolize, a somewhat flimsy barrier to those who may tentatively cast a critical eye over the absurdities and hypocrisy within..

    the old geezer’s correct when he states that without ‘white privilege’ these miscreants would have to engage with the colossal failure of certain hominim and the so called philosophical discourses that impose such nonsense on once reasonably cohesive ‘societies’..

    their solution.. re-engineer the said societies, into which they have shoe horned these misfits and then invert reality… funnily enough bankrolled by big ‘capital’..

    of course the real aim of the project outside of the grifters, mendicants and useful idiots pushing this drivel is to divide and conquer and ultimately crush all western society, whilst preventing the herd from pinning their beadies on the ‘real culprits’ who hope to pick up the pieces in the …..


  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • @Mr. Hack

    You mean "prefers German lords over Russian lords" don't you? BTW, which Slavs are living a better life today, the German lorded Slavs, or the Russian lorded ones, anyway?

    Oh, I forgot, most Slavic countries today left the Russian lorded camp long ago, AND AREN'T LOOKING BACK.

    Replies: @iffen, @Bashibuzuk

    which Slavs are living a better life today, the German lorded Slavs

    Most German lorded Slavs have assimilated into the German nation long ago. Thay’s where the 30+ % of haplogroup R1a in East Germany comes from. Probably it was even higher before WW2 in Eastern Prussia. The Lusatian Sorbs are an (interesting) exception to the norm.

    OTOH most Russian lorded Slavs ended up achieving national statehood. Russians are notoriously bad at assimilating other ethnicities. The Mordvinians, Komi and Udmurts are still here and a man of Tver Karelian ancestry is the president of RusFed after all…

    • Replies: @AltanBakshi

    The Lusatian Sorbs are an (interesting) exception to the norm
    Well there were Masurians not long time ago, also many Lutheran Kashubians or Pomerelian Slavs identified with Prussian Germans.
    , @Mr. Hack

    I think that our spineless commenter Altan had in mind modern nation/states of Slavs, like Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians and others that forsook the Russian dominated Soviet Union, for Western alliances, rather than tribal Slavic assimilation that took place during the medieval period. To try and characterize the wholesale abandonment of any Moscow based centrifugal alignment as being "one of the best proofs against the existence of God" is the height of blasphemous folly. All of the above named nation-states were allied with the Russian dominated Soviet Union (and before that with Russia) for quite a long period of time. They decided that enough was enough, and when the time was right made a quick departure and have not ever looked back. Just to put things into perspective and show how ridiculous Altan's views really are, has there been any sort of clamoring by either any of the states or peoples mentioned above to realign themselves today with Russia?

    Replies: @Bashibuzuk, @AltanBakshi

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • Anon[420] • Disclaimer says:
    It's already happening and it is glorious.

    There is nothing stopping anyone from changing their name to Jose Gonzales to get free shit from the government, hiring preference, loans, you name it.

    Nothing stopping you from claiming to be a woman so you can get government contracts either.

    I know a guy who made his girlfriend claim to be trans so he could get free steroids and estrogen blockers. He sells them to gym rats; free $2000 a month courtesy of the tranny lobby.

    If you have gay pride and BLM flags on your lawn, no one will suspect you have Confederate flags in your home.

    Deception, like ethnocentrism, is evolutionarily advantageous. Learn to lie or learn to die.

    Replies: @Anon

    Well, sad to say, you comment is right on the money, especially:

    Deception, like ethnocentrism, is evolutionarily advantageous. Learn to lie or learn to die.

    This is reflected in the reality of my daily interactions. When I tell the truth it gets me nowhere. When I rub the facts, dissimulate, tell half truths, embellish, embroider and outright bald face lie, everything comes my way. Its like people want you to lie to them and are anxious to reward you accordingly.

    The problem with this is that after a while one becomes adept and can tell the most outrageous lie without flinching, without the flicker of an eye or an intestinal twitch. Practice makes perfect !

    Some wag once sarcastically remarked that there is a Supply and Demand issue here. There is a huge demand for lies and a limited supply. It always amazes me that the public is aware (hopefully) of the 24/7 deceptions by politicians, MSM and other diverse players. Yet, they swallow the very next load of shit shovelled their way and ask for seconds.

    What a sad world this has become.

    • Replies: @GayDad69

    It's only sad if you aren't preparing yourself for the future.

    In the future, the only remaining White people will be those who have weaponized every aspect of their existence against our oppressors. This doesn't mean violence, because in the distraction of a civil war china would be foolish not to nuke us.

    Instead you should sit and think about everything you believe, think, say, and do, and for each of them alter them to maximize benefit to you and yours (including more distant but harmless groups such as geographically distant whites and Japanese), while maximizing harm to all others.

    For instance, while in college I cheated on my girlfriend with every asian, hindu, and hispanic woman I could. My goal was to arouse lust for white men in them, to deny them to their men, while also cuckolding their men into raising my kids (and therefore not raising a pure member of their race) when they had boyfriends.

    When their moms, aunts, sisters, and cousins were around I flirted with them and had a few flings, one of which landed me a job that led to my current career. I have made these women favor White men with nothing but charisma and a good dicking.

    We can't control the jews and chinks who control our government, and we can't confront them directly, but we are not unarmed. Anything can be made into a weapon. Sex can be a weapon, as can lust, love, hypergamy, and baby making.

    We need to stop using the weapons and tactics that the enemy wants us to use, and instead use the ones the enemy uses against us: subversion, subterfuge, deception, betrayal, and scheming. They need us to be dumb and violent so they can manufacture consent for greater repression.

    If instead we use the subtle tools they use on us, then they lose because they can't create defenses against them without also giving us the same defenses. Any moral justification against us breeding Jewish women can be used to protect our women. Anything they erect to stop White Subversives will also hit jewish and chink subversives.

    Replies: @Ray P

  • I've been telling myself for twenty years that America’s ongoing Cultural Revolution couldn't get any worse. But year by year it has gotten worse. The Red Guards now control all our major media outlets, including of course Social Media, and the entire educational system, public and private, from kindergarten to the Ivy League. This new...
  • SMK says: • Website

    JD’s “cold civil war” between “good whites” and “bad whites” would be more accurately defined as a hot civil war” between “bad whites” (race realists, white advocates, and the tens of million of whites who voted for and support Trump) and the “sanctimonious elite whites and resentful minorities who rule over them,” to quote F. Roger Devlin -most perniciously over a hundred million white-hating blacks, Mestizos-Amerindians, and Muslims (though blessed far less so in the US, despite 9-11, than in the UK and the nations of Western Europe.

    Barack Obama and Eric Holder were and are the “tokens” and “auxilaries” of “good whites”? Al Sharpton and other “activists” and demagogues are the “tokens” and “auxilaries” of “good whites”? Black polticians, judges, bureaucrats, federal, state, and especially local are the “tokens” and “auxilaries” of “good whites”?

    Virtually every large city in the US is black majority (e.g., Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Birmingham, Jackson, MS, etc.) or nonwhite-majority (e.g., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Milawukee, etc.) What does life in these cities have to do with a “oold civil war” between “good whites” and “bad whites”? Are the blacks who rule black majority cities and the blacks and “HIspanics” who rule nonwhite-majority cities the mere “tokens” and “auxillaries” of “good whites”?

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @sonofman
    @Chris Moore

    Zionists have power in America only because Democrat and Republican politicians of still the majority European-Americans allow them to have power. The People and non-politician President Trump are fighting the stolen election. The problem is that President Trump has to fight establishment politicians from both parties who have for decades used fraudulent electronic voting to get elected.

    Replies: @Chris Moore, @Realist

    Zionists have power in America only because Democrat and Republican politicians of still the majority European-Americans allow them to have power.

    With this, I agree.

    The People and non-politician President Trump are fighting the stolen election. The problem is that President Trump has to fight establishment politicians from both parties who have for decades used fraudulent electronic voting to get elected.

    With this, I do not agree. Trump was complicit with the Deep State. His battle with the power elite was a poorly performed charade.

    • Replies: @sally

    Trump had four years to give the ballet back to those the USA governs. Trump made not one move in that direction.

    Each eligible voting citizens gets to caste but three votes in the general elections. None of those three votes can be caste to elect the President or the VP, Why? Because the president and VP are article II of the Constitution of the USA, and such article II persons. as opposed to the Senate and the House which are Article I persons, according the constitution of the USA cannot be elected by the citizen voters. Article II persons are elected by the Electoral College.

    Article II persons are elected by the electoral college. not the voting public.
    Each eligible to vote Citizen of the USA is entitled to vote for the 2 senators from his or her state, and
    Each eligible to vote Citizen of the USA is entitled to vote for the member of house of representative from his or her state. That three votes are each to elected Article I persons. 0 votes for Article II persons.

    I agree Trump was a Deep South Puppet unable to respond appropriately to the strings ..

    Replies: @Realist

  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • @WorkingClass

    I don’t think you should get involved in any kind of political group. Instead, you should move out of the city, and get involved in a local community.

    Let them have the shithole cities.

    Let them have the District of Corruption.

    Come home to Red America.

    You don't have to be a pig farmer by the way. We have farms AND towns. You don't even have to be a leader. We have followers too.

    Replies: @MarkU

    Remember ‘Escape from New York’? That film was way ahead of its time.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Bardon Kaldian
    @Priss Factor


    American elites are more than 80% Gentile whites. Be it among moneyed classes, the military, politicians, business people, media personalities, public intellectuals, intelligence agencies, bankers etc.

    Jews like Gates, Hanks, Koch family, Murray, Clooney, .... Sure.

    This Jewy stuff is too dumb to even seriously comment on.

    Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert, @Bill, @Priss Factor

    “…American elites are more than 80% Gentile whites…”

    Right, and who are those 20% elites, whom the 80% Gentile elites serve?

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Ron Unz
    @Digital Samizdat

    I still don’t get the bio-weapon thing. Covid-19 has a negligible infection fatality rate of approximately 0.2%. Why would any country with an advanced military–the US, China or anyone else–go to the trouble of re-inventing the flu? It just doesn’t make any sense.
    Actually, most of the evidence is that the Covid fatality rate is substantially higher than you claim, probably at least 0.5%. Moreover, biowarfare experts have long realized that effective anti-economy bioweapons would have particular characteristics, as was pointed out by a retired 40-year veteran of American biowarfare research. Here's my brief summary of his analysis:

    One important point he made was that high lethality was often counter-productive in a bioweapon since debilitating or hospitalizing large numbers of individuals may impose far greater economic costs on a country than a biological agent which simply inflicts an equal number of deaths. In his words “a high communicability, low lethality disease is perfect for ruining an economy,” suggesting that the apparent characteristics of the coronavirus were close to optimal in this regard. Those so interested should read his analysis and assess for themselves his credibility and persuasiveness.

    Replies: @dcthrowback, @St-Germain, @anon4321534534, @Truth, @Daniel Rich

    Actually, most of the evidence is that the Covid fatality rate is substantially higher than you claim, probably at least 0.5%.

    Source for this probable claim?

    • Thanks: Realist
  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • @Unanimous
    Fuck you. I prefer this than the two million dead in Irak by white fucks.

    Replies: @MarkU, @hillaire

    You mean the war that was fought by white, black and brown fucks at the behest of the same sort of Jewish fucks that are promoting this? You have a point.

    • Agree: Jim Christian
    • Thanks: Irish Savant
    • Replies: @Truth

    Well, it is a "white fux" government, Old Sport (for now). But come to think of it you have a point, BLM looks about half white, every time I see them..

    You mean the war that was fought by white, black and brown fucks at the behest of the same sort of Jewish fucks that are promoting this? You have a point.
  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there. ... Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black...
  • One thing I’ve not seen is the black/white murder rates corrected for IQ. Are low IQ whites, even though roughly seven times (?) less likely to have an IQ under 85 than blacks (and I’m not sure how even more less likely to have an IQ under 70) comparatively violent? That would be good to know.

    • Agree: Triteleia Laxa
    • Replies: @Alec Leamas (hard at work)
    @Luke Lea

    One thing I’ve not seen is the black/white murder rates corrected for IQ. Are low IQ whites, even though roughly seven times (?) less likely to have an IQ under 85 than blacks (and I’m not sure how even more less likely to have an IQ under 70) comparatively violent? That would be good to know.
    One of the things I distinctly recall Murray having said while being interviewed about The Bell Curve is that low IQ blacks and whites present differently - a 70 IQ black man is perceived as somewhat normal in all respects, while a 70 IQ white man would present with what would be easily perceived as the result of some sort of "brain insult."

    Therefore my surmise is that the very low IQ white person would either be in some sort of institutional setting or other support network for morons and would likely have a childlike outlook. He would not be a good candidate for gang membership or semi-organized criminal activity even as a hanger-on. Therefore he's not likely to get into situations in which the commission of murder are likely.
    , @Anonymous
    @Luke Lea

    The Bell Curve concluded that "some ethnic differences [such as in crime] are not washed away by controlling for either intelligence or for any other variables that we examined. We leave those remaining differences unexplained and look forward to learning from our colleagues where the explanations lie"
    Obviously the higher than average levels of testosterone among blacks is a likely culprit for the crime differentials. It's well known than black men are at a higher risk of prostate cancer, which can correlate with testosterone levels. A good test way to test this theory would be seeing if Asian men are (slightly) less likely than whites to be criminal when you control for IQ. It is said Asian men have, on average, the lowest testosterone (and prostate cancer) rates.

    , @Some Guy
    @Luke Lea

    Are low IQ whites, even though roughly seven times (?) less likely to have an IQ under 85 than blacks
    About 50% of blacks and 16% of whites have an IQ under 85, so blacks are three times more likely.

    and I’m not sure how even more less likely to have an IQ under 70
    Blacks about eight times more likely, excluding low IQ caused by some specific malady.

    Replies: @vhrm, @Luke Lea

  • It requires major suspension of disbelief to consider the G7, the self-described democracy’s most exclusive club, as relevant to the Raging Twenties. Real life dictates that even accounting for the inbuilt structural inequality of the current world system the G7’s economic output barely registers as 30% of the global total. Cornwall was at best an...
  • anon[368] • Disclaimer says:
    @Moderate Rebel

    Just a concerned citizen my friend,no need to go into conspiracy lala land there

    Replies: @anon

    Your rants make conspiracy look kosher, constitutional, self-evident , god-given ,and pure unvarnished truth man. It does.

    1- US seen as global threat to democracy that Russia or China, global poll finds- Guardian(UK) May 5,2021

    2-In January ,Vladimir Norov former foreign minister of Uzbekistan and current ben real secretary of SCO blamed USA for shifting its ISIS fighters from Syria to Afghanistan in a delivered speech to a policy research institute of Pakistan.

    * I guess one is lucky that nobody that Hillary knew died so far from this reverse rat line

    3 Col Wilkerson- We use terrorism as an excuse to be [in] places or to do things when in fact ,it has little to do with terrorism and everything to do with great power ,economics, and the finances .. 4th May ,2017 The Real News network.

    4 USA needs to stay in Afghanistan to confront China .In case we decide to confront China over Taiwan ,we need to have power to pummel China from Western flank- paraphrasing Mike Waltz (GOP Congressman) . Fox News ,May 6th 2021


    • Replies: @alwayswrite

    ....and 5 ?????

    Well no need to bother because all your go to people on your little list are mad ,biased, or shit stirring lefty idiots

    The Guardian thing is interesting though as its a report is about an organisation with a chairman who was former NATO boss!

    The Guardian report is a trojan horse to help maintain democracy as a human right,in other words a weapon to attack Russia and China,spreading all those international ' norms'

    I do wish you folks would wake up and understand whats happening,its like the whole LGBT thing,its being weaponized to attack recalcitrant countries,built into trade agreement and international treaties

    All of this stuff is to maintain the status quo

    Replies: @anon

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Iris

    it would seem to be incumbent upon Ron to provide at least some plausible vector by which the Americans could have accomplished what he denies the Chinese as having any means or method of carrying out.
    There is no need to provide such obvious explanations.

    It would have been dead easy to transport and spray the virus from ordinary-looking medical devices, such as those commonly used by asthma-sufferers, or even from simple aerosol cans-like equipment.

    The delivery device could have been disguised as asthma inhaler, e-cigarette container, can of deodorant, can of cool water mist, and the list goes on.. Any of these objects could have been used in public, in high population-density hubs (the Huanan seafood market?) for maximum efficacy, without even being noticed or suspected by the surrounding public.

