
Wasted minds

Covid learning loss has been a global disaster

Millions of children are still out of school. The costs are stacking up

Severe complications

Around the world, bans do not make abortion much rarer

But they can make care for all pregnancies worse

From inflation to insurrection

Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest

Many governments are too indebted to cushion the blow to living standards

Clear water

Swimming’s ruling on transgender women continues a trend

Another sport chooses fairness over inclusion

Technology and mental health

Can tech tackle the global crisis of depression and anxiety?

Quite possibly. A new WHO report sets out the scale of the need

Arms and armour

Does the tank have a future?

The war in Ukraine has exposed the vehicle’s vulnerabilities. They can be overcome


The pandemic has accelerated a global decline in the rule of law

But it has also brought some needed change to the way justice is administered

Survival of the bookish

Climate change is harder on less educated people

And covid learning loss has made them even more vulnerable

Spies like us

Anonymous tipsters, angry at Russia, help detect sanctions-busters

A “whole of society” approach to intelligence is paying off

The propaganda front

The Putin Show

How the war in Ukraine appears to Russians

Connective action

The war in Ukraine is spurring transatlantic co-operation in tech

Talks are bound to get trickier once attention turns back to China

Press freedom is under attack

Journalists are struggling against the worst conditions since the cold war