Does makeup have diversity?

EAST LANSING, Michigan — For years, men and women have struggled with the idea of finding the right shade of beauty for their skin and having it fit to their complexion and skin type.  

There has always been a debate between drugstore makeup companies like Maybelline and Covergirl compared to high-brand cosmetic companies like Urban Decay and Rihanna’s new line “Fenty Beauty.”

Christopher George, who works at Sephora in Lansing and is responsible for matching customers to the right type of makeup for their skin type, said, “Many people have said that the difference between drugstore and Sephora is the quality. Though that may be true, it’s probably just based on their skin type.”

Skin type is different for every person. One can be oily and one can be dry. No one has the same skin type — just like no one has the same skin color.

Q & A about fluid fashion with Rebecca Schuiling

EAST LANSING, Michigan — Men and women’s fashion has had distinguishable characteristics according to how one separates between genders.  

Men’s fashion has been known to have more masculine characteristics — structured bottoms and tops.  Women’s fashion has a more feminine touch with loose fitting pieces that emphasize a female approach.  

Androgynous fashion is clothing that can be worn by both men and women. Recently, fashion has been blurring the lines between what is considered “gender specific.”

The Spartan Newsroom interviewed an individual who has opinions about what gender fluidity actually means to them and what is to come of androgynous fashion:

What do you do at MSU?

The BBL journey

Starria: What inspired you to get a BBL (Brazilian butt lift)? Kierra: I just wanted my body to be shaped differently. I don’t have anything against plastic surgery as long as it’s not a life threatening procedure or an excessive amount of surgeries because some people get addicted to

Starria: How did you prepare mentally, financially and physically? Kierra: I prepared mentally by doing a ton of research. On surgeons and patient reviews.

The peaks and pits of body image and pregnancy

Pregnancy is an experience that changes women’s lives, and their bodies. What is often the happiest time of one’s life also entails body image struggles. While also dealing with new hormonal changes throughout their nine month term, pregnancy can be overwhelming. Research shows that women’s insecurities increase not only throughout pregnancy, but up to nine months postpartum. This caused women to gain more weight, have worsened mental health and lack in their relationships with friends and family.

Q&A with Greek a life member

Alina Zhuravel is a sophomore at Michigan State and is a part of the sorority Chi Omega. I talked with Alina because I wanted to explore the ins and outs of the possible stigmas when being a part of Greek Life. This could include the persona that many may give off to outsiders, style and “looks” they’re expected to keep up with, if they feel pressure along with it, and why these things play a factor in Greek life. 1. Why did you decide to join Greek Life?

Stretch marks: Why are they such a big deal?

According to a Kids Health article, stretch marks produce when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching. They are a natural phenomena that happens over time to everyone, no matter what shape or size you are, and there’s really no stopping them from appearing. If this is the case, why are they made to be such a big deal when they appear? Michigan State dietetics junior Valerie Wolfe said she thinks stretch marks are seen as a negative trait due to society’s views on beauty. “I remember as a kid, I felt so self conscious of my stretch marks because all of my friends were skinny and didn’t have any,” Wolfe said.

Social media affects millennials’ body perception

According to a Statista survey conducted to show the amount of the U.S. population with a social media profile from 2008 to 2017, the percentage has skyrocketed from 24 percent to now 81 percent. Social media is useful for a variety of things in our daily lives; whether it be getting in contact with someone for work or personal purposes, retrieving your news, etc. On the other hand, you also must consider how it can affect millennials, specifically teenagers, from a self-esteem perspective. All over social media outlets such as Instagram and Snapchat, you typically see a mass amount of pictures of different socialites that are depicted as the “perfect human” – for example, fit and toned bodies, long hair on women, expensive clothes, perfect skin, etc. High school junior Sarah Anderson says these types of people that seem to be displayed all over social media can take a toll on people’s body perception.

Size categories in the modeling world

In the modeling industry, most designers make clothes in sample sizes 00 to 2, meaning they automatically expect all the models from modeling agencies to be that size. However, what happens when it comes to the models that are considered “plus sized”? “Plus size” clothing is a term that is generally applied to an individual that is above average to larger in body size. This clothing option can be seen as very resourceful, but sometimes is given a negative stigma. Kjerstin Gruys, assistant professor of sociology at University of Nevada, frequently explores the relationship between physical appearance and social inequality and said the titles are nothing new.

Can dressing to impress go too far?

EAST LANSING, Mich. — The so-called “unwritten rule” behind nights where college students gather over drinks is that some young women tend to dress more provocatively than they do on a typical everyday basis. About four out of five women who responded anonymously to an informal Spartan Newsroom poll said that when they go out to the bars, they generally choose their outfits with the goal of receiving attention; preferably from males. During the entirety of a regular school week, you will typically see women in college in their comfortable sweatshirts and sweatpants; for the most part not fully caring about their appearances as much as they would for a night out. Once it’s nighttime is when the risqué outfits come into appearance.

Tan or white? Different cultures suggest different standards

When the seasons change from summer to fall, many Asian girls start their repair and whitening routine to get rid of their suntanned skin tone. However, at the same time, many American girls go to tanning stores and pay for a tan bath in order to get a beautiful, evenly honey skin. Walk in the cosmetic stores, and many Asian girls would choose to buy lighter color foundation, which might originally be designed for white people. And many Asian celebrities love to make their skin look like white as pale. But many American celebrities tend to have darker, skin colors.