    Finally, Wuhan is indeed a very important commercial and academic centre, visited by people from countries all across the Global South.
    But this does not explain why the city of Qom, of all places, was hit almost simultaneously and with a similar virus strain than Wuhan, unless one argues that the largest contingent of foreign tourist to Wuhan is from Qom. A simple coincidence is hard to believe.

    Replies: @Craig Nelsen, @ThreeCranes

    “It would have been dead easy to transport and spray the virus from ordinary-looking medical devices, such as those commonly used by asthma-sufferers, or even from simple aerosol cans-like equipment.”

    Or just infect the US military team before they left for China. Someone said they train right next to Ft Detrick. And didn’t several team members get sick while they were there? And the objection that the US wouldn’t do that because they would bring the dempanic back with them is removed, if, in fact, this was a Mossad operation. It wouldn’t matter.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Travis
    Whites are no longer 60% of the US population. Whites have become a minority of our University Students and are a minority of Americans under the age of 19.

    The only demographic which matters is the under 40 population, as the older population is no longer fertile and has little impact on our culture and our future. The majority of Americans under the age of 40 benefit from wokism because the majority are part of a minority group.

    US demographics under the age of 40
    Year- Whites -Non-Whites
    1990 – 120 M – 36 M
    2020 – 88 M — 78 M

    The dramatic collapse of the white population in the United States is accelerating. The Future of America will be fewer and fewer whites. Only about 25% of the US workforce consists of straight White males today. 75% of the workforce are members of a protected minority group with special rights and privileges. White fertility continues to decline. We have already been replaced. White deaths has exceeded white births for the last decade. The decline in the number of Whites is accelerating faster than predicted. By 2040 Whites will be a minority within the US , but for all practical considerations Whites are already a minority within the United States.

    Replies: @Virumque, @AndrewR, @ThreeCranes, @OilcanFloyd, @profnasty

    Whites are only a minority if all non-whites are counted as one group. That’s like sorting all gentiles by nationality, while counting Jews from every nation as one group for victim status during WWII. It’s done for a reason and gives a view that is very different than reality.

  • I just interviewed an American who'd traveled for five years straight, but you have been outside the US for 18 years altogether. Why, first off, and how have you been able to sustain yourself? Was there no place you wanted to settle? Will you ever return to the US to live? I had always wanted...
  • @Jeff Stryker
    @Peter Akuleyev

    Expat Response

    1. To live in a tiny town in Vermot or New Hampshire would offer safety but you would be living in an old wooden house (On my earning power) with heaps of snow in the winter. No thank you. Wooden houses are hard to maintain, particularly older ones. Concrete & ceramic tile structures are. And they exist in Florida or Arizona...but then you have the frigging Cholos.
    2. I like major cities with a buzz & don't want to live in some 100 year old farmhouse on a dirt road which would require me to drive 4 miles to get a cup of coffee that looks like the Marsten House from a Stephen King novel. No fan of small USA towns am I, having been raised in white-collar suburbs where the median price of a house would be $400,000.
    3. I think hicks are pretty stupid. There are a few of them here. I became familiar with them attending a state college in a rural area. The young people are juggalos & Eminem wannabes & there is always a thriving Opoid & Meth scene because the youth are bored. The only people who have ever traveled anywhere are the ex-Navy who went to a few whorehouses in the Philippines.
    4. I'm no patriotic GOP. Trump was economically competent-history will demonstrate this-but George Bush was a stone fool. He conned the Right into voting for him with a few photo ops of himself on his ranch with a chainsaw cutting wood & when he left office the country was in miasma of pointless wars, recessions, disasters like Katrina. We will emerge after having spent 20 years in Afghanistan & the day we leave the Taliban will come out & fire their guns in the sky in celebration.
    5. If you disliked hicks & do not want to be around urban blacks or Mexicans that only leaves the suburbs, and I simply don't have the money for that. While nobody here would be particularly interested in my personal bio, prospective young expats take note: you probably won't make a fortune overseas & you will own no house & you will eventually lose all contact with other Americans you know besides your parents & siblings & you also no longer be a resident of any state which makes you ineligible for government programs...Now it has all been worth it for me. But it is worth it for you?
    6. As far as sex partners in small Vermont towns go, you have to bring your own. I am married now but I don't care about US laws or cultural norms & liked visiting red light districts-which I did all over the world. The USA is a joke for making prostitution illegal but possessing the biggest porn industry in the world.
    7. I would not want my now preteen daughter around snapchat addicted sluts as white girls have lost all morals & if Epstein had to troll Asian or Jewish or Muslim communities he would have groomed nobody & been busted quickly but apparently he found hundreds of little poor white teen girls prepared to do anything: half of a 10th grade class was going over to his mansion...think I want my daughter around that culture.
    8. You are under the laws & jurisdiction of the Feds anywhere from Alaska to Florida. You are, or can be, monitored.
    9. I do not like the behavior of the US police, though I hardly want to defund them. In my youth, there were several wasted minutes of fiscal funds as police blunders led me to be detained. Once, in college, because the police got the wrong dorm room in a theft investigation. I do not like the rudeness of US police.
    10. In the US you are under media narratives.


    1. Many Americans have the money to immigrate or to live in Vienna, or anywhere else. If you have little money, SEA is better.
    2. You would find that these Americans in Vienna were, to begin with, white & upper middle class. You may find their accents grating. You might get annoyed with their desire for McDonald's. But you won't meet many underclass Americans.
    3. Many of the posters here will talk about leaving the USA & they are so unworldly they have no idea how difficult this is. One naive OP mentions his son receiving citizenship to another country. He would have to have an extremely niche profession & live in that country for five years.

    Replies: @Cowtown Rebel, @Truth

    I don’t care about US laws or cultural norms & liked visiting red light districts-which I did all over the world.

    7. I would not want my now preteen daughter around snapchat addicted sluts as white girls have lost all morals

    You know what they say about the Apple and the Tree, Stryke-Dogg.

  • Back in the 1990s, the proto-Woke, such as Nobel literature laureate Toni Morrison, had this habit of injecting hyphens and parentheses into words, especially gerunds (which were the glamour part of speech in the 1990s, kind of like pronouns are today), as a sort of secret handshake to signify (a major 1990s word) that they...
  • she was one of the worst nonfiction writers I’ve ever read. So I was surprised when I finally read one of her novels (Song of Solomon) and it was fine.

    Informational Texts is an oxymoron. Our minds were built by and for fiction. At least when it comes to language.

    Poetic > prosaic

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Monotonous Languor
    Charles Murray can describe the effects, but like most people he will never recognize the cause. Nobody believes it, but underlying the race war is a war of different moralities. Anti-racism is a moral imperative, and most whites have been guilt-tripped into believing it. But it's fake morality that doesn't represent true Christian beliefs. A popular theme on the right is to blame Christianity for the rise of rabid leftism, but a more thoughtful analysis reveals that Christian precepts have been totally subverted.

    Traditional Christianity believed that God gave different people different talents. This extended to His creation of different tribes and races, to which He gave different strengths and weaknesses. Treating people with dignity and respect did not imply that we catered to their lack of skills. If someone wasn't born with a talent, that was not a moral judgment. If God didn't give someone a talent, that did not mean it was somehow repressed or taken away by other people. This set of beliefs was taken for granted by most of society. It was the basis of race relations. But it was subverted by the great lie called equality. First the socialists tried to apply economic equality throughout the 20th century. When that proved to be a disaster, cultural Marxists tried a different approach. They cleverly slipped equality into Western culture, which is what we see today. Equality has crept unrecognized into every aspect of life, including race, sex, culture, religion, and on and on. It's greatest success is racial equality. We can extend the analysis even further, by recognizing who is behind cultural Marxism. It's an assault by Jews against Christians, in a war that began 2000 years ago on the Cross.

    The reason nobody believes this is a war of moralities, is that most people have been brainwashed to not think in such terms. It's all peripheral nonsense to them. They're either embarrassed to think about religion, or they're convinced it's irrelevant. They're marinated in scientific materialism. What they refuse to understand is that religion never went away, it's just been disguised. Leftism IS religion. It's the unacknowledged official religion of every Western country. What Émile Cammaerts said in 1937 is true today: "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing. They then become capable of believing in anything."

    Replies: @Allan

    It’s ironic that lightskinned Caucasians are being beaten down and crippled again by a religion which, like the cult of Jesus, has a churlish demonology, a scurrilous doctrine of original sin, the seed of Calvinist tendencies, an abundance of demagogues, and a great fondness for the guilt trip.

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Ron Unz
    @Digital Samizdat

    I still don’t get the bio-weapon thing. Covid-19 has a negligible infection fatality rate of approximately 0.2%. Why would any country with an advanced military–the US, China or anyone else–go to the trouble of re-inventing the flu? It just doesn’t make any sense.
    Actually, most of the evidence is that the Covid fatality rate is substantially higher than you claim, probably at least 0.5%. Moreover, biowarfare experts have long realized that effective anti-economy bioweapons would have particular characteristics, as was pointed out by a retired 40-year veteran of American biowarfare research. Here's my brief summary of his analysis:

    One important point he made was that high lethality was often counter-productive in a bioweapon since debilitating or hospitalizing large numbers of individuals may impose far greater economic costs on a country than a biological agent which simply inflicts an equal number of deaths. In his words “a high communicability, low lethality disease is perfect for ruining an economy,” suggesting that the apparent characteristics of the coronavirus were close to optimal in this regard. Those so interested should read his analysis and assess for themselves his credibility and persuasiveness.

    Replies: @dcthrowback, @St-Germain, @anon4321534534, @Truth, @Daniel Rich

    Good work, Ron Unz. Given the flimsy, mostly media foundation of the “natural origin” school and the lack of any solid evidence for the competing, Neocon-favored Wuhan lab-leak explanation, your well reasoned conclusion that this was a misfired U.S. biowar shot across the bow of China and Iran ought to become state of the art in the great pandemic investigation.

    Yet all three theories perch precariously on the same blithe assumption of a WHO-declared pandemic, i.e.: The planet is now truly vexed by one and the same novel Covid-19 virus that is supposedly quite deadly. How deadly? You just quarreled with someone’s fatality statistic of 0.2%, saying:

    Actually, most of the evidence is that the Covid fatality rate is substantially higher than you claim, probably at least 0.5%.

    In terms of dead bodies, the order of magnitude separating those two numbers, not to mention the many other guesses and hearsay hysterically reported from, of course, super reliable authorities quoted by legacy media during the past 16 month, makes this approach a tad dubious. If Schroedinger’s cat is statistically dead, we’d like to view the carcass. Most of us seekers are left so far with little more than second-hand anecdotes of isolated personal health tragedies.

    Where I live in Europe, there simply was no pandemic in the frightful Corona year 2020, although there were frantic quasi-martial law restrictions on basic freedoms. According to the official annual tally of legal death certificates in this province of ~six million, fewer people died from any cause in 2020 compared with the average mortality for the preceeding nine years. For this we must reenact the medieval Black Death routine?

    I’m also seeing similar reports from other jurisdictions in the USA and UK, curiously discordant stastical information never investigated in corporate-government media. The existence of a pandemic in most of Africa and even in Russia is also hard to quantify. One might suspect that the deadly virus ran rampant mainly in the USA and its EU vassal where millions of were mezmerized by 24/7 media hype. If the purpose was to spead enough panic to justify shooting almost everyone up with untested vaccines, it succeeded. But that makes it just another dodgy public policy, not medical science.

    There’s no need to rehash the farce of the adjustable PCR tests or the coercion and incentives to blame as many hospital deaths as possible on the mysterious virus. Comment such as #18, sonofman, already covered it. We could discuss forever the origin of a supposed scourge that comes in waves and variants that momentarily strike the fancy of those experts with access to mainstream media. Could it be, as C.J. Hopkins repeatedly told us right here on UR, that the purpose of this bizarre drill is to herd us all into the dystopian Great Reset of society in which oligarchs rule and the rest of us are expendable serfs?

    • Agree: bike-anarkist
  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • @Mr. Hack

    You mean "prefers German lords over Russian lords" don't you? BTW, which Slavs are living a better life today, the German lorded Slavs, or the Russian lorded ones, anyway?

    Oh, I forgot, most Slavic countries today left the Russian lorded camp long ago, AND AREN'T LOOKING BACK.

    Replies: @iffen, @Bashibuzuk

    Alas, nobody wants to be “Little Russians” anymore.

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk

    At the time of the Tsarist Russia, when the "Little Russian" ethnonym was used, only around 48% of Russian elites considered Russian language as their native tongue. 28% were Polish speaking, you had around 10% German speaking aristocracy (with a total population of Germans in the Russian Empire being 2%), you had Caucasian aristocracy (Georgian mostly, but also Tatar / Kumyk etc). You even had the descendants of the French Royalist emigrées . The "Great Russians" were actually great in numbers, but not that great in their influence on the Empire's affairs with the immense majority of them being illiterate peasants only freed from serfdom for a couple of generations. And with the late Romanov being of 90+ % Germanic ancestry, it is actually not surprising at all. Fits all right with Karlin's IQ observations.

    Replies: @AltanBakshi

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @gay troll

    Replies: @GomezAdddams, @Leo Den, @R2b

    “Iran did it, Iran did it.”
    “No wait…. Russia did it, Russia did it.”
    “No wait… China did it, China did it.”

    With Washington
    it’s NEVER the REAL Culprits.

    • Replies: @Anon
    @Leo Den


    To tell the truth I am so fed up with the constant finger pointing, blame shifting and story twists that I could give a shit about the what, when, where , why or who of this Hoaxvid. I think after one year plus the public would be weary of it all but apparently not. Everyday the MSM comes up with another article usually representing something along the lines of "10 things you did not know about Covid ", what the "experts" say.

    To maintain my sanity I have retreated into my own bubble. As long as neither I nor my loved ones dont have it I could care less. Enough is enough. Unfortunately the gullible public can never seem to get enough. They want bullshit and they get bullshit.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Virumque

    Wow - that is a much bigger decline than I had thought - can you provide the source?

    Replies: @Leo Den

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @RussianWannabe
    @Mustapha Mond

    Yes, Mustapha, it has come down to the Jews versus the Chinese.

    I remember almost 20 years ago, the Jews were busy 'infiltrating' India. Well, I didn't know they were 'infiltrating' at the time. I didn't understand what they were doing there. But it turns out it was to turn India against Russia (and into a US vassal state). So now all that's left is China.

    The End Game is here. God help us!

    Replies: @gatobart, @Mustapha Mond

    I wanted to add that PM Modi is a huge supporter of Israel, their tactics and their racist ideology (which most Hindutvas like Modi share, unfortunately, especially hatred of Islam and muslims.)

    Israel was the very first country PM Modi visited upon taking office, spending a number of days there hanging with Bibi, and totally ignoring the Palestinians, thumbing his nose and snubbing them 100%.

    Modi knows exactly what side his racist matzohs are buttered on, no doubt! He’s no dummy, that’s for sure…….

  • On June 6, 1968, Robert Kennedy had just won the California Democratic presidential primary, when he was shot dead, five years after his brother. David Talbot has shown in his book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster, that Robert had never believed in the conclusion of...
  • @Triteleia Laxa

    I sympathize with your skepticism. Perhaps you are right. But I wonder in what ways you think the world would be different if that group indeed was as powerful and ruthless as you deem it cannot be. I suspect it wouldn’t, not much anyway. They seem to have a much longer range perspective than most of us.
    If that group were as powerful and ruthless as they are imagined, then Israel would include Jordan, the Sinai, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

    You argue that perhaps it does not, because they have a longer range perspective, but, for a group that powerful and ruthless, establishing sovereignty over such tiny portions of the globe would be easy.

    The British Empire remade the globe. They transferred populations at whim. They did this any time they felt like. That is world power.

    Israel has had a messy scrap with the Palestinians, who are a minor subdivision of a people who have been completely ineffectual on the world stage for a thousand years. That is limited regional strength.

    Replies: @Rich, @GazaPlanet, @Kramer

    Israel does not include Jordan, Egypt, etc. But Global Zionism dominates their political and economic scenes nevertheless, just like in the US.

