Detroit parents consider masking requirement for fall

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Photo of Bates Academy Elementary School. Photo by Serenity Smith

Detroit natives convey mixed reviews of the mask mandate getting lifted. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that the COVID-19 restrictions would be lifted on June 22. Those who have not been vaccinated are still required to wear a face mask while those who have are required to wear them in certain establishments. You must still remain 6-feet apart. The question remains if whether children will have to continue wearing a face mask in the fall. 

“No they shouldn’t be required to wear masks if majority of adults are vaccinated then the kids should be OK. Besides they aren’t going to keep a mask on so it won’t really be effective and you won’t be able to monitor what they do outside of school. It’s all redundant,” said Mary Coston, 39, from Warren Mich. She is the mother of a three year old who is currently enrolled in preschool. 

Whitmer said although the mask mandate would be lifted by July, certain businesses and or workplaces could still require face masks for safety reasons. Some parents in the city have expressed concern for their children due to the vast majority of them being unable to qualify for the vaccine because of their age. 

Assistant Principal Felecia Dawson discusses changes that’ll take place at Madison Elementary School for children surrounding masks and how the new protocol will affect their education. Photo by Serenity Smith.

“After talking with our school nurse, she advised that we will continue masking for elementary school students in the fall because they don’t have the opportunity to be vaccinated so it’s safer for them and the people in their household,” said Assistant Principal Felecia Dawson at Madison Elementary School. 

Some wonder if COVID-19 will spread around school because of the lack of safety precautions. Families have expressed how they won’t be getting vaccinated due to religion. Some are simply against the vaccine and the risks that are said to follow. Those against it have accepted the continuation for masks. 

“I think children should still be required to wear masks in the fall regardless of whether their parents and other faculty members are vaccinated. Some families will decide to not get the vaccine while  others will so it’s safer to still take the necessary precautions,” said Charisse Smith, 56, from Detroit Mich. 

Some children will be in households where their family has been vaccinated and others object to the idea. Public health experts have urged families to keep a mask on their children for the safety of the faculty and other students around them. The experts explained that the CDC failed to talk about the risks that come with the vaccine and how they aren’t perfected from trial and error according to USA Today.

“Yes, I think children should have to wear face masks in the fall. Kids carry so much germs and the masks are actually helping. It’s not all bad because it actually helps prevent not only COVID-19, but the common cold, the flu, and so much more,” said Krystal Glass, 40, from Detroit. She has an 11 and 12 year old who are students at Pasteur Elementary. 

Infographic of Masks Update created by Serenity Smith