Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

The figure is a photo of a bandage on a person’s arm with text about the latest COVID-19 reports from MMWR.

Surveillance Summaries

May 14, 2021
Surveillance of Vaccination Coverage Among Adult Populations — United States, 2018
The National Health Interview Survey regularly monitors the health of the U.S. population, including vaccination uptake. This report presents coverage among the U.S. adult population of seven recommended vaccines. The findings indicate that many adults remain unprotected against vaccine-preventable diseases and that racial/ethnic differences persisted.

The figure is a photo of a person wearing a mask with a bandage on their arm.

The figure is a photo of canned vegetables in glass jars.

Recommendations and Reports

May 7, 2021
Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Botulism, 2021
Botulism is a rare, neurotoxin-mediated, life-threatening disease characterized by flaccid descending paralysis that begins with cranial nerve palsies and might progress to extremity weakness and respiratory failure. These evidence-based guidelines provide health care personnel with recommended best practices for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating botulism in the settings of conventional, contingency, and crisis standards of care.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

August 21, 2020
Overview and Methods for the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System — United States, 2019
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System monitors health behaviors, conditions, and experiences among high school students throughout the United States. Data can be used to identify student risk behaviors, monitor health behavior trends, guide public health interventions, and track progress toward national health objectives.

The figure is a photo of teens walking with text describing Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, United States, 2019 and Read the reports.

Page last reviewed: June 25, 2021