    If they can dominate the most powerful country in the world, Jordan and Egypt are nothing in comparison. It is all a game of high finance and the media, their empire.

    But the reason Eretz Yisrael Hashlema does not currently exist is Iranian military superiority on the field. The Israelis were stopped in Lebanon by Iranian power. They are stopped at Gaza by the same.

    The US invasion of the Middle East, to conquer the land for Israel, was effectively resisted by Iran, and did not come to fruition.

    The ISIS conspiracy, another effort at conquest by the US-Israel, was also stopped by Iran.

    So, are they [our wealthy Jewish brothers] rich enough to dominate the US, Jordan, Egypt, and other capitalist markets around the world? Yes.

    Are they powerful enough to beat Iran on the battlefield? Ask Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa

    All of those things seem a lot harder than simply clearing the West Bank of Palestinians. Populations are cleared off land all of the time.

    Why have the Israelis not done it; despite them having decades of opportunity?

  • German governments have used two strategies to crush dissent in the last century. The Third Reich used Gleichschaltung, or “coordination,” with the state pushing public and private organizations into line with National Socialism. Communist East Germany used Zersetzung, “decomposition,” with its Stasi secret police wrecking the personal lives, careers, and reputations of dissidents. White advocates...
  • @Rogue

    I would say whites overall have been the most destructive of the races, given their innate nature to conquer in the name of colonialism chattel slavery, and imperialism

    Slavery and conquering, also imperialism not unique to the White race. Never heard of the Mongols or Arabs, to name but two non-White races?

    However, Whites ended slavery of their own accord, and pulled back from Imperialism when for the most part they weren't forced to. Human nature being what it is, we should expect wrong actions from all people groups. Whites have also been at the forefront of solutions to these problems. Asking Arabs, for example, to apologize for slavery is utterly pointless - as that is simply not on their radar.

    By contrast, White altruism is a most dangerous thing - to Whites. Whites have been the most advanced of peoples, and also the most compassionate towards other races. Constantly and always, as regards the latter point? Obviously not, but overall White compassion is a reality not observed in other races.

    To the contrary, I have asked several pertinent questions for your insight, and you have patently avoided answering them

    You referenced The Good Book. I've mentioned to you the relevant passage from the Good Book (the blessings on two of Noah's sons, and lack thereof for his third son) which completely addresses these points. I did not specifically say this referred to the White race - but it is a logical conclusion to draw from the reading of this scripture.

    “Blessed be the Lord,
    The God of Shem;
    And let Canaan be his servant.
    May God enlarge Japheth,
    And let him dwell in the tents of Shem;
    And let Canaan be his servant.”

    May God enlarge Japheth - European colonialism maybe?

    And let him dwell in the tents of Shem - the New Covenant (having replaced the Old One) having it's traditional stronghold in Europe?

    You also got very triggered by reference to Tony Martin (though I didn't originally mention him), and felt the need to speak against him in order to defend Jewish reputations.

    So simple question, are you White, Black or Jewish? Or what exactly?

    Replies: @Corvinus

    “Slavery and conquering, also imperialism not unique to the White race. Never heard of the Mongols or Arabs, to name but two non-White races?”

    I am quite familiar with the horrific exploits of the Mongols and Arabs, but their ventures pale in comparison to the deviancy and treachery of whites, specifically Europeans.

    “However, Whites ended slavery of their own accord, and pulled back from Imperialism when for the most part they weren’t forced to.”

    Only when there was intense internal pressure.

    “Human nature being what it is, we should expect wrong actions from all people groups.”

    So would you say that there are “more wrong” actions from different groups, like on a continuum?

    “Whites have also been at the forefront of solutions to these problems.”

    Replace whites with human race, and that would be an accurate statement.

    “Asking Arabs, for example, to apologize for slavery is utterly pointless – as that is simply not on their radar.”

    To the contrary…

    “By contrast, White altruism is a most dangerous thing – to Whites.”

    Again, that is your opinion.

    “Whites have been the most advanced of peoples, and also the most compassionate towards other races.”

    Without an agreed definition and adequate measures, we cannot study compassion nor measure it. So, define it and offer what metrics you are employing to lend support that whites are the “more compassionate race”.

    “You referenced The Good Book. I’ve mentioned to you the relevant passage from the Good Book (the blessings on two of Noah’s sons, and lack thereof for his third son) which completely addresses these points.”

    Indeed, you gave a citation, but without providing the requisite background.**

    “I did not specifically say this referred to the White race – but it is a logical conclusion to draw from the reading of this scripture.”

    You have yet to offer reasoning to support your conclusion.**

    “You also got very triggered by reference to Tony Martin (though I didn’t originally mention him), and felt the need to speak against him in order to defend Jewish reputations.”

    No triggering here, just providing historical context and accuracy.

    “So simple question, are you White, Black or Jewish? Or what exactly?”

    I am a white Christian married man with children who is able to trace my Dutch ancestors to 1700’s New York, and whose German and Polish ancestors arrived to America in the mid to late 1800’s.

    **Here the questions (in italics) you are avoiding. Please respond to advance the discourse and offer insight into your conclusions.

    Does the Bible or God grant whites an “advantage of class”? If yes, what is your evidence specifically from Scripture that lends support to this assertion.

    “But scripture makes clear that there is a hierarchy because of sin– women were not created to be subject to men, for example, but because of Eve’s sin, that is the way it is.”

    What specific passages show this “hierarchy of race”?

    “It is my reasonable interpretation of scripture to therefore believe that the races of men have had different outcomes in this life”

    What exactly has led you to draw that conclusion?

    “Ham was not cursed by Noah (as many erroneously believe), but neither was he blessed in the same way his brothers were.”

    Could you please further elaborate?

    “But race-realism is not only acceptable – but sensible.”

    So in what particular ways does God sponsor or believe in or approve of (or whatever term you want to employ) “race realism” and its “sensibility”?

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Anonymous
    Mr. Unz,

    That you have no shame has always been a given. It is one of those many human emotions that autistic automatons like you do not and can not feel.

    But you have certain intelligences, as evident by your ability to accrue wealth, create a website and, I'll be darned, you caan even read and write.

    So even without shame, don't you have intelligence enough to realize that you are literally Insane?

    You have displayed precisely 3 emotions over the years.

    First and foremost, Anger. This appears to be the primary enotion you "feel" (can you feel emotions?). Your mindless anger, like a fire can go any which way. But you know of course that anger against Muslims or Biden or Immigration has better writers and thinkers than yourself. Which leads to your next most common emotion:

    The need to be recognized.

    It is why you ran for office, why your websites are under your literal name, and why you choose to direct your anger primarily in areas where you have less competition.

    Finally though, you have, or at least want to be seen as someone having, some level of curiosity.

    That's a noble emotion and the reason why you uploaded all of those books and magazines -- so God knows where one can find them now. Apparently that magnificent page did not get you enough attention so you stopped promoting it.

    Of course most of your curiosity is pre-directed against those whom you imagine are your enemies, probably simply because they are more famous than you.

    Beyond that, you hardly passed the turing test.

    To your credit, I assume that you don't actually believe the anti-American stuff that you write and probably not even the anti-israel stuff that you write. If you did care about either of these points of view you would shut up and leave the floor to people who are less obviously insane than you are.

    And you are only getting crazier and crazier. Which makes me believe that it is medical.

    You wrote extensively about how covid would be the end of the world. How all of us were in danger and the world was about to end. Did you get anything right about the current craze? Maybe a few small things here and there which others understood and wrote about better than yourself, but your primary prediction was not just off, it was in a different galaxy.

    You are simply crazy. You are like a tone deaf person belting out Con Te Partiro and thinking he is doing a good job at it.

    Ron, speak to any unbiased stranger on earth, be he a common person or a professional, and he will tell you that you do not have the ability to draw conclusions with any accuracy whatsoever. Because you are simply insane.

    Replies: @Irish Savant, @Rahan, @Charlie, @Alfred, @GomezAdddams, @frankie p, @A Half Naked Fakir, @Antiwar7, @ld, @TKK, @Sir Launcelot Canning, @VICB3, @Mevashir, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @bike-anarkist, @Bill, @Robert Dolan, @JamesinNM


  • Did Mike Whitney conduct this interview as penitence so his anti-vax articles will return to the front page of the Unz Review?

  • @GeeBee
    @Mustapha Mond

    China is the new “Hitler”
    Some of us have been saying this on here for months, perhaps more than a year. And the statement is ironic in one way, because the vast majority of people reading it empirically will not merely fail to understand the true meaning of those five words, but they will think that their meaning is diametrically opposite to the reality. If I must spell it out for the benefit of those who might be puzzled, most will immediately think "Ah! Then we must oppose China at all costs", whereas what they ought to be saying is "Go China! You can do it!"

    Anyhow, do you have a link to the Chinese statement at the UNSC meeting, as I cannot seem to find what you're quoting? Thanks.

    Replies: @Mustapha Mond

    Hello GeeBee

    Agree 100% with your observations.

    Happy to provide the link:

    (I’ve linked this story I believe three times previously here on Unz in prior comments, so I got a wee bit lazy on this comment. Sorry.)

    Thanks for a nice reply.

  • The G7 AKA the Boypussy Defense League is having a big meeting. The world is noticing they are not serious people. All they do is whine about China, which is a serious country. RT: That is just such utter bullshit. The “positive alternative” has been seen by everyone since the end of World War II....
  • @Sick of Orcs
    @Supply and Demand

    They’re about to own all your “Red State” open fields soon,
    Land that would be immediately seized from foreign entities in times of war.

    and if Kyle Rittenhouses appear in them, they’re going to get the long arm of two dictatorial security states, not just one.
    At least you're upfront about being part of an evil regime. Refreshing! Who's the other regime? American shitlibs? Russia won't side with you for WW3.

    BTW, during the Great Stumble Backward the red chinese murdered 45 million of their own people. What makes you think you're special or will be spared?

    Replies: @Supply and Demand

    Russia and China are formally allied. You think they’re going to ride to the rescue of goblinized American whites who chimp out over Nord Stream and Belt Road?

    I’m going to clue you in on how many Party members were murdered during the leap forward: 2,800. Mostly Jiang Qing’s crowd. My wife is a party member, her father a mid-level provincial functionary in the Bureau of Education. I’ll be fine. You on the other hand? I certainly wouldn’t want to be picking fights with negroes domestically and the Chinese abroad. Good luck burning the candle at both ends lmao.

    • Replies: @Sick of Orcs
    @Supply and Demand

    Russia and China are formally allied.
    Right. Because alliances have never shifted before. If the Russians are smart--and they are--they won't ever trust China. No country should.

    You think they’re going to ride to the rescue of goblinized American whites who chimp out over Nord Stream and Belt Road?
    Please stop confusing fraudsident biden and wokefags with Americans (and don't worry, (((goblins))) are infiltrating Mother China, too.)

    I’m going to clue you in on how many Party members were murdered during the leap forward: 2,800.
    Assuming that's true--and there's absolutely no reason to believe any numbers offered up by communist regimes--what about the 30 million Chinese who died from engineered famine? 30 million is the low estimate.

    My wife is a party member, her father a mid-level provincial functionary in the Bureau of Education. I’ll be fine.
    That's what everyone believes, that they're so important to The Cause they're in no danger. If the party wants you gone, you're gone, no trial, no rights, nothing. Your "loyalty" won't be considered. In fact, the Truest Believers are usually the first to go. There are what, 1.4 billion Chinese now? Chinese life is cheap. You and your family are as expendable to the party as a paper plate.

    communism has been an abject failure everywhere it's been tried. It's incompatible with human nature and dignity. It's embarrassing, really, that "communist" China had to become capitalist to even survive.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @Dieter Kief
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Mr. Moderator of Peak Stupidity, what do you make of the argument of Dr. Murray, that the state as the most potent actor here is based on the willingness of his citizens to play by the rules and that this is what holds the impressive structure of the United States together and is thus the most important (common) treasure and thus has to be handled with the utmost care and reluctance?

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman, @Bill

    He sounds like a savage with a bone through his nose worried about gravity turning off if we don’t dance properly at our next orgy.

    That isn’t fair, of course. He sounds like a coward, telling whatever lies he thinks will ward off the NKVD. Like the rest of us.

  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • @AltanBakshi

    Well existence of Croats and Poles is one of the best proofs against the existence of God, without those fiends it would be highly likely that whole Slavdom would be united under Russia's eternal loving and happy embrace, and Slavs would now have bases on moon, maybe even on Mars, but no, Polish and Croat slave mentality prefers German lords over Slavic brothers.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @Mr. Hack

    You mean “prefers German lords over Russian lords” don’t you? BTW, which Slavs are living a better life today, the German lorded Slavs, or the Russian lorded ones, anyway?

    Oh, I forgot, most Slavic countries today left the Russian lorded camp long ago, AND AREN’T LOOKING BACK.

    • Troll: AltanBakshi
    • Replies: @iffen
    @Mr. Hack

    Alas, nobody wants to be "Little Russians" anymore.

    Replies: @Bashibuzuk

    , @Bashibuzuk
    @Mr. Hack

    which Slavs are living a better life today, the German lorded Slavs
    Most German lorded Slavs have assimilated into the German nation long ago. Thay's where the 30+ % of haplogroup R1a in East Germany comes from. Probably it was even higher before WW2 in Eastern Prussia. The Lusatian Sorbs are an (interesting) exception to the norm.

    OTOH most Russian lorded Slavs ended up achieving national statehood. Russians are notoriously bad at assimilating other ethnicities. The Mordvinians, Komi and Udmurts are still here and a man of Tver Karelian ancestry is the president of RusFed after all...

    Replies: @AltanBakshi, @Mr. Hack

  • From the Ledger-Enquirer: The next Diagnostic and Statistical Manu
  • @JohnnyWalker123
    @Jonathan Mason

    My image of England is based on the videos below.

    How realistic is that?

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason

    Not that realistic because most people in England speak with English accents, not New England accents. Is that studio set supposed to be in England? Looks like California to me.

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Anon
    The response of the Chinese to the outbreak was surprisingly extreme and martial. Recall, early on this seemed to be a typical, but strong, seasonal type of Flu. The amatuer videos posted on Social Media from mid-Jan to Mid-Feb coming from Wuhan showed a fully mobilized hard core Military style response. Anyone who followed these unedited videos could only conclude the Chinese treated the outbreak as a major attack. What would cause the Chinese to go into full on war mode ?

    Wildly speculative - but consider a Chinese cabinet meeting early in Januray; agenda item; a the outbreak of some flu in Wuhan. Imagine the Minister of Intelligence suggesting 'This might be a low level bioweapon attack from Fort Detrick, etc.,etc.' The Chinese response to the Flu outbreak makes complete sense in this scenario.

    BTW - These amatuer videos of Wuhan were all blocked/shutdown around Mid-February.

    Replies: @Liborio Guaso

    And if the main objective was always Iran and China was just a distraction about the origin of the virus. Recall that Trump and his group were obsessed with the Persian nation and were looking for ways to attack it to please Israel. And if Soleimani was murdered in cold blood, the other is quite possible. This seems the most possible.

  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there. ... Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black...
  • Arguments of the form “y’all best straighten up or the Saxon gonna begin to hate” defeat themselves because they mistake the nature of the conflict. People like Kendi and his sponsors would like nothing better than for the Saxon to begin to hate (again). Last time the Saxon specifically hated he got pwned so badly his people are still getting anally raped culturally a century later.

    But most of us are not Saxons. The sons of perfidious Albion are significantly cagier than that and of course most of us have already been so beaten down and dis-integrated to where we couldn’t afford to respond to these orchestrated provocations if we wanted to. At least with hate.

    The neither Jew nor Greek crew was our help in ages past and is our Hope in years to come. There is no other.

    • Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic

    Christianity was the religion of the Empire. The Empire is gone, and the Church really hasn't figured out what to do ever since.

    Replies: @Desiderius

    , @FPD72

    The neither Jew nor Greek crew was our help in ages past and is our Hope in years to come. There is no other.
    A nice homage to Isaac Watts, with a possible allusion to Edward Mote!
    , @Ryan Andrews

    These comments are gibberish. You're afraid to take a stand. Just come out and say it, and spare us the pretentious psyops.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • “People who were trusting of outsiders were less likely to pass on their genes.”

