• University of Reading

Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-78

Explore the history of punk and the role played by youth subcultures in contemporary history, while making your own punk fanzine.

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Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-78

Discover what 70s punk subculture can tell us about contemporary history

In the late 1970s a new youth subculture emerged in the UK. This, of course, was punk, and a cultural revolt was underway.

On this course, you will learn about the emergence of punk and its diverse range of meanings. You’ll use that lens to explore how youth cultures provided space for people to reimagine, discover and challenge the society and communities in which they were coming of age.

You’ll explore punk as a tool of expression for young people, and how it related to politics and events. You’ll consider punk’s relationship with gender, class, race, sexuality and protest, drawing comparisons with the youth culture of today.

Experience 70s youth culture by making your own punk fanzine

Through studying punk culture in 70s Britain, you’ll come to understand what we can learn about history through youth culture.

This history course also has an emphasis on the creative side of punk. You’ll explore DIY punk design and writing, epitomised by fanzines. You’ll learn how to create a real-life fanzine of your own, all the way to publishing and distribution. This will help strengthen your communication skills and encourage independent thought and creativity.

Discover research methods

By investigating the history of Punk, the course offers a creative resource for you to explore and develop your critical thinking skills and will prepare you for study in higher education.

Studying History develops expertise that can enable you to gain highly sought-after transferable skills.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds (SINGING) I think although obviously Punks not emerging today, you do have very, very clear parallels or, if not continuities, from Punk. I think you could probably hold up one message from any sort of protest or demonstration from the ’70s and you could hold it against one from today and you’d probably get really similar images. If you put them both in black and white, maybe you wouldn’t tell the difference.

What topics will you cover?

  • The diverse meanings of ‘punk’, its roots and its effects on British culture.
  • The originators and defining events that led to punk’s spread across the UK and beyond.
  • The music: how the Sex Pistols opened the way for a wide range of sounds and bands.
  • Why fanzines became the perfect medium for punk.
  • Punk’s influence on publishing, fashion, art and design.
  • Punk’s impact on issues of gender, class, race, sexuality and protest.
  • Punk’s legacy and continuing influence on society.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Reflect on the relationship between youth cultures and politics in the UK.
  • Explore the iconography and styles that portray 'punk'.
  • Discuss the legacy of punk - is it altogether positive and progressive or a more complex mixture of good and bad?
  • Apply punk's DIY ethos to create and publish a zine reflecting your own creativity and original thinking.
  • Critique punk's influence on society both in the 70s and today through your own research.
  • Engage with the diverse range of music, meanings and media associated with the punk movement.

Who is the course for?

This cultural studies course is aimed at students interested in studying contemporary history at university.

It will also interest those involved in punk subcultures in the 70s, or anyone with a broad interest in youth politics or the history of punk.

Who will you learn with?

Matthew Worley is professor of modern history at the University of Reading. He has written much on punk-related cultures, including No Future: Punk, Politics and British Youth Culture, 1976-84 (2017)

Who developed the course?

University of Reading

The University of Reading has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and enterprise.

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