  1. 10. toukok.
  2. 5. toukok.

    Datan visualisoinnin eli tilastografiikan harjoitustehtävä. Vaikeustaso: helppo. Mikä vikana Suomen suurimman autolehden () uusimmassa numerossa julkaistuissa kaavioissa?

    Pylväsdiagrammeja, joissa yksikkönä metriä ja sekuntia. Esim lukemaa 29,36m vastaava pylväs on kaksi kertaa niin pitkä kuin lukemaa 25,86m vastaava pylväs, ja lukemaa 72,69s vastaava pylväs on melkein kolme kertaa niin pitkä kuin lukemaa 69,06s vastaava pylväs.
    Näytä tämä ketju
  3. Ja ihan vain mieliksi vielä enemmän tasoitettu kuva (span=0.9), jossa näkyy pulssin iso kaari.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  4. 9. toukok.

    The oldest still existing companies in Europe

    The Oldest Company in Almost Every Country (That is Still in Business) https://businessfinancing.co.uk/the-oldest-company-in-almost-every-country/ Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) #rstats
  5. 10. toukok.

    Distribution of elevation and depth across the world

  6. 2 tuntia sitten

    Nice little flow chart suggest which you might want to use based on the message you want to get across.

  7. 9. toukok.

    Top googled countries, in different countries, as a network diagram. For instance, an arrow from Japan to USA means that people in Japan google the US more than any other country. Notice that no other country had China as their top target.

  8. 29. huhtik.

    Temas para personalizar tus gráficos ggplot2 Cambia la apariencia de tus gráficos de manera simple, con solo 1 línea de código: ✅ggplot2 ✅bbplot ✅ggthemes ✅ggtech

  9. 8. toukok.

    Solar and wind costs by month of year for this week's . Making-of in tweet nr 2 👇 code:

    Näytä tämä ketju
  10. 2. toukok.

    Day 1 (Deep Learning) Perceptron: 1. It takes input 2. Multiply with weights 3. Add Bias 4. Activation Function to fire the neuron (From 1 to step 4 is Forward Propagation)

  11. 6 tuntia sitten
  12. 10. toukok.

    May 10, 2022. NYtimes best selling books: represented by each decade they were on the list of bestsellers and used ggrepel() to label the best performing ones. Code here:

    NYTimes Best sellers list (by decade) with each best performing book labelled for the corresponding decade.
  13. 5 tuntia sitten

    Recently, European nations commemorated Victory day when we remember the fallen in WW2. My map shows >600,000 identified Yugoslav fatalities (1941-1945) by municipality according to the incomplete 1964 census

  14. 39 minuuttia sitten
  15. 9. toukok.

    Here's some more relevant Roe v. Wade :

    Näytä tämä ketju
  16. 30. huhtik.

    The World's Biggest Arms Suppliers visualized.

  17. 18 tuntia sitten

    The 'five pandemics' framing looks at the data (with some elegant ) to explore the path that led us to 1M deaths from COVID in the United States.

  18. 10. toukok.

    We just published a new Data Vis Dispatch! This week, we saw lots of charts & maps on the potential overturning of U.S. abortion rights. Also: a major week for minor elections 🗳 Find this week's collection of the best small and big on our blog:

  19. 5. toukok.

    For National Day of Awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (2022) facts from my 2016 comprehensive report on MMIW in the U.S. and Canada. [ ] Little has changed about the data.

  20. 10. toukok.

    Pandas must have a cheat sheet for every data scientist aspirant!! ✅🐍🐍

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