    Which explains why I will die childless… earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @onebornfree
    "Charles Murray's FACING REALITY: Ruling Class Must Accept Race Differences—or ProvokeThe "Disaster" of White Identity Politics"

    Neither Mr Murray, nor the author of this piece, seem to "get it."

    The ruling class understands perfectly well what its doing - its deliberate, in other words.

    The game is very simple. Its called "Divide and Conquer" .

    The more the elite can get all the idiots distracted and fighting amongst themselves over racial differences/prejudices [ suitably encouraged via racial preference laws etc. etc.], the more that they ensure themselves of staying in power, and gaining even more power/control over the population.

    Get the government entirely out of the race management agenda,which, by the way, it has no constitutional authority to be in in the first place, and leave people free to make their own choices about which races they prefer to associate with, both in trade, education and in personal relationships etc.

    "The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress."Murray Rothbard

    Regards, onebornfree

    Replies: @anon, @Verymuchalive, @John Johnson, @animalogic, @The Anti-Gnostic, @Timothy Madden

    Nations existed before the State. It’s like you don’t even know where Diversity comes from.

    Libertarianism is whiter than Reagan’s America and is therefore finished as a viable political movement in majority non-white America.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    Libertarianism is whiter than Reagan’s America and is therefore finished as a viable political movement in majority non-white America.
    I had a conversation with an official from the Libertarian party of Atlanta in the early 2000s, and when he replied that he supports open borders, I quit listening. My impression is that the Libertarian movement is more of a Jewish movement than a white movement, at least at the top.
    , @Corvinus
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    Is this where you tell us you wish the Saxon would rise up to hate again?

    Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic

  • The North Carolina Republican Party has succeeded in passing a new conditional abortion ban. Democratic Governor Roy Cooper will likely veto it. The Human Life Nondiscrimation Act, or House Bill 453, would force doctors and abortion providers to reject women that express a desire to terminate a pregnancy for racial or eugenic reasons. Survey's show...
  • @Reg Cæsar
    @George Weinbaum

    Will any HB 453 proponent adopt an unwanted child and raise it at his expense?

    As it is said, “you broke it, you bought it”.
    Actually, that is the reasoning behind the law itself. Parents should accept and care for the children their voluntary actions resulted in. Forcible rape is one thing, but if you drink too much and are unconsciously gang-banged, or stupidly agree to visit Coz's hotel room, you are just as responsible for that child's existence. Sue the father for support.

    Unless women lack agency.

    Or should the public support these children?
    Only the "public" that produced them.

    Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter

    “Forcible rape is one thing, but if you drink too much and are unconsciously gang-banged, or stupidly agree to visit Coz’s hotel room, you are just as responsible for that child’s existence. Sue the father for support.”

    Who deh daddy outta nine gang bangers of some drunk slut (some of whom are unknown or have hit the road) is practically speaking, a legal impossibiltiy to untangle.

    Coz ain’t got no officially traceable income an’ he be like deh breeze, just blowin’ down deh road.

  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • anonymous[139] • Disclaimer says:

    Author makes some good points. Political movements are infiltrated or organizes by government agencies. However, there’s too much defeatism in this article. What the author has said here has been said since the 60’s. People should not give up. Not everyone wants to be or is suited to be a farmer. We need professionals like doctors and writers. Also, being in the countryside in a state where the center is run by reds is not secure. Mass migration within the US has been going on for a long time, from country to city, from city to burbs, etc. If people are to migrate then go to a state that’s conservative and by sheer numbers make it more so. Let the ‘wokes’ move out of there. Thus people will actually live in states that are congenial to them. The US may divide geographically as well as politically which will be the best and safest way to go.

  • You write:

    “Rural people will be the ones to rebuild when the cities fail.

    I enjoyed the pictures.

    But, the idea that farm folk are going to save or rebuild the society is a variation on the Romantic theme of getting back close to nature and celebration of the individual.

    You substitute farms for nature.

    But in either case the fundamental flaw in such thinking is the failure to recognize that cities and urban (to include what we call sub-urban) people have come to be the essence and definitive characteristic of ‘civilization’. And, group behavior as opposed to individual behavior is the dominate behavioral form of urban civilization.

    Instead of fanaticizing about going back to the good old Norman Rockwell days; urban people have to deal with the guy robbing the store not run away from him (metaphorically speaking).

    This is not to imply ‘deal with’ violently a la the Proud Boys. Rather politically. The majority of people in society abhor the behavior representative by the fellow on the bike in the store. But, this type of behavior is new and came on suddenly.

    There has not be enough time for a coalescence of a political force to bring that behavior under control. The Trump phenomenon was the first nationwide coalescing. Challenges to city governments and school boards are becoming more common.

    I’m old enough to remember the ‘Popeye’ cartoons were in the plot was Popeye getting beat up until he “could stands all he could stands and can’t stands no more,’ he ate a can of spinach and crushed his adversary.

    The masses are to my mind approaching the “stands all they can stands and can’t stands no more”.

    Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a star-eyed optimist. On the contrary. The whole of Western Civilization has been de facto conquered by a profoundly powerful dominate ethnic minority group.

    The world historian Toynbee describes empirically (factually), not philosophically, the demise of all prior civilizations at the hands of “dominant self-serving minorities”. We may be witnessing such a demise at the hands of the contemporary dominant Western minority.

    But, as they say in ninth inning baseball: “it ain’t over until it’s over and it ain’t over yet!

    That dominant ethnic minority may yet be “brought to heel”.

    • Troll: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • Replies: @Richard B
    @Tom Verso

    This is not to imply ‘deal with’ violently a la the Proud Boys.
    TPB were targeted and framed. That's a well-known, easily verifiable fact. One that's been the subject of commentary here at TUR, VDARE and other sites.

    In a comment that singles out a dominant ethnic minority you don't even know that they singled out, framed and scapegoated TPB, and not just TPB, and that such behavior by that minority, that hostile elite, goes on all the time?

    That dominant ethnic minority may yet be “brought to heel”.
    Who's going to do that? And how?

    I’m not a star-eyed optimist.
    You're not a well-informed realist either.

    By the way, "going back to nature" is an Enlightenment theme, not Romantic.

    Replies: @hillaire, @Tom Verso

  • Biden and Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16. Speculation has been rife that Biden will try to draw Russia away from its deepening relationship with China. This makes patent sense - even American strategists have long realized that China isn't just a much bigger Mexico, and in fact constitutes the one threat to...
  • AP says:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain
    @Blinky Bill

    If that is true of Vietnam, after the Yanks murdered four million and poisoned the land and gene pool for God knows how long, and the Philippines, which the US treated as a brothel for decades, then I'm rather shocked.

    Replies: @AltanBakshi, @AP

    No reason to be shocked. Countries that border each other tend to be enemies, unless one is so dominant that being an enemy would be suicidal. Then the relationship becomes one of subservience. Alliances are good with more distant powers.

    Germany and Russia were allies until they swallowed Poland and bordered each other. Vietnam and Philippines are close to China. To the extent that they can count on distant American support in order to be viable against China, they will be anti-Chinese. But if they feel America wavering or stepping back they will accommodate to the hegemon that could destroy them. Ukraine which borders the West/NATO can afford to be anti-Russian in a way that Georgia and Azerbaijan cannot. The latter played its cards better.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack

    The latter played its cards better.
    How so?

    Replies: @AP

    , @sudden death

    Countries that border each other tend to be enemies, unless one is so dominant that being an enemy would be suicidal. Then the relationship becomes one of subservience. Alliances are good with more distant powers.
    This is example of another real life option for RF - benevolent satelitism, instead of future conflict with China. Something like GB situation relative to US post WWII, when the latter finally discarded any isolationism, or even Canada-US situation, given geographical proximity.

    GB with nuclear weapons may even had some illusions about still being some sovereign world power pole, but those were quickly shattered when both US and USSR supported Egypt in 1956 Suez crisis against UK&France,which had to back off. For some time RF also will entertain such daydreams until similar moment happens, e.g. it could try to chew off Northern Kazakstan, but China would be interested not to let anybody even an inch closer to Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline, going through KZ, so it may be a likely suitable occasion when two belligerent superpowers would have "a moment of understanding", despite it being directed against the smaller ally.

  • I just interviewed an American who'd traveled for five years straight, but you have been outside the US for 18 years altogether. Why, first off, and how have you been able to sustain yourself? Was there no place you wanted to settle? Will you ever return to the US to live? I had always wanted...
  • @Ghali
    Horowitz is an ardent Zionist who supports the terorism entity called "Israel".

    Replies: @Ace

    His attack on Diana West was bizarre.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @John Johnson

    White identitarianism’s biggest real world test was WWII and it failed miserably. Would anyone seriously argue that whites were/are better off as a result of WWII and the accompanying slaughter of tens of millions of whites – mostly by other whites?

    The worst aspect being that the bravest and strongest Whites went in first while slimeball types stayed home to breed.

    The race problem is not going to be solved by books showing graphs and charts.

    Liberals control the schools which means they control which graphs and charts are shown to students. The MSM will not talk about this book and that includes Fox. Why would they?

    Charles Murray is still an extremely naïve libertarian. He really seems to think that politicians and journalists are completely unaware of these differences and just need to hear the right arguments.

    White Democrat politicians are fully aware of racial differences. What does he really think they are going to do? Announce the end of affirmative action? Apologize for blaming education gaps on racist Whites?

    Most Democrats behind closed doors will admit these differences exist. I'm surprised there haven't been any undercover videos where a drunk Democrat talks about how race exists but we need to lie about it CAUSE RACIST WHITES will hunt down Blacks if we tell the truth.

    Then there are the Republicans that seem to think race will just somehow go away and we can all unite behind tax cuts and apple pie. There are also the Christian conservatives that find the whole topic offensive because in their minds race doesn't exist cause that would be unChristian. God made Adam and Even so race must just be skin color that happened later somehow or something.

    Replies: @AndrewR, @animalogic

    “There are also the Christian conservatives that find the whole topic offensive because in their minds race doesn’t exist cause that would be unChristian.”
    Re, black people I think you are probably correct.
    But isn’t it funny that ONE “tribal” race does exist (esp’ for your average evangelical), & that this “race” must be nurtured & indulged infinitely ??

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • I’ve not wanted to accept it was a deliberate bioweapons release because if some people could do that then there was worse to come. Last summer I figured that if it was deliberate then Sweden would be targeted with a more deadly virus in order to punish the Swedes for proving that lockdowns/masks are useless. That didn’t happen. It wasn’t necessary as the media simply lied about Sweden – thus eliminating the Swedish success in their minds and the minds of the sheeple who trust them.

    At this point I would say it was a deliberate bioweapon attack. China & Iran are pretty convincing points that it was western oriented and on purpose. Which means my fear has been realized that a 2nd, more deadly, bioweapon has come next.

    This is how I piece together the process:

    1) deliberate release directed at America’s enemies.

    2) do nothing to prevent the virus from spreading to the West.

    Remember all leaders – except Trump – demanded that borders remain open even though they knew it was letting the virus in. It was part of their plan. Right on cue, the end of March, nearly every western nation did exactly the same thing: lockdowns. They were more than ready for this. Yes Sweden & Belarus didn’t stick with the plan but they were too small to matter. Trump also refused to impose a national lockdown. They dealt with him in November.

    We’re talking about the Davos elites here. They are just as incompetent as they are immoral. Thus it’s no surprise their plan initially failed. Covid 19 was a flop. It killed less than 1% and only killed people who would have died anyway(2020 death totals are right on average).

    They did save the situation nicely by creating a fake pandemic using endless lies and fearmongering. That set us up for Plan B – the second bioweapon attack.

    If you release a bioweapon into the environment and it fails to deliver the depopulation you desire then what do you do next? You inject your next bioweapon directly into a person’s body. Spike proteins from covid can be dealt with by healthy people. Spike proteins through a vaccine appear to have a greater chance of hijacking immune systems.

    This explains why the tradition of a minimum 10 years testing has been abandoned and authorities are calling 6 month tested mRNA vaccines safe. It explains why the vaccines were not stopped when 25-50 people had died. Instead governments push harder to get 100% vaccinated. Even targeting children now! Their bioweapon is working better than covid 19. Full steam ahead!

    Yes that’s all speculation but it does make sense. Perhaps not to a sane person, however those who rule us are lunatics. Offering free ice cream to 12 year olds to get vaccinated? They are truly insane. It is my hope that anyone who encourages or gives these vaccines to children will one day be swinging from the end of a rope.

    • Agree: Alfred
  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • It’s already happening and it is glorious.

    There is nothing stopping anyone from changing their name to Jose Gonzales to get free shit from the government, hiring preference, loans, you name it.

    Nothing stopping you from claiming to be a woman so you can get government contracts either.

    I know a guy who made his girlfriend claim to be trans so he could get free steroids and estrogen blockers. He sells them to gym rats; free $2000 a month courtesy of the tranny lobby.

    If you have gay pride and BLM flags on your lawn, no one will suspect you have Confederate flags in your home.

    Deception, like ethnocentrism, is evolutionarily advantageous. Learn to lie or learn to die.

    • Replies: @Anon

    Well, sad to say, you comment is right on the money, especially:

    Deception, like ethnocentrism, is evolutionarily advantageous. Learn to lie or learn to die.

    This is reflected in the reality of my daily interactions. When I tell the truth it gets me nowhere. When I rub the facts, dissimulate, tell half truths, embellish, embroider and outright bald face lie, everything comes my way. Its like people want you to lie to them and are anxious to reward you accordingly.

    The problem with this is that after a while one becomes adept and can tell the most outrageous lie without flinching, without the flicker of an eye or an intestinal twitch. Practice makes perfect !

    Some wag once sarcastically remarked that there is a Supply and Demand issue here. There is a huge demand for lies and a limited supply. It always amazes me that the public is aware (hopefully) of the 24/7 deceptions by politicians, MSM and other diverse players. Yet, they swallow the very next load of shit shovelled their way and ask for seconds.

    What a sad world this has become.

    Replies: @GayDad69

  • Biden and Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16. Speculation has been rife that Biden will try to draw Russia away from its deepening relationship with China. This makes patent sense - even American strategists have long realized that China isn't just a much bigger Mexico, and in fact constitutes the one threat to...
  • @Blinky Bill
    @sudden death

    Replies: @sudden death

    Well, thanx for confirmation of my point by fixation to current personalities and day to day matters 😉

    Wonder if Imperial Germany even bothered officially/publicly to declare RE as the enemy before going (timeframe roughly around 1890-1912) to the ultimate confrontations?

  • This week's Open Thread. *** * Zach Goldberg, the guy who coined the "Great Awokening", is now blogging at Substack. You should give him a follow. * Alex Tabarrok observed that it is "depressing" that you'd have done better investing in Dogecoin this year than in Pfizer. I think this is a function of (1)...
  • @AltanBakshi

    As I said somewhere, I forget where, we are today among the water buffalos, and no longer among the angels.
    But Aaron isn't such viewpoint pure dualism and nothing else?!

    Replies: @AaronB, @AaronB

    Quite possibly. I no longer understand these intellectual distinctions 🙂

    See you on the next open thread, where I will be bringing more wonderful quotes from Ch’an masters, and you and Chieh can freak out and try and suppress the message while pretending you’re not 🙂

    Until next time, Altan.

    • Replies: @AltanBakshi

    I no longer understand these intellectual distinctions
    Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    You know what would make me completely sure that you have a better understanding of Chan than me? That you would never ever bring up Chan to our discussions here, that's how! A true Zen master's trick!

    Replies: @AaronB

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @sonofman
    The science of pathogenic viruses has been thoroughly and convincingly debunked. And the pandemic statistics prove that this is more Orson Wellesian as factual, and is being used to institute a new agenda of finance and control by one of the Deep States. There is no Koch-postulate evidence that the Covid-19 virus exists. There is no patient zero. An inapplicable test is being used to show that there are antibodies for a pathogen that doesn’t exist. The inadmissible test for a nonexistent sickness creates false positives and an implausible incidence rate that politicians use to justify emergency legislation for disproportionate and destructive lock-downs, useless money-making vaccines and universal fear mongering. And what about Naomi (the Flu)?

    It can’t be just a coincidence that a specific immune response spreads throughout most of the world after most of the world was in one place, Wuhan, during the Military Olympics. Some vaccines are mandatory and sometimes experimental in the DoD. And there are other examples of outbreaks occurring directly after the introduction of newly concocted vaccines/bio-weapons.

    Under the scrutiny of the Covid-19 hoax and vaccine, the understanding that Influenza is in reality the immune systems seasonal cleansing of toxins accumulated in the body is plausible, viruses are components of the natural immune response for that purpose, and that the shedding of homogenous antibodies is probably the cause of contagiousness.

    Replies: @PetrOldSack, @Stonehands

    My man, this sight is only for true Covid(tm) believers. Don’t insult the unz ass-kissers with the stone cold truth. This farce was brought to you by Global Oligarchy and their mass hysteria hoax in order to get rid of the wacky, vain retard Trump; or, rather to allow him to save face by declaring a national emergency, mail-in ballots and extended voting thereby generating maximum fraud and a changing of the figurehead.

  • On June 6, 1968, Robert Kennedy had just won the California Democratic presidential primary, when he was shot dead, five years after his brother. David Talbot has shown in his book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster, that Robert had never believed in the conclusion of...
  • Allen Welsh Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and its longest-serving director to date. As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He was fired by John F. Kennedy over the latter fiasco.

    After being fired Allen Dulles became one of the members of the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy. A powerful man in many policy conflicts with JFK while JFK was President. A man prepared to restore the full power of the CIA, as an un-elected violent organization. An organization created by President Truman, who later denounced the CIA and called for its being radically restructured because it was completely out of control and accountable to no one. President Kennedy was the only President to ever challenge the organization. Truman’s denouncement came after he had retired.

    • Replies: @Pincher Martin

    Dulles was a sick old man by the nineteen-sixties. The CIA successes he led in the nineteen-fifties were exaggerated. Any close reading of what happened in Guatemala and Iran, for example, show that luck and persistence played a much larger role than did CIA planning or genius at covert operations. The U-2 program was Richard Bissell's baby, not Allen Dulles's. Dulles was bored with technology. He preferred the sexy James Bond stuff, not the brainy Q stuff.

    How did Allen Dulles end up on the Warren Commission? Robert Kennedy recommended him (and John McCloy) to LBJ when the attorney general was asked for suggestions. Dulles was good at attending the meetings, too, having one of the best attendance records of any of the seven Warren Commission members, but the staff lawyers who did the actual work of the commission say that Dulles was always falling asleep during testimony, only to awake and ask inappropriate questions.* Dulles even asked one of the testifying doctors (I forget which one, but probably Humes) about recommendations for dealing with his gout.

    * Those staff lawyers had a nickname for Marina Oswald and the seven commissioners, calling them Snow White and the seven dwarves. Which dwarf was Dulles? Sleepy.

    Replies: @ivan

  • Biden and Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16. Speculation has been rife that Biden will try to draw Russia away from its deepening relationship with China. This makes patent sense - even American strategists have long realized that China isn't just a much bigger Mexico, and in fact constitutes the one threat to...
  • AP says:

    Pakistan is kind of useless. But it’s alliance with China contributes to Indian ill-will towards China.
    Keeping India contained to subcontinent and land connection to Iran are not useless.

    It could be treated as the EU, as a mildly subservient junior partner with some independence, not completely subservient. Problems with Pakistan and China would suggest an alignment with the West.
    Indian elites are very conscious about the sovereignty of their country, just like Putin's Russia.

    Replies: @AP

    Pakistan is kind of useless. But it’s alliance with China contributes to Indian ill-will towards China.

    Keeping India contained to subcontinent and land connection to Iran are not useless.

    Pakistan would be useful for China, if China were in conflict with Russia and if Iran were on China’s side. In this case yes, Pakistan would be a link to Iran. It would also be useful in conflict with Russia over influence in Central Asia.

    But since China and Russia are friends, China can access Iran through Central Asia. It does not need Pakistan for that.

    It could be treated as the EU, as a mildly subservient junior partner with some independence, not completely subservient. Problems with Pakistan and China would suggest an alignment with the West.

    Indian elites are very conscious about the sovereignty of their country, just like Putin’s Russia.

    EU isn’t exactly a non-sovereign puppet of the USA. As someone else noted, Indians have entered the Western elites. I’m not going to predict which way SE Asia and Turkey go, but 60/40 odds that India joins the West.

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • SMK says: • Website

    Why call blacks in the US “Africans” rather than sub-Saharan Afircans? North Africans are Arabs, who are caucasians.

    How can the average IQ of “blacks” or “Africans” in the US be 85 much less 91 when the average IQ of negros in Haiti and sub-Saharnn Africa is 67-70 if Lance Welton is right to claim that IQ is 80% genetic and 20% environmental?

    Such averages are profoundly misleading in that millions of so-called “blacks” or “Afircans” in the US are partly or half or mostly or almost entirely “white” i.e. European: mulattos, quadroon, even octoroons who are almost 90% European. It would be more accurate to define quadroons and octoroons as “white” or European rather than “black” or “African”/sub-Saharan African.

    • Replies: @Anonymous Jew

    IQ is somewhat like height: predominantly genetic but that doesn’t mean you can fairly compare developed v undeveloped countries. Mestizos are genetically shorter than Whites, but they gain several inches after a generation in the US and seem to top out at 5-8ish. Likewise, based on US Blacks, the ‘real/potential’ IQ of SSA Blacks in Africa is probably around 80, not 67-70.

    Replies: @John Johnson

    , @Bill

    How can the average IQ of “blacks” or “Africans” in the US be 85 much less 91 when the average IQ of negros in Haiti and sub-Saharnn Africa is 67-70 if Lance Welton is right to claim that IQ is 80% genetic and 20% environmental?
    This is the collateral damage of twin studies. That 80%/20% doesn't mean what you think it does. The stated facts are perfectly consonant with one another.
  • In a few generations, that is. The Orthodox don't yet comprise one-in-ten American Jews, though they will soon and their representation will continue to increase from there. In many respects, non-Orthodox Jews view the Orthodox like liberal whites view white Trump supporters--as deplorables. Orthodox Jews voted for Trump by a 2-to-1 margin. But while the...
  • You do realize your “enemies”–whomever you personally believe them to be–also want those things as well?

    elites are generally full of sociopaths but a regular elite wants to maintain a productive society so they can skim 10% off the top in perpetuity

    the banking mafia are different because their business model (usury and currency debasement) is parasitic and *inevitably* leads to economic collapse

    so no, they don’t want that.

    You are offering a completely unrealistic course of action.

    you are offering a course of action that has lead to 100,000s of white people being stabbed, shot, raped or killed and tens of millions ethnically cleansed from their homes.

    • Replies: @Corvinus

    "elites are generally full of sociopaths"

    Citations needed.

    "but a regular elite wants to maintain a productive society so they can skim 10% off the top in perpetuity"

    What is even this "regular elite", and how do you know they take this fixed amount?

    "the banking mafia are different because their business model (usury and currency debasement) is parasitic and *inevitably* leads to economic collapse"

    Pray tell, what nations have collapsed as a result of these practices?

    , @V. K. Ovelund

    It annoys me to agree with Corvinus, but he has a point.

    ... economic collapse ...
    As far as I know, there is no such thing as economic collapse.
  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • @onebornfree
    "Charles Murray's FACING REALITY: Ruling Class Must Accept Race Differences—or ProvokeThe "Disaster" of White Identity Politics"

    Neither Mr Murray, nor the author of this piece, seem to "get it."

    The ruling class understands perfectly well what its doing - its deliberate, in other words.

    The game is very simple. Its called "Divide and Conquer" .

    The more the elite can get all the idiots distracted and fighting amongst themselves over racial differences/prejudices [ suitably encouraged via racial preference laws etc. etc.], the more that they ensure themselves of staying in power, and gaining even more power/control over the population.

    Get the government entirely out of the race management agenda,which, by the way, it has no constitutional authority to be in in the first place, and leave people free to make their own choices about which races they prefer to associate with, both in trade, education and in personal relationships etc.

    "The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress."Murray Rothbard

    Regards, onebornfree

    Replies: @anon, @Verymuchalive, @John Johnson, @animalogic, @The Anti-Gnostic, @Timothy Madden

    “The game is very simple. Its called “Divide and Conquer” Man, did you just hit the nail on the head, OBF. Thanks.

  • In a few generations, that is. The Orthodox don't yet comprise one-in-ten American Jews, though they will soon and their representation will continue to increase from there. In many respects, non-Orthodox Jews view the Orthodox like liberal whites view white Trump supporters--as deplorables. Orthodox Jews voted for Trump by a 2-to-1 margin. But while the...
  • @Twinkie
    @V. K. Ovelund

    then screw it, I say. Get me that Hitler armband!
    That’s exactly what the Wall Street-Americans want. That makes it easy to demonize opposition to them as dirty, evil racism/anti-Semitism.

    Remember that you and I are insurgents. Our goal should be - foremost - to survive and then expose the oppressors as malevolently tyrannical and capriciously unreasonable, so that the population turns sympathetic to our dissent and then becomes the vast sea, in which we can swim as fish (to paraphrase Mao).

    Falling into the script written by our opponents and becoming cartoon villains is exactly what they want. Don’t do it.

    Replies: @V. K. Ovelund, @V. K. Ovelund, @Corvinus

    “Remember that you and I are insurgents. Our goal should be – foremost – to survive and then expose the oppressors as malevolently tyrannical and capriciously unreasonable, so that the population turns sympathetic to our dissent…”

    Take your own advice–be reasoned and factual about it [criticizing your “enemies”] instead of being gratuitous.

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • I can’t “buy” the rogue element of this story. The propaganda is too pervasive to be anything but a full-fledged bio-attack by the deep-state and the protection rackets (insurance, medicine, military, etc) they employ to enslave the masses. A Bio-Attack? Yes! A Rogue Element? NO!

    • Agree: GMC
    • Replies: @Mustapha Mond
    @Jimmy The Cop

    This is big, really big. It seems highly likely that it's too big to be a small rogue group, especially in making sure the bug is cooked to perfection.

    And we all know folks in-the-know can keep secrets (think Manhattan Project, Operation Overlord, 9/11 false flag, etc.)

    As we sit here today, who knows what really happened? Maybe it was a small rogue group, but I doubt it based on how big this thing really is, and was from the start. Operation Warp Speed did not spring out of thin air.

    But large or small, the target was China and the world-wide blowback was clearly foreseeable (or the US military wouldn't have been warning Israel and NAZO back in mid-November 2019 that a 'cataclysmic disease outbreak' was happening in Wuhan, would they?), so it seems reasonable to think that this is bigger than a small rogue group. And it has proven very, very profitable for the Big Boys. Too much sugar being spread around among the pigs at the very top too quickly. The whole situation stinks to high heaven.....

    Thanks for your reply.

    Replies: @Donald A Thomson

    , @Ron Unz
    @Jimmy The Cop

    I can’t “buy” the rogue element of this story. The propaganda is too pervasive to be anything but a full-fledged bio-attack by the deep-state...A Bio-Attack? Yes! A Rogue Element? NO!
    I think it's partly a matter of definition. Based upon Trump's behavior, I very much doubt that he was part of the plot, and if the president didn't approve the attack, I consider it a "rogue operation."

    My strong suspicion is that the attack was orchestrated by some of the Deep State Neocons near the very top of his administration, with people like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton being the most likely suspects. They would have been able to draw upon America's national security resources, including our biowarfare labs, to actually carry it out, with all those lower-level participants assuming it was a fully authorized covert military operation against our primary geopolitical adversaries. And given thir senior positions, the conspirators would have also easily been able to orchestrate the massive media propaganda which immediately followed.

    Replies: @gay troll

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • This book may be good, but its intent is too late. The blacks have been triggered by their kosher owners with a little help from their curry buddies. We whites can do nothing, or we fight for our survival. Reminder, we whites didn’t want this game, but we sure as hell can play not by our enemies’ rules. White identity politics is the only way out of this.

  • @Rahan
    There are two basic approaches to facing reality:
    1) "If I face reality this means nothing can be done, therefore it is immoral to face reality"
    2) "If I face reality this means I can finally start fixing stuff in a non-imaginary manner"

    At what point did the first point of view win in the West?
    21st century?

    Replies: @animalogic

    This a great question, Rahan. I can’t really answer as to your first “reality”. It’s roots lie in the 60’s I guess. That decade produced so MUCH bullshit.
    As to your second “reality” I suspect it’s a subjective question.
    For me the final straw was Iraq (2001). The LYING was so flagrant, so unashamed that I just wanted to scream — “wake up people, you are being played !”.
    But the bulk (not all) just swallowed it like a warmish cup of coffee….not so nice, but no “biggie”…. Others preached it
    – ad nauseam – like a simple sermon for simpletons ( Thanks, John Howard, you fucking dog (Aust’ PM at the time).
    I’m sure other readers here have different yet similar experiences.

    • Agree: profnasty
    • Thanks: Rahan
  • The weak should fear the strong. *** * Richard Hanania had a podcast with Sean McMeekin about his new book. (I made some comments on that post). Incidentally, I have started reading Stalin's War. Not far in, but my initial impressions are that McMeekin is weak on military realism - he seems to think that...
  • @Ron Unz

    A Japanese invasion of the USSR in the summer of 1941 could have tipped the scales in favor of the Axis...
    I think most standard history books usually discuss the internal conflicts within the Japanese military and political leadership between those who wanted to strike north against the Soviets and those who wanted to strike south against the Western powers. From what I recall, a top priority of Soviet agents in both Japan and America was to help redirect the Japanese southward, and they succeeded. McMeekin's book discusses this in considerable detail.

    So although the term "Kantokuen" is quite uncommon, the idea is widely known. I'd certainly read about it dozens of times over the years, while until you mentioned the Japanese name for the possible operation I don't think I'd ever seen it. Meanwhile, the notion of an early 1940 Allied attack on the Soviets was been almost totally removed from all Anglophone historiography for two or three generations, an entirely different situation.

    As for Suvorov, maybe he was suppressed. His work is poor...
    Stylistically, perhaps. On the other hand, his work was absolutely revolutionary and seminal, and it completely overturned the established narrative of World War II, while McMeekin's exhaustive archival research has now confirmed that Suvorov was essentially correct. Meanwhile, Suvorov's books sold many millions of copies, and established him as probably the world's best-selling military historian.

    I think both your characterization and my own are correct, but I suspect that mine has greater long-term significance.

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson

    I think most standard history books usually discuss the internal conflicts within the Japanese military and political leadership between those who wanted to strike north against the Soviets and those who wanted to strike south against the Western powers. From what I recall, a top priority of Soviet agents in both Japan and America was to help redirect the Japanese southward, and they succeeded. McMeekin’s book discusses this in considerable detail.

    So although the term “Kantokuen” is quite uncommon, the idea is widely known. I’d certainly read about it dozens of times over the years, while until you mentioned the Japanese name for the possible operation I don’t think I’d ever seen it. Meanwhile, the notion of an early 1940 Allied attack on the Soviets was been almost totally removed from all Anglophone historiography for two or three generations, an entirely different situation.

    I haven’t yet read McMeekin’s book, though I intend to after completing the book I’m currently reading. There was indeed an internal conflict within Japanese leadership, and the Strike South faction won out for a variety of reasons. These included the army being bogged down in China, the decisive Soviet victory at Khalkin Gol, the greater availability of needed raw materials (especially oil and rubber) in the “Southern Resource Area”, and rapidly deteriorating relations with Britain and the United States in the aftermath of the occupation of French Indochina.

    I’m not sure to what extent Soviet agents played a role in this, but Western and especially US diplomacy was certainly critical. A watershed moment was when Dean Acheson exceeded the President’s asset freeze orders to embargo all oil exports to Japan.

    Operation Barbarossa upended this balance by creating a new opportunity for Japan to strike north, which the army was very much in favor of. The failure of the Germans to achieve a strategic decision in Russia during the summer (or at all) ultimately caused the new plan to be shelved. This is comparable to Operation Pike in that the rapid German success in the west caused that plan to be shelved.

    Stylistically, perhaps. On the other hand, his work was absolutely revolutionary and seminal, and it completely overturned the established narrative of World War II, while McMeekin’s exhaustive archival research has now confirmed that Suvorov was essentially correct. Meanwhile, Suvorov’s books sold many millions of copies, and established him as probably the world’s best-selling military historian.

    I think both your characterization and my own are correct, but I suspect that mine has greater long-term significance.

    The problems with Suvorov’s work have been well explored in these comment sections many time, so I won’t belabor the point, but the basic issue is that he inappropriately ties procurement decisions to strategic intent. The same logic could be used to claim that Germany was not pursuing an aggressive foreign policy in the runup to the war because its armored formations were small and mostly equipped with inferior tanks.

    Suvorov was indeed very popular, which is not indicative of quality. He filled a popular hunger for anti-Soviet and also revisionist WW2 literature against the stale narrative. The most successful American WW2 historian in my lifetime is probably the late Stephen Ambrose, whose books were terrible and also guilty of plagiarism.

    Suvorov’s thesis may have been new to Anglophones, but the thesis was not new. The same debate took place in West Germany in the 1950s, and the theory was originally advanced by German leadership during the war after encountering unexpectedly massive Soviet resistance and military power. German Eastern Front veterans commonly espoused the idea after the war.

    To close this, you still haven’t definitively stated what exactly you think is so embarrassing about Operation Pike so as to motivate a coverup.

    • Replies: @Thorfinnsson


    From what I recall, a top priority of Soviet agents in both Japan and America was to help redirect the Japanese southward, and they succeeded. McMeekin’s book discusses this in considerable detail.

    I’m not sure to what extent Soviet agents played a role in this

    Peter Nimitz recommends Toland's book The Rising Sun as a background on Soviet-Japanese relations in the period as a companion to McMeekin's new book.
    , @utu

    To close this, you still haven’t definitively stated what exactly you think is so embarrassing about Operation Pike so as to motivate a coverup.
    On the psychological level it could be very simple. Think of Monsieur Jourdain. If he had ego of Ron Unz he would suspect that the fact that he spoke prose all his life was kept from him must have been due to intentional concealment

    Operation Pike was embarrassing to Soviet Union and its Western allies who did not want to be reminded that Soviet Union was Hitler's ally for the first 21 months of WWII.
  • Here's the agenda for the Tolkien Society's Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday 3rd July Time Speaker Paper (BST) (CEST) (EDT) 15:00 16:00 10:00 Cordeliah Logsdon Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings 15:30 16:30 10:30 Clare Moore The Problem of Pain: Portraying Physical Disability in the Fantasy of...
  • Yeah, sure, I believe that’s the real agenda. Suckers! That’s what they want you orcs to believe is the agenda, while the real Tolkien conference is being held in Middle Earth or somewhere in the darkest depths of Mordor … or some such thing… really, I read The Hobbit as assigned in High School, and that was enough of all that …

    Were I an invited guest to this purported conference, I think I would just Ramble On

    • Thanks: Redneck farmer
    • Replies: @Pat Hannagan
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I bet Cordeliah Logsdon's the low hanging fruit desperate and praying to squeeze some workshop lemon.

    Sultana Raza is no competition, just a dried up old roastie doing the literary seminar circuit hanging off the dreggs that hotties like the hyphenated Dawn Walls-Thumma and Danna Petersen-Deeprose leave in their wake, strung out waiting and hoping for her Moby Dick.

    Meanwhile, Sonali Chunodkar is standing lonesome by the door, waiting for some ancient Aryan overlord to Bring it on Home.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

    , @The Alarmist
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Funny how your comment falls immediately below one with an agenda where you are a featured speaker ;)

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there. ... Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black...
  • Jews have a nose for power (they had to to survive). They’re freaked out by white identity because it smells so weak.

    America is where the (rapidly depleting) power is, not whiteness.

    • Replies: @Anonymous

    Jews have a nose for power (they had to to survive). They’re freaked out by white identity because it smells so weak.
    It seems Jewish academics are circumspect when it comes to motives and racial bias.

    “It’s really hard to prove somebody’s motive unless it’s really blatant. We can’t read minds,” said Phyllis Gerstenfeld, an expert on hate crimes and a criminal justice professor at the California State University at Stanislaus… “Even if the defendant shouts racial slurs while carrying out the crime, it doesn’t necessarily mean that racism was the motive,” Gerstenfeld said.
    Yes, the case she’s commenting on involves native Hawaiians attacking a white guy, but still, I’m sure Phyllis Gerstenfeld would be equally non-judgmental if the races were reversed. 🤣🤣

    This Brutal Maui Assault Prompts Hate Crime Charges — 7 Years Later

    It’s the first Hawaii hate crime case brought by the feds in 20 years, but U.S. Attorney Kenji Price is hoping to send a strong message about victimizing others because of their race or color.

    In 2013, Chris Kunzelman and his wife bought a house in Maui’s remote Kahakuloa village despite being warned that neighborhood residents “do not like white people.”

    Every time a non-Native Hawaiian had tried to view the house, Hawaiian residents from the deeply rooted village of approximately 150 people harassed and threatened them, scaring other potential buyers of the foreclosed property away, according to court documents…

    Kunzelman was brutally assaulted in a “racially motivated” attack as he attempted to move belongings into the house on Feb. 13, 2014, according to an indictment by a federal grand jury in Honolulu that was announced last week.


  • With the exception of his perseverance in a long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has been assiduously pursuing policies that make the world a more dangerous place for Americans, up to and including opening up the country’s southern border to waves of illegal immigration. Ironically, if an opinion poll were to be taken...
  • Telegram comment posted by Eric Striker:

    Thousands of ordinary people, many of them trusting and elderly, went to Washington on January 6th to see the President of the United States speak.

    And they were fucking lured into a trap set by the FBI so that malevolent Jews could have an excuse to round them up, torture them in prison and start a crack down on domestic dissent.

    • Replies: @bayviking

    The same Jews that Trump elevated to new heights following the advise of his trusted advisor Jared Kushner, son of a Jewish criminal. Kushner Senior was pardoned by Trump who relished using his pardon powers to sanitize the fraudulent (aka criminal) enterprises of himself and others . Trump holds a distorted view of reality that only someone born with a silver spoon up his ass can believe. These views have trickled down even to many working class racists and evangelical Christians, who, together with the rich that only care about reducing taxes for themselves, form the basis of his substantial support.

    Had there been a trap set there would have been the kinds of forces always seen at progressive demonstrations. Instead large police forces never entered the protest area on January 6th, which allowed the Trump supporters to storm the Capital in a vain attempt to prevent certification of the election results. That is why they were gathered from around the country and organized into an Capital attack squad. Claims that the protestors were actually BLM or antifa are laughable, except it demonstrates just how ridiculous the news has become.

  • The cup overflows with thought provoking reactions for this COTW. Wency on the drop in the stock price of liberal white women: Democracy is a zero sum game. That's why it generates so much anger and resentment. Wency again on the two most famous dystopian novels of the 20th century (with Fahrenheit 451 occupying the...
  • @Dr. Robert Morgan
    Barbarossa: "The anecdotal evidence certainly seems to be that as Christianity has waned in the West society has gone to hell in a handbasket. "

    An addict never blames the drug for the bad effects he suffers. He always wants to increase the dose. He never blames his own behavior, either. It's always someone else's fault he is the way he is.

    Replies: @Barbarossa

    I’m afraid that your comment doesn’t really even attempt to engage with my point.
    If Christianity is such a force for cultural rot, then how do you explain that the great accomplishments of the West were all birthed from an explicitly Christian West?
    I could turn the spirit your comment right back around on you and posit that because you hate Christianity you use it as a scapegoat for what it did not cause. After all,

    An addict never blames the drug for the bad effects he suffers. He always wants to increase the dose. He never blames his own behavior, either. It’s always someone else’s fault he is the way he is.

    • Replies: @nebulafox

    I believe the traditional argument is that Christianity caused the decline of Greco-Roman antiquity. That's ahistorical. If anything, what strikes me about the Christianization of the empire was how little it changed the propaganda and self-conception of the Roman state. (This stands in stark contrast to the results of the collapse of the 7th Century in the East, which led to nothing less than redefining what "Roman" was.) It was also a far more gradual process that began earlier and finished later than in pop history, although I'm happy to take correction on this, as I haven't got to my reading there yet.

    What I do know is that the big changes of the 3rd Century meant that the empire was a far more integrated place than it used to be, and that the emperors encouraged religious behavior that could encourage unity, in contrast to the Principate. It is particularly telling that even the traditional polytheistic pagans like Diocletian or Julian tried to revive paganism not as a diffuse collection of cults like the old days, but as an empire wide faith. Julian, in particular: he wanted to bring back the days of the Princeps. Yet even he was a product of his time, and it shows here in his attempts to organize paganism. That wasn't how it was earlier.

    Replies: @iffen, @Barbarossa

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @sonofman
    The science of pathogenic viruses has been thoroughly and convincingly debunked. And the pandemic statistics prove that this is more Orson Wellesian as factual, and is being used to institute a new agenda of finance and control by one of the Deep States. There is no Koch-postulate evidence that the Covid-19 virus exists. There is no patient zero. An inapplicable test is being used to show that there are antibodies for a pathogen that doesn’t exist. The inadmissible test for a nonexistent sickness creates false positives and an implausible incidence rate that politicians use to justify emergency legislation for disproportionate and destructive lock-downs, useless money-making vaccines and universal fear mongering. And what about Naomi (the Flu)?

    It can’t be just a coincidence that a specific immune response spreads throughout most of the world after most of the world was in one place, Wuhan, during the Military Olympics. Some vaccines are mandatory and sometimes experimental in the DoD. And there are other examples of outbreaks occurring directly after the introduction of newly concocted vaccines/bio-weapons.

    Under the scrutiny of the Covid-19 hoax and vaccine, the understanding that Influenza is in reality the immune systems seasonal cleansing of toxins accumulated in the body is plausible, viruses are components of the natural immune response for that purpose, and that the shedding of homogenous antibodies is probably the cause of contagiousness.

    Replies: @PetrOldSack, @Stonehands

    Thanks. Back to reality. Restart from there. Covid has no use in se, as a medical phenomenon. It is a pretext to social re-engineering, and is a gods given for power circles to indulge into. A gold mine for would be influencers @media including [email protected], anywhere, politicians anywhere. The real enemy is the global surplus population, it needs to be culled(in the eyes of the thinking elites), and bio weapons, if showing efficiency and discretion are part of any power circle at hoc globally. They(bio-weapons) are not for now and, discretionary and efficient at once, not yet ready for center stage, as your comment suggests. As much as chemical agents were defined as nots(discretion). And how nuclear arms are mostly stuck(a latest test in Gaza was promising to break the confinement). Till then, await more initiatives propping up the reset(population control, their numbers, the numbers of the substrats, the race and class division control, class strata, the dynamics of strata(immigration et al.)) by the use of psy-ops.

  • You forgot the Italians got an European strain very bad. Romans and Persian dying… oh my. China is currently flying fighter jets over Taiwan and their economy has grown quite well. So if it was an operation of sorts against China, it failed miserably. I still think we need to consider the protein based vaccine as the actual potential weapon. If it is, the target was first world humanity. Particularly the western European based ones. Hmm… wonder who the winner is here? How many of you boomer haters gave your DNA and paid for a genetic analysis? Have no clue what the truth is. However if we go down the rabbit hole that China was not the perpetrator, there are more potential evil players out there.

  • Biden and Putin will meet in Geneva on June 16. Speculation has been rife that Biden will try to draw Russia away from its deepening relationship with China. This makes patent sense - even American strategists have long realized that China isn't just a much bigger Mexico, and in fact constitutes the one threat to...
  • AP says:
    @Anatoly Karlin
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Felix has a Jew obsession, but this isn't really accurate IMO either:

    There are considerable numbers of "Russophile" or Russia-neutral Jews (almost entirely from a leftist or "anti-imperialist" perspective, people like Greenwald and Blumenthal and the late Stephen Cohen), and the Jewish Lobby in the US is understandably much more obsessed with Iran. But the average American Jew has neoliberal, normie type views that you see in places like /r/politics, highly hostile to Russia.

    Replies: @AP

    American-born Jews are often descended from people who left the Russian Empire before the Revolution. For them, Russia = Cossacks and Pogroms (and those whose ancestors left Ukraine see Ukraine as Russia for such purposes). These guys are very left-wing and susceptible to the fake claim of Trump being a Russian tool.

    Recent Jewish immigrants tend to support Russian culture but hate the late-stage USSR which they viewed as antisemitic. They consider ex-KGB man Putin to be a product of the Soviet system that they despise and are thus politically anti-Russian. But they are also right wing and support Trump, whom they correctly identify as not being in Putin’s pocket.

    So overall, American Jews are opposed to the Russian state.

    • Replies: @Anatoly Karlin

    I don't disagree with any of that.

    The one thing I would add is that you also have a subsection of hard leftists who hate the Russian Empire (pogroms, etc.) but like the USSR and, while not loving Putin, do oppose Russophobia. Someone like Yasha Levine would be an example.

    , @Beckow

    ...So overall, American Jews are opposed to the Russian state.
    One additional group are American Jews who went back in the 90's to get rich of Russia. They knew the language, had connections, it was a free-for-all. Some made money, but many more wanted to. In a weird coitus-interruptus they were unceremoniously sent home by Putin. There are few more vengeful people than wanna-be rich back in their dull American office jobs. The wealth was so close, so shiny, and then Putin ruined it.

    Some wrote books, some went into politics, many still hate with a passion that would burn a city. Many young activists are from families who experienced this. They felt entitled to the riches. You can see their disappointment in their obsession with Putin as "thief", "gangster", "richest man in the world" - it is their subconscious anger coming out. He took it from them, they will never forgive him, and neither will their offspring.

  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there. ... Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black...
  • It’s a good start.

    And yeah white identitarianism would be a disaster not because it would be so dangerous to anyone else but because it would be so weak. We have no experience with it and a significant source of our present power* is still predicated on our deracination.

    I think the Establishment intuitively sense that and that’s what they mean when they say the white supremacy is the greatest threat to the US. In that sense it is, and not just the Establishment.

    It would be our mouths writing a check our fists are unprepared to cash.

    * – often now exerted in (organized) criminal ways so shld probably keep in mind when speaking of black criminality

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa

    Ideology is a layer which we put between ourselves and the truth. We might need that layer, but we should never confuse our need for ideology, with that ideology actually being true; or else we get stuck within our own clothing.

    "White identitarianism" is clothing like any other; but deeply unfashionable, cumbersome and unsuited to the demands of the task ahead.

    Paradoxically, all layers, while restrictive, are also imaginary.

    Proponents of "white identitarianism" ask us to pretend that it is a very fine clothing, which all whites would buy, if only it were never "critiqued". They aren't the child shouting "you're naked" at the Emperor, but the Emperor, fingers in his ears, after the crowd has rallied behind the child.

    That the child is also naked, does not mean that the crowd will forget that the Emperor wears no clothes.

    , @Citizen of a Silly Country

    So we should just lay back and take it. Become a hate and discriminated minority until we simply cease to exist as a people.

    Great plan.

    Replies: @Desiderius

  • In a few generations, that is. The Orthodox don't yet comprise one-in-ten American Jews, though they will soon and their representation will continue to increase from there. In many respects, non-Orthodox Jews view the Orthodox like liberal whites view white Trump supporters--as deplorables. Orthodox Jews voted for Trump by a 2-to-1 margin. But while the...
  • @V. K. Ovelund

    But I suppose we can always hope that young people will “grow up”, realize they were being propagandized by Jewish elites, and become as disillusioned and angry as some of the posters here on this fine opinion webzine.
    Yes, I second your emotion. Nevertheless, my chief hope is that some moderate social pressure can be brought to bear on Jewry. I suspect that Jewish behavior would markedly improve if that were done. Moreover, since Jewry have brought massive social pressure to bear on me, moderate social pressure in return seems a fair turnabout, at least from my perspective.

    Like Richard Spencer, I believe that history is a slaughterbench, but I don't really have any grand plans for history. I do not think that history works that way. What I want is a decent, moderate, unpretentious, fair-minded, modest society, and once I get it, I want to keep it as long as history will allow.

    However, since matters have been framed such that any sign of resistance on your part and mine is “white supremacy,” then screw it, I say. Get me that Hitler armband!

    Replies: @Twinkie, @Corvinus

    “Yes, I second your emotion. Nevertheless, my chief hope is that some moderate social pressure can be brought to bear on Jewry. I suspect that Jewish behavior would markedly improve if that were done. Moreover, since Jewry have brought massive social pressure to bear on me, moderate social pressure in return seems a fair turnabout, at least from my perspective.”

    Assuming that Jews are the primary factor for our current predicaments, however you define them. Moreover, my comment about “young people growing up”, well, I was being sarcastic. Young people today are very much capable of making their own decisions when it comes to race and culture, and they will be contrary to your own preferences.

    “What I want is a decent, moderate, unpretentious, fair-minded, modest society, and once I get it, I want to keep it as long as history will allow.”

    You do realize your “enemies”–whomever you personally believe them to be–also want those things as well?

    “However, since matters have been framed such that any sign of resistance on your part and mine is “white supremacy,” then screw it, I say. Get me that Hitler armband!”

    But you’re not even to personally go down that road, especially when the situation is so dire, so why even mention it? It makes you look foolish.

    “In my country, when it comes to blacks, we need some form of resegregation, too. This need is just too blatantly obvious to ignore. The details could be negotiated with blacks if blacks were negotiation-capable.”

    You are offering a completely unrealistic course of action.

  • Do not “pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19 because it would ‘open a can of worms’ if it continued”. This was the instruction given by the US State Department to its investigators over a year ago, as reported by Vanity Fair in a long piece on Lab Leak. State Department investigators were warned...
  • Straight from the horse’s mouth: in WhatsApp messages leaked by disgruntled former advisor Dominic Cumming, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson slams his own government’s response to Covid19, and targets in particular the Health Minister Matt Hancock:

    Totally f****** hopeless’: Dominic Cummings posts bombshell WhatsApp message from Boris Johnson condemning Matt Hancock over [Covid19] testing debacle

    In an exchange from March 27 last year Mr Cummings criticised the Health Secretary over the failure to ramp up testing.
    Mr Johnson replied: ‘Totally f****** hopeless.’ He then tried to call his senior aide three times without managing to get through.
    Another from the same day saw Mr Cummings complain that the Department of Health had been turning down ventilators because ‘the price has been marked up’.
    Mr Johnson said: ‘It’s Hancock. He has been hopeless.’
    On April 27, Mr Johnson apparently messaged Mr Cummings to say that PPE was a ‘disaster’.

    It is always useful to have NATO leaders’ competencies confirmed by real-life facts. These are the same idiots confidently waging war against nuclear powers China and Russia.

  • Here's the agenda for the Tolkien Society's Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday 3rd July Time Speaker Paper (BST) (CEST) (EDT) 15:00 16:00 10:00 Cordeliah Logsdon Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings 15:30 16:30 10:30 Clare Moore The Problem of Pain: Portraying Physical Disability in the Fantasy of...
  • @TGGP
    @Steve Sailer

    Tolkien always denied his work was an allegory. I don't think we can simply conclude it was inspired by the Great War rather than the myths he has explicitly cited and were his normal object of study.

    Replies: @Desiderius, @Dan Hayes, @Chrisnonymous, @SimplePseudonymicHandle, @Dutch Boy, @Anon, @Oscar Peterson

    But his work were an allegory!

    • Disagree: Triteleia Laxa
  • It requires major suspension of disbelief to consider the G7, the self-described democracy’s most exclusive club, as relevant to the Raging Twenties. Real life dictates that even accounting for the inbuilt structural inequality of the current world system the G7’s economic output barely registers as 30% of the global total. Cornwall was at best an...
  • G7 economic output 30% of world total. Canada shouldn’t even be there, as it has less than the population and GDP of California.

    The only way the so-called G7 could catch up is to strip mine the environment and create a serf economy for labor. This is B3W.

  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • @TG
    It's divide and conquer.

    The rich are using race as a distraction to the real issue, of class war.

    If we really wanted to fight back, we should insist that the big media monopolies be broken up, and have strict conflict of interest rules preventing the rich from bribing elected officials with campaign donations and perhaps more portably with money and jobs after they leave office, strict rules against revolving doors between the government and Wall Street etc., and pull the 'non-profit' status of big organizations that are explicitly working an anti-working class agenda (such as driving wages down through mass immigration, or reducing the standard of living of the working class because of 'climate change').

    But no, let's just scream about blacks.

    Sure, I don't like what's going on in the streets either. But never forget, this is not an accident, this is not some liberal delusion, this has been set up by very smart people with no illusions and a hard-core amoral agenda.

    Replies: @Sick of Orcs, @jacob-the -adder, @El Dato, @RoatanBill

    More like ‘Distract and Subtract’….you are bang on, these people are beyond evil and fully believe they have the right to ‘play’ with society and manipulate us , like they would the stock market. Its megalomania / God complex combined with malignant narcissism/ psychosis. I just don’t understand how the hell these people get any pleasure from what there doing. Its absolutely sick.

    I imagine they have ‘1 $ Bets’ like ‘Trading Places’ with Eddie Murphy, on how far they can push us!

    Being outraged by Blacks is a national pastime in most Western countries, their behaviour invites curiosity from ‘the civilised’ in the same way chimps fighting at the zoo does. Its weirdly entertaining, makes one feel morally superior, and reminds us of their ignorance in screaming Blacks Lives Matter whilst murdering each other by the thousand.

    • Agree: goldgettin
    • Replies: @Truth
    @jacob-the -adder

    Its weirdly entertaining, makes one feel morally superior, and reminds us of their ignorance in screaming Blacks Lives Matter whilst murdering each other by the thousand.

    Or screaming "26 black on white murders this month!!!" while murdering their own on abortion tables by the hundreds of thousands?
  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Alfred

    It’s just not one Lab , there had to be many labs or spreaders , inorder to go from China to Iran to Europe to the South Pacific and the operation is ongoing ...

    Absolutely correct.

    Back in 2001, in the UK, we had the BSE crisis and the Foot and Mouth crisis almost in tandem. A vast number of cows and sheep were slaughtered and incinerated. Famous herds of cattle that were the result of hundreds of years of breeding disappeared. Many farmers went bankrupt. Others committed suicide. You can guess who benefited. Now, they are even banning free-range chickens in the UK.

    In the case of Foot and Mouth, the governments pretended that some "animal rights" group had stolen a phial from a high-security area - Porton Down. BS. Impossible. Many cubic metres of infected fluid was required to spread this infection across thousands of farms. Obviously, it was the work of the government.

    Five million carcasses and counting (2001)

    When foot-and-mouth disease stopped the UK in its tracks

    For a serious explanation, try this link:

    Propaganda and the Media: Part 1 – Introduction

    It is pretty obvious that infections such as swine flu are being deliberately spread in China. Why should Covid-19 be any different?

    Replies: @Old and Grumpy, @GMC

    Not just UK labs. A unknown lab from Exton, PA in the early 90’s offered to buy our “closed” herd of Guernsey cows to do mad cow disease experiments on. Supposedly for cures. That’s when I knew it wasn’t sheep brains causing the outbreak in Britain. Now here in PA we have deer with the disease. So yes things can escape, but our masters want us to eat bugs in pods. Who cares how many living things they kill to achieve that.

    • Thanks: Alfred
  • I just interviewed an American who'd traveled for five years straight, but you have been outside the US for 18 years altogether. Why, first off, and how have you been able to sustain yourself? Was there no place you wanted to settle? Will you ever return to the US to live? I had always wanted...
  • @gatobart
    "people didn’t trust each other, there was a higher tolerance for dishonesty, the public services were dysfunctional, there was endemic corruption, bad medical care, public littering, not much in the way of intellectual culture, but a good dollop of crime..."

    "Are you sure your friend ever left America? It fits much of the US to a T."

    Not even that. You would have to add on the account of their elites:

    a) attacking without any cause or provocation a country in the Middle East which had done nothing to them, to steal their oil, under the false pretense that their their leader had WMDs, thus launching a war of aggression that has cost over a million of innocent civilian deaths and the ruin of the poor country, not counting the cost it added to the national debt, already running over $5 trillion.

    b) blatantly stealing a presidential election and ordering their prestittues in the MSM to pretend that the mummy they declared as the winner of the election had won by a historical vote landslide of +80 million, the same candidate who couldn't even fill a city bus with the attendance to each one of his campaign stops.

    c) sending their Coast Guard ten thousands miles away, to the other side of the world, "to protect the national shores" at great cost for the national treasure, while tens of cities are in state of technical bankruptcy and thousands of hospitals and schools have had to close for lack of funding and the infrastructure of their nation is falling apart.

    Wow, I wouldn't want to live in such a banana republic even if they pay me for the whole stay.

    Replies: @Cowtown Rebel

    No one likes the stench of kitty litter anyway, Catfart. By all means, stay wherever you are and don’t contaminate our soil anymore than it is. We have enough excrement here already without absorbing your foul, odious presence. For whatever misdeeds committed by the U. S. Government, I am still firmly rooted by the glorious exploits of my ancestors who literally set out into the unknown and forged permanent settlements in a hostile wilderness. Those were my forebears, and there’s nothing any other race of people have ever done that can compare to it. The fact that their lazy, spoiled descendants were willing to trade vigilance and security for comfort and ease is not a reflection of their stoic determination, which literally “Won the West.”

    • Replies: @gatobart
    @Cowtown Rebel

    "We have enough excrement here already without absorbing your foul, odious presence."

    How many times they have to tell you, don't type your comments while standing in front of the mirror.

    "For whatever misdeeds committed by the U. S. Government, I am still firmly rooted by the glorious exploits of my ancestors who literally set out into the unknown and forged permanent settlements in a hostile wilderness"

    I think the Native Americans who were the object of the glorious ethnic cleansing of your exploit-making ancestors may have something to say about that, if had they ever given the chance, but not, between the bullets and the smallpox infected blankets, they had that chance taken away. Not to mention de 5 million Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian killed by your boys and not-so boys; or the two or more million Korean (20% of the total population of North Korea, by confession of one of the perpetrators of the genocide, Gern, Curtis Le May); the million Iraqi victims of your aggression of 1991 and 2003. And the death count goes one in every continent for at least a century. Even in my own country of origin you people tried to stick your nose and subvert the constitutional order when a Socialist was elected as president and those two clowns Nixon and Kissinger considered that we shouldn't go Commie because of the irresponsibility of our people and tried (and failed pathetically) to do something about it. At the end the "Commie" president was overthrown but not because he was a Commie or because Washington wanted him out but simply because he was an incompetent drone unfit to administrate even a coffee shop but still it wasn't any of your business to decide who should be our government so I have that beef against your Washington.

    But I agree on one thing. Racist and murderous as they were, your ancestors who "won the West" at least had the guts and the courage. And I would say all that was still there...until Vietnam. Your lost everything in Vietnam, not only 58.000 lives but your entire future. Vietnam was the beginning of your journey to Hell on Earth, to economic and social ruin, to everything that has gone bad. And yet the entire world was warning you "don't go there, get out of there", even your own NATO allies were screaming at you, Stop It, but the hubris was too much, it had gone to your head because you were blind with pride and arrogance, you really thought that no force in this world could stop you. And you were wrong. And everything that has gone bad for for your country since started there: Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, BLM, Woke, Cancel culture, 2+2 = whatever,+$200 national debt. Iraq was only the coup de grace....Ok, I gotta go now.

  • "Take away this pudding; it has no theme," is a comment attributed to Winston Churchill, when a disappointing dessert was put in front of him. Writers have used Churchill's remark to describe a foreign policy that lacks coherence or centrality of purpose. For most of our lifetimes, this has not been true of the United...
  • @Radicalcenter
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Sooo, it’s wise not to have a navy?

    Next, do we NOT need to “keep an eye on” competing major military powers such as China and Russia? Even a reasonable peaceful government that tries to avoid conflict and war — which admittedly does NOT describe the US government — would keep tabs on other powers for defensive purposes.

    There are plenty of “brainwashed Yanks” — though I’m sure some of the Mets are just as bad — but nothing MarkinLA wrote there suggests that he is such a person.

    Precisely what was wrong with what he wrote?

    Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain, @Greta Handel

    Where — specifically — on earth are China and/or Russia the USA’s “competing major military powers”?

    Answering this thoughtfully may help you to appreciate Mulga’s point.

  • With the exception of his perseverance in a long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has been assiduously pursuing policies that make the world a more dangerous place for Americans, up to and including opening up the country’s southern border to waves of illegal immigration. Ironically, if an opinion poll were to be taken...
  • @geokat62

    Meet Me in the Gulags?
    Thought I was being a little hyperbolic, didn’t you?

    Well, think again.

    US lays out plan to confront white supremacist violence following Capitol insurrection


    President Joe Biden's administration on Tuesday, June 15 unveiled a plan to address the threat of violence posed by white supremacists and militias, five months after members of those groups joined in a deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    The White House released a 30-page plan for increased information sharing between federal and local officials and social media companies, as well as additional resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.

    U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in the "coming days and months" he would convene an inter-agency task force dedicated to combatting domestic terrorism. Garland said he has already "begun to reinvigorate" that task force.

    "In the FBI's view, the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the superiority of the white race," Garland said.

    The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The issue took on new urgency after a Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump, who were trying to overturn Biden's election victory.

    The new strategy stopped short of calling for new laws to fight domestic threats, and officials did not offer many details on specific new resources.

    Those new laws are being written as we speak.

    Mark my words, the descendants of the bolshies who slaughtered tens of millions of innocent Christian Ruskies are eager to repeat the atrocities committed by their ancestors.

    Replies: @Robjil

    The administration conducted a sweeping assessment earlier this year of domestic terrorism that labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats.

    The Admin. is so afraid of its own people. It should therefore close all the 800 or so US military bases all over the world. There is no “real” threat overseas, so why spent so much energy in all those places. The “real” threat is the American people according to our rulers in DC.

    Never heard of any nation in history surviving that hates its own people with such fury.

    Everyone in the world should demand to know “who really did 9 11”. That is the Achilles heel of our rulers. It should be the battle cry to free the world of our ruthless rulers.

    • Replies: @Hal Womack

    An alternative to asking “who really did 9 11” (?) = announcing that we have adopted the term
    JL*--911 [*= "Jewish Lightning"] for the following reasons: [expound].

    Furthermore, in the glare of JL--911 we have finally realized that the 1963 Dallas Jack Whack was the all-time biggest kosher coup d'etat. The comparative clumsiness of the Stunt by KinkHenKi & the late Aerial Shaboom exposed the true character of the earlier and far smoother operation captained by Bernard Baruch and his XO David Ben Gurion.

    Now, about the juflu ¡SNEEZE! .....

    , @DirtyHarriet

    The truth about 9/11 getting out to Americans is the key to ending the DS.

  • Watch this video. It’s 21 seconds and it communicates so much about what is happening right now. Blacks have now been unleashed. Whites have been told that blacks can do whatever they want, and no one can say anything about it or they are racist. There is really no bottom on how bad this can...
  • @TG
    It's divide and conquer.

    The rich are using race as a distraction to the real issue, of class war.

    If we really wanted to fight back, we should insist that the big media monopolies be broken up, and have strict conflict of interest rules preventing the rich from bribing elected officials with campaign donations and perhaps more portably with money and jobs after they leave office, strict rules against revolving doors between the government and Wall Street etc., and pull the 'non-profit' status of big organizations that are explicitly working an anti-working class agenda (such as driving wages down through mass immigration, or reducing the standard of living of the working class because of 'climate change').

    But no, let's just scream about blacks.

    Sure, I don't like what's going on in the streets either. But never forget, this is not an accident, this is not some liberal delusion, this has been set up by very smart people with no illusions and a hard-core amoral agenda.

    Replies: @Sick of Orcs, @jacob-the -adder, @El Dato, @RoatanBill

    this is not some liberal delusion, this has been set up by very smart people with no illusions and a hard-core amoral agenda.

    Damned Amish!

    Big Butter is to blame.

    • Replies: @El Dato
    @Sick of Orcs

    Amish no longer safe

    Her Name Is Linda Stoltzfoos: White Amish Teen Walking Home from Church Raped and Murdered by Black Man

    Instead of lecturing China about "Uyghurs" (whatever these are), a national campaign of effective lynchings should be rolled out to clear the genepool of all the aggressive people out there. Within just 60-80 years, things could markedly improve.

    Replies: @Joe Paluka

  • Here's the agenda for the Tolkien Society's Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday 3rd July Time Speaker Paper (BST) (CEST) (EDT) 15:00 16:00 10:00 Cordeliah Logsdon Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings 15:30 16:30 10:30 Clare Moore The Problem of Pain: Portraying Physical Disability in the Fantasy of...
  • @Deogolwulf
    @Steve Sailer

    '. . . against the nation responsible for The Ring Cycle.'

    Tolkien hated Wagner's shallow and nihilistic misunderstanding of northern myth (including Germany's own Nibelungenlied).

    '“Lord of the Rings” is . . . inspired by the self-destructiveness of Northern Europeans in the Great War.'

    It has almost nothing to do with it. It's much deeper than that.

    As for the Tolkien Society, it should be called the Morgoth Society. 'The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make . . .'

    Replies: @Desiderius, @S. Anonyia, @Oscar Peterson

    Of course it’s far deeper than that. But Steve’s not wrong. The deep includes the shallow and the mind itself has its own depths where buried balrogs lie.

    • Replies: @Deogolwulf

    But why mention the Great War? Other than Tolkien's experience of it, and thereby his personal experience of the mechanised masses, it is no more relevant to the LOTR than any other modern war. He wasn't doing allegory or drawing any parallels with the modern world.

    Replies: @Fox, @Desiderius

  • With the exception of his perseverance in a long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has been assiduously pursuing policies that make the world a more dangerous place for Americans, up to and including opening up the country’s southern border to waves of illegal immigration. Ironically, if an opinion poll were to be taken...
  • Telegram comment posted by Eric Striker:

    New on National Justice:

    The US House of Representatives has put forth resolutions to censure both Ilhan Omar and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    On the surface, Omar and Greene are polar opposites. But they have one thing in common: they accidentally pissed Jews off.

    The use of censure is rare in US history, reserved for extreme offenses.

    It’s not a conspiracy theory to say that Jews rule America. Give me an alternative explanation.

    • Thanks: Robjil
  • Here's the agenda for the Tolkien Society's Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday 3rd July Time Speaker Paper (BST) (CEST) (EDT) 15:00 16:00 10:00 Cordeliah Logsdon Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings 15:30 16:30 10:30 Clare Moore The Problem of Pain: Portraying Physical Disability in the Fantasy of...
  • @TGGP
    @Steve Sailer

    Tolkien always denied his work was an allegory. I don't think we can simply conclude it was inspired by the Great War rather than the myths he has explicitly cited and were his normal object of study.

    Replies: @Desiderius, @Dan Hayes, @Chrisnonymous, @SimplePseudonymicHandle, @Dutch Boy, @Anon, @Oscar Peterson

    It’s obviously and undeniably both.

    • Agree: Wency, bomag
  • Par for the course at academic conferences, but those who tout the wonders of our Top. Schools. and their rigorous teaching can’t be bothered to notice.

    But they got fives on their APs!

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • I’ll try this one again. The reason that the media, alphabet agencies, and other bought off ” readers” are regurgitating propaganda 24/7, is because they are covered by Obama’s Law passed in 2013. I call it the Propaganda Law because when he passed it, it was presented to the public as an addition to the Radio Free Europe propaganda . However , what it really was – and it has been put on steroids today , is ” We now have the Right to use Propaganda – Against the citizens of thr USA”. And anyone who is onboard with this NWO programming – has full immunity from most legal actions against the NWO media.

  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Mustapha Mond
    It has come down to a simple equation: Jewish elites vs China.

    China's working with US virologists and immunologists on gain of function research with Corona viruses was simply China recognizing that they were vulnerable (more lung-based ACE2 receptors), they knew they would ultimately be a target, and this was simply the Chinese keeping their 'enemies closer'.

    I suspect the Chinese were anticipating the future release and doing their best to be prepared, and it showed. The West, well, we all know what happened, as we're still living the nightmare daily.

    My question is: was this America's neocon deep state long-term plan all along? A successful operation to 'set up' the Chinese government for the virus release by working with them to do the research at Wuhan, thus providing the Americans the perfect background to allege the 'accidental release' theory, and with plans to bill (sanction) China for the damages, confiscating Chinese assets world-wide as part of the 'debt collection' (like they do to Iran, Syria, Venezuela, etc.). A plan that was supra political affiliations other than support for the most critical neocon goal, i.e., maintaining American supremacy (as the vehicle for Jewish supremacist interests.) Sure looks that way.

    And I wonder if the world-wide findings of Covid in tissue samples, sewage samples, and other sources long before the Wuhan outbreak indicates an attempt to lessen the effect of the virus in the 'home countries' by surreptitiously seeding a very low-lethality, weak Covid-19 virus among the peoples of the EU and the USA, which may have actually worked somewhat in that regard, as there were reports of people with the Covid antibodies long before the current pandemic started.

    But what I find MOST important is that the "China Did It!" refrain of a lab-made bug escaping from Wuhan suddenly exploded on the Western MSM scene IMMEDIATELY after China 'named the Jew' as being the source of the impasse at the UNSC on producing a joint, unanimous statement calling Israel to task in the most recent Gaza slaughter act. China actually openly and unambiguously 'questioned' whether Jewish money and power control the USA's ME foreign policy, and whether Jewish control of American finance (and media) is where they get the 'juice' to make the US do its bidding and use its military to effectuate the Oded Yinon Plan, regardless of cost of blood and treasure to us. (The MIC, of course, laps it up and is a big, big supporter.)

    Thus, I believe we are in a very dangerous stage in the "Jewish elites vs. China" battle that possibly threatens the survival of all of us, as we are presently entering 'Samson Option' territory, i.e., Jewish elite power being lost means everybody else must also lose. To psychotic Jewish supremacist elites, it's all or nothing.

    Again, China did the unthinkable (to Western politicians, at least) when it was chairing the UNSC during the (annual) Gaza slaughter last month and named the Jew as the source of the problems in Palestine and the ME in general, via their financial (and blackmail) control over the US Congress and policy makers. But far more critical is that these words were an open statement to the Jewish supremacist interests who truly run things: "We know who you are, we know what you're doing and how you do it, and if you think for even a nanosecond we'll allow you to do that to us, you're dreaming."

    And with just a few words of truth 'that must never be spoken', China now finds itself in what appears to be a death spiral with the absolute apex of the Jewish elites of the world. Only China stands in their way at present. And China knows it.

    China is the new "Hitler".

    Replies: @Mustapha Mond, @RussianWannabe, @GeeBee, @EoinW

    Love the name. Yes we are one step closer to Test Tube human beings!

    • Thanks: Mustapha Mond
  • Here's the agenda for the Tolkien Society's Summer Seminar 2021: Saturday 3rd July Time Speaker Paper (BST) (CEST) (EDT) 15:00 16:00 10:00 Cordeliah Logsdon Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings 15:30 16:30 10:30 Clare Moore The Problem of Pain: Portraying Physical Disability in the Fantasy of...
  • Tumblr won’t stop until all else is also Tumblr.

    I look forward to seeing Raytheon having conferences with presentations about fanfiction involving sidewinder missiles.

    • LOL: Redneck farmer

    The Wrong Turn of Civil Rights

    Victor Davis Hanson is one of Tucker Carlson’s heroes…not mine…he is a cuck.||raceethnicity||

  • With the exception of his perseverance in a long overdue withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has been assiduously pursuing policies that make the world a more dangerous place for Americans, up to and including opening up the country’s southern border to waves of illegal immigration. Ironically, if an opinion poll were to be taken...
  • @Miro23
    @Joe Levantine

    The West is becoming so hollowed both industrially and spiritually that rising Asia has to simply bide its time while the West is committing suicide through financialization of the economy, diversity, feminism, unrestrained materialism, transgenderism and anal sex.
    IMO the ZOG know this - and it's exactly why they're not going to give Asia the time.

    While they still have a military edge (overwhelming in the case of nuclear) they'll use it. And when China is broken they can send in the same crowd of hedge fund thieves that looted Yeltsin's Russia.

    Replies: @RoatanBill, @Joe Levantine

    Using nukes on China would destroy the place for centuries via radiation. The wind will mean that the US and the rest of the world would experience radiation fallout and sickness. Using less than nukes means the US has no real advantage since they can’t get enough conventional weapons to China fast enough to make a difference. The US could attack conventionally but they can’t sustain it to be effective.

    The Chinese will sink every US naval vessel afloat. Where will US resupply come from?

    There will be lots of threats but no action because any action can’t possibly win.

    • Replies: @GomezAdddams

    Have you considered prayer? Perhaps god will send a fleet of UFO's to supplement USA sunk junk??

    Replies: @RoatanBill

  • See also: Peter Brimelow Remembers FORBES Magazine's Repression Of THE BELL CURVE, Twenty Years Later Charles Murray’s just-published Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America is an elegantly brief (168 pages) essay devoted to summarizing the great mass of evidence for the existence and persistence of significant racial differences in two areas: 1) cognitive...
  • Fuck the ruling class. They are the enemy. Our job is to to separate from them. Put a border between them and us. Wriggle out from under their jurisdiction.

    • Replies: @Drapetomaniac

    Best, most succinct comment.

    Get a brain that works, grow a spine, and stop being an abused housewife.

    Replies: @Goddard

  • Did COVID-19 jump from animals to humans due to random mutations? Or was a bat coronavirus deliberately tweaked to infect humans via gain-of-function research? The topic has been hotly debated since January 2020. But the debate was suppressed by the world's most powerful institutions, including the medical and scientific establishments and the media, until May...
  • @Sean

    Pangolins are now thought to have been not a factor in the Covid 19 pathogen becoming so nasty.

    Some poor sap somehow got infected with coronaviruses from both bats and pangolins, perhaps without much in the way of symptoms.
    You do know that the Wuhan Institute of Virology were going on trips to remote bat caves and bringing samples of bat coronaviruses back to Wuhan, don't you?

    [A]nd either traveled to Wuhan himself, or subsequently passed it on to villagers, one or more of whom traveled to Wuhan.
    Wuhan is a thousand kilometers from the abandoned mine where the workers got sick after clearing bat guano. The Wuhan institute of virology had 15,000 samples of bats and a lab colony of actual live bats, because their research centered on how to find a potential pandemic virus. Guess what? They found one.

    Gain of function need not have been done on the virus for the virus to have come from Wuhan Institute of Virology. Someone from that institute could have become patient zero on trips to sample bats at places like the abandoned mine. Or someone could have been infected inside the lab while working with live bats, or concentrated solutions of ordinary bat coronaviruses. To say as Robert Garry does (see here for paper) that the Covid -19 virus had no GOF performed on it, so it was never in a lab is silly. Does not follow.

    If you wake up and there is snow on the ground outside that is excellent circumstantial evidence that it fell from the sky during the night. The pandemics starting within 9 miles of the only place in China (big place) equipped for doing this bat coronavirus work, yet hundreds of miles from the closest known relative of the Covid-19 coronavirus is most unlikely to be a coincidence. Quite possibly the Covid-19 pathogen was not designed, but that does not entail that the pandemic starting close to the Wuhan Institute of Virology is random. Why did they not just leave the bats in peace in their remote caves?

    Replies: @skrik, @skrik, @ivan

    The batshit lady’s justification for disturbing the bats in their caves was that “we have to find them before they find us”. I’d like to ask that silly bint : They’re found us , now what. These Chinese nuts have a big chip on their shoulders about catching up and surpassing the West. I am sure they were out show that they could do gain-of-function research better than the Americans from whom they learned this in the first place.

    • Replies: @Sean

    The media (especially Facebook) treated the idea that China was to blame for the outbreak as fake news, because they thought if it became accepted Trump would be re-elected. Just as Russia can be thought of as a nations of spousal abusers dying of alcoholic poisoning in forth decade, China is a country of a billion bat, rat and snake eating people so a totally natural origin of the Covid-19 pathogen is possible if not actually likely. Indeed, for a decade Professor Ian Lipkin had been annually going over to China at the invitation of their government to advise on prevention of another like outbreak like the SARS one of 2002 which probabally had a natural origin. Still, for all those years Lipkin was begging them to close down their wet markets; they ignored him. So a non engineered virus not from a lab that somehow got 1000 kilometers or so to Wuhan would still be their fault.

    If it was a lab leak on a GoFed or merely sampled virus that was in the Wuhan Institute of Virology the evidence will have been destroyed by now. I think the moral of this episode is that the sort of people eulogised in The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy by Michael Lewis actually have the little knowledge that is a dangerous thing in technical matters. Total ignorance is better; had he been asked Trump would not have trusted the Chinese with this research, which the US taxpayer was funding. Trump has been show to be right about China, and the need to disengage from its clammy atentions. That Fauci restarted the gains of function funding for the Wuhan Virology Lab in 2017 despite several years of warning from people who know vastly more than he does about virology such as Simon Wain Hobson. After he 2012 video that emerged of him defending GoF research Fauci's hasn't a leg to stand on and is only still there because removing him would be seen as confirming Trumps intuitions.

    Anthony Fauci Says His Critics Are Attacking Science Itself
    "A lot of what you're seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science."
    Cooperation within a group i relatively hostile to those outside it. Religion is good for getting people to pull together., but that entails conflict between peoples. The scientists think international cooperation is the answer to everything and so do business. The economist is are entranced with global utility and don't see the nation-state perspective as a legitimate one. Plagues and Peoples a great book by William H. McNeill made clear that Ancient Rome was destroyed by novel epidemics from East after it establish contact with the Chinese Empire which also sufferer from pandemics stemming from the Western disease pool, to which Chinese were immunologically naïve. The political consequences were that Rome and China became xenophobic and cut trade links . But the US elite are in the pockets of those making money from globalisation. So China will go being pampered until it ends the world.
  • Question 1-- What makes your theory about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 so controversial, is not that it suggests that the pathogen was created in a lab, but that it is, in fact, a bioweapon that was deliberately released by US agents prosecuting a secret war on presumed enemies of the United States. Here's the "money...
  • @Chris Moore

    Iran is on the other side of the world from China, and very few Chinese visit the Holy City of Qom. So it’s extremely strange that the Covid virus would have jumped so extremely quickly from a Wuhan lab-leak to Iran’s top political leadership, which suffered the next major outbreak.
    That's the tell, right there. Probably the same ((neocons)) who did 9/11, did Covid 19. False flags are the Zionist modus operandi.

    I bet Trump probably quickly found out, too. So did the Dems, just like the both sides quickly found out who really did 9/11. That's why Trump didn't fight the stolen election too hard. He knew the Zionist psychotics were on the warpath again and didn't mind handing off the mess to the Dems.

    Replies: @sonofman, @Ann Nonny Mouse, @moi, @Skeptikal

    The JOS (Jewish Only State) works closely with our spooks and the Deep State, which to me is the collective term for the powers centers that call the shots for the Dumbs/Repugs. In fact, the JOS and American Jews are the most powerful components of the Deep State. Recall how quickly our FBI dropped any investigation into the dancing Israelis and some 200 “art” students following 9/11. Of course, 9/11 itself was never really investigated–but fortunately they found the passport of one of the 19 evil ones (LOL)!!!

  • [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] America is going through a Cultural Revolution, but we counter revolutionaries can draw some instruction and perhaps encouragement from the fact that this drama has been played out before, in China from 1966 to 1976. We shouldn't get too carried away with the comparison....
  • @Jim Christian
    @Achmed E. Newman

    An old foreign-accented, face-diapered Chinese lady said what plenty of Americans are too scared to. Not only do we need immigrants to do the work that Americans Just Won’t Do™, but I guess now we need immigrants to fight the Cultural Revolution that Americans just won’t fight.
    Yeah, just the same though, Achmed, the Asians getting their asses beaten all over the country by blacks refuse to call a spade a spade and instead blame White racism, thereby diminishing the notion of their high intelligence. Of course the problem there is the Asians in a position to bleat and fart over their beatings are yellow, pan-faced feminists steeped in their own racist notions against Whites and so are incapable of telling the truth of the matter. This one Tiger Mom doesn't diminish the other issue, for me, anyway.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

    Sorry for the late reply, Jim. I try to separate out those relatively few ctrl-left idiotic, often evil, broads that put out these editorials that Steve Sailer often features from normal clear thinking Oriental people. I think most of the latter would call a spade a spade, at least to their family members. Will they still take advantage of this yet another blame-the-White-Man thing? Sure, if it helps get the kids in a good college or into a better neighborhood away from the black ghetto thugs and closer to, well, the White people!